HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Parking Advisory Committee - 01/23/2017 Minutes-Updated
Parking Advisory Committee Meeting
Monday January 23,2017
CCPD, 51"Floor Chiefs Conference Room
Members Present:
Darlene Gregory(Chair) UNI
Richard Durham (Vice Chair) Vice Chairperson
Erica Lozano CCCVB
Ginny Price District 1
Jim Swan BOMA
William Hoover Res. Living Property Owner
Terry Sweeney DMD
Alyssa Barrera City—Business Liaison
Donald Moore City—CCPD Staff Liaison
Timothy Frazier City—CCPD Staff Liaison
Berardo Cantu City—Parking Control/Recorder
Buck Brice Assistant City Attorney
Jim Corbett Walker Parking
Jaime Windfont Walker Parking
Raymond Chong City- Street Operations
Darryl Meadows American Bank Center—SMG
Michael Flores DGHG Properties
Renissa Garza City—Development Services
The meeting was called to order by Darlene Gregory at 5:34 p.m.
A motion was made by Darlene Gregory and second by Mr.Richard Durham to approve the minutes for October 3,
2016 as printed;motion carried unanimously.
Unfinished business:
Captain Moore requested for Darlene Gregory to call for nominations on reappointing positions for the Parking
Advisory Committee Chair and Vice Chair. Ginny Price nominated Darlene Gregory for Chair and second by
Richard Durham;motion carried unanimously. Darlene Gregory nominated Richard Durham as Vice Chair and
second by William Hoover;motion carried unanimously. Terry Sweeny also notified of his resignation on the
committee after this meeting and is recommending for the Downtown Management District(DMD)positions to be
filled by David Allen from Best Western's Management and Mike Flores,a Business owner of Flanagans.
Terry Sweeney provided an update to the PAC on the Bike sharing program. Launched August 26,2016 with 40
bikes located at 7 stations in downtown Corpus Christi. From Aug 26In 2016—Jan 22,2017 the program has
recorded the following:
• 2,061 active members
• 5,955 trips taken
• 29-minute median trip duration
• 15,830 miles logged
• 744,325 calories burned
The first expansion will be Feburary 28,2017 with 4 bikes and a new 8-rack station at the Cosmopolitan Apartments
with each of their residents receiving a free annual membership.
Alyssa Barrera invited Jim Corbett and Jaime Winfont to speak about the RFP results from the Walker Consultant
Company to give their visual presentation on their findings and recommendations.The goal was to create a parking
demand assesment of each of the four districts on peak days and times gathering all the information and placing it on
a strategic implementation plan and providing an executive summary of its' findings:
• Maximizing parking options using shared parking principles.
• Involve the public investment into the parking infrastructure that will help with economic development
and provide a sense of convenience and access to the community.
• Received 409 responses on an online parking survey in a five week period. Results showed the
community is confused as to where they can park and whether it was a public or a private parking area
due to the lack of signage. Another question posed was how the public felt about paying for parking
versus free parking resulting in the public willing to pay for the security and safe feeling at night.
• The demand of parking was collected and put into a parking inventory that showed different areas of how
much is availabe in an area versus occupied using percentages for utilization of hot spots.
• The third command assesment showed projected outcomes that may require additional parking in each of
the four districts that created an analysis for the next ten years that shows our city being able to have
enough parking in each of the districts.
• Walker Parking Consultants discussed possibly coming back to collect more data during the tourism time
to see if there is a differance in each of the districts.
• Form a Parking Implementation Plan that would create four different priority tasks that consist of a
parking alliance,create a signage package,public education/communication program and last to expand
the ParkCC app.
• Discussion for a need of a parking garage and what districts would benefit most if ever needed.
• Discussion of the city's ordinance on parking garages and parking lot needs to be looked at due to not all
requirements are being met.
• Recommendation for parking rates and hours to be standardized to a two hour parking to benefit both the
consumers and the businesses. Areas need to be repainted to let people know where they can park.
Darlene Gregory requested to have a press release on the Light Up CC. E-mailed to Captain Donald Moore to get
approval by the Chief,the City Manager,and then the city press release liaison.
Captain Moore gave the Financial Report with an unencumbered balanced of$190,568.00 spending 4.99%. $10,000
will go towards the Bike Sharing Service provided by the CC Downtown Management District.
New Business:
Darlene Gregory is recommending to have an April 3'meeting on the first Monday. A motion was made by
Richard Durham and second by Ginny Price,motion carried unanimously.
Public Comment:
No public comments.
Items to place on the next agenda:
1) Approval of Minutes for the January 23,2017 meeting.
2) Update on press release for Light Up CC.
3) Possible future revitalization projects for PAC.
This meeting was adjourned by Ms. Darlene Gregory at 7:35 p.m.