HomeMy WebLinkAbout029840 ORD - 05/28/2013Ordinance amending the Corpus Christi Unified Development Code by revising subsection 7.5.7.A.7 relating to signs partially exempt from the UDC; providing for severance, penalties, and publication. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has forwarded to the City Council its reports and recommendations concerning this amendment of the Unified Development Code ( "UDC "); WHEREAS, with proper notice to the public, public hearings were held on Wednesday, April 10, 2013, during a meeting of the Planning Commission, and on Tuesday, May 14, 2013, during a meeting of the City Council, in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, in the City of Corpus Christi, during which all interested persons were allowed to appear and be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that this amendment would best serve the public's health, necessity, and convenience and the general welfare of the City of Corpus Christi and its citizens. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI: SECTION 1. Article 7, Section 7.5., subsection 7.5.7.A.7 of the Unified Development Code ("UDC"), entitled "Signs Partially Exempt from Code," is amended by revising the text to read as follows: "Article 7. General Development Standards. "7.5 Signs "7.5.7. Signs Partially Exempt from Code "A. * * * "1. * * * "7. Signs installed by a transit company with a frachise or other right to operate in the City, where such signs are installed along its routes and relate to schedules or 029840 INDEXED other information about the transit route or which contain off - premise advertising. SECTION 2. If, for any reason, any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, it may not affect any other section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance, for it is the definite intent of this City Council that every section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision hereof be given full force and effect for its purpose. SECTION 3. A violation of this ordinance or requirements implemented under this ordinance constitutes an offense punishable as provided in Article 1, Section 1.10.1, and Article 10 of the UDC. SECTION 4. Publication shall be made in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi as required by the City Charter of the City of Corpus Christi. The foreggin rdinance was read for the first time and passed to its second reading on this the Nelda Martinez Kelley Allen Rudy Garza Priscilla Leal David Loeb day of 1► Y LO , 20 1 9) by the following vote: Chad Magill Colleen McIntyre Lillian Riojas Mark Scott Page 2 The foregoing ordinance was read for the second time and passed finally on this the , << day of U ^ , 20J3, by the following vote: Nelda Martinez Kelley Allen Rudy Garza Priscilla Leal David Loeb PASSED AND APPROVED this the ATTEST: Armando Chapa City Secretary EFFECTIVE DATE Chad Magill Colleen McIntyre Lillian Riojas Mark Scott day of n. 1 , 20 1 3 Nelda Martinez Mayor 029840 Page 3 State of Texas Co t of Nueces FINANCE-DEPARTMENT 2013 ..11.11.}-5 rill 10: 15 } PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT CITY OF CORPUS C r STI Ad # 202248 PO # Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally c e GEORGIA LAWSON, who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that she is LEGAL SALES REPRESENA E LOYEE OF PUBLISHER, namely, the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, a daily newspaper published at Corpus Christi in said City and State, generally circulated in as, Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, and San Patrick), Counties, and that the publication of NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDIN CE(S) NO which the exed is a true copy, was inserted in the Corpus Christi Caller-Times on: CC-Corpus Christi Caller-T es 11 CC-Internet - caller.com 06/03 1 Mon 6/03 1 Mon LEGAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE On this 5 day of , 20 (72 I certify that the attached doc ent is a true and exact copy made by publisher. MICHELLE JOYCE CABRERA My Commission Expires March 19, 2016 ISE I Juno 1 2013 I CII,IFk-TINIFS Lag& NOTICE 0 MI.' - , ' OF Ordinance ,, , .., ,• South Cent ,., , t.., NO. 4291149, Ordinance opment FI_ ._ • - ` amardino the COrpinChrisid me Corn! , .,'_ " ..-. - n1(....I --s-,aprhent code No cm, in -' 5 ' '_ 1 revising itesectioli renaming I ,,, ..,. -..,, 5.T.A.7 1 °Ming to alri r, 90*3' az L _. _ _ ,,, _.,, A esompt from Ms ,., , ..... , ..... _ itividirg tar laVei gies end - „, " ', ,._ . _. _ ariallias, ariii adlith trairttporta' an, ist..1011 -... _ This ordmence was claim% f1461, bar g.":-.7 !.. and approved by Use °pp... pu• 44111. 4 ..,.. - . L., ACM on May 24 2013. future land lat woyi,I,, , . s/ Armando Grupe Mg lor sc. and pro- City Secretary vld:rg for p tion. Tres erdnance o , +seed and NOTICE TO BIDDERS aPProved on 4. 11,101.2. /V 40C11991 Secretary KM( 0.1 riE Of 0013" I st NO. 829- i finance amencing 1 r ., Clevel• opulent C 0 1 upon applicaUen ,ralseth Anne 14,, ,vner•„ by chan,;• LC Zon. mg Map h. ,,/ In an 1129-acre 1 <41.:1 out or the GM, , adacre tract in the -,-. awn cr Survey it, ,,,t01 r..,...i, and the Jan ::: i•,2"7,7'..' Abstract 10 Hu. :.... 6 SIrda-Fa 'strict to tno -Clip' . AI, 'Arial Distinct with die p•• nit on Tra: ....- in itse IV Inchni, A imatItils District on amend. Mg the Con :•I Plan to mount , dude. Lions: Pun tmealor clause and ',.This ordinance 1 0,181 approved u ..1(1, /1. ,...,:1,, la Du saaleo proposals. addressed to Oa City al Corpus Chrilb, lona for. S o hall Develmuneol Pk*, P hase 3 (BOND 219 0). Se um Ulna like. limileameit, P ROIECT SID. 9111: Consisting cl construct-- of epprosirmatelv 9,000 -Jar hie of Arteilal including 7,000 Innate }4.0441 neta SidoVtalt3 and 36 now ADA curb ramps, 2,900 linear feel et Yellen's silied now water lines. 41:22 linear loot of various sits<I '.,..latst Water linat, 1,100 linear beet of various used Norm voter linos with new nun. holes and inlet'. Meet .19 4499 0,4,4(1,1=1..magitkings Pavern:nItinTsreiseiMM! Irately 11.000 square yasts of new asphaltic concrete pavement, 21.000 5511419 yatds .4 415141011 Planing and overlay, 1,300 square yards el reinforced Concorde pave- ment. and 1.409 Pima/ feet of concrete curb and gutter: .ncluding al epPtirlienene- e s and associated work In accordance unit the plans, rtiudrurtient •••4 cL,Ler.coMflocaltteds 151 3-1111 will be received at the rflice of the City Secretary until WO PAL 11 ruse 19. 01111, and than publicly opened and road. Any bid received after closing Um, svi11 be returned unopened. Minding is seised, for 111:111 11-54, on lime Al„ 3111 and wil be conduct- ed by the City. The location of the meriting will be the Cmpertment of Engineering Services ktan Ciinfsrane Room, TIMM Floor C:ty Hall, 1.2e1 Leopard Sheri, Cmrput. Christi 111 Piens. arousal hums aip. , Mations and , untied dem mama mai, to girt tired from the C. Eng:neer upon a deposit 0 get.etiontred age ne/111 gagers (1140911) as a WArentar of their return PI 0001.4 0001101100 taltNniwit icatits hi hid data. lo 110011011* an be obis:dud by 411.181 uhoil ritc.a0pt of an cds,Vichlal 10141111 *441145 1 a innalefundaNs postage/ handling • !urge CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS /s/ Denial 5111 Director of Eng PAM' p Sur • as /s/ 11ntla44 0 Ch-thn C0111 Secretary 515109 49 HEARING 4100 4115 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE UNIFIED DEVELOP. MEW CODE (UDC*, AN ELEMENT OF THE CORPUS CHRISTI COMPREHENSNE PLAN City ol Corpus Christi Plari- ning Cammission: Wurnes day, lure 19, 2011 6:30 p.m City coirtil Crt•i" Jon. Cit IL:. 1 Stree. D f 111:21 1 ill Aftiotkplu5tri1361143.1111 Adult Care, - et e1 AMERICA'S (411 .E IN KW RE! Licens, nded, or wwwslsith jelscom (361). • 'MID GI ROrtoli s mailable it 1,1 MOW. Di. 1 04 Aricur Sergi= !pan Senrice Painting, Carpentry Plumbing, facia, clatiri. Ho lob toe %MAIL .ttknat with job call! 1, tustoServices • • .t,r4 PA.... • Casing o cat An • iy , , itS 17y - 4,1(1 :Tk-a :014. titetatniiiti walls • heal stumping 1114 • I0•3661 PCCOPPIPiehTpat 0 acorn T. GAR A CONCRI L CONSTRUI. & DEMOLII -Now Excelling in decorative con tete •Free Estimates (361)933-100i ,t4 1)588.41911, _ ice I ST : -c1,01,orG 4. aii ea Cll'amtthiarrus, 1: rein • Contra...-tors/Builders CORL,,:.R:JONE CC NSIRUCT1ON •Renorillen.Reem Addition .1 soling -Home Bolding •Ete•Free Estimates girl Cell 4161145I.S001 A l 11 I L EittariOr •Pirsadut WUring •TentsIs4•010yerUl tREE 4. itelATES• (141)65111.5091 or 4294411 ekpablieglOyakeeceni VERTICAL VET! !f , a ti ies ,o Remodels • 0.8 ready lor 7 summer oath' nevi Deck 0411111.001151(84 Ovule yearl stparienCli in Corpus (345)724415114: appt Deeks/Feneino SUPERIOR FENCE • Drississerstal Iron .Wood - Chain Link •Gatcs•Ilend• Toils 'Burglar 5911 .110, Doors •Free Estimates (361)813-6737 Entertainment Svcs UAISIACFII TORERO Lapels L THE CITY PLAHNIN COM- MISSION WILL CI SiCER ADOPTION Or Pi. ,,OSED AMENDMEHTS 0 THE CITY'S littIFILEI 11 (4.0P., laf.NT 11D11, AN 1 :Law OF THE CORPUS HRISTI COMPREH1NSWE 105,444, PROPOSING Wei STAN- DARDS FOR TRANS ,• 001. ENTED AND TRAC RDNAL NEIGHBORHOOD C 18.12P. Man: AND ESTAr, 10411440 NEW TRANSIT. 0 ,ENTED DEVELOPMENT t ERLAT DiSTRICTS, AND Al. NDING ARTICLES," DEFINE TERMS ARTICLE 4" BAH ONING DISTRICTS". ARTICI 4 USE REGULATIONS' , MEE 4 ' SPECIAL EON -• DES- TRICTS% AND Alt „E 9 ' NONCONFORMITIE COP- IES Or THE AblEr. '..1ENTS MAY BE VIEWED THE PLANNING DEN. %PIT. 1201 LEOPARD ST OR CONTACT ROSIE (1044- 011(0 BY PHONE: :4126. 3249 cia 161429,4 ALL INTERESTED CIT12, ARE ENCOURAGED TO 011419 AHD PROIHDE C oNTS ON THE PROPOSED AND. MEWS, FinD* Thecbssll%edsn hying ber. 11,Jllere Nactinidmallei,..iffieds.com D11361 :: 1111 Hem* /Saint. TORRES R Ahvays Br-,; .Leveling•Feu •Plumbin9 -Bath 'Pain Ile. .5 •0r) •Cabin 510-3 VI. IT tallstixtbitJect 2.1/? •'41 MM.- Arm •House •Slab/Pier . -Kitchen •Painti • Free Esti 1 855-90 234 Cape =MI Fire • MU Sin slra N , CONSTRL, nueccuconsti (361)99 HOME II SERV,: carp.:f. RaPaintivmo Fascia P403 Free Esi 1 _fi ti :1,,capalLown Sue BODIED YARD Nan Wants Wolk Free Estimates Anytime. Rafiticalal Curnmatelal. Reasonable Boer en0e11 -1-36+1241-1415- k0, 10.1:111CaN MUL•tih: EDGE Flow .1 0. C....1: 0. 3 •Arh. n0, 11 .0 00.: I 0:1L: •■ 5.05. 1160019 flai SLM/MGMT - & MAINT Mowing, Tree work. litigation work, Landscape design, Toucan WW1, TraCtot mark. AI typts of lance nook A pressure waShing, 044)157-GSGT 5t. Augustine, Raleigh & Floratam Grasses & other varieties available (361)851-0401 ° Massage/Reflexology REBA'S HOUSE OF REST reeturing .Restrul Massage. cartglcatas Available 1141 946 IliceleT1011.43I (361)5334121 ,MISCelleneous JONA? WE HAUL ler FREE •Unwarded Veitictes.Res •AppRences .Trailers 'Bikes •A/Cs •Mowers 'Scats ,Sheds *Clean out stomgc/ garage A trash immoral lor a Lee (3611462,1141 Roofing 0 TEXAS META ROOFING CURvEPARELS • Aluminum' et stcci Standing Seam • ASIMIIMUR MICRO • Lifetime Ittersiory • Labor b Material!. 361- 937 -4,150 -60410•600 AGUIRRE ROOFING Composition Shingle Asphalt & Metal Roots, IN w is or Repairs Free Estimates NacroliLD-1, Lydia Ls., LOOK lien Itionaires tdkrittatodu 11,1154111503 "Over 20 years Servicing the Coastal Bend" •Commercial •Residential Free FstImates (361,302-S200 -We cam reaa g• ogs assthse tgpeS 0!: MPG •