HomeMy WebLinkAbout028674 ORD - 07/06/2010Page 1 of 3 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE, UPON APPLICATION BY WILLIAMS AIRLINE PARTNERS, LTD, BY CHANGING THE ZONING MAP IN REFERENCE TO 0.235 ACRES OUT OF WILKEY ADDITION, UNIT 2, LOT H, FROM "A-1" APARTMENT HOUSE DISTRICT AND "A-2" APARTMENT HOUSE DISTRICT TO "B-4" GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT; AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO ACCOUNT FOR ANY DEVIATIONS FROM THE EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING A REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has forwarded to the City Council its reports and recommendations concerning the application of Williams Airline Partners, Ltd., for amendment to the City of Corpus Christi Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map; WHEREAS, with proper notice to the public, public hearings were held on Wednesday, May 26, 2010, during a meeting of the Planning Commission, and on Tuesday, July 6, 2010, during a meeting of the City Council, in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, in the City of Corpus Christi, during which all interested persons were allowed to appear and be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that this amendment would best serve public health, necessity, and convenience and the general welfare of the City of Corpus Christi and its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, is amended by changing the zoning on 0.235 acres out of Wilkey Addition Unit 2, Lot H, located at 5854 Williams Drive, approximately 1,200 feet northwest of the intersection of Williams Drive and Airline Road, from "A-1" Apartment House District and "A-2" Apartment House District to "B-4" General Business District. (Zoning Map 042035) (Exhibit A) SECTION 2. That the official Zoning Map of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, is amended to reflect the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance made by Section 1 of this ordinance. SECTION 3. That the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, approved on the 27th day of August, 1937, as amended from time to time, except as changed by this ordinance and any other ordinances adopted on this date, remain in full force and effect. H:1LEG-DIMShared\LEGAL-DEV.SVCS12010 Agenda17.6.141CASE NO. 0510-05 WILLIAMS AIRLINE PARTNERS, LTOl6.18.1 O.Williams.Airline. Pa rtners.A-1.A-2.Tob-4. Doc 028674 INDExgn Page 2 of 3 SECTION 4. That to the extent that this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance represents a deviation from the Comprehensive Plan, the Comprehensive Plan is amended to conform to the Zoning Ordinance, as amended by this ordinance. SECTION 5. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 6. A violation of this ordinance or requirements implemented under this ordinance constitutes an offense punishable under Section 35-3 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Corpus Christi. SECTION 7. That publication shall be made in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi as required by the City Charter of the City of Corpus Christi. SECTION 8. That upon written request of the Mayor or five Council members, copy attached, the City Council finds and declares an emergency due to the need for immediate action necessary for the efficient and effective administration of City affairs and suspends the Charter rule as to consideration and voting upon ordinances at two regular meetings sohat this ordinance is passed upon first reading as an emergency measure on this o day ofl,_ . , 2014. ► r ATTEST: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI r •01 Armando Chapa Joe A ame Mayor, City of Corpus Christi City Secretary APPROVED: .6 0 , 2010 eborah Walther Br Assistant City Attorney For City Attorney H:1LEG-DIR\Shared1LEGAL-DEV.SVCS12010 AgendalCASE NO. 0510-05 WILLIAMS AIRLINE PARTNERS, LTD\8.18.10. W itl isms.Airline. Part ne rs.A-1.A-2.to8-4.d oc Page 3 of 3 Corpus Christi, Texas day of , 2010 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, an emergency exists requiring suspension of the Charter rule as to consideration and voting upon ordinances at two regular meetings. I/we, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule and pass this ordinance finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respecffully, Respecffully, Joe Ad Mayor, City of Corpus Christi Council Members The above ordinance was passed by the following vote: Joe Adame Chris N. Adler Brent Chesney AL-014SY-tirr-(-- Larry EUzondo, Sr. Kevin Kieschnick Priscilla G. Leal John E. Marez Nelda Martinez Mark Scott H:1LEG-CIR\Shared1LEGAL-DEV.SVCS12010 Agenda\CASE NO. 0510-05 WILLIAMS AIRLINE PARTNERS, LT 016.18.10.Williams.Airline. Pa rtners. A-1.A-2.toB-4. doc EFFECTIVE DATE ►a)aoro 028674 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT F INANCE Dr PARTME?f i State of Texas 10 puG [ mi 10: 08 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI County of Nueces Ad # 5945198 PO # Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came GEORGIA LAWSON, who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that she is LEGAL SALES REPRESENTITIVE AND EMPLOYEE OF THE PUBLISHER, namely, the Corpus Christi Caller -Times, a daily newspaper published at Corpus Christi in said City and State, generally circulated in Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, San Patricio, Victoria and Webb Counties, and that the publication of, NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES NO. 0286 which the annexed is a true copy, was inserted in the Corpus Christi Caller -Times on the 7/12/2010,7/12/2010. $ 178.23 1Time(s) On this a01?Aday of is a true and an exac LEGAL SALES RPRESENTIVE _O/ GWEENNJ. MEDINA MY COMMfSSfON EXPIRES August 2, 2072 certify that the attached document ade by publisher. Notae Public, State of Texas 4E » July 12, 2010 » CALLER -TIMES Legal Notices 1110 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES NO. 028672, Amend- ing the Zoning Ord., upon application by Karen Kay Kosarek Clark, et al, by changing the Zoning Map in reference to an 8.77 acre tract out of Bohemian Colony Lands, Sect. 7, Lot 2, from "R -1B" One - Family Dwelling Dis- trict to "1-2" Light Industrial District; NO. 028673, Amend- ing the Zoning Ord., upon application by Wallace & Shirley Graham, by changing the Zoning Map in reference to Stone- henge Unit #1, Block 1, Lot 1B, from "B-1." Neighborhood Busi- ness District to "B-4" General Business District; & NO. 028674, Amending the Zoning Ord, upon application by Williams Airline Part- ners, Ltd., by changing the Zoning. Map in reference to 0.235 acres out of Wilkey Addition, Unit 2, Lot H from A-1" Apartment House District & 'A-2" Apart- ment House District to "B-4" General Business District. These ord. were passed & approved by the Corpus Christi City Council on July 6, 2010. Isl Armando Chapa City Secretary N. CE DEPARTMENT PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT 10 AUG 1 1 fli-110: 11 State of Texas } CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI County of Nueces } Ad # 5943584 PO # Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came GEORGIA LAWSON, who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that she is LEGAL SALES REPRESENTITIVE , the Corpus Christi Caller -Times, a daily newspaper published at Corpus Christi in said City and State, generally circulated in Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, San Patricio, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING which the annexed is a true copy, was inserted in the Corpus Christi Caller -Times on the 21ST DAY OF JUNE, 2010. $248.07 On this\day of is a true and an exa LEGAL SALES R PRESENTIVE , 2 Ocertify that the attd document by publisher. Notary ' P:` ic, State of Texas 4E » June 21,X010 :» CALLER -TIMES eq,ii Notices 1110 • H pfilltt070 cNGg.. SI t R ZON, • A• . LICAT1f N $ OFTHE Cl"1'WOF. CORPUS CHR4'lt, Notfce fs hereygiv en thatthe Cprpns: ChristiCity Councli •will cdrfduct• a ptbtic hearing<.on July •2010 during a regutar Council meeting which commencea.at. • 12 40 'pm Irl tris Council;: Chambers, 014(.14011',.14'.11.410P.7'L .ar to c,onstder-_the: foftowin .: zontrt ap p 1cation(s),whir; are• an file In the Oftice..af :the City Secretary 1 ' the De t.of Planning;• : Af Sai trine &,place: of hear:g, persons;!% partiek.;Interested may appear b6fore. the Clty CCcouncif• 1: 05 „0.01, _ Kar`on Kay Kosarek lank .,0U al ".From Ills ":Ft 1 B One farnfly Dwe1Hng `District to the...!! -2 Light Indus= til�l DIStriCt LOca ed et 5925 Ayers $00t,> approxlmately r1 X000 Or south. of, Elie. r tersectia6 of-�1 iers• . St end Bally Rd 2.: 0510 03, WB;f iaf e end Shirley ,C a'- Fam Fr..o.'m tt4e, ;trip; uS 1" Neighborhood Bualnt}ss :Dlstrlct tb, th:e B 4' Gon,e3ra'I Business District: Located at 7201 .''S Staples .at the.ihter•� section otl4100c.131vd. and S Staples $1 3:=0510 05 Wftll�jtns` 111rllne ftertner,,ktd; From the ',~a 1" Apart- meet::: House;'D1strir t and "r0. 2" Appartment • House Dfstrlcf to the "B'4 General ;Bust bass Di;strfot bea'te3d.at.5854 Ilfams Dr:, approal mately 1:;2170 ft. • no thwes#..o;f the ir♦tersec.tlon''oi UVllliams Dr: aHyl Air- 1lhe Hd Ihformatlon••may be obtained bycaffing or. vlS'iting 'the': Dept .. of Devefoprrient 5'er= v ces,. ;Pia 6?ON§' Sectl.an ;a (361) 825501::(2406 Leopard St: /s/Arn60hdo Chaps:° • CltySectetary