HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Parking Advisory Committee - 04/03/2017 Minutes
Parking Advisory Committee Meeting
Monday April 3,2017
CCPD,5"Floor Compstat Room
Members Present:
Richard Durham (Vice Chair) Vice Chairperson
Fay Crider Resident
Ginny Price District 1
Laurence Virts BOMA
Robert Catalano NBCA
David Allen DMD
Alyssa Barrera City—Business Liaison
Donald Moore City—CCPD Captain-Staff Liaison
Russell Sherman City—CCPD Captain-Staff Liaison
Berardo Cantu City—Parking Control/Recorder
The meeting was called to order by Richard Durham at 5:45 p.m.
Capt.Moore announced his transfer to OCU and advised his replacement will be Capt. Sherman. Mr.David Allen
was recognized and welcomed as a new board member.
A motion was made by Ms. Crider and second by Ms.Price to approve the minutes for January 23,2017 with the
correction of changing Fay Crider's name under new business to Ginny Price;motion carried unanimously.
Ms.Barrera went over the financial reports. She pointed out that the parking meter collection revenues come in
quarterly. Mr.Durham requested the actual total revenues be compared to previous years as a comparison. Ms.
Barrera will do research and provide these statistics for our next meeting. Parking Control has been utilizing the
general fund to cover costs to run the division which is not ideal. The city's goal is to try to create a self sustaining
system for the Parking Control Division of the Police Department. This division had three vacancies for most of last
year which contributed to lower expenditures due to fewer citations issued which resulted in lower revenue.
Another reason expenditures show to be such a high number is due to additional fees associated from the smart
meters and paying overtime for all the initiatives and special events that need parking control enforcement.
Ms.Barrera reminded the board to not only focus on the monies collected from the parking meter collections but to
also focus on parking policies and make recommendations for improvements.
Mr. Sweeney had a presentation that showed how the Bike Share Program has been a success since inception. We
have a three year contract with Zagster and they are working on tracking the bikes. We made$2,400 in the first
ninety days which was higher than projected.
Ms.Barrera and Mr. Sweeney had a presentation about the Parking Management Study and Strategic Plan. The
study looked at data and best practices along with making partnerships with business owners/stakeholders to utilize
the parking garages and or parking lots during bigger events/festivals. Phase 1 of the recommendations is to get new
meters,new technology,create an alliance that will improve the parking capacity and try to get a customer friendly
approach to parking.
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Ms.Barrera showed the areas with the different types of meters or lack of meters. The parking management study
recommends we streamline the whole system and install two hour meters where there are none and we make it
simpler and more useful. The maps also showed a lot of usage on Chaparral Street.
Ms.Barrera requested that all board members participate in a Stakeholder Engagement meeting to be held April 1311
at the Holiday Inn. They will be sending each board member an email with additional details. The purpose of this
meeting will be to clean up the initial 250 page recommendations from the Parking Management Study and create a
shorter adoptable form that is about 10 pages long so they can request action and get a motion to support from the
different committees if approved. This will lead to request action from the stakehoders and bring it back to the
TIRZ board for consideration in June of this year.
Capt.Moore explained the agenda item named Strategic Provisions of Services for Greater Downtown in which
resulted in the board not able to continue to support this initiative and return the focus of utilizing monies to support
and make improvements to the parking issues.
New Business:
Ms. Gavlik was supposed to speak about the agenda item labeled North Beach Bond Projects but was not able to
attend this meeting so Ms.Barrera filled in. She pointed out that some meters will be taken down during the
demolition phase of these North Beach Bond Projects but they will be put back during the construction phase. We
will be gaining about 7 meter spaces on North Shoreline Blvd. as a result of this project.
Public comment:
No public comments.
Items to place on the next agenda:
1) Approval of Minutes for April 3,2017
2) Results from the Stakeholder Meeting Alyssa Barrera
3) Budget comparison of 2017 actuals with years past Alyssa Barrera
4) North Beach parking issues Robert Catalano
5) Financial Report(PAC) Cpt. Sherman
6) Light Up CC Darlene Gregory
7) Future Revitalization Projects Darlene Gregory
This meeting was adjourned by Richard Durham at 7 p.m.
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