HomeMy WebLinkAbout029761 ORD - 03/19/2013Ordinance amending the Unified Development Code ( "UDC ") by
revising subsections 8.1.10. and 8.1.11. relating to the designation of
authority under Requirements for Plat Recordation Prior to Final
Acceptance of Infrastructure Improvements Based on Financial
Security and Technical Compliance; providing for severance,
penalties, and publication.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has forwarded to the City Council its reports and
recommendations regarding this amendment of the Unified Development Code ( "UDC ");
WHEREAS, with proper notice to the public, public hearings were held on Wednesday,
February 13, 2013, during a meeting of the Planning Commission, and on Tuesday,
February 26, 2013, during a meeting of the City Council, during which all interested
persons were allowed to appear and be heard; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that this amendment to the UDC would
best serve the public's health, necessity, and convenience and the general welfare of
the City and its citizens.
SECTION 1. Article 8, Section 8.1, subsection 8.1.10. of the Unified Development Code
( "UDC "), entitled "Requirements for Plat Recordation Prior to Final Acceptance of
Infrastructure Improvements Based on Financial Security" and subsection 8.1.11. of the
UDC, entitled "Requirements for Plat Recordation Prior to Final Acceptance of
Infrastructure Improvements Based on Technical Compliance," are amended by revising
the text of both sections to read as follows:
"Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements
"8.1. General Provisions
"8.1.1. Authority
"8.1.10. Requirements for Plat Recordation Prior to Final
Acceptance of Infrastructure Improvements Based on
Financial Security
The Assistant City Manager shall
have discretionary authority to approve subdivision plats for
recordation prior to completion of improvements required by
this Article under the following conditions:
" *
Page 1 of 5
"8.1.10.B. Upon written application by the developer, and-
, the
City Council Assistant City Manager may determine
reasonable cause exists to delay the required
improvements for plat recordation provided that the
following conditions are met:
• • - - .
1. The developer has posted a developer guarantee .
as described in Section 3.30 for the construction of
the improvements to ensure completion of the project.
The financial security shall be in the amount of 110%
of the cost of the delayed public improvements as
estimated by developer's engineer and accepted by
the Assistant City Manager of Development Services;
shall be in a form and pursuant to an agreement
approved by the City Attorney and the Finance
Director; and shall be posted prior to the recording of
the plat.
2. Water and sewer service are available to serve the
3. The developer has executed a-n-a standard form
agreement with the City that provides at a minimum
the following:
a. The developer shall construct the
improvements in accordance with the
engineering standards in effect at the time of
b. All other subdivision requirements, park
dedications, park deferment agreements,
maintenance agreements, or special covenants
have been completed;
c. The financial security shall be applied to
construction of the required improvements and
that any remaining funds shall be returned to
the developer upon completion of the
d. If the financial security proves inadequate to
complete the improvements, the developer
shall reimburse the City for the additional cost
of the improvements;
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e. The improvements must be fully completed
within a maximum of five years or a lesser time
as determined by the City Council Assistant
City Manager;
f. An increase in security may be required -on an
annual basis if the developer's engineer /or the
City determines that the financial security does
not provide for 110% of the estimated
constructions costs;
g. The City may accelerate payment or
performance or require additional financial
security when the City deems itself insecure as
to the prospect of payment or performance on
a demonstrated reasonable basis;
h. The developer shall construct the required
improvements and such covenant shall be
included in the agreement as a covenant
running with the land; and
i. The City, at developer's expense, shall file for
record such agreement in the records of the
county in which the property is located
4. Any deviations from the approved standard form
agreement will require a recommendation from the
Planning Commission and approval by the City
"8.1.10.C. Upon application by a governmental entity or political
subdivision to the Assistant City Manager —of
1!3evelopmeat ea verifying that a construction
contract has been awarded which provides for
construction of the required public improvements for
water, sewer, streets and drainage as set forth on plans
previously approved by the City, an–a standard form
agreement may be approved by the City Council
Assistant City Manager for such governmental entity or
political subdivision on the same basis as provided
above without requiring a cash bond or financial
"8.1.11. Requirements for Plat Recordation Prior to Final
Acceptance of Infrastructure Improvements Based on
Technical Compliance
Page 3 of 5
A plat may be recorded prior to completion of all required
infrastructure if the following improvements are completed as
determined by the Assistant City Manager
SECTION 2. If, for any reason, any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase,
word, or provision of this ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by final judgment
of a court of competent jurisdiction, it may not affect any other section, paragraph,
subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance, for it is the definite
intent of this City Council that every section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase,
word, or provision of this ordinance be given full force and effect for its purpose.
SECTION 3. A violation of this ordinance, or requirements implemented under this
ordinance, constitutes an offense punishable as provided in Article 1, Section 1.10.1,
and Article 10 of the UDC.
SECTION 4. Publication shall be made in the official publication of the City of Corpus
Christi as required by the City Charter of the City of Corpus Christi.
The foregoing Qrdinance ws rd for the first time and passed to its second reading on
this the p ay of 1 , , 20.13, by the following votes:
Nelda Martinez
Kelley Allen
Rudy Garza
Priscilla Leal
David Loeb
Chad Magill
Colleen McIntyre
Lillian Riojas
Mark Scott
Page 4 of 5
The foregoinp, r inance was. �r �dn for the sepond time and passed finally on
this the 1 day of IV( ar , 2013, by the following votes:
Nelda Martinez
Kelley Allen
Rudy Garza
Priscilla Leal
David Loeb
Armando Chapa
City Secretary
Chad Magill
Colleen McIntyre
Lillian Riojas
Mark Scott
197-Iday of i/KaVC/k)
, 2013.
Nelda Martinez
Page 5 of 5
13 APR 23 AM 8: t 1
Count of Nueces } Ad # 171815
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Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally came GEORGIA LAWSON, who
being first duly sworn, according to law, says that she is LEGAL SALES REPRESENATIVE AND
EMPLOYEE OF THE PUBLISHER, namely., the Corpus Christi Caller- Times, a daily newspaper
published at Corpus Christi in said City and State, generally circulated in Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Duval,
Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, and San Patricio counties, and that the pub-
lication of NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE(S) NO which the annexed is a true copy, was
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N tart' Public, State of Texas
4E 1 March 25, 2013) CALLER -TIMES
NO. 029761, Ordinance
amending the Unified Devel-
opment Code (UDC ") by
revising subsections 8.1.10.
and 8.1.11. relating to the .
designation of authority
under. Requirements for Plat
Recordation Prior to Final
Acceptance of Infrastruc-
ture improvements Based
on Financial Security and.
Technical Compliance; Pro-
viding for severance, pen-
alties, -and °publication NO.
029765, , Ordinance amend -.
ing Articles 1 and 8 of the
unified Development Code
relating to design standards,
criteria, and requirements
for street .:design, requir-
ing'.comppliance with design
standards issued by the City
Engineer; requiring street
design for a 30 -year life
level of service; and provid-
ing for severance, penalties,
and publication; NO. 029770.
Ordinance amending the
Unified Development Code
by revising subsections
3.1.7.C.1 and 3.1,7.C.4 - pub-
lic notice requirements, sub-
section City Council
final, action on rezonmgs,
section 3.6 -special permits,
subsection 3.18.4 - building
permit expiration, subsec-
tion 3.24.1- applicability of .
administrative adjustments,
table 4.4.3.A - setbacks in
two-family and townhouse
zoning districts, table -- setbacks in mul-
tifamily zoning districts,
table 4.5.2 - permitted uses
in : commercial zoning dis-
tricts, table Vehicles
sales and services :.uses,
subsection - acces-
sory uses and structures,
subsection 5.4.3.G - banners
for temporary promotional
events, subsection 7.5.13.E -
institutional signs, and sub -
section 7.5.20.D - temporary
and portable signs allowed
in nonresidential districts;
and providing for sever-
ance, penalties, and publi-
cation. These ordinances
were passed and approved
on March 19, 2013.
/s/ Armando Chapa
City Secretary