HomeMy WebLinkAbout031873 ORD - 09/17/2019 Scenario 3 Ordinance amending the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 55, Utilities, revising water rates as of January 1, 2020 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 55-50 of the Code of Ordinances regarding water rates is revised with new rates as shown in underlined text below to be effective on January 1, 2020. Sec.55-50. -Schedule. (a) Base rates for water service. The rates for water service are as follows: (1) Monthly minimum charges. a. Metered treated water customers. 1. Inside city limits ("ICL"): Meter Sae Effective (Inches) Y 1,-2041612 Residential 1 5/8 —'/< _ I $�1�12.92 Commercial 5/8—'% 12.7012.92 Residential and Commercial 1 19.05 19.39 1% 31.70 32.31 2 1 6340 64.60 3 101.10 103.36 4 202.80 206.72 6 346,90-323.00 8 and larger 633.75 646.00 Large Volume Any size 2-37747,00 24,202.00 Temporary construction 1 19.05 19.39 1/� 31.70 32.31 2 6340 64.60 031873 Scenario 3 09-17-2019 2nd Reading Water Rate Ordinance Page 1 Scenario 3 2. Outside city limits ("OCL"): Meter Size Effective (Inches) January 1,2018202020 Residential 5/8 $ 15.25 15.51 Commercial 5/8 —% 15.25 15.51 Residential and Commercial 1 22.85 23.26 1% 38.05 38.77 2 76.05 77.52 3 124,70 124.04 4 2433.40 248.07 6 380735 387.60 8 and larger 760.50 775.20 Large Volume Any size 39496.00 40,382.00 Temporary construction 1 22.85 23.26 1v, i 38.05 38.77 2 76.05 77 52 b. Untreated water customers. Effective January 1, 20182020 Minimum monthly service charge, water districts/municipalities with raw water supply contracts executed after January 1, 1997 $432.20 Minimum monthly service charge for public agency for resale untreated water without a raw water 263.23 supply contract executed after January 1, 1997 1 Minimum monthly service charge, industrial 451.73 Minimum monthly service charge,domestic 15.04 Minimum annual service charge,domestic 150.57 Minimum monthly service charge,agricultural irrigation water service 225.71 Minimum monthly service charge,temporary construction water service 300.95 Scenario 3 09-17-2019 2nd Reading Water Rate Ordinance Page 2 Scenario 3 ......... .. . ... _._. Minimum monthly service charge,temporary large volume industrial untreated water customers obtaining water,which is under contract to the city,from a reservoir under the exclusive control of 1,736.75 a river authority ' Minimum monthly charge for public agency for resale untreated water customer without a raw water supply contract executed after January 1, 1997: If the charge based on the volume of water taken in a monthly billing period is less than $263.23, the customer shall be billed $263.23, unless a valid water supply contract between the customer and city that was executed prior to January 1, 1997, provides for a minimum annual payment. If a valid water supply contract between the customer and city executed prior to August 1, 2000, provides for a minimum annual payment, the customer shall pay the minimum annual payment under the contract. c. Blended water customers. Effective January 1, Any size j $37 513.52 (2) Monthly volume charges per 1,000 gallons. a. Residential rate. • 1. Inside city limits Effective January 1,20182020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Next 4,000 Gallons $6.35 6.59 6.46 Next 9,000 Gallons 7.30 7.58 7.42 Over 15,000 Gallons 7.95 8.25 8.09 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). 2. Outside city limits: Effective January 1,20182020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Next 4,000 Gallons $2.45 2.49 Next 9,000 Gallons 3-95 3.10 Over 15,000 Gallons 3.85 3.92 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). Scenario 3 09-17-2019 2nd Reading Water Rate Ordinance Page 3 Scenario 3 b. Commercial rate. 1. Inside city limits: Effective January 1,20482026 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons $-7-85 7.14 7.17 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). 2. Outside city limits: Effective January 1,20182020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons $338 3.36 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). c. Golf course and athletic field irrigation water inside city limits. Effective January 1, 20182020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons $340 3.45 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1)for ICL customer. d. Residential irrigation water on separate meter. 1. Inside city limits: Meter Size Effective (Inches) January 1,20182020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons $7.95 8.09 2. Outside city limits Meter Size Effective (Inches) January 1,20482020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Scenario 3 09-17-2019 2nd Reading Water Rate Ordinance Page 4 Scenario 3 Over 2,000 Gallons $3.85 3_92 e. Resale treated water rates. 1. Treated water rates purchased for resale where the water is taken and metered at the site of treatment are hereby set as follows: Effective January 1,20492020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons $1.527 1.464 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). 2. Treated water rates purchased for resale where the water is delivered to the resale entity through city facilities are hereby set as follows: Effective January 1,20492020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons $2-.207 2.096 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). f. Large volume treated water customers. A commercial treated water customer who agrees to pay for a minimum of ten million (10,000,000) gallons of treated water per month is considered a large volume treated water customer. Once a customer has elected to become a large volume treated water customer, the customer will be billed as a large volume treated water customer until the customer notifies the city and requests reclassification as a commercial customer in writing. However, a commercial customer may not elect to become a large volume treated water customer more than once in any twelve- month period. 1. Inside city limits: lailasay 1,24472020 First 10,000,000 Gallons Minimum* Each Additional 1,000 Gallons $849845 5.90 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). 2. Outside city limits: Effective January 1,20182020 Scenario 3 09-17-2019 2nd Reading Water Rate Ordinance Page 5 Scenario 3 First 10,000,000 Gallons Minimum* Each Additional 1,000 Gallons $2.20 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). g. Large volume blended water customers. A commercial blended water customer who agrees to purchase a minimum of ten million (10,000,000) gallons of blended water per month is considered a large volume blended water customer. 1. Inside city limits: Effective January 1,20182020 First 10,000,000 Gallons Minimum* Each Additional 1,000 Gallons ( $3.751 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). 2. Outside city limits: First 10,000,000 Gallons Minimum* Each Additional 1,000 Gallons $0.1314 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). 3. Peaking factor. [To be determined.] h. Temporary water service. 1. Treated water. A. Inside city limits: Effective January 1, 20182020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons $7.05 7.17 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). Scenario 3 09-17-2019 2nd Reading Water Rate Ordinance Page 6 Scenario 3 B. Outside city limits: Effective January 1, 20182020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons I $3.45 *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). 2. Untreated water. A. Inside city limits: Effective January 1,20182020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons 2 x RWCA *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). B. Outside city limits: Effective January 1,20182020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons 2 x RWCA *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). i. Agricultural irrigation water outside city limits. Effective January 1, 20182020 First 2,000 Gallons Minimum* Over 2,000 Gallons 2 x RWCA *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). j. Public agency for resale untreated water rates. The rates for the purchase of untreated water purchased by a public agency, which does not have a raw water supply contract with the city executed after January 1, 1997, is the average of the monthly raw water cost adjustments, established under subsection (b) of this section, for the period used to determine the composite cost of untreated water under the city's current contract with the public agency. k. Temporary large volume industrial untreated water customers obtaining water, which is under contract to the city, from a reservoir under the exclusive control of a river authority. Scenario 3 09-17-2019 2nd Reading Water Rate Ordinance Page 7 Scenario 3 Jam:ary 1, v 2 82020 First acre foot or fraction thereof Minimum* Over acre foot $1,248.02 per acre foot or fraction thereof *Use the minimum charges in subsection (a)(1). (b) Raw water cost adjustment(RWCA). In addition to the charges for the base rates for water service, established in subsection (a), a separate charge for the costs of raw water, the RWCA, will be added to each consumer's bill, except public agency for resale untreated water customers without a raw water supply contract executed after January 1, 1997. (A public agency for resale untreated water customer without a raw water supply contract executed after January 1, 1997, will pay the lower of the composite cost, as defined in its contract with the city or the rate for public agency for resale untreated water customers without a raw water supply contract executed after January 1, 1997, specified in subsection (a)(2)g. of this section.) The RWCA will be based on projected system-wide raw water sales, adjusted for water losses. The RWCA will be calculated every odd-numbered year no later than October 1 to be effective the following January of even-numbered years using the adopted utility rate model. Two (2) subsequent years' RWCA will be calculated according to the following procedures, and then an average rate determined which will yield raw water required revenues over a two-year period: (1) Use projected system-wide water sales based on historical consumption and projected growth, with adjustments for water losses. (2) Include the annual budgeted cost of debt service. Bond payments, amortization of deferred losses on refundings, and other debt service costs shall be applied to the RWCA in the same proportion as the raw water activities proportion of the original bond proceeds. (3) Include budgeted expenditures for purchases of water. (4) Include purchases of water rights, amortized over the duration of the water right agreement. (5) Budgeted expenditures for capital items shall be included as follows: a. The expense of acquiring a capital item that costs not more than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) shall be charged in the year in which it is acquired. b. The expense of acquiring a capital item that costs more than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) shall be amortized over the number of years used to calculate depreciation expenses, with the half-year convention used in the year of acquisition. (6) All operating and maintenance expenditures shall be charged based on annual budgeted amounts. These expenditures include operation and maintenance of dams, reservoirs, pipelines, wells, pumping stations, and related interfund charges. (7) All expenses for consultants, engineering, legal services, and administration shall be charged based on annual budgeted amounts in the proportion to which they apply to raw water issues. (8) Expenses related to the acquisition and transportation of emergency water supplies shall be included in the RWCA for the following fiscal year, unless foreseen and budgeted in advance, in which case they are included in the year budgeted. (9) Miscellaneous revenues related to raw water activity, such as oil and gas lease revenues and rentals, is applied as an offset based on annual budgeted amounts. Scenario 3 09-17-2019 2nd Reading Water Rate Ordinance Page 8 Scenario 3 (10) Apply the credit for levelized Choke Canyon debt payments to city rate payers' RWCA. (The escalating payment schedule on the Choke Canyon debt was levelized through the creation of a reserve fund. In the initial years, payments greater than the debt service were made, with the excess going into the reserve fund. This excess was paid through a rate surcharge on ICL and OCL metered treated water customers. Now that bond payments exceed the levelized payment amount, the reserve fund is drawn on to make up the difference. Since only ICL and OCL metered treated water customers participated in building the reserve fund, the drawing on the reserve fund is only credited to the RWCA assessed against ICL and OCL metered treated water customers.) (11) Include funds necessary to collect coverage required on current annual debt service in order to comply with bond covenants, and improve the financial position and bond ratings of the city's water fund. (12) Include funds necessary to establish and maintain an operating reserve fund with a target amount of twenty-five (25) per cent (or three (3) months) of annual operating expenses for the fiscal year. (13) Include funds necessary to establish and operate a water capital reserve fund with a target amount of two (2) per cent of the respective annual water capital improvements program for the fiscal year or two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) (whichever is greater). (14) Include funds necessary to establish and maintain a future water resources reserve fund (water supply development reserve) with an ultimate target balance of thirty million dollars ($30,000,000.00), and an annual contribution of approximately two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) per fiscal year. Revenue from this water supply development reserve will be deposited into a fund set aside for this purpose. (15) The minimum operating or capital reserves amounts are intended to provide for unplanned, unbudgeted expenses and revenue shortfalls, and will not be used for routine expenses. (16) Determine the amount of over or under collections that have resulted from difference between budgeted and actual expenses and offsetting revenues and the difference between projected and actual volume of water sold for the prior two (2) years. Any funds realized in excess of annual expenses are available for either supplementing minimum operating or capital reserves, for addition to the capital funds for discretionary cash capital funding of the water utility, or to create and maintain a reserve to level out large fluctuations in raw water charges is authorized. Apply any remaining amount as an adjustment to the RWCA. (c) Definitions. Costs of raw water is the total of all costs of acquiring, producing, storing, conserving, and transporting untreated water from its source to the city's treatment facility and all other points of diversion. These costs include, but are not limited to, the costs of: Construction, including debt service, operation, and maintenance of dams and reservoirs. Construction, including debt service, operation, and maintenance of raw water supply transmission pipelines. Construction, including debt service, operation, and maintenance of wells. Construction, including debt service, operation, and maintenance of facilities capable of converting wastewater effluent, salt water, and brackish ground water into water suitable for municipal, industrial, or agricultural uses. Acquisition of new water supplies and water rights, including the establishment and funding of a reserve dedicated to offset the costs of acquisition of additional water rights and the implementation of long range water resource development and related capital improvements. Scenario 3 09-17-2019 2nd Reading Water Rate Ordinance Page 9 Scenario 3 Construction, operation, and maintenance of facilities to reduce water losses from water resources due to evaporation or the release of water from a reservoir due to the operation of law. Acquisition and transportation of emergency water supplies, including the costs of transporting water by vessel or pipelines from other regions. Water supply development and protection, including consultants' studies and reports, investigations, legal fees, court costs, and any other costs related to the development or protection of the water supply. Administrative costs, including overhead and the portion of the city's general administrative costs applicable to the activities enumerated in this definition. (d) The raw water cost adjustment shall be calculated on an annual basis for those large volume wholesale customers with contracts containing such provisions. (Ord. No. 9472. 8-27-1969: Ord. No. 11613, 8-8-1973; Ord. No. 12208, §§ 1. 2, 8-7-1974; Ord. No. 14140, §§ 1-3, 1-25-1978; Ord. No. 16446, §§ 1, 2, 8-12-1981; Ord. No. 16593 § 1, 10-14- 1981; Ord. No. 17166, §§ 1-3, 7-28-1982; Ord. No. 17762, §§ 1, 2, 8-3-1983: Ord. No. 18351, §§ 1, 2, 7-24-1984; Ord. No. 18587, §§ 1, 2, 12-4-1984; Ord. No. 20411, §§ 1. 2, 7-26-1988; Ord. No. 21001. § 1, 10-9-1990; Ord. No. 21438, §§ 1-4, 7-21-1992; Ord. No. 21814, § 1(a)- (c), 12-14-1993; Ord. No. 22741, § 1, 11-12-1996; Ord. No. 22832, § 1, 1-28-1997; Ord. No. 22879, § 1, 3-25-1997; Ord. No. 23706, § 1, 7-20-1999; Ord. No. 23910, § 1, 1-11-2000; Ord. No. 24132, § 1. 7-25-2000; Ord. No. 24531, § la, 7-24-2001; Ord. No. 24969, § 1, 7-23-2002; Ord. No. 25386, § 1, 7-22-2003; Ord. No. 025866, § 1, 7-27-2004; Ord. No. 026368, § 1, 7-26- 2005; Ord. No. 026900, § 1, 7-25-2006; Ord. No. 027355, § 1, 7-24-2007; Ord. No. 027781, § 1, 7-22-2008; Ord. No. 028256, § 1, 7-28-2009; Ord. No. 028686, § 1, 7-20-2010; Ord. No. 029158, § 1, 7-26-2010; Ord. No. 029386. § 1, 2-28-2012; Ord. No. 029584, § 1, 7-31-2012; Ord. No. 029917, § 1, 7-30-2013; Ord. No. 030242, § 2(Exh. A), 7-29-2014; Ord. No. 030295, § 1, 9-23-2014; Ord. No. 030605, § 1, 9-8-2015; Ord. No. 030718, § 1, 12-15-2015; Ord. No. 031028, § 1, 12-20-2016; Ord. No. 031244, § 1. 9-12-2017; Ord. No. 031632, § 1, 12-11-2018) SECTION 2. Publication shall be made in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi as required by the City Charter of the City of Corpus Christi. This ordinance takes effect upon publication, with the revised utility rates taking effect upon the dates as stated herein. The utility rates in effect at the time this Ordinance is adopted remain in full force and effect until the effective date of the utility rates as stated in this Ordinance. That the foregoing ordinance was read for the first time and passed to its second reading on this the 0- day of_ i44,-, 2019, by the following vote: Joe McComb ''%� Michael Hunter 47,2_ Roland Barrera Ay._ Ben Molina Rudy Garza , Everett Roy Ate Paulette M. Guajardo e- Greg Smith / rl� Gil Hernandez R_ Scenario 3 09-17-2019 2nd Reading Water Rate Ordinance Page 10 Scenario 3 That the foregoing ordinance was read for the second time and passed finally on this the rill day of sfbe, 2019, by the following vote: Joe McComb /VO Michael Hunter ./1/0 Roland BarreraBen Molina 17e Rudy Garza Everett Roy Ait . • Paulette M. Guajardo — Greg Smith Gil Hernandez /1/7 PASSED AND APPROVED on this the /-711a-day of Se be✓ , 2019. ATTEST: ' 4 , r 144_ Rebecca Huerta J•- cComb City Secretary -, or 031873 Scenario 3 09-17-2019 2nd Reading Water Rate Ordinance Page 11 .. Caller TImeS1ANCE DEPARTMENT PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK 2019 OCT -7 MI 8: 49 Certificate of Publication NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE(S) NO.031873, Ordinance amending the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 55, UtilitiesCITY OF CORPUS CHRIS TI rates as of January revisin1,2020r PO BOX 9277 NO.031874, Ordinance amending the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 55, --- Utilities, revising residen- CORPUS CHRISTI,TX 78469-9277 tial wastewater billings be- NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ginning in March 2020 by ORDINANCE(S) establishing residential NO.031873, O r d i n a n c e wastewater winter quarter amending the City Code of STATE OF WISCONSIN) averaging based upon the Ordinances, Chapter 55, average of three complete Utilities, revising water )) monthly water utility bill- rates as of January 1,2020. COUNTY OF BROWN) ings from December 2015 NO.031874, Ordinance through February 2020,and amending the i..ity Code of recalculating the winter Ordinances, Chapter 55, I,being first duly sworn,upon oath depose and say that I quarter average for resi- Utilities, revising residen- dential wastewater custom- tial wastewater billings be- am a legal clerk and employee of the publisher,namely,the ers every year thereafter; ginning in March 2020 by Corpus Christi Caller-Times,a daily newspaper published the new wastewater rates establishing residential at Corpus Christi in said Cityand State,generallycirculated are effective June 1, 2020. wastewater winter quarter rp These ordinances were averaging based upon the in Aransas,Bee,Brooks,Duval,Jim Hogg,Jim Wells, passed and approved on average of three complete Kleberg,Live Oak,Nueces,Refugio,and San Patricio, second reading by the monthly water utility 9 Corpus Christi City Council bill- Counties,and that theublication of which the annexed is a on September 17,2019. ings from December 2019 p s/Rebecca Huerta through February 2020, and true copy,was inserted in the Corpus Christi Caller-Times City Secretary recalculating the winter averageresi- on the following dates: dent all r wastewateror custom- ers every year thereafter; the new wastewater rates are effective June 1, 2020. Septe, .-r 23,2019 These ordinances were passed and approved on second reading by the On this September 23,201*,I ce ify that the attached Corpus Christi City Council document is a true and ex.ct co. made by the publisher: on September 17,2019. /s/Rebecca Huerta City Secretary 14 Le..I otice .I-rk II 4L,,,,,..,, 4,Al Notary Public,St.1 if Wisconsin, ,ounty of Brown Ct IA Notary Expires \\\ GI I \ \ KYF <T \\ \\ )- Publication Cost:$165.05 N y QTAR _ /= Ad No:0003800006 = =_ Customer No:1243917 PO#: (n'• 'UBL\G •2`ff iii/*//,Q,1W 11c�G`\\\\�