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029715 ORD - 01/08/2013
Ordinance amending the Unified Development Code ( "UDC ") upon application by WKMC Architects, acting as agent on behalf of. St. John Baptist Church, Corpus Christi, Texas ( "Owner "), by changing the UDC Zoning Map in reference to the west 225 feet out of Lot 8A, Block 1, Cedar Grove, and to 4.55 acres out of Lot 2, Section 5, Bohemian Colony Lands, from the "IH" Heavy Industrial District to the "CG -2" General Commercial District; amending the Comprehensive Plan to account for any deviations; and providing for a repealer clause, penalties, and publication. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has forwarded to the City Council its reports and recommendations regarding the application of WKMC Architects, acting as agent on behalf of St. John Baptist Church, Corpus Christi, Texas ( "Owner"), for an amendment to the City of Corpus Christi's Unified Development Code ( "UDC ") and corresponding UDC Zoning Map; WHEREAS, with proper notice to the public, public hearings were held on Wednesday, November 7, 2012, during a meeting of the Planning Commission, and on Tuesday, December 18, 2012, during a meeting of the City Council, during which all interested persons were allowed to appear and be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that this amendment would best serve the public health, necessity, convenience and general welfare of the City of Corpus Christi and its citizens. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The Unified Development Code ( "UDC ") of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas ( "City "), is amended by changing the zoning on the west 225 feet out of Lot 8A, Block 1, Cedar Grove, and on 4.55 acres out of Lot 2, Section 5, Bohemian Colony Lands (collectively, the "Properties "), located north of Hala Pit Road and west of Greenwood Drive, from the "IH" Heavy Industrial District to the "CG -2" General Commercial District (Zoning Map No. 049038 and 049039), as shown in Exhibits "A" and "B." Exhibit "A," which is a location map pertaining to the Properties, and Exhibit "B," which is a metes and bounds description of the Properties, are attached to and incorporated in this ordinance by reference as if fully set out herein in their entireties. SECTION 2. The official UDC Zoning Map of the City is amended to reflect changes made to the UDC by Section 1 of this ordinance. SECTION 3. The UDC and corresponding UDC Zoning Map of the City, made effective July 1, 2011, and as amended from time to time, except as changed by this ordinance, both remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. To the extent this amendment to the UDC represents a deviation from the City's Comprehensive Plan, the Comprehensive Plan is amended to conform to the UDC, as it is amended by this ordinance. 029715 INDEXED SECTION 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 6. A violation of this ordinance, or requirements implemented under this ordinance, constitutes an offense punishable as provided in Article 1, Section 1.10.1, and Article 10 of the UDC. SECTION 7. Publication shall be made in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi as required by the City Charter of the City of Corpus Christi. The foreg this the ordinance was read for the first time and passed to its second reading on ay of , - , by the following vote: Nelda Martinez Kelley Allen Rudy Garza Priscilla Leal David Loeb Chad Magill Colleen McIntyre Lillian Riojas Mark Scott The foregoi ordinance w -s read for the second ti a an passed finally on this the day of [l.. I ,.1 1[1 , by the following vote: Ai 0 l Nelda Martinez Kelley Allen Rudy Garza Priscilla Leal David Loeb Chad Magill Colleen McIntyre Lillian Riojas Mark Scott PASSED AND APPROVED this the _- day of ATTEST: Armando Chapa EFFECTIVE DATE 1 1LFI13 Nelda Martin Mayor 0251715 _k_tz Page 2of2 COL&Ui7BtA; PARK L, U'br.! =:Q4 PARK CENTER *3 IL RALDWIM MOORE FARM SUBJECT PROPERTY settee PLAZA Date Created: 10123/2012 Prepared By: jeremym Department of Development Services CASE: 1112 -01 2. SITE - EXISTING ZONING, NOTICE AREA & OWNERSHIP RM -1 Multlfaml ly1 RM -2 Multifamily 2 RM -3 Multifamily3 ON Professional Office RM -AT Multifamily AT CN-1 Neighborhood Commercial CN -2 Neighborhood Commercial CR -1 Resort Com mercial CR -2 CG -1 CG -2 CI CBD CR3 FR H BP Resort Commercial General Commercial General Commercial Intensive Commercial Downtown Commercial Resort Commercial Farm Rural Historic Overlay Business Park IL Light Industrial IH Heavy Industrial PUD Planned Unit Dev. Overlay RS -10 Single - Family 10 RS-6 Single- Family 6 RS-4.5 Singie- Famlly4.5 RS -TF Two - Family RS -15 SIngle- Family 15 RE Residenllal Estate RS-TH Townhouse SP Special Permit RV Recreational vehicle Park RMH Manufactured Home Subject Property °Amara with 200' buyer Nil in favor A Owners within 200' listed on V Owners — attached ownership table A in opposition EXHIBIT A MURRAY BASS, JR., P•E.,R.P.L.S. NIxotc M. WELSH, P.E.,R.P.L.S_ www.bass- welsh.com e -mail: nixmw(a)aol.com BASS & WELSH ENGINEERING TX Registration No. F -52 Survey Registration No. 100027 -00 P.O. Box 6397 Corpus Christi, TX 78466 -6397 October 18, 2012 Field Note Description 3054 S. ALAMEDA, ZIP 78404 361 882-5521— FAX 361 882 -1265 e -mail: murrayirPaol.com Being a tract situated in Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas, a portion of Lot 8A, Block 1, Cedar Grove Subdivision as shown on the map thereof recorded in Volume 60 at Page 42, in the Map Records of Nueces County, Texas and the 4.55 acre tract out of Lot 2, Block 5, Bohemian Colony Lands as shown on the map thereof recorded in Volume "A' at Page 48 of the Map Records and being described in the deed recorded in Volume 2153 at Page 91 of the Deed Records of Nueces County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of the heretofore referenced Lot 8A, Block 1, Cedar Grove for the southwest corner of this tract; THENCE N 29 °00'00" E with the west line of Lot 8A at 423.17 feet pass the northwest corner of Lot 8A and the southwest corner of the 4.55 acres and in all a distance of 1304.39 feet to the northwest corner of the 4.55 acre tract for the northwest corner of this tract; THENCE S 61°36'00" E along the north line of the 4.55 acre tract a distance of 225.0 feet to the northeast corner of the 4.55 acre tract and of this tract; THENCE S 29 °00'00" W along the east line of the 4.55 acres at 881.22 feet pass the north line of Lot 8A, Block 1, Cedar Grove and in all a distance of 1304.39 feet to a point in the south line of Lot 8A for the southeast corner of this tract; THENCE N 61 °36'00" W along the south boundary of Lot 8A a distance of 225.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, forming a tract embracing 6.74 acres. R 1 . 1. MURRAY Tefto .40s* *-7 BASS, JR. ... 21!284 Sit rray Bass, Jr., R.P.L.S. Note: Basis of Bearing is the west Tine of Lot BA, Block 1, Cedar Grove MBJ:sab 12069 -Field Note Desc2.doc Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT B State of Texas Count of Nueces } } PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI Ad # 126036 PO # Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came GEORGIA LAWSON, who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that she is LEGAL SALES REPRESENATIVE AND EMPLOYEE OF THE PUBLISHER, namely, the Corpus Christi Caller - Times, a daily newspaper published at Corpus Christ in said City and State, generally circulated in Aransas, bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, and San Patricio, Counties, and that the publication of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER which the annexed is a true copy, was inserted in the Corpus Christi Caller -Times on the 03 day of December, 2012. LEGAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE On this day of n , 20 ! I certify that the attached document is a true and exact copy made by publisher. Notary Public, State of Texas MICHELLE JOYCE CABRERA My Cornmission Expires March 19. 2016 4pur44044M G7 u a:ge ':Y;..: BI/1G12Xc 4 , no.:.:�a<.. ,..u, . a/c/hear owe& . trld0e (plug 101), lom gen- erator hook - up canto Boating (ltl)04T7161 LatslAP.. 0 T0.24&C. Duvet COUNTY South TI brush. Deer, hogs turkey, quail. Private toad, Locked gate. 1,618 down 5341 /MO. Tel Fran M64)f88w159 wntemtexasland.com LAST 0004 LOT nd AVAILABLE eguard beauti- ful. gated Beni 'Rea rSubdivision acre Priced for Immediate (ale for your custom home. 361199 1.5424 or 4420922 93fl354 i FLDURBLUR- 13050awittSe„ 3/2 /1, remote tile floors, energy efficient, 5925/mth+ dep., 1449 Devitt 51..1/2/1, ceramic tile floors, energy ffleient, 5445 /meh deg 4016 Marin. 3/1. 5850/ttith dep. (161)993-0412 'pWnfEdlie%V {Iles:; „U ,?c 0855 .2/2/ 4lane roam PASS 2/2/1 large roams 8 4 50700 mo. 6650 545. Broker or 964 -0345 broker PREMIUM OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE • At Sun Plaza, located on corner of Holly 9& Staples. 1000 q it on Info (361)1955 -3300 For more rkpat(iieji°a ?; :itpr'1 1,213 RED9001.15 - Free cable & Pool Access 7at8 & Play- ground AF Agent993 -6153 3832 BA -Gate, w/d Conn pAoaol &9Mness center. Coo1d 6617 Weber RU.88 . 6 Seeder! GREAT � DEAL!. ; # GUEST HOUSE Studio Apt. In Lamar Park. 6500 All bills Paid. No Pets. dweelling. 13011e50077100ose PORTLAND • 2 bdrm Apt. CH &A, 2 Large Welk-In Clos. ors, Carpet, Stave Refr , Dec 5300. Call • (161144t- 6967or 585.3770. H- (113f..1#Gtc.:ci'i. =a;ii W dg Hlffljis5;l�dt -19 :1 001/2BA - Mobile Home exc con d. lsmin from downtown CC, 9650 ,10 + 5050dep. (3611765.7151 COUNTRY HOME - 3/2 brick. 35 min. from downtown GC, 51195 ,10.(3611547.7256 ''Time Warner Cable' Corpus Christi 5 Surrounding Areas Time Warner Cadle's agree- ments with programmers W carry their routine- ly wally able t0ohtaln suchw is or extensions of aggreements, an9d car viices la discontinued only In rare dreomstances. The following agreements with Programmers a re due to be required to ceaseecarriage of n or are of these so,' vices in the near future. AVM Sports{ BBC America 56C411100ioa n Demand 1' CBTVMICho0Cap Cooking Channel Current Ch }annel H0{ DIY Network } El Encore Encore ND} Encore Action { E4eoro Drama t Encore Suvp } Encore Suspense } • EncoreFomIIy Encore Westerns o Nem call er.comlioralfieds 1 883 -1111 ming is su subject to 06011ge. Not all minces available In apply. all areas. { Restrictions may • HO Television and HD set - tHBservice o Dox inquired to receive Food Network HO t CAC .• GOTV 05)7} ❑t Hallmark Channel t Hallmark Movie Channel HD } K1:TV (COS). KZrV (C1357 HO { Lifetime HD Lifetime Real Women f LMN ••• LMN HD Music Choice Channels} NHL Center root NHL Center ice HD } NHL Network } NHL Network HD Once Mexico } Ovation{ - Sha NBC Smilhsonlan HD} Start Stars 601 000,0 Cinema Starr Edge # 5tarzESpc D f 51ar9 lnOiack + Start16106 Hof Stem Kids & Faml y } Start Skis & Family HO} Shots On Remand } W 5 10 60d Youtoo{ } Excludes & 9 ,o, 7(est, Port ▪ Ex0Vdes Port O'Connor Seadrift ▪ Excludes George west & Seddft i Excludes Port O'Connor O Connor in e make certainlchangee R the aerv16e3 that we Offer customers.bTher serve our changes are planned: ADD: { None at + ihls time None at tills rime DELETE: Azteea America from Basle Service Channel 17 (Corpus Christ! Only) } CHANGE: None at this time The new services listed below cannot be accessed on CableCARD- equipped Unidlrectiono! Di dal Cable Products purchased 07,01011 without additional. two•wa y capable-equipment: 7+ N WV to Digital Cable Channel A 221 •• FREE pgEVIEW Time Warner Cable will offer 0 t l I informs. Digital semop box or digital- television required, •Seadrudes Port O'Cehner 8 }Excludes George Want, Port O'Connor Sedrloo + Excludes }Portland & Rock- port All trademarks remain Me property e ®f their respective 7012 Time ulten•coestcon General Contractors will be receiv- ing 0055 for Early Release Package c4 -Final Release New Mary Carroll High School until 2p.1.• Decent bar 18, 2812. Proposals may be faxed, eme lee or anti- mined in Fulton Construe dons main office. Bid doc- uments can be viewed at Fulton Cont. Main0filceor purchased rpchasedd a1 Arc/Rltl ways 7�71rn Fuldonl'Cn otondla 0111 0.0 F. and 0C00ra es ppar - d0 atlen from HUB M8E, and DBE contractors. For Ce Information contact lay Provence w1111 Fulton Cor1et. 1„ated 04%1. Sea• atl51 C0rp 7x. 8a051or9a1C00overlceadul- toneonst.eom jn compliance wllh Senate BIII No. 493, TEXAS 10 Purchase 'Poe iealniVbg miffing a proposal, for the vice paro 1001. school foadsar- 2314 Commodity Processing FP 42314 Proposals r0 due 1:00 4,08, December 27 2012. at Education ser- vice Center, Region 20, 1514 H ines Avenue,�srd Floor ASS Building 3, San Antonio, T% ais will hen /MI lime pened. nterested bidders contact: 1009 Hernandez. ilily.hernan• desaese70.net, 010) 370- 54 f1 GTE 0 PUBLIC HEARING To PPLIC cTI3S(0) OFT20M11180 al CORp00 CHRISTI 04,, ls hereby given that the wdi conauetatlp CH? c hearing Cn December 18.1512 during a 7045100 006,01) tiny Which o man et 11:35 Infae Council arn City Hall. 1201 Leopard, t0 consider the (Mowing 204- ng app11000on which are 016 700e In the Ice Of the City Planning. At said time a Free Preview Shaw. time 1/11/13 - 1/13/13. It 0s available to all Digital subscribers and may con• twin PG, P1.13, TV -14, TVMA and R rated programs. If 01604 b ckedVe itid Ptor e ntro a tion• ,nvisit control or call CALLER -TIMES December 3, 20121 3610�E yk'i 44 3 9 P3kt3P 1 Le9�.?, _. siau,sy sons8. pattiesa161010sterd glad?. before the 101ty L 'I 1011 -05. Everett Skipper: From the •C0.2" General Cammerew 0i9- tricttolhe°C30' 300,1000 Cbenm oG6 0islr5tre0 atend O 0(0 Slreei and between )7th Street and 19th Street. 2. 1111 -81, 5t. John Ba 1056 Church: 5117 the -, iP Heavy Mdustdal GIs• 10101 t0 the .cc.-3 General ed north of District boat- ed ninth of Hata Pit Road and west of Greenwood 3. 1112.01, Advanced iodation: Alternatives co, Slnole -Forney 6 District to the "CH" Cottage Housing District, e Mueller etween OakPak Avenue end Erwin Avenge. Information may be obtained by ceiling or visiting the Cent. of Development Ser- vices, Planning Section at (36d st 1) 826.3560. 2406 Leop- ar /s/ Armando Chapy City Secretary NOTICE 70131011M 505-Id e Cft p01 Cie, ad Cnrisiy Texas for 0 roes B ROADWAY WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EFFLU- ENT 500. 01190000 con) ntaQtel11yy• ,1212 LFiof the exist - iefflCent(newith1(11 00016). PVC or HDPEAH and approx- Vte! 2100 LF Of repo Inopenn cut blrench.Thlswork IS anticipated to s frlenicnt was odew- terin fand by-pass pump- ing. n addition, the reject pave- merit repairs, bonne 5 005.• ing, demolition of existing concrete junction boxes, a new concrete outlet! struc- ture & Sall Flales Drainage Channel improvements. The Contractor shall be respon• fibl for constructing cof- er dams, sand bag dams, daweterinpgumsinegulree to motets the p Olp0t. The Broadway WWTP shaft reriaalo 1 service atall0mes mrscmr shall eff8c- 11001/ coordinate work to iron of the impacts nouns at the project will also require a“e55 t0 secured areas by awned the Port 01 00- 445 Christi and contractor is responsible g1or coordinating aid00105ngs access • onto this with the pans. sped4catlans, and contract �d currents. Bids will be received at the office of the City Secretary ▪ mil 2:00 p.m. on We4n n- day. December 19, 2017, and then publicly opened and read. Any Lid received after dosing urns will he returned unopened, A pre-bid meeting Is uied for aeembre 45,2022 tine 14111 . be he conducted of the meeting will be the Department of Engineering Services Main Conference Room, Third Floor, City Hall, 12oL Ixoppaard 0"1"' "m" Christi. l7f. P lans, proposal forms. 4eped- mentsmmay cbetrppioCured from the City Engineer, pen 0505111101 P19 a no /1080111515 [her guarantee of their return In geed condition within two weeks of bid date. eocu• 011901 cart be obtained he additional (MOM which is handling charge. postage) o r), OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS /s /Daniel Biles. P.F. Director of Engineering Services C yASTet fr"Pu �gmr 00ln0b10+101 24/2 e Proposal Holler Del Mar Col- lege will receive proposals addressed to the Assistant mar College, Purchasing, 101 Baldwin, Corpus 1064,10 Texas 78424- ber 11,, 20012 10, 0)6, tollow- 710060 sollcltallop Dual RFP2I13.04. D etailed speciflcntlons are available In the Purchas- ing Office, 3001 Ayers St., Corpus Christi, Texas, Tele- phone 361/698.1272. PUBLf- NOTICE Anderson f Oil Ltd. oper- ates ILy0011mhsinesw tphin child!, Texas, Three on the Tulos0 Road. and 177 area. (E 154n -Ouiro 0.1.501M, y) II you see and ead vegetation. oil on the ground. of spraying in the I oi PLEASE CALL 301.691.16093246r0. 10E9.0• BED OF TEXAS DM TES5 1.880- 3444377. A7E511(064 DE PIMLICO: Anderson 011 Ltd. opera oladucm dentro la cuida de Corpus Chnsll, Texas. Res en fa Arad de Tolosa 8d. y 137. (McMgur• McMur- ray) d site en Ia tferea aceite pulou,lzacion en el Aire a I Ifatear Be.. Porllavar Ilame 067 -881- 8600 (24605.) SA MBRE OF TEXAS DIG TE55 1- 800 -344- 8377. To daub (60irmdesa4ar18aeeMte6{leaca 13AE:88SSDi1'i: F iA.: A�uit'(i�tf.!S,Pr+J1C�i acrr AMERICA'S CHOICE IN HOMECARE! vAnngeI Licensed, Bonded, Insured wWwxisitl ngang c Is.co ro (361)854.7800 AT HOME home QUALITY CARE Caring n e care for elderlm y live In or hourly. 0e4500a14e. (361)854•7584 BLUEBONNET e r for seniors. Insured, Call (3511810-1025 or Visit www. biuebonnelho plTto>i�.�nbngls �y1 T CL00394779EESSSD Fall Check Up on Heating • Free Quotes for ew System0. Financing Available 13111991 -0907 A1N1 . EN0 OF THE SEASON BLOWOUT SALE 3TON completely retrofitted: II electric - 5384200 . f g /ere41838 O f 13 SEER, 410A, Rheem or Air Flaw (a Lennox product) egipment, newAsiabn416 -e Ms- connect, whip, filter base and digital thermostat. Min- tier phces for 0the sizes. Other services available at addl0onal st- 1111513 CxBloemw luhie �lce Ex 9 Service Alien n Place, Corpus chlis!,pTX. 78411 Ue.TAC1&144143C Tax n011ncludea : N0¢0°(µ: p,Pls °is APPLIANCE REPAIR Refrigerators, Washers, D ryers, Dishwashers, Efe. Ste off with t5-S ad ARROW APPLIANCE CO. 2155-4 .5-6//411 ue l 4iiiii0, Inatall_a-31 * ATTENTION* •• J&A •• APPLIANCE REPAIR ALL MAKES A MODELS Call (361)667.3049 $10 Off any Repair y3e1a1Y9:3d)sEfltI a9gW0009 �IJGt��3!,Set�'1d'�s= �:3� §LS.t WWW.MTDAUCTIONS.COM Elmendorr TX 70112 05(0100 for ell elllcurrens and Upcoming auctions photo gallery, There you can also loin our email and mail) a tificat ion for 01 a-244 0§646M !Seen t wn0001rts 161 BRAILA CUSTOM Concrete & Masonry Par ns•Drlveway5 •Sidewalks •Ma1Ib001s•F t ione Watts lal •5ma11 Jibs Welcome •Free Estimates .Gall John 361.894.4405 W W W.UrahSCOAs(oLcom CONCRETE IMPRESSIONS 3235 aerateoya Blvd *Stamping Slaln)ng ••WeferlallASO- Kitchens ns *Retaining walls •Vertical stamping 03610 944 -50051 CConcretelm T. 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FREE ESTIMATES 961 -eroo x004 pe01p11n0 Credit Cards Meats. gellYearCari caikrlocaldeds 0064325 OU TEXAS METAL ROOFING CURVE PANELS AVA118511 • Aloodnule ad 9esel. 5taadlo5 Seam. • Altrminam 6h1mR1u • LIfti4Em6 Warranty • Leber a Materials SEAMLESS EgLTTrE LS 36.1.937.4600 361 "688 -6000 • AOUIRRE ROOFING composition Shingles Asphalt & Metal Roots, New Roofs or Repairs Free Estimates Mauro 813.7310 or Lydia(361)913 -3875 r ROOF'S N MORE Roolfng. Windows, siding, Patios, (drywall to texture & paint), Insured for your Homes Protection. serving CC for 37 years. (3011066 -3965 FNE5745 RDOFmeey •WeOenn ey0om elL4ause 01Hypos or corlme1ACeiaal and 111(0511.1 .00)000. GpurZgalle04rl Lni9 aerl vw(it 6 Is ySouraonlleslllcsuredfar FOEFOEE 125TIMAT05 CALL (391)0654110 668 41004 ja47X0K, 0UASRY POOLS REPAIRS I •Reelasters•ROT e•CC In • 0001 neck *Concrete Wo rr •Flaggstone Affordable GENE all Prices (361)073.1408 Tree rvlr:3:3. AAA TREE TRIMMING & LAWN CARE •Removal, •Pruning •Thinning •Landscaping •Muwing *Palms -Stomper nd -.Hedge B eat Prices- 1363)461.7165 LOOK Here (Wller(DCMlfieclu7 Fhn t, adman: ulledwihedr:oom (s11161410.14111 CC TREE SERVICE 8 Palm Specializing Iw /removal 8 hauling. Take advantage estimates Matt .0361)443•4852 CORPUS CHRISTI Carr Sales Rep: Felicia Lewis (C91) caller. Phone: (361) 886 -3714 =- Account Infor nation Date: 01/10/13 Account Number: 172983 (CC 18438) Company Name: CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI Contact Name: Email: lawsong @caller.com Address: PO BOX 9277, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX, 784699277 Phone: (361) 826 -3636 Fax: (000) 000 -0000 Email: LewisF @caller.com ln,sertion Information This is a proof of your ad scheduled to run on the dates indicated below. Please confirm placement prior to deadline by contacting your account rep at . Ad Id: 142608 P.O. No.: Total Cost: $269.70 Tag Line: NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE(S) NO Start Date: 0I/14/13 Stop Date: 01/14/13 Number of Xs: I Class: 16130 - Legals Publications: CC- Corpus Christi Caller- Times, CC- Internet - caller.com I agree this ad is accurate and as ordered. NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE(S) NO. 029714, Ordinance amending the Unified Development Code ( "UDC ") upon application by Ever- ett Skipper, acting as agent on behalf of Birdie Realty Investments, LLC, and Gul- ley Family Investments, Ltd. ( "Owners "), by changing the UDC Zoning Map in ref- erence to Block 1504, Port Aransas Cliffs, from the "CG 2" General Commercial Dis- trict to the "CBD" Downtown Commercial District; NO. 029715, Ordinance amend- ing the Unified Development Code ( "UDC ") upon applica- tion by WKMC Architects, acting as agent on behalf of St. John Baptist Church, Corpus Christi, Texas ( "Owner "), by changing the UDC Zoning Map in refer- ence to the west 225 feet out of Lot 8A, Block 1, Cedar Grove, and to 4.55 acres out of Lot 2, Section 5, Bohe- mian Colony Lands, from the "IH" Heavy Industrial Dis- trict to the "CG 2" General Commercial District; NO. 029716, Ordinance amend- ing the Unified Development Code ( "UDC ") upon applica- tion by Advanced Housing Alternatives Corporation ( "Owner "), by changing the UDC Zoning Map in refer- ence to Lots 10, 11, 12, 23, and the north 28 feet of Lot 13, Block 9, Oak Park Addi- tion, from the "RS 6" Single Family 6 District to the "CH" Cottage Housing District; amending the Comprehen- sive Plan to account for any deviations; and providing for a repealer clause, penal- ties, and publication. These ordinances were passed and approved on January 8, 2013. /s/ Armando Chapa City Secretary Thank you for your business. Our commitment to a quality product includes the advertising in our publications. As such, E. W Scripps reserves the right to categorize, edit and refuse certain classified ads. Your satisfaction is important. If you notice errors in your ad, please notify the classified department immedi- ately so that we can make corrections before the second print date. The number to call is 361- 883 -1111. Allowance may riot be made for errors reported past the second print date. The Corpus Christi Caller -Times may not issue refunds for classified advertising purchased in a package rate; ads purchased on the open rate may be pro -rated for the remaining full days for which the ad did not run.