HomeMy WebLinkAbout029917 ORD - 07/30/20131 Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances, City of Corpus Christi, Chapter 55, regarding water, gas, wastewater, and street maintenance rates and fees; consolidating, codifying, and adopting clarifying amendments of Ordinance No. 029876 and Ordinance No. 029877 regarding street maintenance fees; providing for publication, providing for severance, and providing effective date. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 55-50 of the Code of Ordinances regarding water rates is revised to read as follows: Sec. 55-50. Schedule. (a) Base rates for water service. The rates for water service are as follows: (1) Monthly minimum charges a. Metered treated water customers. 1. Inside city limits ("ICL"): Residential 5/8-3/4 ,89 Commercial 5/8-3/4 12 12,83 Residential and Commercial 1 18,87 18,25 11/2 2 64.16 Q 17 INDEXED 2 4 6 102.65 205.22 _. 320.._81. 8 and larger Large Volume Any size Temporary construction 1 11 2 641.61 4134,9 , 16,676.00 19.25 32.09 64 16 2. Outside city limits ( "OCL " }: Residential 5/8 —'/4 10.67 3 Commercial 518 -3 1 15,40 Residential and Commercial 75 "76.99 123.18 4 2 246,38 E84.97 8 and larger 175 4 769.93 Large Volume Any size 27,825,00 Temporary construction 1 I ,.; 2109 4 76.99 b. Untreated water customers. Minimum monthly service charge, water districts/ municipalities with raw water supply contracts executed after January 1, 1997 Minimum monthly service charge for public agency for resale untreated water without a raw water supply contract executed after January 1, 19971 Minimum monthly service charge, industrial Minimum monthly service charge, domestic Minimum annual service charge, domestic Minimum monthly service charge, agricultural irrigation water service Minimum monthly service charge, temporary construction water service Minimum monthly service charge, temporary large volume industrial untreated water customers obtaining water, which is under contract to the city, from a reservoir under the exclusive control of a river authority 9 .091 242.45 9 .09 26 430,09 132.69 153 9 .99 265.20 'Minimum monthly charge for public agency for resale untreated er customer without a raw water supply contract executed after January 1, 1997: If the charge based on the volume of water taken in a monthly billing period is less than S237 70. the customer shall be billed 5237.70, unless a valid water supply contract be = n the customer and city that was executed prior to January 1, 1997, provides for a minimum annual payment, If a valid water supply contract between the customer and city executed prior to August 1, 2 under the contract. mw , provides for a minimum annual payment, the customer shall pay the minimum annual payment c. Blended water customers. 5 Any size 7 825.00 (2) Monthly volume charges per 1000 gallons. a. Residentiaj rate. 1. Inside First 2,000 Gallons Next 4'OOOGallons Next 4,000 Gallons Next 5,000 Gallons Next 15,000 Gallons Next 2O,0OOGallons Next 5D,DOOGallons Over 100,000 Gallons Minimum 54215 5.619 5491 6.462 7.301 7.867 8.865 9.553 0.395 Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1) 2. Outside city limits: 6 1First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Next 4,000 Gallons Next 4,000 Gallons Next 5,000 Gallons Next 15,000 Gallons 51,.695 1.949 .436 2,1372.802 3.4/1 Next 20,000 Gallons Next 50,000 Gallons Over 100,000 Gallons Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)( b. Commercial rate. 1. Inside ci 4.1 42 4.507 4„23g,4.872 0122013ta'' 2014 First 2,000 Gallons Over 2,000 Gallons Minimum' $5.172 5.662 Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1) 2. Outside city limits: 7 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons Use the minimum charges in subsection (aX1) 2,854 c. Goff course and athletic field irrigation water inside city limits. First 2,000 Gallons Minimum' Over 2,000 Gallons $2542 2.951 Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1) for ICL customer. d. Residential irrigation water on separate meter. 1. Inside cit limits: First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* 5,000 Gal ons 7301 7.867 Next 20,000 Gallons 9.553 50,000 Gallons tit 87,000 Gallons 10.395 .238 8 2. Outside city limits First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Nex 5,000 Gallons $4671 3.411 Next 44H 2O000 Gallons Next Over 4L 50,000 Gallons 87,000 Gallons e. Resale treated water rates. 3 4„,„1.42 1.507 4.872 1. Treated water rates purchased for resale where the water is taken and metered at the site of treatment are hereby set as follows: First 2,000 Gallons Over 2,000 Gallons Minimum* .00 9 Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1) 2. Tr-:;'-d1--4ir --47S purchased for rcs-le where the war is e7livered to t " '''r-t-ah city facW « hereby set as ,August1,204420i, FL* 31, 20132014 First 2,0 0 Gi r Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons 1.628 'Use the minimum charges In subsection (a)(1) f. Large volume treated water customers. A commercial treated water customer who agrees to pay for a minimum of ten million (10,000,000) gallons of treated water per month is considered a large volume treated water customer. Once a customer has elected to become a large volume treated water customer, the customer will be billed as a large volume treated water customer until the customer notifies the city and requests reclassification as a commercial customer in writing. However, a commercial customer may not elect to become a large volume treated water customer more than once in any twelve-month period. 1. In °e citv ;: Fi 10, - , 0 C lions Each Additional 1,000 Gaitzlos Use the minimum charges in subsection (e)(1 ) 2. OuectvUmL : August 1, ,011 Juty31, _ 7 to Minim 53,597_ First 1 0,ULJ,ULJ uins Each Additional 1,000 Gallons :AhliMUM* 51.143_ 044201 110 *Lisa the minimum charges in subsectit:ri (aX1), g. Large voli_eme blended water customers. A commercial blended water customer who :agrees to purchase a minimum of ten million (10,000,000) gallons of blended water per month is considered a large volume blended water customer. 1 iHc!,-! 1471 , . J J U August 1, 201 [July 31, Each Additional 1,000 Gallons Use the minimum charges in subsection (aX1). nicl° ° citif rnk First 10,0 .,L.`0 GL is Each Additional 1,000 Gallons Mir rill -n* 52679 2.779 [August 1, 7'72013 to [July 31, )14 int im• *Use the minimum charges In subsection (aX1), 3. Peaking factor [To be determined.] h. Temporary water service. 1. T . [August 1, tc `Juty 1, First 2,000 Gallons Minimum' 11 Over 2,000 Gallons $5,172 5.6( Use the minimum charges in subsection (a X1). First 00 i s auf--"7. eity --s: F August 1, 7/111 L— July 31, _ - r Animurn* Over 2,000 Gallons Use the minimum charges in subsection (aX1). First 2,00 Over 2,000 Gallons Use the rolnim_n charges in subsection (a X1). First Gallons f r. "f btS: August 1, 2012201: to July 31, lrvt-rm4,1 2 x RWCA rho city ,.-Algust 1, Juty 31, inimurn* 'Over 2,000 Gallons 12 "Use the minimum charges in subsection (aXi), 2 x RWCA i Agricultural irrigation water outside city Iimits. First 2,00 Gallons Over 2,O00Gallons "Use the minimum charges m subsection (aX1) Minimum* 2 x RWCA j. Public agency for resale untreaed water rates. The rates for the purchase of untreated water purchased by a public agency, which does not have a raw water supply contract with the city executed after January 1, 1997, is the average of the monthly raw water cost adjustments, established under subsection (b) of this section, for the period used to determine the composite cost of untreated water under the citys current contract with the public agency. k.Temporary large volume industrial untreated water customers obtaining water, which is under contract to the city, from a reservoir under the exclusive control of m river outhmhtv. First acre foo or fractfon thereof Over acre foot Use the minmum charges in subsectio (aX1) NM�mum~ $1,1OOl0 per acre foot or fraction thereof 13 (b) Raw water cost adjustment (RWCA). In addition to the charges for the base rates for water service, established in subsection (a), a separate charge for the costs of raw water, the RWCA, will be added to each consumer's bill, except public agency for resale untreated water customers without a raw water supply contract executed after January 1, 1997. (A public agency for resale untreated water customer without a raw water supply contract executed after January 1, 1997, will pay the lower of the composite cost, as defined in its contract with the city or the rate for public agency for resale untreated water customers without a raw water supply contract executed after January 1, 1997, specified in subsection (a)(2)g. of this section.) The RWCA will be based on projected system -wide raw water sales, adjusted for water losses. The RWCA will be calculated on an annual basis using the adopted utility rate model, according to the following procedures: (1) Use projected system -wide water sales based on historical consumption and projected growth, with adjustments for water losses. (2) Include the annual budgeted cost of debt service. Bond payments, amortization of deferred losses on refundings, and other debt service costs shall be applied to the RWCA in the same proportion as the raw water activities proportion of the original bond proceeds. (3) Include budgeted expenditures for purchases of water. (4) Include purchases of water rights, amortized over the duration of the water right agreement. (5) Budgeted expenditures for capital items shall be included as follows: a. The expense of acquiring a capital item that costs not more than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) shall be charged in the year in which it is acquired. b. The expense of acquiring a capital item that costs more than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) shall be amortized over the number of years used to calculate depreciation expenses, with the half -year convention used in the year of acquisition. (6) All operating and maintenance expenditures shah be charged based on annual budgeted amounts. These expenditures include operation and maintenance of dams, reservoirs, pipelines, wells, pumping stations, and related interfund charges. (7) All expenses for consultants, engineering, legal services, and administration shall be charged based on annual budgeted amounts in the proportion to which they apply to raw water issues. (8) Expenses related to the acquisition and transportation of emergency water supplies shall be included in the RWCA for the following fiscal year, unless foreseen and budgeted in advance, in which case they are included in the year budgeted. (9) Miscellaneous revenues related to raw water activity, such as oil and gas lease revenues and rentals, is applied as an offset based on annual budgeted amounts. (10) Apply the credit for ievelized Choke Canyon debt payments to city rate payers' RWCA. (The escalating payment schedule on the Choke Canyon debt was ievelized through the creation of a reserve fund. In the initial years, payments greater than the debt 14 service were made, with the excess going into the reserve fund. This excess was paid through a rate surcharge on ICL and OCL metered treated water customers. Now that bond payments exceed the levelized payment amount, the reserve fund is drawn on to make up the difference. Since only 1CL and OCL metered treated water customers participated in building the reserve fund, the drawing on the reserve fund is only credited to the RWCA assessed against ICL and OCL metered treated water customers) (11) lnclude funds necessary to collect 1.35 times coverage on current annual debt service in order to improve the financial position and bond ratings of the city's water fund. (12) Include funds necessary to establish and maintain an operating reserve fund with a target amount ofbwenty'fivm(35) per cent (or three (3) months) of annual operating expenses for the fiscal year. (13) Include funds necessary to establish and operate a water capital reserve fund with a target amount of two (2) per cent of the respective annual water capital improvements program for the fiscal year or two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) (whichever is greater). (14) Include funds necessary to establish and maintain a future water resources reserve fund (Water Supply Development Reserve) with an ultimate target balance of thirty million dollars ($30,000,000.00), and an annual contribution of approximately two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) per fiscal year. Revenue from this Water Supply Development Reserve wifl be deposited into a fund set aside for this purpose. (15) The minimum operating or capital reserves amounts are intended to provide for unplanned, unbudgeted expenses and revenue shortfalls, and will not be used for routine expenses. (16) At fiscal year end, determine the amount of over or under collections that have resulted from difference between budgeted and actual expenses and offsetting revenues and the difference between projected and actual volume of water sold. Any funds realized in excess of annual expenses are available for either supplementing minimum operating or capital reserves, for addition to the capital funds for discretionary cash capital funding of the water utility, or to create and maintain a reserve to level out Iarge fluctuations in raw water charges is authorized. Apply any remaining amount as an adjustment to the RWCA. (c) Definitions. Costs of raw water is the total of all costs of acquiring, producing, storing, conserving, and transporting untreated water from its source to the city's treatment facility and ail other points of diversion. These costs include, but are not Iimited to, the costs of: Construction, including debt service, operation, and maintenance of dams and reservoirs. Construction, including debt service, operation, and maintenance of raw water supply transmission pipelines. Construction, including debt service, operation, and maintenance of welis. Construction, including debt service, operation, and maintenance of facilities capable of converting wastewater effluent, salt water, and brackish ground water into water suitable for municipal, industrial, or agricultural uses. 15 Acquisition of new water supplies and water rights, including the establishment and funding of a reserve dedicated to offset the costs of acquisition of additional water rights and the implementation of long range water resource development and related capital improvements. Construction, operation, and maintenance of facilities to reduce water losses from water resources due to evaporation or the release of water from a reservoir due to the operation of law. Acquisition and transportation of emergency water supplies, including the costs of transporting water by vessel or pipelines from other regions. Water supply development and protection, including consultants studies and reports, investigations, legal fees, court costs, and any other costs related to the development or protection of the water supply. Administrative costs, including overhead and the portion of the city's general administrative costs applicable to the activities enumerated in this definition. (Ord, No, 9472, 8-20198426 Ord, No„ 11613, 837710026. Na 12208, §§ 1, 2, 8-7-1974: Ord. No, 14140 55 1-3, 1454976; Ord, No, 16440, g 1, 2, 10124981' Ord 09, 16593 51, 10-144981; Ord, No, 17166, §§ 723 0284992: Ord. 1071. 1776.2,551, 2, 103-1983: Orci, No, 18351, 5.5 1, 2, 7-24-19845 Ord No„ 19,5587, §§ I, 2, 14 101984: Ord, No, 20411 §§ 1, 3, 74651988: Ord, No, 21001, § 1, 10261990; Ord, No, 21438, §§ 7-4, 1024 1892; Ord„ No, 21814 § 109-38 1244-1993; (ltd. No, 22741, 6 1, 114221996; 0791 No, 22832_5 1, 0210 1997; O. No„ 22870, § 1„3-2,516 99718390, No. 23706, § 1, 7-21018989; Ord No, 23910, § 1, N11-2000: O. No 24132: § 1, 7252000. Ord No 24534 § 14 7092001 Ord No 24969. § I, 102314002: Ord, No, 25386 § 1, 714'214001 Ord No 02581•6. 1' 1, 102102004, Ord No 026368 § 08842005; Oat 38„ 0209510 §1, 192512006 Ord. No 02731551 § 1, 7-624612007 Ord No 027781, § 1 022-2008, Ord NO. 028258, § 1, 7-28-2009; Ord„ No, 028888, 5 1, 7-20-2010, Oaf No 029158, 51. 102102010 Ord. No. 029386, § 1, 2•2142012; Ord. No, 029584, 5 1, 7-31-2012) SECTION 2. The water rates established in Section 1 of this ordinance shall take effect and be applied against all service provided on or after the first day of August, 2013. SECTION 3. Section 55-61 of the Code of Ordinances regarding gas rates is revised to read as follows: Sec. 55-61. Classification of customers and schedules of rates. (a) Residential customers. (1) Inside city limits: a. Winter rates (from November Cycle 11 through April Cycle 10). 16 Meter Charge First 1 MCF (minimum bill) Next 2 MCF Next 3 MCF Next 4 MCF Next 20 MCF Next 20 MCF All over 50 MCF .03 9.70 5.43 2.,98 3.05 2.89 2.96 2.53 2. 2.10 Note Rates do not include purchased gas adjustment and sales tax, where applicable b. Summer rates (from April Cycle 11 through November Cycle 10). Meter Charge First 1 MCF (Minimum Bill) Next 2 MCF .03 5.43 Next 3 MCF 1,06. 3,1_4 17 Next 4 MCF Next 20 MCF Next 20 MCF 2.36 .58 .54 Alt over 50 MCF 1.371,40 Note: Rates do not include purchased gas adjustment and sales tax, where applicable (2) Outside city limits: a. Winter rates (from November Cycle 11 through April Cycle 10). Meter Charge First 1 MCF (minimum bill) $1,25 1.28 '97 Next 2 MCF 6.08 Next 3 MCF 3.52 Next 4 MCF .34,3 . 42 Next 20 MCF 3,24 3.32 Next 20 MCF 2.83 All over 50 MCF 2.35 Note, Rates do not include purchased gas adjustment and sales tax, where applicable b. Summer rates from April Cycle 11 through November Cycle 10). te: er: 18 Meter Charge First 1 MCF (minimum bill) Next 2 MCF Next 3 MCF Next 4 MCF Next 20 MCF Next 20 MCF All over 50 MCF $1,25L28 1-1,87 6.08 3.13 3.52 1.72 1/7 112 1,53 1.57 Note: Rates do not include purchased gas adjustment and sales lax, where applicable (b) General rate customers (commercial, industrial, and institutional rates): (1) Inside city limits: 19 ugu 20131-.."Jtily31,2 1 26 4 - Meter Charge 144a 12,32 First 1 MCF (minimum bill) 9,,93 Next 2 MCF 5.43 Next 3 MCF „5707 Next 4 CF 4.98 Next 40 MCF 4, Next 50 MCF 2. 0 Next 100 MCF 71 .75 Next 100 MCF 7754 Next 7C0 CF 1,4 Next 1,000 MCF 4 .27 Next 13,000 MCF „. 14 All over 15,000 MCF .09 Note Rates do not include purchased gas adjustment and sales tax, where applicable (2) Outside city limits: 20 213 July 31 i Meter Charge First 1 MCF (minimum bill) Next 2 MCF Next 3 MCF 6 Next 4 MCF Next 40 MCF 5A4 5.58 5.33.5, 47 Next 50 MCF Next 100 MCF Next 100 MCF Next 700 MCF 5 .72 .65 Next 1,000 MCF Next 13,000 MCF All over 15,000 MCF AZ 4.24 1.28 2 21 Note Rates do nol nclude purchased gas adjustment and sales lax, where applicable (c) Seasonal customers (partial year service) rates. (All customers who have requested a cutoff and re-connection at the same Iocation or for services to the same premises, incluthng increases or reductions of the same premises, and which cutoff was not necessitated by reason of reconstruction of the building on the premises, shall be classified as seasonal customers, and in Iieu of the rates appbcable to residential customers, shafl be charged and collected the foliowing charge for gas furnished and delivered to the meters by the gas department of the city): (1) Inside city limits: Meter Charge First 1 MCF (minimum bill) Next 2 MCF Next 3 MCF Next 30 MCF Next 20 MCF Alt over 50 MCF .O] 6. 0 6.91 2.89 2.96 2.17 2.53 2.052.1O Note Rates do not include purchased gas adjustment and sales tax, w1ere applicable (2) Outside city limits: 22 Meter Charge First 1 MCF (minimum bitt) Next 2 MCF Next 3 MCF Next 4 MCF Next 20 MCF Next 20 MCF Att over 50 MCF $ 1.25 1.28 7. ,qt 2.35 Note. Rates do not include purchased gas actustment and sales tax Mere applicable (d) Incentive air cooling and conditioning rate customers rates. (Limited to customers usin less than fifteen thousand (15,000) MCF per month annual average. All general rate customers that have installed total energy or have gas operated air cooling and air conditioning equipment, or both, and have an average used in MCF per month in the seven (7) summer months that exceeds the five (5) winter months in average use, when inspected and approved by the gas department, who request in writing to be billed in the summer months on the summer incentive gas rate schedule starting with Cycle 11 in April and ending with the billing Cycle 10 in November shall be billed on the following rate schedule): (1) Inside city limits: 23 $4 ,02 12.32 First 1 MCF (minimum bill) Next 2 MCF 5„ 305.43 Next 3 MCF 4.95 5.07 Next 4 MCF Next 40 MCF Next 150 MCF .71 1.58 Next 100 MCF tAa147 Next 700 MCF .27 Next 1,000 MCF 1.11-1,14 Next 13,000 MCF 1.061 .99 All over 15,000 MCF .04 Note Rates do nol include purchased gas adjustment and sales tax, vsillere applicable. (2) Outside city limits: 24 Meter Charge First 1 MCF (minimum bill) 2.24 Next 2 MCF 5.94 6.08 Next 3 MCF 5,54 5.68 Next 4 MCF r 4.93 Next 40 MCF 4.1.6 Next 150 MCF 1 1.72 1.77 Next 100 MCF I 1.65 Next 700 MCF I 1..42 Next 1,000 MCF 1.28 Next 13,000 MCF .22 Alt over 15,000 MCF 1,13 1.16 25 Note: Rates do not include purchased gas adjustment and sales tax, where applicable (e) Purchased gas adjustment. The rates in subsections (a), (b), (c), and (d) of this section are subject to gas cost adjustments as follows: Rates will be adjusted monthly by the city following the receipt of notice of the cost of gas from the supplier to pass on to the consumer the full amount of such cost adjusted for pressure base and gas loss and unaccounted-for factors. Additional fees and charges paid to the supplier, which are necessary for the city to receive the gas, shall be included in the cost of gas. All general rate customers, who consume over fifteen thousand (15,000) MCF in one (1) month, and who receive gas from the city's distribution system at the same pressure base at which the city receives the gas from its supplier (14.65 psi), shall be billed 2.05 per cent less per MCF for purchased gas adjustment than the general customer rate schedule. (f) Interruptions. Deliveries of gas to commercial or industrial customers may be interrupted or curtailed in case of shortage, or threatened shortage, of gas supply from any cause whatsoever, to conserve gas for residential and other human need customers served hereunder, according to all mandatory orders of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. (Code 1958, (3) 38-48 38147; 090 No 8552, 9 8053967, OW No 9685, 9 1, 73251570 OW No 9812 § 60144970 Ord No 9883' 2 819231970; 2-1970, Ord No. 11804 1, 0 84973 C150 555 11755. ;, 10444973 Ord No 11857 11 1, 1-9-1974, Ord No 12210, §1, 84151974, 0/8 No 18049 § 1, 8391979: Ord. Alo 15701, §§ 1 3 7413-15150 Ord No 15950, 557 ; 3 12(9404 111261 580 16451 57 1, 8 124981, ad No 165823 9 1, 1005 1981; Ord 1110 17155 §§ 2,4, 7-284982, Ord. No 17791, §§ 1, 2 4, 8-34985, °CC No 18939 /§1§ 5 2 4 7 23-1985; Ord No 2100 9 91. 10-951990 Oro No 214215 § 1 7- 31- • )092 050 No 211314 9 1162 112-14-1993 Ord At§ 23706 9 1, 81204999 Ord No 24132, 9 0 7-25-2000 Ord No 24531. 9 193 7-24-2001 Ofd No 24969, 9 4 723 2002 001 No 29396 9 4 7-2012003 0741 No 026856 9 3 81292004; OW 715 02630 9 3 7-2012008 00.1 No 026590 57 2 7-2192006, Ord No 029355 9 3 2339020081' 2007 Ord No 027781 9 5. 7-224008, Ow No 028250 9 3, 812E42009 Ord No 02998E3 § 1820-20101 SECTION 4. The gas rates established in Section 3 of this ordinance shall take effect and be applied against all service provided on or after the first day of August, 2013. SECTION 5. Section 55-70 of the Code of Ordinances regarding water utility tap fees is revised to read as follows: Sec. 55-70. Adoption of rules, regulations and water and gas fees. The rules and regulations concerning the control, operation and administration of utility taps or service connections of water, gas and sewer utilities owned by the city and the regulations prescribing fees for utility taps or service connections are hereby adopted and approved as folio : (1) Utility tap applications. Applications for water, gas or sewer taps may be accepted from anyone who has properly applied for a building or plumbing permit for taps to be 26 made inside or outside the city, and the fees for such taps shall be paid before the perm is issued. Impact fees have been adopted in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 395 for certain areas of the city. The fee schedule and map for such fees in contained in Appendix A of the Platting Ordinances of the City Corpus Christi. (2) Utility tap fee payment. UtiIity tap fees will be paid in cash upon application of utility taps. Where applicant has requested a water line extension and water tap, he may make payment upon an installment basis as hereto set forth. Water tap charge and water line extension charge may be paid upon an installment basis with the owner being furnished the necessary forms for execution including a promissory note and mechanic's and materialman's lien contract. If a cash payment is made at the time of delivery of the executed note and mechanic's lien paper, the note shall be for the balance of the inslallation charges. If no cash payment is made, the note shall be for the total amount of the installation charges applicable to the property to be served. There shall be a carrying charge on any balance of five (5) per cent per annum for the period covered by aPI of the installation payment, with such total payable in monthly installments not exceeding twenty- four (24)inshaUmanbo.AUmmn1 |yinmtmUmentsvvU|bomodeattheoccounUngmMDceofthe city department of public utilities and will be due and payable monthly on the same due date as the regular utility bill applicable to the property. Such installment note and contract shall contain a provision 10 the effect that the property owner agrees to make the monlhly payments as lherein set forth and further that the owner's water meter deposit can be applied to any payment becoming delinquent. Such contract shall also provide that the city shall have the right to discontinue water service to the property in the event any of the installment payments become delinquent. (3) UtiIity tap fees defined. Utility tap fees are separate and distinct from any plumbing pm it or inspection fees and will not be construed as being a part of or as including such fees. (4) Utility tap fees extra charges. No charges will be made in addition to utility tap fees for street cuts; however, for taps outside the city, which cannot be readily made to existing lateral lines provided for such services or for taps which involve major highway crossings or taps to major mains or trunk lines and similar cases, charges will be made to cover the entire cost of all work and material, including meters, if any, as estimated by the city. (5) Fee schedule, gas: (a) Inside city limits: l,1 and I-famdiydweNng Fee $100.00 $100.00 27 Commercial up to two inch in size Commercial larger than two inch in size Loops Meter moves *To be determined by Gas Division at the time of the request. (b) Outside city limits: Gas—Residential, 1 and 2-family dwelling Commercial up to two inch in size Commercial larger than two inch in size Loops Meter moves 300.00 Special* 10.00 50.00 Street Fee 5100.00 300.00 Speciar 10.00 50.00 To be determined by Gas Division at the time of the request. 300.00 Special* 5100.00 300.00 Special* (6) Definition of street taps and easement taps. (a) Street tap fees will apply to all taps made to laterals or mains in front or at the side of property to be served, regardless of whether the line to be tapped is in the street, behind the curb or in some similar position. 28 (b) Easement tap fees will apply to all taps made to mains or laterals in the rear of the property to be served, where such Pines are in dedicated or established easements or alleys. (7) Service to be provided for fees. Gas, sewer and water taps will be made and services installed to a standard location, Necessary meters and regulators will be installed. The entire installation will remain the property of the city and will he maintained by the city for as long as services available from the city are desired on the property by the occupant. Maintenance of privately-owned service lines, or parts of service lines, on private property will be the responsibility of the owner, occupant or consumer. Failure to maintain such service lines will subject the service in question to discontinuance by Ihe city. (8) Availability of service. The existence of mains or trunk lines, or even lateral lines, near a property will not constitute an obligation for she city to cap such lines on request for taps, where such lines are inaccessible due to necessary crossings of major highways or major streets or due to excessive cost or excessive distance, These special cases must be arranged for with the director of public utilities well in advance of the desired service date, to permit necessary extensions, crossings or similar construction. (9) Fee schedule, water: (m) Inside city limits: S/U inch wN inch 3/4 inch 1 inch Over 1 inch 617.10 6 .60 7 807.40 Special* 32.40 Loops*, minimum Meter moves*, minimum 275.00 60.00 66.00 275.00 29 *Denotes costs to be specified by the director of water utilities based on circumstances. (b) Fees inside the city limits in subdivision in which the developer has installed the service lines when the subdivision was constructed. 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch 3/4 inch 1 inch (c) Outside city limits: $4,6 40 1 5.90 'Z. fit : ft 201.30 250.80 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch 839.30 657.80 .3/4 inch 1 inch 860.20 125.30 675.40 844" `ma Over 1 inch Special" Loops*, minimum Special* 41 .40 Meter moves", minimum 1.0 97.90 Special* 4 411.40 97.90 30 "'Denotes cost to be specified by the director of water utilities based on circumstances. (d) Fees outside the city limits in subdivision in which the developer has installed the service lines when the subdivision was constructed. 5/8 inch x 3/4 inch Y4 inch rOO 85.90 201 0 1 inch 228.00 250.80 (1966 Sudo , § 33626, Odi No 10083 § 1,1201976 Ord. No 16383, § 1, 7-1511981: O13711 No. 16447 !if. 313 1511981:0138 No, 16453, § 1 642-1981. Ord No, 22913 § 10. 44541997; Ord„ No, 026369, §. 2, •26-2095, Ord No 027398, § 2, 8-28-207. Ord No. 027954, § 2 .945-2008. Ord No.. 028260, § I, 5126•0815 Ord No 028326„ § 2, 9-29-20a9; Or No. 0280,96 43 5, 512542010: 054 1144 028792, § 2, 96229201(1) SECTION 6. The water rates established in Section 5 of this ordinance shall take effect and be applied against all service provided on or after the first day of August, 2013. SECTION 7. Section 55-100 of the City Code of ordinances regarding wastewater rates is revised to read as follows: Sec. 55-100. Schedule. (a) The monthly charge to be paid by users of sewer service fumished by the city's municipal sewer system, except as otherwise provided in articles VII and XI of chapter 55, shall be based on the amount of water used by the user according to the following rates: -Ctasslfication .66,wask to July 31, 20122014 Inside city limits One-famity minimum monthty charge (first 2,000 gallons) $ 23.94 25.96 31 Inside city limits One-family per 1,000 gallons over 2,000 Inside city limits One-family maximum monthly charge (up to 25,000 gallons) Outside city limits One-family minimum monthly charge (first 2,000 gallons) Outside city limits One-family per 1,000 gallons over 2,000 Outside city limits One-family maximum monthly charge (up to 25,000 gallons) Inside city limits Commercial minimum monthly charge (first 2,000 ga(lons) Inside city limits Commercial per 1,000 gallons over 2,000 Outside city limits Commercial minimum monthly charge (first 2,000 gallons) Outside city limits Commercial per 1,000 gallons over 2,000 5.25 4541 10.71 ;5 4-0;72 11,65 2948, 300.40 32,55 35,37 3.76 40.69 44.21 7.53 (b) The amount of water used to compute the monthly bills to one-family residential customers shall be computed on the basis of the "winter average" or "interim average" that is calculated under this subsection. (1) Definitions. a. Winter averaging wastewater charge period: The period of water and wastewater service during the three (3) complete consecutive reading periods commencing on or after December 1 of each year. 32 b. Winter average usage: The monthly wastewater usag established by the city during the "winter averaging waste ter charge penod" based upon their average monthly water consumption dunng that period. c. Inlerim average: The monthly wastewater usage established by the city for individual customers who have not established a "winter average usage". The "interim average" is recalculated each year based on the total "winter average usage" of all customers subject to winter averaging divided by the number of winter averaging customers, and is be the basis for monthly billings until a "winter average usage" as defined in subsection (b)(1)b. of this section is established for the individual customer. d. Service area: The geographic region served by the city's wastewater system. (2) Winter average criteria a. The customer must receive wastewater service at one (1) location during the three (3) consecutive reading periods in order to establish a "winter average usage". b. 'Winter average usage" charges shall apply to one-family residentia customers only. c. The 'winter average usage" shall be based on a customer's average water consumption for three (3) complete consecutive reading periods commencing with the customer's first reading period on or after December 1 of each year. d. The following method will be used to calculate a customer's "winter average usage": 1. Add the three (3) winter months water consumption to get otal water consumption. 2. Divide three-month usage amount by three (3) to gel winter average usage. Such winter average usage shall be Iimited to a maximum of twenty-five thousand (25,000) gallons. e. Using the winter average usage, apply the applicable rates established in subsection (a) to calculate the customer's wastewater bill for each month until a new winter average usage is established or rates are changed. The adjusted rate that applies to service after June 30 will reflect wastewater usage based on the previous "winter averaging wastewater charge period". f. New and relocating customers; adjustments: 1. Customers new to the service area, who have not established a 'winter average", shall be billed at the "interim average' rate. 2. Customers who are relocating within the service area, who establishect a "winter average" at their previous address, shall be billed at the "interim average" rate or their "winter average" rate at the previous address, whichever is Iess. 33 3. Customers who are relocating within the service area, who have not established a "winter average" at their previous address, shall be billed at the "interim average" rate. 4. When a customer experiences a substantial increase in water or waste ter usage from hidden water leaks in the plumbing system during the winter average charge period, and if the customer can produce proof of repairs, the director of finance or the director's designee may adjust the waste ter bill. (3) Administrative change in rates. a. 6840M2 Z r,- g Z t-Z §.. 4y31 The city manager shall annually, based upon the winter average waste ter usage determined during the winter averaging wastewater charge period, adjust the rate in the new fiscal year applied to each customer's winter average or interim average so that the adjusted rate will produce an amount equal to the budgeted revenues, y-r b. In vears in which preliminary winter average data is available to be used in the utility rate model for determining wastewater rates, the adopted wastewater rates will not be subject to an administrative change in rates unless the final winter average data is materially different than preliminary data. A difference of at least 2% shall be considered material, (c) The rates established in subsection (a) of this section are based upon water consumption for wastewater service customers with wastewater characteristics of five hundred sixty-two (562) parts per million or less by weight of chemical oxygen demand index, two hundred fifty (250) parts per million or less by weight of biochemical oxygen demand index, and two hundred fifty (250) parts per million or less by weight of suspended solids index. If the waste ter characteristics exceed any of these parameters shall pay an additional abnormal wastewater surcharges as provided in section 55-148. (Code.1958, § 3849; No„ 9863, § 1, 7329-1970; Ord, No. 11612, 450.265535 or/5 N92 12209, 19366 Ord, No, 72656. § 1, 6-25-1975 Ord„ No., 13860, § 1,49-349715 Ord.. No, 15700,. § 851341990: Oaf No, 11114,487 § 1, 8-134 191166 0259 756 , 17156, §1, 742.13-19816 O95. No„ 17765 § 1, 843-1983; Ord„ No, 113352, §1. 24.1984: (ltd. /40. 18940, 723,1985; Ord giO. 19403, § 1, 75294986, Ord Pio.. 20412, § 1, 752(91988: Ord, No, 20748, § 1, 865-1989; Ord No„ 21•01, § 1, 10 .. 94990; Ord. No. .21440. § 1, 2621-1992: ady,. pia 21692, §1, 5-25499,3; Ord, No„21671., § 1, 6-84 993; Ord, No,. 21814, § 1675 (/7: 12-144993r Oat 556. 219931:3.6 1, 6-14- 34 18930 Ord. No. 227213, § /. 11-12'1996 Ord, No, 23708,. 313,3v'732Dv8093Ord. No. 24132,, § 1, 732532080 Ord No, 214513/. /617224-200t Ord ���� f§ 7-23-2002: Ord, No„25.395, 6, 7-2232003; Odd, No, 025866, § 7327-2004 Ord Nor 028368 5 13, 7626620053 Ord, No, 026900, § 5' 7-25-2006; C§d. No 02735:5. �35, 7-2,' 2007: Ord No. 027781. § 7, 7-2233008 Ord. No 028256: ;§ 5, 7-2662009: Ord. NO, 028690, § 732033010; 8/d. SECTION 8. Section 55-148 of the City Code of ordinances regarding wastewater surcharges is revised to read as follows: Sec. 55-148. Fees. (a) Abnorma! wastewater surcharge. (1) Any user generating wastewater which exhibits none of the characteristics of prohibited wastes as described in subsection 55-141(a), but which has an average concentration of biochemical oxygen demand, has an average concentration of chemical oxygen demand, or contains total suspended solids in excess of normal wastewater (as defined in subsection 55-140(c)), may be required to pretreat to meet the requirements of normal waste ter or such ot armoresthnQentpenemotersao the city may determine as necessary and appropriate to the particular treatment plant receiving such abnormal wastewater. Pretreated abnormal wastewater may be accepted by a PO if all the following requirements are met: a. The wastes will not cause damage to the collection system. b. The wastes will not impair the treatment processes. c. The user pays the applicable surcharge over and above published sewer rates, as provided herein; and d. The waste is amenable to treatment such that when it leaves the treatment plant to be discharged, the waste does not exceed, or cause the total discharge to exceed, the standards set by federal and state agencies having jurisdiction. (2) Prior to imposition of a surcharge, the user shall be notified in writing that his waste discharge is in excess of normal wastewater as established in this article. (3) Surcharges will be adjusted on billings for the month following submission of new data but not more frequently than quarterly, unless authorized by the director. (4) The volume of flow used in computing abnormal wastewater surcharges shall be based upon metered water consumption as shown in the records of meter readings maintained by the city of utilities department. In the event that a person discharging waste in0othwP<]TVVpnoduoesevidenmabmthe city demonstrating that a portion of the total amount of water used for all purposes does not reach the P0 a separate meter or meters or other approved flow measuring device may be installed at the user's expense, upon his request, to measure only that portion of the total flow being discharged into the PO . Upon request by the user, credit may be aflowed by the city for evaporation, product water exported from the user or other operational consumption through which 35 such water is not discharged to the PO . If it is impossible to show volume by metering, then recognized industry standards designated by the city shall apply. If a surcharge is assessed by the city, it shafl be shown separately on the monthly billing. (5) Any person discharging industrial waste into the PO who procures any part or all of his water supply from sources other than the city utilities department, all or part of which is discharged into the P[> , shall install and maintain at his expense water meters of the type approved by the city for the purpose of determining the proper volume of flow to be used in computing sewer service charges. Such meters shall be read monthly and tested for accuracy when deemed necessary by the city. Where it can be shown that a portion of the water as measured by the aforesaid meter, or meters, does not enter the P[> of the city, then the user if he so elects, may install additional approved meters at the user's expense in such a manner as to measure the quantity of water actually entering the said POTW system from the premises of such user, and the quantity of water used to determine the wastewater service charge and abnormal wastewater surcharge shall be the quantity of water actually entenng the P0 as so determined. (6) Computations of each surcharge, as applicable, shall be based on the following: S = V x 8.34 x X x (COD-562) S = V x 8.34xYx(B00~250) S = V x 8.34 x Z x (TSS-250) S = Surcharge in doflars for the billing period. V = Water consumption in millions af gallons during the brlling period. 8.34 = Weight of water in pounds per galion. X = Unit charge in dollars per pound for COD as established in subdivision (8) of this subsection. Y = Unit charge in dollars per pound for BOD as established in subdivision (8) of this subsection. Z = Unit charge in dollars per pound for TSS as established in subdivision (8) of this subsection. COD = Chemical oxygen demand strength index in parts per million by weight, or mg/I. BOD = Five-day biochemical oxygen demand strength index in parts per million by weight, or mgfI. TSS = Total suspended solids strength index in paris per million by weight, or mg/I. 250 = Normal BOD and TSS strength in paris per million by weight, or mg/I. 562 = Normal C0D strength in paris per million by weight, ar mgfI. (7) The city reserves the right to review and approve any waters or industrial waste entenng the P0 or proposed to be discharged into the system having an average daily flow greater than ten (10) per cent of the design flow capacity of the plant which will treat 36 the waste. In the event the city's measurement discloses such flow to be in excess of ten (10) per cent of said capacity, the city shafl be under no obligation to receive such flow in excess of ten (10) per cent of design capacity and the city's published rates shall not apply to such excess. An owner affected hereby shall be promptly notified of such determination by the city. A special contract, at the city's option, may be made with the user to accommodate such excess flow. (8) The values for X, Y, and Z used in subdivision (6) of this subsection to determine the abnoimal wastewater surcharge are X (unit charge in dollars per pound of COD) Y (unit charge in dollars per pound of BOD) Z (unit charge in dollars per pound of TSS) -414 6 4 0.4014 (b) Pretreatment charges and fees The cpty may adopt reasonable charges and fees for reimbursement of costs of setting up and operating the city's pretreatment program which may (1) Fees for wastewater discharge permit applications including the cost of processing such applications as set forth in the wastewaler fee schedule. (2) Fees for monitoring, inspection, and surveillance procedures including the cost of collecting and analyzing an industrial user's discharge, and reviewing monitoring reports submitted by the industrial user. (3) Fees for reviewing and responding 10 accidental discharge procedures and construction. (4) Fees for fikng appeals. (5) Other fees as the city may deem necessary 10 carry out Ihe requirements contained herein. These fees rePate solely to the matters covered by this article and are separate from all other fees, fines and penalties chargeable by the city. (Ord, No, Z1666.,§ 1,6'1-1993 O/d P§o 21814 § 40,12-N44993, Ord No. 23706, §r' 7-20'1999 Ord. Ala 2,483Z § /. 7-25-2000; Ord. No 2,4531 § /g, 7-24-2001. Ord No 2*860. 58. 7-23-2002; Ord. No. 2537,7, § 13� 7322-2003; Ord No 25336 § 8. 7-22-2003 Ord No 0250612 §T, 72373200,8 Old No. 026388. ,§ � 7-2U22005 37 Ord No, 026900, § 7, 7-25-20061 OrdONo. 027355, 7: 7-24-200** Ord No, 027781, §9,. 7-210-20011 Ord No 028256,, 5' 71 7-28-2009: Ord„No, 028690, 3.: 7-20-2010) SECTION 9. The wastewater rates established in Section 7 and Section 8 of this ordinance shall take effect and be applied against all service provided on or after the first day of August, 2013. SECTION 10. The Code of Ordinances is amended to add Article )0( to Chapter 55, Utilities, titled "Street Preventative Maintenance Program," with three divisions, titled as follows: CHAPTER 55 UTILITIES * * * "ARTICLE XX STREET PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM DIVISION 1. Reserved. Secs. 55-605 — 55-610. Reserved. DIVISION 2. Reserved, Secs. 55-610 — 55-620. Reserved. DIVISION 3. STREET MAINTENANCE FEES" SECTION 11. The Code of Ordinances is amended by adding Section 3, "Fee Established," of Ordinance No. 029876 (adopted by City Council on June 25, 2013) to Division 3, "Street Maintenance Fees," and renumbering as Section 55-621 of the Code to read as follows: "DIVISION 3. STREET MAINTENANCE FEES Sec. 55-621. Fee Established. A Street Maintenance Fee is established to be implemented by policies, rates, and methodologies established by separate ordinance. The City Council finds, determines and declares that in order to protect the citizenry from the deterioration of the Quality and safety of the Street System that they rely upon and use on a regular basis, it is necessary and in the best interest of the public health and safety to establish a Street Maintenance Fee in order to provide a properly maintained road system. To this end, the City Council will establish a schedule of Street Maintenance Fees.sublect to the limitations of the state law to cover the costs to the City to provide maintenance of the Street System. The City will offer this maintenance service in a nondiscriminatory, reasonable and equitable manner, 38 fa) Council hereby establishes a Street Maintenance Fee, imposed against,. and to be paid by. each Utility Customer and owner of Benefitted Property within the city limits, set in amounts that will provide sufficient funds to properly maintain the Street System. b) Collection of the Fee against each Benefitted Property shall be made bY a monthly charge to be added to the utility bill for such property. (c) Council will by separate ordinance establish the rate based upon the cost to the City for maintaining the Street System." SECTION 12. The Code of Ordinances is amended by adding Sections 1 through 17 of Ordinance No. 029877 (adopted by City Council on June 25, 2013) to the Code, by inserting Sections 1 through 17 after Section 55-620, "Fee Established," of Division 3, "Street Maintenance Fees," and renumbering accordingly, so that Section 1, "Definitions," from Ordinance No. 029877 is added to the Code and renumbered as Section 55-621, "Definitions," with the body of the section inserted below each title, and Section 2, "Findings," is added to the Code and renumbered as Section 55-622, with the body of the section inserted, and so on, with the disposition of sections renumbered the same or similar to what is shown below: Section 1 Definitions (Ordinance No. 029877) is codified as Sec. 55-621. DEFINITIONS. Section 2 Findings (Ordinance No. 029877) is codified as Sec. 55-622. FINDINGS, and so on ... Sec. 55-621. DEFINITIONS. Sec. 55-622. FINDINGS. Sec. 55-623. TRIP FACTORS. Sec. 55-624. STREET FEE-ONLY ACCOUNT. Sec. 55-625. FEE CALCULATION. Sec, 55-626. RESIDENTIAL BENEFITTED PROPERTY. Sec. 55-627. NONRESIDENTIAL BENEFITTED PROPERTY. Sec. 55-628. BILLING AND COLLECTION OF FEE. Sec. 55-629. RECOVERY OF UNPAID FEE. Sec. 55-630. STREET MAINTENANCE FUND. Sec. 55-631. RULES, Sec. 55-632. APPEALS, Sec. 55-633. DISPOSITION OF FEES AND CHARGES. Sec. 55-634. LOW-INCOME DISCOUNT. Sec. 55-635. EXEMPTIONS. Sec. 55-636. EFFECTIVE PERIOD, Sec. 55-637. LIABILITY, SECTION 13. The Code of Ordinances is amended to revise the Section 55-626 "Residential Benefitted Property," codified above (Section 6 of Ordinance No. 029877 adopted by Council on June 25, 2013) by inserting before the first paragraph a new first paragraph that reads as follows: 'Sec, 55-626. Residential Property 39 The Director shall determine the Fee for Residential Benefitted Propert on the basis of factors that include the trio generation rate published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers for residential use of the property. The Fee for Residential Benefitted Property shall be SECTION 14. The Code of Ordinances is amended to revise Section 55-629 "Recovery of Unpaid Fee," (Section 9 of Ordinance No. 029877 adopted by Council on June 25, 2013) by deleting the last sentence in the paragraph or section as follows: "Sec. 55-629. RECOVERY OF UNPAID FEE. The City may recover a Street Maintenance Fee that is not paid when due in an action at la SECTION 15. The Code of Ordinances is amended to revise Section 55-628 "Billing and Collection of Fee," (Section 8 of Ordinance No. 029877 adopted by Council on June 25, 2013), to read as follows: "Sec. 55-6213. BILLING AND COLLECTION OF FEE. The Street Maintenance Fee shall take effect and be applied against all Benefitted Property for services provided on or after b: t z anuary 1, 2014,-Fees will be billed and collected each month on the utility bill for each Benefitted Property. Payment is due upon receipt of the bill. The Utility Customer is responsible for apportionment of Fees to any person or persons leasing units of the Benefitted Property." * SECTION 16. The Code of Ordinances is amended to revise Section 55-632 "Appeals," (Section 12 of Ordinance No. 029877 adopted by Council on June 25, 2013), to read as follows: "Sec. 55-632. APPEALS, The City Council shall adopt an appeals process by separate action of he City Council. 40 SECTION 17. The Code of Ordinances is amended to revise Section 55-633 "Disposition of Fees and Charges," (Section 13 of Ordinance No. 029877 adopted by Council on June 25, 2013), to read as follows: * "Sec. 55-633. DISPOSITION OF FEES AND CHARGES. The Fee paid and collected by virtue of this article shall not be used for the general or government proprietary purposes of the City, except to pay for the equitable share of the cost of accounting, management and government thereof of the SPMP. Other than as described above, the fees and charges shall be used solely to pay for the cost of operation, administration, planning, engineering. development of guidelines and controls, inspection, maintenance, repair, improvement, and renewal of the Street System under the SPMP and the costs incidental thereto . str e SECTION 18. The Code of Ordinances is amended to revise Section 55-635 "Exemptions," (Section 15 of Ordinance No. 029877 adopted by Council on June 25, 2013) to read as follows: "Sec. 55-635. EXEMPTIONS, This article does not apply to a city, county, state, federal agency or department, hospital district, publicly funded independent school district or charter school, public institution of higher education, or regional transit authority. This article does not apply to vacant property that generates no Motor Vehicle Trips. The Director may adopt any reasonable method to determine whether a property is vacant and generates no Motor Vehicle Trips. This article does not apply to a property that is used only for off-street parking. In order for an exemption under this section to apply, a person entitled to an exemption under this section must notify the Director of the Utility Business Office of the applicable exem ption." SECTION 19. The Code of Ordinances is amended to revise Section 55-636 "Effective Period," (Section 16 of Ordinance No. 029877 adopted by Council on June 25, 2013) to read as follows: * "Sec. 55-636. EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This Ordinance takes effect immediately upon its passage and continues for ten years after January 1, 2014. This Ordinance ceases to have effect on January 1, 2024 date of its final passago, unless further Council action is taken to extend this Ordinance." 41 z.. SECTION 20. The Code of Ordinances is amended to add a new Section 55-638 "Periodic Review of Rates," to read as follows: "Sec. 55-638. PERIODIC REVI OF RATES. City Council will periodically review the street maintenance fees and rates." SECTION 21. Any and all section numbers in this ordinance intended to represent new a new section number of the Code of Ordinances may not be interpreted to be material. If for any reason, in order to implement the purpose of this ordinance and codify any sections as provided herein any or every section number not in sequence with the Code of Ordinances must be revised, then each section number shall be so revised and renumbered as necessary and appropriate, for it is the definite intent of this City Council that every section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance be given full force and effect for its purpose. SECTION 22. If for any reason any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect any other section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance, for it is the definite intent of this City Council that every section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance be given full force and effect for its purpose. SECTION 23. Publication shall be made in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi as required by the City Charter of the City of Corpus Christi. That the foregoing ordinance was read for the first time and passed to its second reading on this the CP y of , 3 by the following vote: Nelda Martinez Kelley Allen Rudy Ga Priscilla Leal David Loeb Chad Magill Colleen McIntyre Lillian Riojas Mark Scott That the forpgoing ordin nce was read for the se ond time and passed finally on this the P)01.1-day of 0111 , by the following vote: Nelda Martinez Kelley Allen Rudy Garza Priscilla Leal David Loeb Chad Magill Colleen McIntyre Lillian Riojas Mark Scott PASSED AND APPROVED, this the day of ATTEST: Armando Chapa City Secretary EFFECTIVE cji I 13 (uvegetttatx 3 (sir-ee+ 1-1 a k Nelda Martinez Mayor 029917 42 State of Texas County of Nueces } } PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI Ad # 231597 PO # Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, this day personally c. e GEORGIA LAWSON, who being first duly sworn, according to law, says that she is LEGAL SALES REPRESENATIVE AND EMPLOYEE OF THE PUBLISHER, namely, the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, a daily newspaper published at Corpus Christi in said City and State, generally circulated in Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugia, and San Patricia, Counties, and that the publication of NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE NO. 0 which the annexed is a true copy, was inserted in the Corpus Christi Caller-Times on: CC-Corpus Christi Caller-Times CC-Internet - caller.com On this k day of copy made by publisher. 08/05/13 Mon 08/05/13 Mon LEGAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE ,20/ 3 I certify that the attached document is a true and exact MICHELLE JOYCE CABRERA My Commission Expires March 19, 2016 0 COO: Aoaloaooloast O% 401 4 4444 4 144 oo 0 Olar„Coarrnfia. oaff Ike s 1118111-11 '111 444 1014 11..dp1111 .1.13010 lO 4141 11:40011.6 11.6.6 DOR 40 1404 6.601,666.16.6.64111'. 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YR 71011410 Malt ullG IRR4Y4.1,111G. 10101,1 11:16dtmitilly„ embIlIlly :Imam 014100 1.111110116„ :11..11006 bum ...mut 114044071144,11 1 1 1 g 410 hamictoitiG. 4041 040.4404 40017.1410)110lI7 0'7140 .4401111,. /41111111111.14,40R1 . 117114s,o4110 rwp 71010410141000' 400140 074 • IR....ItgARRI . • 0 'Y '1P2,1101E4R.60.1.. RI 6 ,11411111.1110113111477 U11.„ 4,1.410' ,1400110 ECIPKIMulls cr0,0 1144400 411001 fiat Ms 1,044 Maydannet 011 Mg dal ithadnall hooadiastagoa j 10a40140001oor0104 40 44774 11177044040 10 r ki1a. 1111114 44411040101110 1411 S4134 1111. Marommtawn 11E11 Chuang .1111011man 1111.11111M1.11111 mtegaramititztalum. seam $05.01/111M1111. momannumaammoormaemomma ad 11 . 111°A 1.1111111111112/110 .11111 :1111.1a40471I7'lME0011111 .4011.114014017 14i1 WOW 07 4! kite 'Mark a'440 44740410107 alogad. Iplaloona Warner Caaaaato ,Ilawlidd MOO 11trammdloa emr. yerMywy 0 144...y.1.11060.61bRudh hadm POW 70 dale, tti,dkaltia as 01,11 177 marm.m.„ an.R Ilm,66 10404440 R6.6.16/..44 :mr. 47 .G.111 YORcyraYlommd .66.16,6 Ihn nye Mmwmpl.661.460. 1160 1 61,e Ylue watt saw, /ad km may 1M: .608.660 Rs 111111.0 tanikata I/ I ma oft mum ea RIMY* Rm. 66.6as 6.11Ruomme Mama AyllA timn 1, 41 41 1111o1, 01 yft COS elliikahMteman 4011014,1411111,40 ,774 040100100410 I t '1. 111('111/ 01140 1474 MeV 04 40811 CMGIRR, 114 666010414164.111641:60 1.1101. Rd.. R1 :MRCP RINNR)) 1.166 11 0.Y6M. MAMA MR.b.M. 10 t UlltRamit I10e40 11100 b1Ma40 1111111111a, t 1400 7'? MT 044 16060. R.M.R0.11Manmell, I10441100, 0 nt 41 1, MehaMa 1.10 1401114 6066640 m41 RIM 11707 07171011104 11407 71100 14161.1a140 y 11.mollany 5.06,66111m. . Rot: I 'shaman,. thomomo 11 11110410k10fr14x0 Ithawskiik 414 L Umirmemnal ter uorrle 40,44401471, IWO a 7404 '400081,171040 11110w1400007p11 4014 140 511.6.6611.0.R.Y.11 Z616 Shmaamma Yawns Shvamdmom 040110 140 117401100 40 Shwomm MD 01 40 10077077141 440 allawdynt Showarta katandlniti triatnim M ISICOWikad mman Ma it 151.0,...,011.klai tartelidetain HO 11 ILILIRV10RI'40101 Thy t 140 m414071e mbenbm1K.111■1 110101401J741 440144100 :MI Et Me IMMO' latlikinall Nan kai Et n a Nava. Chyme W 100000 7 44 14'0, W 7 041uirG1e 01116.614.0d '1011, annul klatiMake Mewl/ Weak IMM .06.461.1 Paid 4111740184000 41 imadaft 1111 Emaadea 1114100 1408 11 ImmtrieR 0. 014094044004 11401om084 in40i14 0400 l00 m1lime itm tam .mt make coma, thafiati Ins wake. Yu. 66666: gnu. fin m4110 m1a tam, dap ,Icalir.::17alka. Milllaking 101 01001410000 l447194,4 Waidatik oo41 r 111.I 10471010 lymana MOW W 0.111111) Lama .111011111.1 40 40110 141410 40 :hymn Maadle 11,0a0e07 rAinnti 1111 148770,440 1113401 1115 Ilndym 014 lam Chow Vd41 0 1111111 Time 7 MentabLit Yu40.6000 11.16111..6. 10U R10166616,.0.. um. 1074071 1071040111 1.10 Rho :RA.. 101004040447 401010010410 r diltalia morlytt. all 00110104048 110,06 mom 0706116.," 64 am 6140 11R0 IR CAA, elm mai 4111 mal .141 061007 el 044 00471441 M UMW. R.60 16 ynadIrt :MOM Cm 1100600.1 on kw. ▪ komand 4,'10, 10440 0711 aMarmod la 00 laoaamm 1111 (11enusd 1,1400110 0014 174007114 nd lmt 400 '40101 11 ,khanallid a/111 relmmed Nu, L71400 1 C61 101004104111 7111,M0, .8. 404010144401000 1107417710.7711,' akklakida 0001 10400040 myna Sara Mak ovrody 40000 0880 C AN o M T 11:om, (Wm 11 04 Ima Iliontalertated 01010)1004111009044701 m 1 a4 a41 87070 7140 40' 047077 10440,0 (than Illaeldaltli WNW 4110111 earktrix W NW lkelaN O 1 11 00144404 MUM MMmalla1 1111,191 ((Kt oamooaa 1141144744 . GRouyllymmy 066111.0 44 40 OWN IMINIMO Watt. kak oala 11110R0110 tadahalta Rht$ dmorm, 4400 084104 000701 01400 60116. :Ow .....11,6790 ram en loam 114010 441041 8401080 .101011 walarin noria Mitanad math trata le gnaw! mend.. 04041010 IMWOMIL 4470 awara gamma 04744 414011011104014010 101401810040 1 Illtakimakaktat 111010 74141010 MOW 10441010411400 dialtt !Mak 0rmii Wan Mal may allinNad vow mama (um 11MIlama Ihne anthaM11911110 '4044. 00 etramallottanrnalm m 60111a1 (*Hallo or Into Imam 1110 11mi417140 k01040440,l40 aa0111 yuggyoMA d0.667611"4 'Malan Cloak. 111847e40440 n04 0 killawfwera Mena 44844104 8411000 Malik 401,7 01 gime Atom 1111y 11:940 ataair 0)11 47 Moomatramonal ADM0 likkillykatie walla Wellall CAWS Witty, Wain ',ix .01 77 44 daM tadandwa 7710474040 0000 woo orolomoa ta gan dtaa moglamp nmlau amda Wiliall/MNI Oka* 11011 wham. elm/cump maim lia 444440040 74440)1140 407407171700010 4400704040 4040 Ildat 04094780000114111047 . Wt. Mk, Irk° 0740 Mellow cm:molt( lom brammed MO: MAR.:0 ..66,6166,466,116...M6IR IRS .6116166.661,7..4 4.6.666,16. 0 11 41 4660661.0.6mmulmnot,G, t g16.6 Mb 'Her 00444 14 16.011,4 040.110: 4177040004 71040 =,...11:6.11Rtg.„74`o „.1NittliZ 00*4414171417 404010 IMO werSAR 56,0) °61: If* Smeall 400114 10 R: MY:arm° Preals l6C, RR, Soartri '00 4440000170 ll t ylly 1166:064011704 7084 4440 sa, 11.011111m1 maimatted muceat 111,1104 44l00 1,64i6111 11,060, ,50164 .474 4400 PoRR M'Cummy .& .440640 (60,1 fEreAudes amame 'Nat, Per& 414aomm704 .,100104 n11111 [16.1109.0. 1.6.:Mand /116 fdmo, '..046.6660066. Rhe 11140 40404044 4404 140,714404100 comm. 111Millat 111111400 1007 0.141 17 770080 adadriadaill W Ima Mdt al Mama 1126.6.10111. 00)40 47 Capra COMA lindernadon. at Mama rl.."os 7478414140 .aar. gam :1416.4416,011166.101:41 R66 • No. ...mu. 111311,11.maamau nahamim WM, Ra1004.1:104 om000. 1440 2 111977844 74 WatIES Me wet gamma ni▪ takdaddan kids al Mummy 1 1440 11111110 mkt Will ,Idnakkit u444078111 011111ambauag,, 0404 40 00)0 17,01 440100 4040804 401 aralea4041wwitandwillad A.Arapuli akistallillt MI« 04 1804 04 Ma 0.0.0Ramy, 1006 MI Mielt, Gym1.60 0.440,0 1,01017710 TRW MOW 'alai MOM% eati credo r.c. ' p 140,11d. .R4.g mdadkr ataintills '110? 011101071 mmoMbwa 11.0rtaamm1m Mm 111 matrialtod 011' upwaltal- Ilika 071! 'IMO Malkatilei Man. 410,70044010 0404010 way at Ras kaan 781111 08 eatalan.. '81 04,1104481 11107,01 tordd. 140 1014 0 e4 a77 lam11„. :god demallayllumnamadada„. L Wait!' inartailla ix MakaMMO dad Mt annialtatii WNW darekralektilek kat, leak Raw Gawk :MGM:ma &yam daddawkon akkadatadd aid 61 diailliok 0.);(te7104710 TIM mat WM idnalkole ha mnalannmarommahlaamka Witfing, .0401118...74l40e .1naM111440 n40 1 044 'Wawa. timardilint Ana any Mariam, Ile din artallaiN wiry Stark, maw mama.. 11,11am, PORN/ mMr, 111,1010 ditt.1 '047 110. 0701400 Am aocoomoo 91 0,'1917400 40 ladlikalWINIMONaltalituiland mammon onocamaatmo. ',on Da 601116466,4 Rdat ',Maw WI 'Mt unla taaa .14,11 10044000400100100 d 44 01 ad, 0140, 040 0904001007)041 4744041 7o 00 tai/mid adapt kt:Y.Groyl 741404077 ilainaldWallenet amal1/61 monks 1d Wald" allpd ama 0000 04040 144 14011 am& ,11011001 MIL Mt 04.070 9! ,De 11,0477 mara 11mard Mom% '1!1'['orm11,Pr1Uor11/1/11114.11111",4:1[4'," inane 40 040 1,4004070 4101001 MAL lallkaaanadawall Mamma gamer, banana w70 1110111101111 Walk Wanda awake wociarY6R1Mom My MR. Ungmee OW. 760.p7414 R of Moo .6mmiRed aye ipollaoano 0404401014178 W MAW SWUM, homed eamdtam■MIRNIRMIGR. Waste 1110 NO 1471 00 WNW, molly own be 00,0 04 by ral111114:1trili1r.rm11g.h'171 m romaam(roadablb 111011111ma 400410144 1004! QIN OF C4111111111&111,11,1k.M.111. Manad Samoa 1711, lakdemadanomomem Sam Ms/ Mrimmhda 11110b4 aim SmnitM111. 711 111 ,PYratRGUE kuntaiMilail 'Cada oimr croaioftoodoca. ammo. 114„ 47001 07 talltat troaaok.a.. 171001 16.1.4311110. 1,711,7140 1141' km Malan 1141401111 871* 4044444,0714110 1 044410 100'l,9911004 1 4 100 relate numlbe. MM. RIGM esRiblinY, 400 '911 04 97041440704 70 6....1.1041.0 66.141°.°66 atunkta 4074 ittOme allbk:116 3610 61.1,18. 44180 4 RORMYRRsh kika WIN (109,0 .116 Mak 4 01 10 1,07 10 4116.0666 11,1160, 41010 174 and 471 44 Re 70 44 libt nem toliptallna 9101 144110'O lital SI 'Wale 474040 '0 aodlooL aoaooaaora oolotah 6Ris 09 0 144 Tirrd othnuovu: ■■■■,6170 ocrsal ahmmakd dan am stand mundamp by Ana 014 ,41141?,' 'mall Tdda allikWatie IS allatlial Aka NNWL. Nat torialinda MIllattlatly! "--1755FF141EI0161 04070044 14411710 .Balabmaam lit Ma clay oati kailatk kaiak 'Mums 1ma u1"44l 40 70 444 man 111xlm. 111110 11/MPLA,11111ama ba monk Ma daklital I'M onaltala... 410 9044 1110011,11101 Lamb.. 91 1 i/ 111111111 177n10n2 60. 11164 mmyt/Gy ana,Walttalkald didalifekkalitly 11111111, 44 0014 110a1 all canoed 4444110 0004 manna 41411111 Wmart 6.1R 2.1661.11 laikait IOW Wits makialidall dimwit karts did dialatImaddi 0407040874 N Mlken! IMP air mna ammo, 10074(?111110091 4010 9071 101107 40 90 770 Retaken dWiia1 fl rgia! '11.11 10,lfilll lettMt4 00 0148117400 datiManali, :MOD. ada. P1.1111 410714 84 7407 IMINdlawars tialuMind lanid The canadat NMI tam 1 lmme mmaammonme 7e1871 atl Malic 117m07 r10118 191471 4440 4 1007' 140 7740 O 14 . 10144,101,1 0 Mad WA 810,0904707 NI he alfil4074 190,'14710'010' l/ kadal 1740 114. 10 '40040 0041700 tr;1„Airai%7;:2 16166, :NJ mamma /atm dom, 440 One ,M111 be manned umemmidd, Thee o14010410 t damaMa 11404 11., 01 4740 944171 41 9104 41 iktiedine. Ilikahma M M anx Malmo kawk„ 1m/raw 111111 0. Maba/I .77 18)0 00 O 16651.6 Ch/ent. Twat, LS dairtad idtadatfld lama al '40 940 1 he diatedik land lloy 'hank IlWalikagaiday, 141 0, 11109 a.. 0170000,441 allaild 00401 adadaminkmaid Matt. adkt coloa 0(171444040 sorca tram tam EmalOne. tom m ampasia FM. trnd na11110 )aRem 1%114100 070 419070 070 Molt d Wm den 70 1747 01940,0 4111 101161107 kw1 4440100470 0. 1440 040,0,, Mar., 0101m as UM b. 010 ...0 .017 IRGY ffilm 4407(41 010010 4 4066 716140.60 .1110:1.11.1. :44611.6101 10 400 740171! 0061R160. h8414447040 M7:10140. 04, N.I.m.066061111, tooals Comll. 4474 441910047140170 1100. 24o10O4To 1141141.11? 711e 111a1080l1 Meamay Pm drum 440 84011 74 113 a IN,. 100016 9411 memahm gdailmot paamma, 11114 badm 1741 1471017 441070 4.1011,01 Wank01 ay laddit 16110.0.1 CRY RR km 111/14 11, 11.111114111114I1 a Ii!gd.,111VP1.01111114111,'a"11.11r,,,,,,°.'.er4 NMI,. mad Maga 6.6.660 M MN/ 401 11404844 116604 Ikadiatallnda 0040,0,07 CDRuoRy Ce00e1,47.:6. 0 00611 RiRmYR, Pow., R.M6 1119174 a Warklk TM 11141.1,, Zino IRM1 4444 4171,011777 r 40711040,71100010017 ut, 400140, 041044 a/ 1.114e04 laa. Ram 17101140 407041 CaoaO. 114010 SAlitt. all Mans 'PM WNW Nikki ll'ar miaow asalwary aulatallar Mkt, Mtalakeit atakilanklillta 'diktat:kW Iltia 1140 NMI! Ilwar, wilmime Ned '41,009011 ha 1a70 a09a1104014040'flape4 binaVand mmil 'Mien NNW. Ilamlega die Mama Innmakt kenowintel 047,49 Mcbraliktgralln, tunny mow than ,bm kradtmd 714141100 04 0147771907 N IS II14,4484 40441li414 M1 11111100 Lam lirmamparmomata ,loallra.M111711Mal 40471 404810114 44 001104 lawn/Madam: 1111M.111mmilyach 117480741418 7707101 RIM RN Rhe www, a, Ndwitlit tWIldittal 0 lima Rama ommedullmio 00 7410 7411 Iwo lamina 11„ 400471 04 0 ald 1640.0.1 Wk. P lat liaantia, boatel tala Wale Way .11'7 Mamma Palm 111/11 The 111,40e1 'Wad 011104004 ,111 had., atallenhatt • maymoni ban0 . 140404404 a emlinkaa P874 IN Am 011111111 Wye. II walk e11400t In Watt ln lats 77 malt moo Oo.o. MIAS, ally Willaddlalhad IMehrhma Jima*/ 0111a01 room m000 Ils000majo ao. tam., Ana comotaetolod Rada umbrae,. adamants., e44 4,0 4049..1 anla aa110113, 71 171 7779, Mt lairliatada ow.:Rmy inkillektat EIM dettaleaddla (aim awallatitkaldrit ma dp, 414 l'Ol 400170740811 ktatilldlat ated. vadat reltaket VIC 770040 10! 191101981011 Muni 01410704440 adalia 70 040111471098010 0100 0,1 wiikowina Maannallialms 0h 'am 0111611118. 'WON MN be Raalm ea lY 01 1111911 R. ipellitt o 'wwa (MI 11 '7 10 WM al klig 11111 1441,404040 01190409717800 lid Milkman let key tat edwithidahmy 700 Mittakil 04'77 9,97404110 OWN' NO entletilladidaMixadd IhwMaliikadintradake IINIM '181100,1114,, Watatided atharailla tallailaka Ikon add Matlittlabw an loam adikaainkk 4l!.149ll1441?l77440 0041 WI Min Baits,. RIM Damao° 011hOhm0114 1..8,8r14 0 trA Waal .°,4.Sm000mar. an000mmy coNd atoomaa omoutomoor Annar.610, Chmas vd.a.margay„,,A,,,m0111„.,0 40 04 11■17f4.1141'4'10. 414447791 777 74! 40 10,40 coaramomaroorolla &mot? 1,,Hrvo Cam.. ME Rmy tyn• aoto kikataildo Mot Muds 10 ak70 . urdwa by otaad41 arminMul end lalam ntl Comm 111101011 070714417144017 4171,10 104714 0414 011. vomndmia WSW, kat, 7400, 10,10100 dilld WWI tda wismast oao Doe Paralhea, nxiknaitsame mow mad drek Mg Meg danhm weamtdm emaffaaaltaaM, 417110 474144 'la IMmag ila01 11 191111180 allialoituaa Inman.. Ilia talk VW add Loam ForaO Mandl IM 41441 770 01111111111 !101440410 racial 3111.4411411.11.. 40787? 770 :a1naM wawan1m, dame Wm, 'Falls Gra Matra 017.1801, I0407474004040 by 1441 061011104411.111 11';'1411T0,74,11,8:41rL°11...t.10g1 trz.112„L11.11.. pieta W 44040147711774 Middri 400 11014 1111111,1411. too.. 40 am 911444 1971 daria/ maMilMaimm11 ova, 1.1.11olla 04A0140t74400411411. 1111100 1404470444011 1„ /alit 1110 007140404071 law 44 14014 01 7449 Olt. ail Minx 741 84'! 74471 0? Oa, dam (1 11104 baapit fiat Wm adltik,inaltathantlit olola.00, loamoloola Oraorocoa 40 liatiddi 790 071111971 find/ ,dimaskiai dut r1I7474 Axone /.„ 11.0.111a 8 774 41,04, '441714044 fli.t 1.1th Ow 41041)1 11010' 10 70194810107114 mbraveanaltan aaan1c0 0 11 (111100,e14090191 l7401 la0447e4 i11 1a701 07401140m TIME manaammaaaaaaaaa,....... an011namm. wag Wilialad 01701971001 nla 17111 17 040 11 lia17 Mnitak kadil MAMA ta ild.0(.21:1 • • 11,1100111 laNk 0,0„. /1114anasoMe Mamba Taaw %ma oemry "4 40 401 41l1 11 111maniedommull1Mankhkamm 111111/41111111011 409l4404' , 74311 'muwakikawamwmkwwai,mskkwkawkwywammwkw., 174 410)1 goTor fir Ilk ?4110 110 7044,740' 41 II.M. .16.414710 , 6166....1.0.1. Wii 4140 04 Maltalikarkall *We ital. ilkdalleifinen Ilm ....16. r...1m ll ai G e ' .'1 0 E 46 26 ta Nl:k 11:m10I kfia;i. Ganttammo:n m ,,1 ,.R..1... 0:61R !IrgEs11404i-9 p, Watand Wiwi, i ad dali, mom adramilim Vt.- 11111/11 lamon likakdialiWn Rat Samara ludo Vanownes„ L . ;1441114112 10 2:'/00 rir11:0 11n17. My 90049? 14 111ma 1.1M,11. /'.. ,09 1mma ddi tuatianta le MRS da, .., ,.. S., Son, 17„ 711091 OW% I Iraaxlmua Nakao ao MEMO triddika a ll7 4144 F.17, 1 0490044101 74, a ,,a 111 a. 14 404 [Imam° y 0444'14'L Maaradlang Ink idillaWayiltym 441474'l41 Oda attaMil hit imay a.....akma grow Ilaa atI040411 MatatkliatedWat Ilalam Mune 01 o11,11410 rna041 lximmil ir100om40 I1. mmaamald 194 111.4 Catplat mow Catv Madvaaall Inn Away 311„ MAIL ,PV Airaladoth011f 10 (104140074 gillitiigNiiiillfiVd].,r aitairamilegartsw ra1211.1111 rata1amll Nadboakellimatidelimonomm mam, ladmaimhp mama Hm the Makdall al! Ilinclimakia PIM unkamma lama ammad mad nommed by lha el M taumaa ol1We Cala ed Comm 411h4n.0 100 OM latard. ltilidaka ',wk.. MM.11111111. .e$4, A clI,r,1,,i4,r, call:. 01. cow.. mu ''''''EtT45111t4HTTH- amma1,0111m Wang. Intim 7e11 t10 11 tad t940001moo4101 0 omoot haat 0 0,04 saw 101 70 741 11111, r070e747111.1 data 1 040 9187 kW 9441 117774,118 Melt Ow 1'1941117411111 .der 1.11.1;11,14111,1.11,111,11,:rn1111,11ad dada .01 11411■1014 May Stanklita 0001111'0 '117 0: 411 '1 11 ma AM11.101,111a1111111Ma1511 Atka ACTIWIdary ladiketki AMEIMalialtillM NOME IMP PrObilaairaarahar.l. MODE 11111a1111-11a. .41477144111' 9'11. 11494111 DWIMM Callakhak 1111.111141/11 e'ed!aumaa'"flr'ilarm.111'.:;!:1.'1ad,g71 111:40417a40 ,:laa1701.410 bacy. 1'04074401' 1741114,010 NM 16M aembama 41111/MM Mamma MANIMIL 140.8111 71110 May CauncOa oadla ..o.oroo maow.... MI proanama iarldetaimairMS the killadtli awelletanwill Mukt, Woke. 4 My IMIMM Idtrankill tiowoklammatil.km., 401040 mew mmadvnam for ltanalltaaalicramd ana1 1a40010,177o77 tl 11,e1amaaraada1 banomIkamath ilamo 11....1110WMY qf mkt krakeltalkIddimad 1011041,01144941 40 4419414184 RAY. •11.R.77 .11:164 dkratailak ,kandadt 1.„ Mama% 014 410 aillimme Narang 144,1140 .111,r1a74 1,.10411 401,0110M17 , anal* 131n01171 ll' tahlinda 4001''0700 44? .40 4, 7444 7010717077' 100704, Ma 81749 841741171 may Ilit didlowit ad Ramtna 4090,047170 41114 I4011477 m1 101ee1.„ 194 0,7 11101111 Ildalardaktil 44 404010 Mint 0104 1040 101041 . 'add Iladatake71 ammo. amammoo.o.no to 1,11401 8 fm1 hadaida camhomatid 44 0 MAMMY" anaimadmket ii010 4881 101111170790 01 ; 979I1 '177 40 Nalumma 041 4111 119 A.Vamata 1m,„.11ar mas Chns111, 111 .14.911.1.1,4M1 114 Omaha? 1.11,01 104' 040 17 0140441 1 ,111111 14,40,040771 04117 e11110,140ml 4941e01 91,.:1111111.,. vaaawka addilawymmi:WWWSila, IffilOK Here .00a..o.,,O&O",.,ao.oaroOlO„„NaO Poo.oulaaimaka000adr000O0000raaaaarl0000lloo. o13414440 n4 494044011.s40i0140444)94 1040044 0110410441401 44L'401 4404 Your 494.17 1414401104440044400440411401104 th yon 44 Link, • 0107011 . 94' 8141441 ' 14 ,44,4 04l914"- ,4'L4440 44044404404 41411' 4008%0477 .., if 4. Aup ClaSSIRMS .ffr 49 F4J Ovinj„..iiereo 'AR TMENT AMII:143