HomeMy WebLinkAbout031404 ORD - 03/27/2018 Ordinance amending Corpus Christi Code to increase alarm permit
fees; adopting a new animal care service fee schedule
Whereas, the City is seeking to increase the percentage of cost recovery
per the User Fee Study summary attached in Exhibit A and Exhibit B;
Whereas, Texas Local Government Code §214.204 limits municipal alarm
permit fees to $50 a year for a residential location; and $250 a year for other
alarm system locations;
Whereas, Corpus Christi Code of Ordinances §6-15 requires City Council
approval of an increase of fees annually by more than 25%;
Now therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Corpus
Christi, Texas:
Section 1. The Corpus Christi Code of Ordinance, Chapter 3 1/2, Sec. 3'/2-2(d) is
amended by adding the following language that is underlined (added) and
deleting the language that is stricken (deleted) as delineated below:
(d) The annual, nonrefundable fee for an alarm permit is
($35.00) $50 for residential and sixty dollars ($60.00) $75 for commercial.
Section 2. The Animal Care Service Fee Schedule attached in Exhibit C is
hereby approved by City Council.
Section 3. If for any reason any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause,
phrase, word or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid or
unconstitutional by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not
affect any other section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word, or
provision of this ordinance, for it is the definite intent of this City Council that
every section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision of this
ordinance be given full force and effect for this purpose.
Section 5. Publication shall be made in the official publication of the City of
Corpus Christi as required by the City Charter of the City of Corpus Christi.
Section 6. This ordinance takes effect after official publication.
Section 7. The Corpus Christi Code of Ordinance, Chapter 6, Sec. 6-15 is
amended by adding the following language that is underlined (added) and
deleting the language that is stricken (deleted) as delineated below:
Sec. 6-15. - Fee schedule.
The animal care services manager shall prepare the initial schedule of all fees to
under this chapter. This initial schedule must be reviewed by the city manager
subject to the same review and approval requirement on an annual basis. Such
fees may not increase annually by more than twenty five (25) per cent, nor may
resolution. - - - :: : -e •• •e • • •• • e• • •e * . • • • .. •- - . • . •:
Fees for animal care services shall be charged pursuant to the Animal Care
Service Fee Schedule filed with the City Secretary. Animal Care Fee Schedule
will be submitted to City Council annually for review. Any adjustment of the
Animal Care Service Fee Schedule requires City Council approval.
That the foregoing orAclifirce was read for the first time and passed to its second
reading on this the "day of` Q,+rC.kv 2018, by the following vote:
Joe McComb Ben Molina --IF
Rudy Garza Lucy Rubio t 4 !
Paulette Guajardo Ole Greg Smith t# /
Michael Hunter ______Af___ C vaczt/o-'
Debbie Lindsey-Opel aut
That the foregoing ordinance was read for the second time and passed finally on this
the fat " 'day of (7 ' , 2018, by the following vote:
Joe McComb 1 Ben Molina _4_
Rudy Garza I ., / Lucy Rubio CallaiLt
_ALPaulette Guajardo I . , Greg Smith
Michael Hunter 0 �A 0 ,ii . �ar-Carn V at and---
Debbie Lindsey-Opel 011--
PASSED AND APPROVED on this the L3 day of 414r c1--J, 2018.
C.j3V4et--- ), 1Zif_n(- --‘--- ,.. ,,
Reb cca Huerta Jo: cComb
City 3eLiCtdiy M:y•r
Li Z /8 0314n4 3
User Fee Study Summary Sheet
Agenc City of Corpus Carat;
Depar Police-Central Records
Fiscal 2017
I Current I Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Fee Annual Volume Cu
rrentAnnual Annual 5uc ,er, Fee a Annual Increased Recommend
Service Name Desai•tion Volume Billed Current Fee full Cost Recoue 94 Annual Cost Revenue Subsi• Leel -o::v Le,e� Revenuer Revenue ed Subsid
1 Residential Alarm Permit Fee 10,818 10,818 $ 35 $ 91 39% $ 981,007 $ 378,630 5 602,377 55% $ SO $ 539,015 $ 160,385 $ 441,992
2 Commercial Alarm Permit Fee 3,547 3,547 $ 60 $ 91 66% $ 321.652 $ 212,820 5 108,832 82% 5 75 $ 265.098 $ 52,278 $ 56,554
3 Notary fee 100 100 5 5 $ 8 62% $ 806 $ 500 $ 306 100% 5 6 $ 600 $ 100 $ 206
4 Background Checks Fee 825 825 $ 10 5 7 139% $ 5,919 $ 8,250 $ (2,331) 139% $ 10 $ 8,250 $ - $ (2.331)
5 Fingerprints Fee 670 670 $ 10 $ 5 209% $ 3,205 $ 6,700 $ (3,495) 209% $ 10 $ 6,700 $ • S (3,495)
7 Non-Fee Related Activities No 1 1 $ - $ 1.787,354 0% $ 1,787.354 $ - $ 1,787,354 0% $ - $ - $ - $ 1,787,354
Total Cost of Unidentified Time $0 $0 $0 SO
Total User Fees $1,312,589 $606,900 $705.689 $819,663 $212,763 $492,926
%of Full Cost 46% 54% 62% 35% 38%
Total Other Seennces $1,787,354 $0 $1,787,354 $0 50 $1,787,354
%of Full Cost 0%
Department Totals $3,099,944 $606,900 $2,493,044 $819,663 5212,763 $2,280,281
%of Full Cost 20% 80% 26% 35% 74%
2/14/2018 Exhibit A MGT of America Consulting,LLC Page 1 of 1
User Fee Study Summary Sheet
Agent Gtr of Capes Christi,Texas
Doper Aminal Cara Service Center
Fkcal 2017
1 Current ( Recommendations
Pae Unit Annual Pee Unit Annual
0 Service Name Annual Volume Current Fee Full Cost Current Annual Cost Annual Annual =e, Annual Increased Recommen
Volume Billed Recovery 96 Revenue Subsidy Revenues Revenue dad Subsidy
1 Reapplkatlon upon denial of reg or permit 1 - S 10 S 57 1s% $ 57 $ • $ 57 moss $ 57 $ - $ • $ 57
2 Lo l year tag 10,953 10,953 $ 6 S 5 116% 5 56,838 $ 65.718 5 18.830) 116% $ 6 $ 65,718 5 - S (8,8301
3 Lk 3 year tag 2,868 2,868 $ 12 $ 5 231% $ 14,896 $ 34.416 5 119,520) 231% $ 12 $ 34,416 $ - $ (19320)
4 Replacement of tat 73 73 $ 6 $ 5 116% $ 379 $ 438 $ 159) 232% 5 12 $ 880 5 442 5 (500)
5 Dangerous dog registration 3 3 $ 50 $ 85 511% $ 256 S ISO $ 106 94% 5 50 $ 150 $ - $ 106
6 Auctions - - $ 50 5 57 88% $ - $ • $ - 100% $ 57 5 • 5 • $ -
7 Circuses 2 2 $ SO S 623 8% 5 1,245 5 100 $ 1,145 32.10% $ 200 $ 400 5 300 $ 846
8 Grooming Shops 17 17 S SO $ 57 88% $ 969 $ 850 $ 119 100% $ 57 $ 969 $ 119 $
9 Guard Dogs-Single dog/single site - - $ 50 $ 57 88% $ - $ • 5 - 88% 5 50 $ - 5 - $ -
10 Guard Dogs-Multiple dogs/single site - 5 5O $ 57 88% $ - 5 • 5 - 88% $ SO $ - 5 - $ -
11 Guard Dogs-Multiple sites/one dog • - 5 SO $ 57 88%$ - $ - $ • 88% $ 50 $ - 5 • $ •
11 Kennels-Authorized less than 10 animals - - 5 50 5 57 as% 5 - 5 • 5 - 100% $ 57 $ - 5 - $ •
13 Kennels-Authorised between 10 and 50 animals 3 3 5 50 S 57 88%$ 171 5 ISO $ 21 100% $ 57 S 171 S 21 $ -
14 Kennels-Authonted 51 or more animals 3 3 $ SO $ 57 88%$ 171 5 150 $ 21 100% $ 57 $ 171 $ 21 $ -
15 Performing Animal EoNbit 6 6 5 50 $ 57 88% $ 342 $ 300 5 42 100% $ 57 $ 342 $ 42 $ •
16 Performing Animal Exhibition 4 4 $ 50 5 57 8e% $ 228 5 200 5 28 100% 5 57 $ 228 5 28 $ -
17 Pet Stores 12 12 5 50 S 57 88%$ 684 5 600 $ 84 100% $ 57 5 634 5 8a S -
18 Authonted between 10 and 15 horses • - $ 50 $ 57 86% 5 • 5 - $ • 100% 5 57 5 - S - $ -
19 Authorized 26 or more horses 4 4 5 50 $ 57 88% $ 228 5 200 $ 28 100% $ 57 5 228 $ 28 5 -
20Impoundment Unregistered/Registered 411 411 5 25 S 149 17% $ 61.273 5 10.275 5 50,998 20% $ 30 5 12,255 5 1,980 $ 49,018
22 livestock,weighing less than 100 pounds 4
4 $ 25 $ 178 10%$ 710 5 100 $ 610 17% 5 30 $ 121 5 21 5 590
23 Lwestock.weighing 100 pounds or more - 5 25 5 178 14% $ - $ - $ 17% $ 30 $ - $ - $
24 Second and subsequent impoundment wnhn 12 months'Animals,ex - - $ SO $ 149 34% 5 - $ - $ - 34% $ SO $ - $ • $ -
25 Second and subsequent impoundment within 12 months,Animals.ex 5 50 $ 149 34% $ - $ - $ - 34% 5 SO 5 - $ - $ •
26 Second-livestock,weighing less than 100 pounds 1 I S 5o $ 178 28% $ 178 $ 50 5 128 28% $ 50 $ SO $ - $ 128
27 Secondtrvestock,weighing 100 pounds or more • $ 50 $ 178 28% $ - $ - $ - 28% $ 50 S - $ - $ -
Exhibit B MGT of America Consulting,tIC Page 1 of 2
User Fee Study Summary Sheet
•ow Matdmi 1.00%000.016 Owner) 971 s 10 $ 134% s eo s O% S 1 S 5 s
29 laureate Ire!attune to Owned 475 s 10 $ 74304 $ !,il
30 Species appeeprielevartinthon cm mmke'excludes reheat 946 986 5 m 5 Mi 5 % $ w 5
25 5 135m $ 1 5 0% $ 5 5
32 Rental les Ira email IN•praever 55 Fne 132 Ill 1 10 $ 65 % 3 5 5 M% S s 5
33 Animal head*uncut 60 60 5 5 $ Pt 9536 $ a sm
34 quarantine lee 011400160% morel RI 5 m S m $ la.am m $
35 xnnre.eneeee..mn . S 5 !slsms m 3 !slams 5 . !nle ms w y
TotalLonna Undden Wed Tune 50. SO 50. 50
Toad Ussr teen
LimAn Sxumx knm SnepeO Svpes
aral Full Ceti id% Sits 2ran 9t. 90%
'Mat Othra n $1915065 50 51916065 50 50 SVlcros
%ut Full Gott 0%
0ep.nmenion. 9)ol ma 9 nmx Siegal Sae reo Sla.n 5!166 ns
2/14/2016 MGT of unerm mn5ulnp LLC Pape 2 oil
Animal Care Services
Fee Schedule for Fiscal Year 2017-2018
Sec. 6-14. Reapplication upon denial of FY2016-2017 FY2017-2018
registration or permit Fee . Fee :..
Reapplication upon denial of re . or ermit 10.00 57.00
Sec. 6-27. Fees. Licensing Fee Fee Mr =MIL
Each dog or cat lyr vaccine 6.00 6.00
Each dog or cat 3yr vaccine 12.00 12.00
Sec. 6-29. Issu:mv, a and wearin_ of ta!
Re•lacement of ta 6.00 12.00
Sec. 6-32. Dan t erous dot re.istratio s ' Fee
Dangerous dog registration *50.00 *50.00
*Set b '822.043 Health and Safe Code
Sec. ees (Permits)
Auctions 50.00 57.00
Circuses 50.00 200.00
Grooming Shops 50.00 57.00
Guard Dogs-Single dog/Multiple 50.00 50.00
dogs/Single site/Multiple sites
Kennels 50.00 57.00
Performing Animal Exhibit/Exhibition 50.00 57.00
Pet Stores 50.00 57.00
Horse Stables 50.00 57.00
Sec. 6-103. Im•oundment
Unregistered animal, excluding livestock 25.00 30.00
Registered animal, excluding livestock 25.00 30.00
Livestock 25.00 30.00
Second and subsequent impoundment within 50.00 50.00
12 months: Animals, excluding livestock-
Second and subsequent impoundment within 50.00 50.00
12 months: - Livestock
Sec. 03 (D) ,,Boarditig ees e`r ram ee dinfflaillir Fee
Daily boarding fees(Return to Owner) 10.00 13.00
Rabies vaccine fee(Return to Owner) 10.00 10.00
Microchip fee(Return to Owner) 10.00 15.00
Species appropriate vaccination on intake 10.00 10.00
excludes rabies Return to Owner
Adoption Fee Fee Fee
Domestic dog or cat *25.00 *25.00
*For animals over 6 months old and in good health-
Exhibit C
Includes spay/neuter,microchip,rabies vaccination,
cit license if a s s licable
Sec. 6-1Y04. Sma A .aT
Rental fee for small tra's 10.00 50.00
Lost, stolen, or dama_ed tra. 75.00 75.00
p. ervice fee .R...: 1111111
Dead Animal Pickup for each animal *5.00
*Dead Animal Pickup is performed by Solid Waste
Sec 6-127 Rabies impoundment and quarantine
Animal head shi.ment—stra animal 75.00 150.00
Animal head shi.ment—owned animal 75.00 150.00
Quarantine fee of domestic animal 20.00 per day 20.00 per day
10.00 microchip 10.00 microchip
*This fee will be in addition to impound,microchip, 8:00 rabies 8:00 rabies
license,and rabies vaccination fees. 6.00 city lic 6.00 city lic
10.00 for additional 10.00 for additional days
da s over 10 over 10
Se .6-1,28. S•a /neuter ci'•
Spay/neuter clinic fees 50.00 50.00
*ACS no longer runs a public spay/neuter
clinic to the general public. All associated fees
should be deleted.
Targeted Spay/neuter clinic fees n/a n/a
*Charging grant for surgery/vaccination
.acka:e within a tar_eted area.
These fees are effective upon city council's approval pursuant to Chapter 6, Section 15 of the
Corpus Christi Code and shall remain in effect until a successive schedule is approved. Such
fees may not increase annually by more than twenty-five(25)percent nor may new fees be
created without city council's approval by motion or resolution.
� �
Publication ORDINANCE(S)
NO.031394,Ordinance amend-
ing Corpus Christi Code to
In Matter of Publication of: adopt a Code Enforcement
fee schedule.
NO.031404,Ordinance amend-
ing Corpus Christi Code to
increase alarm permit fees:
and adopting new animal
care service fee schedule.
These ordinances were
CORPUS CHRISTI passed and approved on
CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI second reading by the Cor-
PO BOX 9277 pus Christi City Council on
March 27,2018.
/5/Rebecca Huerta
CORPUS CHRISTI,TX 78469-9277 City Secretary
State of Wisconsin)
County of Brown)
I,being first duly sworn,upon oath depose and say that I am a legal
clerk and employee of the publisher, namely, the Corpus Christi
Caller-Times, a daily newspaper published at Corpus Christi in
said City and State, generally circulated in Aransas, Bee, Brooks,
Duval, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio,
and San Patricia Counties, and that the publication of which the
annexed is a true copy, was inserted in the Corpus Christi Caller-
Times on the following dates:
April 2,2018
CI:,t Oo j
Legal C er
On this April 2,2018,I certify that the attached document is a true
and exact copy made by publisher.
M1 4_09,(-AI
_ .
Notary P ibric,Stat f Wiscon , County of Brown
NO.031394,Ordinance amend-
_ 7.7.OTAR y _ ing Corpus Christi Code to
o® _ adopt a Code Enforcement
cn'. BL�G ule.
N00e31404 Ordinance amend-
•, ing Corpus Christi Code to
y ' increase alarm permit fees•'' TcO �`� and adopting new animal
, �� � �\\ care ervice fee
sh•,,,, ; �
ily }5These ordinanceswere
Ad#: 1973078 passed and approved on
second reading by the Cor-
P.O.: pus Christi City Council on
#of Affidavits:0 MIsa Rebec2018.
City Secretary
-0 C)
O ten