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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 01/14/2010 RECEIVED
Regular Meeting,January 14,2010,4:30 p.m. NOV 0 5 2010
6`h Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi,Texas
1. Honigbaum,Brian ® ❑ 10. Bluntzer-Dura,Dianna ® ❑ Michele Thomas
2. Brown,Barry L I ® ❑ � 11 LaBarrett,Joye ..__...._ ® l 01 Tara Mireles
3. Vacant I ❑ ❑ 12. Vacant ❑ ❑
4. Paris,Karina iEl 0 13 Vacant I Lisa Aguilar
5. Burch,Alene ® ❑ }14. Prewitt,Dr.Judith ❑ ® Constance Sanchez
6. Garza,Amorette L❑ ® 15 Schenk,Joe Z i Eddie Houlihan
7. Hilliard,Joe ® ❑ 16. Trimble,Frank ® ❑ Margie Rose
8. llovda, Heidi ® ❑ 17.Valadez,Corinne ® ❑
9. Kemm,Ericha . ' [] Total: : 12
CALL TO ORDER-The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at
4:36pm by Chair, Heidi Hovda.
II. ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum.
a. Regular Meeting, November 12, 2009
i. Joe Hilliard made a motion to approve minutes. Joye LaBarrett seconded. Motion passed.
b. Regular Meeting, December 10, 2009
i. No quorum
Due to City staff time constraints, Heidi moved on to item a. under New Business, Arts and Culture
Alliance (ACA) Memorandum of Understanding.
a. Arts and Culture Alliance (ACA) Memorandum of Understanding- See Attachments
i. Heidi and Michele provided answers to the committee members' questions and allowed
them a discussion immediately following. City staff discussed budget issues. The
Commission discussed options in regards to where the money can be allocated. Questions
were raised regarding whether the ACC is permitted to engage in a legal binding contract.
Because the commission is not allowed to engage in binding agreements, the ACC will
have to get approval from City Council to sign the MOU. If approved, the Council can
appoint one member to sign the agreement. Ericha Kemm made a motion to have a closed
ballot vote. Because the votes need to be recorded, the motion was denied. Dianna
Bluntzer-Dura made a motion to recommend to Council that they sign the agreement. Brian
Honigbaum seconded. The vote was called. Joe Schenk and Joye LaBarrett abstained;
none opposed. Motion passed.
Because of time limitations, Heidi moved to item a. under Old Business, Review of the bylaw regarding
expenditures under$500.
a. Review the bylaw regarding expenditures under$500
i. Heidi reported that a change be made to the by-laws stating the staff liaison may make
purchases up to$500 for budgeted ACC expenses without receiving prior approval from
the ACC. Purchases over$500 must be approved by the ACC prior to purchase. Brian
Honigbaum made a motion to accept the proposed changes to the bylaws. Joe Hilliard
seconded. The motion passed unopposed.
Heidi asked that the commission table the other items until the next scheduled meeting. Brian
Honigbaum announced that subcommittee meetings are allowed to be held at home. Lastly, Heidi
asked members to review the attendance requirements.
a. James Hetherington"The Flame" maintenance
i. Mr. Hetherington can fix the sculpture, but will need to make modifications in his studio
located in Houston. The City is looking at ways to fund the specified work, which is a total
a. Commission's vote on recommendation from Grant Committee
b. Approval of the selection panel's decision for Police Station artwork
a. Frank Trimble made a motion to adjourn. Alene Burch seconded. Motion passed. Heidi Hovda,
Chair, adjourned meeting at 6:16pm.
Tara Mireles, Administrative Assistant
Cultural Services, Parks & Recreation Department
ACA Response
Needed information
The ordinance that created the Arts and Cultural Commission that delineates specifically what the ACC is
charged by the ordinance to do.
An explanation if the Cultural Community Plan that was adopted in 1996 is applicable to the ordinance, if
we're bound to follow the Plan, even if it's been approved by City Council.
Would it not seem those percentages would no longer be applicable since the City of CC HOT funds are
no longer available for distribution to these nine "line item" art organizations? ll Why has this new Arts &
Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group not developed an updated method/guideline of
distributing the anticipated public donated funds?
The City Staff has not made any decisions regarding how these funds would be distributed. This was an
agreement by the nine organizations that represent the line items on the HOT. The group, now called
the Arts and Culture Alliance, made the decision that the most fair and equitable way to disburse these
funds would be based on current percentages, less Harbor Playhouse's $13K a year for the loan on the
roof of the building. The Alliance did not feel that it was obligated to raise funding for City Property.
The current allocations of the HOT Fund set a precedent that the arts community has apparently been
comfortable with (considering that they have not requested or not been added to the HOT fund up to
now). Therefore, the percentages are a good best practice, proven and amicable method to continue
allocating the replacement of that funding.
It is important to note that the Alliance believes that because the ACC distributes money to arts
organizations that are not represented on the HOT Fund line item, it is important that the ACC is a part of
this Alliance.
Another important point: the HOT Fund replacement is key for this agreement because it justifies that
ONLY the nine organizations that has previously received HOT Funding will be able to make this deal
with the City on the utility bill. Outside organizations (like the Red Cross or other non-profits) will not be
able to apply for the opportunity to be a part of the utility bill and raise funds through this mechanism
because it's solely for the use of replacing the nine recipients of the HOT Fund —through the Arts and
Culture Alliance.
Why was city staff involved in hosting meetings for only these nine "line item" art organizations once the
budget decision was made to exclude them from HOT funds and City budget?0
The only meeting that the City "hosted"was the first meeting, to tell the nine that we weren't receiving
money and to explain the bleak forecasted outlook for the City's budget in 2010-2011 and possibly
several years, down the road. At the meeting, the Mayor, the City Manager and other City Staff
expressed a sincere interest and desire to not leave these organizations out in the cold and encouraged
the nine organizations to develop a plan together to find a new funding mechanism.
City Staff, while recognizing that there is no funding available for the arts and cultural organizations that it
could previously fund, knew that they could offer services to the arts groups that would otherwise be
unavailable to them and they have graciously and freely offered guidance and advice and made several
staff members available to us. The MOU represents a huge investment by the City to the arts
organizations to help the ACA develop and plan some sort of funding during the City's Economic Crisis.
Outside of that initial meeting, all other meetings have been held at City Hall, only because the ACA
relied heavily on the City's resources to move this MOU forward. We could have had these meeting
anywhere. In fact, I held one meeting at House of Rock, simply because I desperately wanted to have a
beer while we discussed the topic.
These meetings are entirely run and all decisions that have been made are the decisions of the nine
groups that make up the ACA. All meetings have been called at the direction of the ACA. City Staff's
role has been to give the ACA their time, resources and expertise to help organize a plan of action.
Why weren't these meetings posted to the public for others to participate in the development of the MOU,
formation of the Alliance, etc.
As previously stated, the ACA is made up, right now, of the groups that are currently line items on the
HOT Fund. Therefore the ACC currently and in the past has acted as a representative —through our
granting process - of the groups that are not HOT FUND line items for groups like CC Ballet and K Space
Contemporary. Because this MOU pertains only to replacing and/or supplementing HOT Fund money,
the groups that are not line items on the budget are not and cannot be represented on this MOU.
But, again, as previously stated, the ACA does not feel that these organizations should not be left out
where they were previously brought in through the ACC's grant process. That is where the ACC's role as
the distributor of grants has a valuable and powerful role in the ACA to ally and unify the efforts of
distributing money to several arts organizations in the City of Corpus Christi.
Since this is not a City Commission or a City Committee— because City Council has not appointed any of
us to perform anything official —we are not bound by the Texas Open Meetings Act.
The Arts & Cultural Commission has specific detailed duties to perform as outlined in the City
Ordinance, I could not find the administering of the City's Art Grant Program listed in the City Ordinance
for the Arts & Cultural Commission, would you direct me as to where I can locate this information? tI
This question is handed over to City Staff.
Since the Arts & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group. Elis to be the recipients of public
funds/donations, would they not be the new administrators and creators of a Public funded grant program
for the Arts?hlhl
It is important to clarify that the funding we receive for the grants would no longer be considered PUBLIC
money, but rather PRIVATE DONATIONS. The fact that the City is serving as a fiscal agent of these
private donations requires that we work with the City Manager and City Council and City Staff, but to
continue to use to term "public donations" is an inaccurate portrayal of this money.
The ACC has developed a granting process that is accepted and well-known in the arts community and
can be seen as a best practice for the distribution of HOT money.
Furthermore, the ACC's pool of money—currently and in the past— does not just come from the HOT
FUND budget. We have, on several occasions, applied for grants from the NEA and TCA to supplement
our programs and grants. In the same way that City Council grants permission for the ACC to apply for
this additional funding resources/opportunities, the ACC will request permission from City Council to
obtain this funding. As this funding comes in through City Council, we then operate under City Council's
directive to use the money for the arts— much like we do for the grants that we have received in the past.
City input would be great for this question as well.
Is this a form of"double dipping" since these nine "line item" art organizations will be receiving a pre-
determined percentage of the total collected public donations (as stated in the MOU) and then by grant
Considering that this scenario currently exists in our granting process, if the double dipping was fine for
the HOT Fund distribution, why would this new scenario change it? The ACA is just following the mode
that is currently set up because it is a proven method that has worked for the past 6-7 years.
However, the ACA has talked about this issue and has made a determination. Should the ACC restrict
the other ACA organizations from applying for the grant, then the ACA will reallocate the percentages
based on a average amount of money received from the ACC grant.
For example, the CC Symphony, who is a member of the ACA and also applies for ACC grants, would
average out their funding from the ACC's grant over a set amount of years. Their average would then be
deducted from the total that the ACC is set to receive, thereby lowering the ACC's percentage of funding
from the utility bill that it will receive.
If the Arts & Cultural Commission were representative of those art groups, then the Commission should
have created a sense of awareness amongst those art groups as to what was occurring and connected
them with the involved City staff that were involved in the budget decisions for equitable transparency,
but it did not and I assume it was not suggested that the Commission do so.
At the December ACC meeting, we had this item on the agenda to discuss. As the ACC representative
to the ACA. my intent was to report information and to allow for us to make a recommendation to the
ACA on how to proceed and what our entire Commission's input was. However, we did not have a
quorum at December's meeting and we couldn't make a decision or even discuss it in a casual manner.
This could have been done, but unfortunately that opportunity has come and gone.
However, the ACA had to press forward without the entire Commission's input (which would have been
conveyed through me) because there is a stringent deadline if we are going to implement a plan to be
placed in the March 2010 utility bill. This MOU must be signed by Jan. 15th so it can be a part of the City
Council's information for their information and possible approval. The insert must be created by Jan.
30th, approved by the City's Public Information Office (as all inserts in the utility bill are so done) in
February and sent to San Antonio for the company that sends out the utility bill to stuff them in the utility
Following this timeline will allow us to receive our first monthly payment in May 2010. This will allow the
ACC to gauge and conservatively forecast ACC funding through the end of the fiscal year.
Why were these other art organizations excluded?© It is my understanding City staff has been the liaison
to this newly organized group (Arts & Cultural Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group), and as
stated in the MOU, these nine "line item" organizations will be required to report and be accountable to
the City of CC for the Publicly donated funds distributed to them by the City of CC. Pi
When you consider that the sole purpose of the MOU is solely to deal with the organizations that
represent the line items on the HOT Fund budget, using the word "excluded" seems strong. Those
groups are not a part of this MOU and not currently part of the ACA because they are not line items on
the City's Budget. They are excluded only in the sense that the organization had never been part of the
line item to begin with.
As a Board Member at K Space Contemporary, I had an opportunity to ask the K Space Board their
feelings and gauge their support of these efforts. Not only did they not have a problem with the ACC
acting as a representative of them regarding this money to be used for grants, they were grateful that
there was a plan being developed to ensure that the ACC would continue to provide grant opportunities
in some way.
Would not an Arts & Culture Alliance have to be approved by city council ? On the other hand, has City
Council been aware of the Arts & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group or attended the
planning meetings, which began sometime in October? o
This has to be answered by the City.
I have been in contact with several City Council Members and can assure you that they are relieved that
we've developed a plan and are excited about the opportunity that has presented itself in light of the
economic crisis.
If there is a City Ordinance for a City of CC Arts & Cultural Commission, then is the City advocating an
Arts & Culture Alliance as new citizen group that will be added to the City Municipal Codes as the
vehicle to replace HOT funds with public donations ?
This is for City Staff.
Why did the Arts & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group's MOU indicate they are the
only benefactors of this new Public Donation Fund, naming themselves as the ones to oversee the
operations, distributions, etc. for the next three years and at the same time also exclude all other art
organizations from having a voice or the ability to benefit and participate until then? PI
Simply because the ACA doesn't know how well this project is going to work, didn't want to tie too many
organizations to this experiment and finally, in the event that it's successful, would like to be able to
shore up funding so that the nine organizations (including the ACC, acting as a distributor of these funds
to arts and culture organizations) will have the ability to conservatively manage and build on for
marketing the fund and
Conversely, the ACA also wanted to be able to share the fund with others, if possible, at a later date.
Which is why it is only for three years, while this fund develops and gains community support.
This is also a best practice used in San Antonio's Fund , which distributes money through private
donations via company payrolls. They selected a group of arts organizations that would benefit from The
Fund and then closed off applications to the Fund for the time being.
Since the City of CC will collect and deposit the donated Public Funds, who will be accountable to the
general public donors?
It would be the same process that any non-profit organization is accountable to private donations. On
the day of sharing, I gave $25 to the YWCA and $25 to the Women's Shelter. If I want to know how my
$50 is being spent, I go to those organizations Board Meetings.
The commission is not permitted to engage in binding agreements, so why is the Arts & Cultural
Commission being asked to sign this MOU, should not the City of CC be the one to sign the MOU?
This is for City Staff to answer.
How can a city commission, such as the Arts & Cultural Commission, be a participant within a group
such as this newly formed Art & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group? I
This is for City Staff to answer.
If the MOU Is adopted, is the ACC then abolished since we are projected to have no funding from any
City budget source and it will in effect replace the ACC with another group? Has the City adopted this
position or when will it?
This is for City Staff to answer.
But my thoughts on this are the following:
1. Aren't their several commissions that operate without funding? Does the Planning Commission,
for example, have a budget that they oversee and control?
2. We still oversee the Permanent Art Collection and the Permanent Art Trust Fund. We also
oversee, with staffs help and input, the Maintenance of the Permanent Art Collection. The
money for the Permanent Art Trust Fund is separate from the HOT Fund or General Fund Money
that we have received in the past.
3. There is an argument for this, though, to justify continued General Fund money from the City. In
fact, we currently use a combination of HOT Fund and General Fund money to maintain the City's
Permanent Art Collection. Without any sort of funding from the city, we will not be able to keep
Selena glowing on the Shoreline.
If not, when does the City see HOT Funding returning for the ACC to continue our role?
This is for City Staff to answer, and can probably be answered through the previous question.
How much money is in the City's "Rainy Day Fund"? If there is any, can't some of this be used to cover
the arts to some degree/percentage?
This is for City Staff to answer
Can the City provide us with the appropriate pages from the Finance Department's budget proposal from
this last year (2009-2010) that eliminated funding, as well as the adopted budget where Council restored
This is for City Staff to answer
Can the City provide the tentative proposals eliminating funding for 2010-2011 upon which this MOU is
This is for City Staff to answer
Can the City provide the tentative proposal for use of HOT Funding for 2010-2011?
Answer: For City Staff to answer
Has the City met with all the other departments/agencies/organizations who receive HOT Funds and
what are
their projected cuts in amounts and/or percentages?
Answer: This is for City Staff to answer
Can the City provide us with a summary comparing HOT Funding for 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 year-to-
date, as well as their projections for 2010-2011?
This is for the City to answer
City Response
According to the MOU, the City of CC will distribute collected public donations amongst those nine "line
item" art organizations in specific percentages. I was made to understand during the ACC Executive
Committee meeting that those percentages reflect the same percentages of funds received from prior
years of City of CC HOT fund distributions.
1. Would it not seem those percentages would no longer be applicable since the City of CC HOT
funds are no longer available for distribution to these nine "line item" art organizations?
2. Why has this new Arts & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group not developed an
updated method/guideline of distributing the anticipated public donated funds? THE ALLIANCE FELT
3. Why was city staff involved in hosting meetings for only these nine "line item" art organizations once
the budget decision was made to exclude them from HOT funds and City budget?
4. Why weren't the Arts & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group meetings
posted/announced so that the general public and ALL Corpus Christi art organizations could have been
made aware of the ongoing discussions, the forming of this Arts & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts
Funding Task Group, the creation of this MOU document, and the upcoming citywide plan to
requests donations from the General Public for those nine "line item" art organizations all via the City of
CC utility bill?
5. The Arts & Cultural Commission has specific detailed duties to perform as outlined in the City
Ordinance, I could not find the administering of the City's Art Grant Program listed in the City Ordinance
for the Arts & Cultural Commission, would you direct me as to where I can locate this information?
UNNECESSARY (ORD NO. 8288, 6, 12-21-1966; ORD NO. 17748, 5(F), 7-27-1983).
6. Therefore, is it not correct to say, without receipt of HOT funds, the City's Art Grant Program can no
longer exist nor the City of CC's Arts & Cultural Commission's task of administrating a City Arts Grant
Program? Since the Arts & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group is to be the recipients
of public funds/donations, would they not be the new administrators and creators of a Public funded
grant program for the Arts? NO AND NO.
Because the Arts & Cultural Commission is an Advisory committee for the City of Corpus Christi, it
seems odd that the City of CC, via the Arts & Cultural Commission, is on the list of benefactors of the
projected collections of Public donations for the Arts & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task
Group. It appears some of the nine "line item" organizations that benefited from prior HOT funds and now
the forthcoming Public donated funds, will also be allowed to benefit from a portion of the funds
determined to be distributed to the City of CC via the Arts & Cultural Commission. This has been
accomplished in the past by their applying as an applicant to the HOT funded City of CC's Arts Grant
Program and it seems they will be allowed to do the same from the new "Publicly Funded" Arts Grant
7. Is this a form of"double dipping" since these nine "line item" art organizations will be receiving a pre-
determined percentage of the total collected public donations (as stated in the MOU) and then by grant
application, receive from the new "Publicly Funded" Arts Grant Program, an award amount distributed to
the City via the Arts & Cultural Commission?
8. Why were these other art organizations excluded?
It is my understanding City staff has been the liaison to this newly organized group ( Arts & Cultural
Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group), and as stated in the MOU, these nine "line item"
organizations will be required to report and be accountable to the City of CC for the Publicly donated
funds distributed to them by the City of CC.
9. Would not an Arts & Culture Alliance have to be approved by city council? On the other hand, has
City Council been aware of the Arts & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group or attended
the planning meetings, which began sometime in October? THE MOU IS SCHEDULED TO GO TO
10. If there is a City Ordinance for a City of CC Arts & Cultural Commission, then is the City advocating
an Arts & Culture Alliance as new citizen group that will be added to the City Municipal Codes as the
vehicle to replace HOT funds with public donations? NO.
11. Why did the Arts & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group's MOU indicate they are the
only benefactors of this new Public Donation Fund, naming themselves as the ones to oversee the
operations, distributions, etc. for the next three years and at the same time also exclude all other art
organizations from having a voice or the ability to benefit and participate until then? EXCLUSIVE
The City's Community Cultural Plan adopted in 1996, references funding policies based on equity for all
organizations. The general public could become confused and not understand they are donating funds
which will not benefit all art organizations, but only the select group of nine "line item" organizations,
which includes the City of CC Arts & Cultural Commission as the administrator for a publicly funded Arts
Grant Program.
12. Since the City of CC will collect and deposit the donated Public Funds, who will be accountable to
the general public donors?
13. The commission is not permitted to engage in binding agreements, so why is the Arts & Cultural
Commission being asked to sign this MOU, should not the City of CC be the one to sign the MOU?
14. How can a city commission, such as the Arts & Cultural Commission, be a participant within a group
such as this newly formed Art & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group? THE ACC IS
15. If the MOU Is adopted, is the ACC then abolished since we are projected to have no funding from
any City budget source and it will in effect replace the ACC with another group? Has the City adopted
16. If not, when does the City see HOT Funding returning for the ACC to continue our role?
17. How much money is in the City's "Rainy Day Fund"? If there is any, can't some of this be used to
cover the arts to some degree/percentage?
18. Can the City provide us with the appropriate pages from the Finance Department's budget proposal
from this last year (2009-2010) that eliminated funding, as well as the adopted budget where Council
restored support? PLEASE SEE PAGES.
19. Can the City provide the tentative proposals eliminating funding for 2010-2011 upon which this MOU
is based? NOT AT THIS TIME.
20. Can the City provide the tentative proposal for use of HOT Funding for 2010-2011?
21. Has the City met with all the other departments/agencies/organizations who receive HOT Funds and
what are their projected cuts in amounts and/or percentages?
22. Can the City provide us with a summary comparing HOT Funding for 2008-2009 and 2009-2010
year-to-date, as well as their projections for 2010-2011? PLEASE SEE PAGES.
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Memorandum of Understanding
Whereas, the Hotel Occupancy Tax ("HOT")funds are not projected to be available for the City
FY 2010-2011 Budget as previously funded through the annual budget process;
Whereas, the City HOT funds previously funded the nine arts and culture groups which are a party
to this MOU,who are now referred to as the"Arts and Culture Alliance";
Whereas,the Arts and Culture Alliance members have come together to make good faith effort to
supplement and/or replace the City HOT funds,
Now, therefore, the parties to the MOU agree as follows:
Section I. Purpose of this MOU.
The purpose of this MOU is to identify responsibilities and roles between the City and the groups
specified herein in Section 8 which have been previously funded with HOT funds. The group of
nine recipients identified in Section 8 shall be referred to as the"Arts and Culture Alliance".
Section 2.Responsibilities of previously HOT-funded organizations.
a. To develop and implement programs to secure funding to supplement and/or replace the
previously provided HOT funds.
b. To promote the funding programs.
c. To generate fund raising efforts.
d. To oversee distribution of funds.
e. To determine and approve any new members or participants after the initial three year term.
f. To provide annual report to City Council.
Section 3.Responsibilities of City.
a. To serve as fiscal agent for the funds collected under this MOU.
b. To schedule utility bill for at least one annual insert,with month(s)to be agreed to by all
c. To issue checks to the participants to this MOU to remit monies received each month. The
City shall issue such check to the participants by the second Friday of the month following
the month the funds were received. Once the Alliance has established status as a 501(c)(3)
organization, the City shall then issue one check to the Alliance,and the Alliance shall be
responsible to distribute the share of funds to the participants to this MOU.
To provide City liaison to the Arts and Culture Alliance.
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Section 4.Fund-raising efforts.
The participants to this MOU have identified the following fund raising efforts:
a. City will include a residential utility bill insert regarding funding for the arts in the March
2010 utility bill mailout. Insert to be designed by the organizations which are a party to this
MOU. Costs of the insert(including cost to ship inserts to City utility bill distribution
center)are to be paid by the organizations which are specified in Section 8,with each group
portion of costs equal to the percentage amount identified in Column C, Section 9 below.
b. The Arts and Culture Affiance shall inform the City Manager about additional funding
opportunities to supplement or replace the previously provided HOT funds prior to
All marketing efforts that mention City of Corpus Christi must be pre-approved by the City
Director of Public Information Office.
Section 5.Application of City HOT funds.
Participation in this MOU does not prohibit a group from submitting a separate request to the City
for City HOT funding. However, City in its sole discretion shall determine whether such
funding is available for the requested budget year.
Section 6. Term.
This MOU will continue for three(3)year(s)beginning on date of execution by City Manager.
Thereafter, this MOU may be extended for additional year upon mutual written agreement of the
Section 7.Maintenance of arts funding.
Monies collected from City utility customers to fund the arts will be kept by the City in a
separate general ledger account and may only be disbursed as provided in this agreement.
Section 8.Parties receiving funding under this MOU.
The following entities are parties receiving funding under this MOU,effective upon execution
by their respective Executive Directors:
1. Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures and Education Center
2. Botanical Gardens
3. Harbor Playhouse
4. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Antonio E. Garcia Arts &
Education Center (formerly known as Center for the Hispanic Arts)
5. Instituto de Cultura Hispanica
6. Arts Community Center (d/b/a the Art Center of Corpus Christi)
7. Corpus Christi Symphony
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8. Texas Jazz Festival
9. Arts & Cultural Commission
Section 9.Disbursement of Arts funding.
By the second Friday of each month, the City will transfer monies received in the prior month
under this MOU to the groups,in following percent amounts as reflected in column C below:
Name Column A Column B Column C
Texas State Museum of 30,000 30,000/$260,236 11.53%
Asian Cultures and
Education Center
Botanical Gardens 20,000 20,000/$260,236 7.68%
Harbor Playhouse 31,736 31,736/$260,236 12.20%
Texas A&M University-
Corpus Christi,Antonio E. 15,000 15,000/$260,236 5.76%
Garcia Arts&Education
Instituto de Cultura Hispanica 20,000 20,000/$260,236 7.69%
Art Center of Corpus Christi 30,000 30,000/$260,236 11.53%
Corpus Christi Symphony 12,000 12,000/$260,236 4.61%
Texas Jazz Festival 10,000 10,000/$260,236 3.84%
Arts&Cultural Commission 91,500 91,500/$260,236 35.16%
Total $260,236 100%
Section 10.Addition or deletion of MOU participants.
After the initial three(3)year term of this MOU,the groups listed in Section 8 above shall have jointly
determined eligibility requirements for new participants.
Section 11.Responsibility of individual MOU participants to the Arts and Culture Alliance.
Each participant to this MOU shall:
1. Share expenses as well as proceeds received under this MOU. Each participant listed in Section
8 above shall share in the expenses in amount equal to the percentage amount identified in Column
C,Section 9 above.
2. Provide seed funds for marketing.
3. Actively participate in marketing efforts,such as by contributing mailing lists and providing
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4. Positively promote the Arts and Culture Alliance.
Section 12. Timeline for completion -Deadline to respond.
Each organization must provide the City Manager by January 15,2010 with 10 originals of this MOU,
executed by an authorized representative of each organization,to indicate the organization's
agreement to participate in this MOU.
Section 13.Surplus Funding.
For each year of this agreement,once the participating groups have received their funding to the
same levels as provided by the City in FY 2009-2010 identified in Column A above Section 9 ,
then the surplus funds shall be disbursed or reserved as agreed by majority of the participants to
this MOU.
Section 14.Marketing responsibilities. .
City will provide available marketing resources (in-kind)on case by case project basis.
Section 15. Use of the funding provided under this MOU.
Each party to this MOU shall utilize the funding provided under this MOU as follows: in
accordance with each respective organization's approved budget for operational and program
expenses that benefit local community and enhance quality of life. However, the funding
provided under this MOU shall not go towards repayment of loans. Each organization shall
submit their annual budget to the Arts and Culture Alliance and City Council. Should City
Manager determine that a participant to the MOU has failed to comply with the requirements
regarding use of funds, the funds must be repaid to the Alliance.
Section 16.Amendment
This Agreement may be amended only upon signature of an authorized representative for each
Section 17. Termination
After the initial year of this MOU,a participant may terminate by submitting written notice to
the Chairperson of the Arts and Culture Alliance and the City Manager. All disbursement
percentages shall be refigured to remove the terminating entity's funds identified in Section 9
Column C above from the total funds to be collected. Once an entity terminates from this MOU,
they are not eligible to rejoin during the initial three year term.
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Agreed to by:
City of Corpus Christi
`Angel R. Escobar, City Manager
Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures
Botanical Gardens
Harbor Playhouse
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi,Antonio E. Garcia Center Arts &and Education Center
Instituto de Cultura Hispanica
Arts Community Center
Corpus Christi Symphony
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Texas Jazz Festival
Arts and Cultural Commission
C:\DOCUME-1\tarami\LOCALS-1\Temp\HOT MOU 1-8-2010 clean.doc
00:00 Heidi Hovda
And uh I am just going to go ahead and start without our city staff present but we do have Eddie Houlihan and
Tara, Tara, 1 didn't want to say your name wrong Tara. Tara, I, this is your first meeting with us right
00:16 Tara Mireles
unable to transcribe
00:17 Heidi
Tara came first time to record Tara came last time Tara uh works with Michele; Eddie Houlihan is in charge one of
the many wonderful people who work so diligently to put our city budget together. Uh we are also expecting Stacie
Talbert who is Director of Parks and Rec
00:34 Michele Thomas
00:35 Heidi
Margie Rose who is the Asst City Manager and has been kind of the home of the city's staff support that the Arts
and Cultural Alliance has received
00: 45 Michele
ahuh, here comes, here comes Constance
00:46 Heidi (meeting called to order at 4:36pm)
Constance is ah a part this is Constance Sanchez she is part of the finance department and they are all a made
themselves available today until five thirty to answer any questions that we may have. So um I would like call this
meeting to order ah Michele can you do roll call
01:03 Michele
Actually Tara will
01:05 Heidi
Tara will you please do roll call, sorry:
01: 07 Tara
yes roll call of members,uh
Brian Honigbaum present
Barry Brown here
Karina Paris here
Alene Burch here
Amorette Garza
Joe Hillard here
Uh Heidi Hovda here
Ericha Kemm here
Diana Bluntzer Dura here
Joye LaBarrett here
Judith Prewitt
Joseph Schenk here
Frank Trimble here
and Corrine Valadez Valadez
Corrine yes
01:41 Heidi
01:42 Tara
there's a quorum
01:43 Heidi
We have a quorum. Wonderful um first of all is there any public comment?
01:48 unable to identify-someone answers no-Heidi continues
01:49 Heidi
There is no public comment. Okay so let's move to item four on the agenda approval of minutes. As we did not
have a meeting in December because we lacked quorum uh we still need to approve the minutes from November's
meeting so, has everyone had an opportunity to read over those minutes?
02:04 Joe Hilliard
I make a motion that we approve those minutes
02:07 Heidi
There is a motion on the floor
02:08 Joye LaBarrett
I second
02:09 Heidi
There's a second on the floor
First uh motion was made by Joe Hilliard, the second by uh Joye LaBarrett
Alright I am calling for a vote all those in favor for the approval of the November twelfth minutes say aye
02:20 response from group
02:21 Heidi
All those opposed ? Motion passes. Now uh normally we would move to item five financial report but because we
have a time constraint with city staff availability I would like to move to item eight a, Arts and Cultural Alliance
Arts and Cultural uh a memorandum of understanding. Okay um
02:43 unable to determine
where is the memorandum?
02:44 Heidi
the memorandum is in your packet. Its a couple of pages in I think it's yeah its right past the financials. I hope
everyone has had an opportunity to read over this. I believe y'all have. I've talked to some of you it seems like
you've all taken this pretty seriously and I appreciate that. Um this is how we are going to do this today just for the
sake of time. Oh here's Lisa Aguilar, Lisa uh works for the legal department for the city of Corpus Christi she's
Parks and Recs personal attorney. Laughter she does our(unable to determine?) laughter. Uh okay this is how
we are going to do it. I want to keep discussion at forty five minutes. So in order to do that, I'm going to read the
questions that were submitted only two commissioners submitted questions it was uh Joe Schenk and Joye
LaBarrett those questions are in their your packets as well, in your packet as well and uh what's going to happen is
I am going to read the questions and I am going to answer from the Arts and Cultural Alliance perspective and
Michele is going to answer based on city staff input. There will be no follow, there will be no initial follow up of
the questions. I encourage you if you have a follow up question write it down after we have gone through all of the
questions and answers then I'm going to open the floor to discussion. I hope that it won't take longer that forty five
minutes, I may be willing to extend it depending on the amount of discussion that's left but I am not going to
extend it past an additional 20 minutes. Um, at the very latest,after an hour and five minutes of discussion,of
going over this, I will call for a vote. Um, I also just want to encourage some of the new members didn't do this
but in October everybody signed a statement that said we would respect each other and we're going to work
together and we are going to remember we always work to serve the arts even when we disagree. So I just wanted
to remind everyone to please uh, respect each others opinion because I think we are going to have a wide varying
amount of opinions on this. Okay. So first question urn Joye, I, I don't think you will mind me saying this,Joye,
Joye's questions were rather verbose, so her entire question is written, it's in the packet but we've done for the
sake of brevity is that we have uh condensed the questions to kind of like the main point of the question, uh and
and combined a few questions into one question. So
05:20 Would it not seem those percentages would no longer be applicable since the City of CC HOT
funds are no longer available for the distribution to these nine "line item" organizations? Why has this
new Arts & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group not developed an updated
method/guideline of distributing the anticipated public donated funds?
05:42 Alright, so this is the Arts and Cultural Alliance answer
The City Staff has not made any decisions regarding how these funds would be distributed. This was an agreement
by the nine organizations that represent the items on the HOT fund. The group, now called the Arts and Culture
Alliance, made the decision that the most fair and equitable way to disburse these funds would be based on the
current percentages, less Harbor's thirteen thousand a year for the loan on the roof of their building. The Alliance
did not feel that it was obligated to raise funding for City Property. The current allocations of the HOT Fund set a
precedent that the arts community has apparently been comfortable with considering that they have not requested
to be a line item on the city's budget and the HOT Fund up until this point. Therefore, the Arts and Cultural
Alliance felt that the percentages are a good best practice,proven and amicable method to continue allocating
replacement of that funding. And it is important to note that the Alliance believes that because the ACC distributes
money to arts organizations that are not represented on the HOT Fund line item, it's important that the ACC is part
of this Alliance. And another point to make: the HOT Fund replacement is key for this agreement because it
justifies that only the nine organizations that has, that has previously received HOT Funding will be able to make
this deal with the City on the utility bill. Outside organizations, other non profits, will not be able to apply for the
opportunity to be a part of the utility bill and raise funds through this mechanism because it's solely for the use of
replacing the nine recipients of the Arts and Cultural represent uh, uh, organizations that are on the HOT Fund—
through the Arts and Culture Alliance. That's my answer, I think city staff has an answer to this one
07:37 Michele
City staff is a little bit shorter laughter, The Alliance, the Alliance determined that it would be best to keep the
percentages the same as the city had for the first three years of this agreement. Obviously um, the reasons why we
wa, time is of the essence and so we needed to move fast on this and the Alliance agreed to that. However,
obviously,once this agreement is in place the Alliance then can amend the agreement if they so chose later down
the road.
08:04 Heidi
No discussion on
08:05 Brian Honingbaum
No I just
08:07 Heidi
Question why was city staff involved in hosting meetings for only these nine "line item" art organizations
once the budget decision was made to exclude them from HOT funds and City budget?
The only meeting that the City"hosted"was the first meeting, to tell the nine that we were not receiving money
and to explain the bleak forecasted outlook for the City's budget in 2010-2011 fiscal year and possibly several
years,down the road. At the meeting, the Mayor, the City Manager and other Staff expressed a sincere interest
and desire to not leave these organizations out in the cold and encouraged the nine organizations to develop a plan
together to fund, to find a new funding mechanism. It is important to note that not all commissions or
organizations that receive funding from the city's budget have been given the same option. City Council and City
Staff,while recognizing that there is no funding available for the arts and cultural organizations that it could
previously fund, knew that they could offer services to the arts groups that would otherwise be unavailable to them
and have graciously and freely offered guidance and advice and made several staff members available to the Arts
and Cultural Alliance. The MOU represents a huge investment by the City to the arts organizations to help the
Arts and Cultural Alliance develop and plan some sort of funding through the City's economic crisis. Outside of
that initial meeting, all other meetings have been held at City Hall, only because the Arts and Cultural Alliance
relied heavily on the City's resources to move this Memorandum of Understanding forward. We could have had
these meeting anywhere. In fact, I held one at House of Rock, because I wanted a beer while we discussing the
topic. So, these meetings are entirely run and all decisions that have been made are the decisions of the nine
groups that make up the Arts and Cultural Alliance. All meetings have been called at the direction of the Arts and
Cultural Alliance. And city staff's role has been to give the Arts and Culture uh,Alliance their time, their
resources and their expersee, their expertise to help organize a plan of action. City's turn.
10:13 Michele
The Alliance felt the most important course of action uh,was proceed with this MOU, then they could start the
marketing and the fundraising. And of then course if I understood from the last meeting the creation of bylaws uh,
is going to be occurring at the next meeting.
10:37 Heidi
Uh Question why weren't these meetings posted to the public for others to participate in the development
of the Memorandum of Understanding, formation of the Alliance, etc.
As previously stated, the Arts and Cultural Alliance is made up, right now,of the groups that are currently line
items on the HOT Fund. Therefore the Arts and Cultural Commission currently and in the past has acted as a
representative—through our granting process-of the groups that are not on HOT FUND line items for groups like
Corpus Christi Ballet and K Space Contemporary. Because this MOU pertains only to replacing and/or
supplementing HOT Fund money, the groups are not line items on the budget and are not and cannot be
represented in this MOU. But, again,as previously stated, the ACA, the Arts and Cultural Alliance does not feel
that these ordigina, organizations should not be left out where they were previously brought in through the Arts
and Cultural Commissions' granting process. That is where the ACC's role as the distributor of grants has a
valuable and powerful role in the Arts and Cultural Alliance to ally and unify the efforts of distributing money to
several arts organizations in the City of Corpus Christi.
11:41 Michele
The Alliance was formed as a result of budgetary constraints in the HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX Fund, the HOT
Fund. Because the city stated that they would not be able to fund the nine groups in the next fiscal year, the city
requested that the nine groups seek alternative funding sources, hence the Alliance was created. These meetings
are not required to be posted,as the Alliance is not an official city committee or commission, for example you as
members were appointed by city council,so that is a not recognized as a official city council city committee or
12: 12 Brian Honigbaum
unable to transcribe
12:15 Michele
unable to transcribe..laughter
12:17 Heidi
Are you done
12:18 Michele
12:19 Heidi
Point of order. Uh the question okay next question Question: The Arts & Cultural Commission has specific
detailed duties to perform as outlined in the City Ordinance, I could not find the administering of the
City's Art Grant Program listed in the City Ordinance for the Arts & Cultural Commission, would you
direct me where I can locate this information? I hand that over to the City Staff.
12:38 Michele
Okay what our legal department god love em what they least what they have been able to come up with is Section
two dash one o five is that correct Lisa? Okay recommendations as to expenditures and other matters.
12:48 Joye
Could you repeat that please sorry
12:49 Michele
Section two dash one o five You'll actually,cough, excuse me, you'll find that in your member book, uh basically
it is the recommendations as to expenditures and other matters the Commission shall make recommendations upon
matters submitted to it involving an expenditure of less than one thousand dollars within 15 days after submission
and upon any other such matters within thirty days after submission. If it fails to do so its recommenda,
recommendation, recommendations shall be considered unnecessary
13:18 Joye
Would you reread that please, I'm sorry
13:21 Michele
Quite alright my apologies I am getting over a cold alright; the Commission shall make recommendations upon
matters submitted to it involving an expenditure of less than one thousand dollars within 15 days after submission
and upon any other such matters within thirty days after submission. If it fails to do so its recommendations shall
be considered unnecessary.
13:43 Joye
And that is under section
13: 45 Joye and Michele
two dash one o five
13:47 Joye
Lisa what is
13:48 Heidi
13:48 Joye
What does section two cover?
13:50 Heidi
Uh at the end
13:51 Joye
To ask, she'll clarify that
13:53 Heidi
Yes,she will answer
13: 54 Joye
That will give her time to look it up
13: 55 Heidi
Okay urn, where were we,okay since the arts
14:00 difficult to determine-possibly Lisa Aguilar
City Ordinance
14:03 Heidi
Since the Arts & Culture Alliance/Alternative Arts Funding Task Group is to be the recipients of public
funds/donations, would they not be the new administrators and creators of a Public funded grant
program for the Arts?
I just think its important to clarify that we're not receiving public money anymore,the the money received from
the utility bill are is private donations and the fact that the City is serving as a fiscal age agent to these donations
require that we work with the City Manager and City Council and the City Staff, but to continue to use to term
public donations is not an accurate distinction, it's private donations that are made through the city's utility bill.
The ACC has developed a granting process that is accepted and well-known in the arts community and can be seen
as a best practice for the distribution of HOT money.
Furthermore, the ACC's pool of money—currently and in the past—does not just come from the HOT FUND
budget. We have, on several occasions,applied for grants from the NEA and TCA to supplement our programs
and grants. In the same way that City Council grants permission for the ACC to apply for and use these additional
funding resources and opportunities, the ACC will request permission from City Council to obtain this funding
opportunity before us. As this funding as this funding comes in through City Council, we then operate under City
Council's directive to use the money for the arts—much like we do for the grants that we have received in the past.
15:41 Michele
The city concurs
15:44 Heidi
That's it
15:46 Heidi
Question is this a form of"double dipping" since these nine "line item" art organizations will be receiving
a pre-determined percentage of the total collected public donations (as stated in the MOU) and then by
grant application?
Considering that this scenario currently exists in our granting process, if the double dipping was fine for the HOT
Fund distribution, why would this new scenario change it? The ACA is just following the mode that is currently
set up because it is a proven method that has worked for the past 6-7 years.
However, the ACA, this is the bad news, however, the ACA has talked about this issue and has made a deter a
determination,should the ACC restrict the other ACA organizations from applying for this grant, the ACA the arts
and cultural alliance, will reallocate the percentages based on a average amount of money received from the
previous ACC grants. So for example, the Corpus Christi Symphony,who is also a member of the arts and cultural
alliance and also applies for arts and cultural commission grants,would average their funding over the over a set
amount of years. And then their average would be deducted from the Arts and Cultural Commission's potential uh
total they currently receive and that amount would be reallocated. Thereby lowering the ACC's percentage of the
funding from the utility bill that it will receive.
17:14 unable to transcribe-several responses
you lost me on that difficult to determine-possibly Joe H
17:15 Brian
17:16 Heidi
Okay so the arts the symphony apply applies for a grant right now and then they are also going to receive this
money. what the whole point of this this function is is for them to maintain funding. These groups that not only
receive hot fund money but also receive arts and cultural commission
17:37 difficult to determine—possibly Joe H & Heidi
17:38 Heidi
they consider the grants part of their city funding,alright. And so the arts and cultural commission, the arts and
cultural alliance, uhh,
17:48 Joe H
Under the new model or the old model
17:49 Heidi
under the new model the
17:50 Joe H
17:51 Heidi
under the old model they they get both funding and under the,and and uh, and the the symphony and all of these
organizations who receive both sets of funding what's what's being called double dipting, double dipping,
18:02 Joe H
18:03 Heidi
currently as a whole they can't determine either one every year for sure what's the total amount there gonna get
because it varies but they consider the whole part their city funding. Now,what and and this isn't necessarily set in
stone but this is the Alliance stance on it as as of today. If the ACA says well this is double dipping and you cant
which I don't understand why the a c the arts and cultural commission would say that now, when double dipping
has been going on for a very long time, for I don't know for how long, but for example the Art Museum applies for
our ACC grant
18:44 Joe H
18:47 Heidi
and the Art Museum is also a line item in the HOT Fund so since this double dipping currently exists I don't, we,
the I,I would be surprised if we thought it should change. If you do want to change it our percentage will lower
because the Alliance would like that funding to maintain the same. And while and while I understand why that's
hard for us to take as the arts and cultural commission, I'm one person of nine people and I'm only one vote in that
19:20 Joye
I'd like to go on the record that I have questioned this
19:25 Heidi
Oh I know you've questioned it plenty, I know you have questioned it
19:26 Joye
For several years unable to transcribe
19:27 Heidi
and I know you have Joye, and I don't want, I want to stay to the issue but
19:29 Joye
Just so that unable to transcribe
19:31 Heidi
we've never done anything about it and
19:34 Joye
19:35 Heidi
19:37 Joe H
Heidi I understand you want to hold off on conversations until the end
19:40 Heidi
I do
19:42 Joe H
Sigh,so we going to go fourteen questions away from this and then go back to it?
- -
19:44 Heidi
19:47 Joe H
19:48 Heidi
Sorry. Umm, we've only got these guys fo, until five thirty
19:51 Joe H
19:52 Heidi
Alright. Did you have anything you wanted to add to that? Okay . If the Arts & Cultural Commission were
representative of those art groups, then the Commission should have created a sense of awareness
amongst those art groups as to what was occurring and connected them with the involved City staff that
were involved in the budget decisions for equitable transparency, but it did not and I assume it was not
suggested that the Commission do so.
At the December Arts and Cultural Commission meeting,we had an item we had this item to discuss on the
agenda. As the ACC representative to the Arts and Cultural Alliance, my intent was to report information and to
allow for us to make a recommendation to the Arts and Cultural Alliance on how to proceed and what our entire
Commission's input was. However, we did not have a quorum at December's meeting and we couldn't make a
decision or even discuss it even in a casual manner. This could have been done, but unfortunately that opportunity
has come and gone. However, the ac the Arts and Cultural Alliance has had to press forward without our entire
Commission's input, which would have been conveyed through me,because there is a stringent deadline if we are
going to implement a plan to be placed in the March 2010 utility bill. This Memorandum of Understanding must
be signed by tomorrow so it can be a part of the City Council's information for their uh for their next Council
meeting at the last Tuesday of January and possible approval. The insert must be created by the January thirtieth,
approved by the City's Public Information Officer as all inserts have to be approved by the public information
office in February and then sent to San Antonio for the company that sends out the utility bill to stuff them into the
utility bill. So following this timeline will allow us to receive our first monthly payment in May of 2010. And this
will allow the ACC to gauge and conservatively forecast ACC funding through the end of the fiscal year. Did city
staff have a
21:47 Michele
No ...unable to transcribe
21:51 Frank
Which number are you responding to right now?
21:54 Michele
There's some confusion on the questions as to we ...unable to transcribe.. on double dipping...unable to
transcribe...of the arts
21:5 Frank
Is that number eight?
21:59 Michele
No we haven't gotten to number eight yet
22:01 Heidi
Well if you want to address number eight go address number eight
22:03 Michele
Okay the question number eight was Why were these other art organizations excluded?
this and the city staff`s response to that is the sole purpose of the forming of this new alliance was to determine a
method to replace the funding previously provided through the city's hot fund. Only the groups that received the
22:20 Joye
Would you repeat that again
22:22 Michele
Sure, the sole purpose of the forming of this new alliance was to determine a method to replace the funding
previously provided through the city's hot funds. Only
22:34 Joye
The city's
22:35 Michele
the city's hot fund
22:37 Joye
No go back and just repeat it again. I am trying to write this down.
22:38 Michele
22:39 Joye
The purpose was
22:41 Michele
The purpose of forming the new alliance was to determine a method to replace the funding previously provided by
the hot fund
22:53 Joye
And you said that the city's determination, that was their reason ..unable to transcribe
repeat start over
22:58 Michele
No. The sole purpose of the forming of this new alliance was to determine a method to replace the funding
previously provided through the city's hotel fund. Only the groups, the nine groups that received funding in the
city's fy 2009 20 10 were included in this alliance.
23:24 Heidi
I have an answer for this from the ACA, well what I did was combine two questions because they were related,
into one question. Uh Why were these arts organizations excluded when it was my understanding city
staff was the liaison to this newly organized group and then stated in the MOU, these nine line item
organizations will be required to report and be accountable to the city of Corpus Christi for the publicly
funded donated funds distributed to them by the city. Now as I said before we we have to be answer to the
city manager because if we ask city council for permission to uh use this money much like we do the TCA grant
we have just like we do with everything else we are all accountable to the city manager's office even now. It it's a
very we are I mean the city manager can can come in and unable to transcribe right? wer we the city manager can
come in and direct us I'm getting off my topic points okay uh
24:23 unable to determine-Michele or Constance
Heidi Heidi
24:24 Heidi
24:26 unable to determine-Michele or Constance
Unable to transcribe...utilizing the city utility bill
24:28 Heidi
And we're using the city utility bill
24: 29 Unable to determine-Michele or Constance
And only unable to transcribe- if you were using—coughing-then the city wouldn't be involved, it's just because
you are using the utility bill
24:37 Joye
So does everyone that uses the insert fall under the auspices of the city?
24:42 Unable to determine-Michele or Constance
Well no one else has actually
24:45 Joye
So the answer is,other than the city
24:46 unable to determine -Michele or Constance
Unable to sponsored
25:00 Heidi
That the arts and cultural alliance has to make a presentation and then has to be accountable to the city manager.
Okay. Urn da da da duh I'm done. Who Crap I lost my place uh
25:08 Michele
Unable to transcribe
25:10 Heidi
Okay okay here we go When you consider that the sole person purpose of the MOU is to solely deal with the
organizations that represent the line items on the HOT Fund budget, using the word "excluded"seems strong.
Those groups are not a part of this MOU and not currently part of the Arts and Cultural Alliance because they are
not line items on the City's Budget. They are excluded only in the sense the organization has never been part of
the line item to begin with. Now as a follow-up as a Board Member of K Space Contemporary, I had the
opportunity to ask the K Space Board their feelings and gauge their support of these efforts. Not only did they not
have a problem with the ACC acting as a representative of them regarding this money
25:48 Joye
Excuse me,why was that organization consulted when all of the other fourteen weren't?
25:53 Heidi
I did it on Saturday in a retreat, I just wanted to gauge their opinion
25:59 Joye
Could we not discuss that now
26:00 Heidi
26:00 Joye
or bring that point up because the other fourteen art organizations out there
26:04 Heidi
That's a valid point I'll move on
26:06 Joye
Were not consulted
26:07 Heidi
Would not an Arts & Culture Alliance ahem Would not an Arts & Culture Alliance have to be approved
by city council ? On the other hand, has City Council been made aware of the Arts & Cultural
Alternative Arts Task Funding Group or attended the planning meetings, which began sometime in
26:26 Michele
okay. First of all the MOU the reason it is needed to be signed and ready to go tomorrow is that we are taking it to
Council on the twenty sixth and it will be approved on the twenty sixth of this month. In addition, the mayor and
city staff have been made aware of this not only by memorandums but by meetings it was the mayor who actually
met with the art community at that first meeting. So everyone above me and even beyond is quite aware of the
26: 53 Heidi
I've also been in contact with several city council members and they are relieved that something is being done.
They do not like that they have to cut the arts funding but its reality of the current budgeting situation that they are
trying to deal with. So there are city council members that absolutely know that this is going on.
If there is a City Ordinance for the City of Corp Corpus Christi's Arts & Cultural Commission, then is the
then is the City advocating an Arts & Culture Alliance as a new citizen group that will be added to the
City Municipal Codes as the vehicle to replace HOT funds with public donations ?
27:26 Michele
No the city is not
27:30 Heidi
Why did the Arts & Cultural Alliance Alternative Arts Task Funding Group's MOU indicate they are the
only benefactors of this new Public Donation, naming themselves as one of the ones as the ones to
oversee the operations, distributions, etc. for the next three years and at the same time also exclude all
other arts organizations from having a voice or the ability to benefit and participate until then?
Simply because the Arts and Cultural Commission, the Arts and Cultural Alliance doesn't know how well this
project is going to work. didn't want to tie too many organizations to this experiment and finally, in the event that
it's successful, would like to be able to shore up funding so that the nine organizations including the Arts and
Cultural Commission, acting as a distributor of these funds to arts and culture organizations that are not line items
on the city's hot fund budget and that wi and so that allow the ability to conservatively manage and build for the
marketing fund and I cut off there I didn't finish my thought, moving on
Conversely, the A, the Arts and Cultural Alliance also wanted to be able to share the fund with others, if possible,
at a later date. Which is why it is only for three years,while this fund develops and gains community support.
This is also a best practice used in San Antonio's Fund,which distributes money through private donations via
company payrolls. They selected a group of arts organizations that would benefit from The Fund and then they
closed off applications to to the Fund for the time being. Uh, I ,you don't have anything on that one
29:07 Michele
29:08 Heidi
Since the City of CC will collect and deposit the donated Public Funds, who will be accountable to the
general public donors?
It would be the same process that any non-profit organization is accountable to private organi, to private donations.
On the on the annual day of sharing, I gave $25 to the YWCA and $25 to the Women's Shelter. If I want to know
how my $50 is being spent, there's avenues for it. You have any
29:33 Michel
Ah uh.
29:34 Heidi (#14)
The commission is not permitted to engage in binding agreements, so why is the Arts & Cultural
Commission being asked to sign this MOU, should not the City be the one to sign the MOU?
29:35 Michele
The Arts and Cultural Commission is a city commission and its all of you that go out to the arts these small art
groups, its all of you that give these grants,and so we need you to buy in to this memorandum of understanding.
We don't have the relationships that you have with the art community so we need your support with this MOU as
you are the larger speaker for the smaller groups when it comes to the art community.
30:16 Brian
That didn't
30:16 Heidi (#15)
Alright uh If the MOU Is adopted, is the ACC then abolished since we are projected to have no funding
from the City from any City budget source and will it in effect replace the ACC with another group? Has
the City adopted this position and when will it?
30:36 Michele
No, the ACC will not be abolished as the responsibilities also include the overseeing of the permanent art trust
fund. In addition, if the ACC approves this MOU and participates in the Alliance,obviously you will have the
opportunity to gain funds and with those funds then as the ACC you will have the opportunity to decide what to do
with those funds. So you might be able to do some of your sub grants, you might be able to do Festival of the Arts.
Whatever you chose as the ACC. But you will not be able to if you don't participate in this Alliance.
31:07 Heidi
Alright that's the City staff's determination, I, I don't know it, but my thoughts on this are, there are several
commissions that operate without funding. I mean for example,does the planning commission have an operating
budget that they
31:20 Michele
31:20 Heidi
Then they still an important commission to the community
31:25 Michele
Very respected
31:28 Heidi
And then as she said,we still ov,oversee the permanent art collection and then there a, however this is a good
argument to justify for us to try to appeal to continue to receive general fund money. I don't know if there is going
to be any available but, huh, as all of the finance people laugh, um,but without the general fund money, that's
where we pull to maintain the public art and how are we gonna keep Selena pretty on Bayfront if we don't have
our money to maintain our public permanent art. Okay question uh if it's not the city's determination to abolish
the ACC,why does the City
32:02 Joe H
Heidi could you please say the number of the question before you start, it is difficult to follow
32:07 Heidi
I'm sorry, I actually took the numbers off because they were too sets of questions
32:10 Joe H
Okay,what number were we on, anybody
32:11 unable to determine
Unable to transcribe—several people are speaking
32:13 Michele
Sixteen If not, when does the City see HOT Funding returning to the ACC
32:19 Heidi
If not, when does the City see HOT Fund HOT funding returning to the City for our continued role
32:24 Joye
No it says the A('(
32:25 Heidi
I'm sorry
32: 25 Michele
for the ACC to continue our role?
At this time, it's too premature for us to say.
32:30 Heidi
How much money is in the City's "Rainy Day Fund"? If there is any. can't some of this be used to cover
the arts to some degree/percentage? (#17)
32:37 Michele
Okay. The fun the HOT fund has no fund balance to utilize for the fy 09 10. As far as the general fund goes there is
no rainy day per se. There is a undesignated fund balance in the general fund which according to the city's
financial policies adopted via resolution 028176 on May nineteen, 2009 it is the goal of the council to build and
maintain a reserve in the general fund unreserved fund balance which totals at least ten percent of the total annual
general fund appropriations. Undesignated fund balance in excess of the ten percent policy requirement maybe
recommended for expenditure on one time improvements,with a priority on infrastructure and equipment which
will reduce the need for future debt. Therefore no. there is no rainy day fund which could be utilized to replace
HOT funding at this time.
33:31 Heidi
Can the City provide us with the appropriate pages, what number is this?
33: 35 Michele & Brian
33:36 Heidi
Eighteen Can the City provide us with the appropriate pages, from the Finance Department's budget
proposal from this last year 2009-2010 that eliminated funding, as well as the adopted budget where
Council restored support?
33:50 Michele
And if you see as part of your handouts that was passed out,its, its right in front of you
33:56 Heidi
And I also put on a spreadsheet that showed the HOT fund money, this little colored one, for several years its
allocated by percentage for each year and then there is a total unable to transcribe,and then its up here unable to
transcribe,and the total for the total year unable to transcribe since we had that data, I gauge , I used that page on
a spre worksheet that was handed out to the Arts and Cultural Commission when we fought for our funding last
year. So that's based like July or June numbers 2009. Uh Can the City provide the tentative proposals for use
of HOT funding 2010-2011?
34:38 Michele
I'm sorry, no, we can't at this time
34:40 Heidi
Has the City met with
34:42 unable to determine-several people speaking
Hold on, what number are we on
Unable to determine—several people speaking
34:46 Michele
34:49 Joe H
There's a problem going really fast and I appreciate unable to transcribe
35:01 Heidi
Has the City met with all the other departments/agencies/organizations who receive HOT Funds and
what are their projected cuts in amounts and/or percentages?
35:10 Michele
The city has evaluated our funding,our contractual agreements,our legal obligations and state and federal
35:19 Brian
35:20 Heidi
I think the answer is basically they are still looking at everything.
35:22 Michele
35:23 Joe S
So its not available
35:25 Heidi
No. I'm sorry I'm not unable to transcribe
35:28 Michele
No go ahead
35:30 Heidi
Uh, this is the final question Can the City provide us with a summary comparing HOT Funding for 2008 to
2009 and 2010 2009 to 2010 year to date, as well as their projections for 2010 2011?
That spread sheet helps with the previous HOT funding.
35:50 Michele
The last one that we passed out here
35:52 Joye
This one
35:53 Michele
35:54 Joe S
That. that's two years, got two of them, two out of three
35:57 Michele
36:00 Joye
There's no projection ones
36:00 Joe S
Got page eight, nine, ten but no projections so, but you already said it's not available
36:05 Michele
Right, its not available
36:07 Heidi
Alright. so that's that. I now open the floor to questions.
36:16 Joe H
I have some general questions first.And some for the benefit of the newer people on the commission, you've got
in years past on your spreadsheet right here, uh five million,five million,six million, six million going up to eight
million going down to seven million. From what I understand hot fund comes from hotel occupancy, rental cars,
those kind of things. Now a budget is in crisis we can still, not we, the city can expect the HOT fund dollars
somewhere in the range of five to seven million dollars who know what it is. If I understand it correctly there are
statues in place as to determine where that HOT money can be spent and its on things that promote tourism, it goes
back to the tourism cycle
Unable to determine who is speaking—city staff- unable to transcribe
37:08 Joe H
Correct. So,so I, I guess I am asking twenty again. If the city gonna receives seven eight six million dollars from
HOT funds, it cant go to things that that aren't HOT fund appropriate,so where is this money going to go now?
37: 38 Eddie Houlihan
you want me to answer that, uh
37:41 Joe H
so Michele said no on twenty but I'm asking the question again.
37:45 Eddie
If you look at the the uh I think the financial statement, that was passed out,you can see that, look at the big
numbers, uh the bottom number there transfer the debt service, they have to pay that, the two million four ninety
Unable to determine several are speaking— unable to transcribe
38:05 Joye
And Eddie could you explain that debt service
38:07 Eddie
It the convention expansion. That's what the uh the two percent was tacked on for and you can actually see that the
two percent is not even covering that. See what I'm saying?Or do you only have,do you only,do you just have
the expenditures or do you have the revenues
Unable to determine several are speaking— unable to transcribe
38:28 Joye
We just have expenditures
38:30 Eddie
38: 30 Joye
so which page are we
38:31 Eddie
Look at the, look at the, look at the one that the last column says adopted, do you have the one that says adopted
and the one that says proposed, right? Look at the one that says adopted.
38:44 Ericha
Adopted, okay the last column on the second page
38:46 Eddie
38:47 Heidi
Its in the additional handouts
Unable to determine several are speaking— unable to transcribe
38:50 Eddie
It's the convention center expansion,two million four ninety six
38:55 Joye
So it is here you're saying the money that is listed unable to determine - background noise— unable to transcribe
is being used to pay off the debt
39:02 Eddie
Right. One of our little problems is that the two percent that was tacked on years ago for for the debt doesn't really
even cut the were what a hundred,almost two hundred thousand dollars short so we have to dip into the seven
percent in order to pay the debt.
39:19 Joe H
But that's the same as last years amount
39:20 Eddie
That is the same as last years, right.
39:23 Joe H
39:24 Eddie
Let me give you a history okay? This didn't just pop up because sales tax I mean hotel revenue didn't, Unable to
determine someone else is speaking— unable to transcribe its been a problem for a couple years. If you have the
adopted, the sheet that says adopted you look in the first column, the column it says actual 07 08, you see the debt
there is a million eight eight six? It was really two point four million. So we pushed some of the cost over to the
debt service fund because we couldn't afford to do it and pay everybody. So we we pulled we pulled a trick for a
one time deal and then we came along in 08 and 09 where if you see at the end of 08 under the fund balance of a
million two thirty? The following year in 09 we were able to use that fund balance to mask some of our problems.
We budgeted more expenditures and revenues in 09.
40:20 Joe H
So since the total amount , the total that's given to all nine organizations in the uh last last couple of years is
around six hundred thousand dollars
40:30 Eddie
40:31 Joe h
And because the difference between actuals in 2007 and now the real actuals are about six hundred thousand
dollars that's where the monies going.
40:40 Eddie
Well any any then in 0 10 we didn't have any more,we we pulled tricks the last in the two years before that and in
O 10 we couldn't go to the debt service again. We didn't have a fund balance so but but the four major items are
the convention center, the center not taking any more subsidies the CVB contracts is now, you can see is growing
you, it has grown, that's the the convention center promotion line item is there
41:09 Joe H
41:10 Eddie
And we consider those the convention you know the convention center promotions, the subsidy the convention
center, the debt service and our beach cleaning, to be the, the things we really that's what we have to fund.
41:22 Joe h
Ok Thank you
41:26 Eddie
41:27 Heidi
Uh Brian
41:28 Brian
Uh Question comment can you I didn't feel comfortable with your answer to number thirteen, and could you
answer that again please.
41:38 Michele
Basically both groups would be signing. I mean technically we need the ACC to support this MOU
41:46 Brian
Ah now I understand your needing our support, the question is the commission is not permitted to engage in
binding agreements.
41:54 Joe H
Is that a true statement, first of all
41:56 Brian
That my first question, is that a true statement?
41:58 Michele
I would have to ask
41:59 Atty Lisa Aguilar
42:01 Brian
Okay so we are not as a ACC is not permitted to engage in binding agreements. Yes we all agree with that
42:07 Michele
Uh hm.
42:08 Brian
Why are we is signing okay is signing the MOU a binding agreement?
42:13 Atty Aguilar
If the city signs it, yes it's a binding agreement
42:17 Joye
So the ACC should not be signing this agreement, because we're not allowed to sign binding agreements The city
is the one that should be signing the MOU.
42:28 Heidi
The city's not, correct me if I'm wrong, but the city's not going to sign the MOU if
42:32 Joe h
Unless we make the recommendation
Unless we make the recommendation to do so
42:37 Atty Aguilar
Most likely they would
42:39 Joye
So what you're asking us is to recommend the MOU go in place not to actually sign it because there is a place on
the MOU for the Commission to sign it,we can not sign this MOU we can recommend that city council or the city
sign it but as the commission you can not sign it
43:00 Margie Rose
I think maybe, I believe you are absolutely right, however if the city council approves it. I would think that by you
recommending it the comfort level should be there to sign it after the city approves it. Because I believe she's
making a valid point.
43:20 Heidi
I thinks it's a valid point too
43:22 Brian
And then the second half because it ends because I'm new and I want to make sure, I'm sorry
43:25 Heidi
No no no you have second follow-up and I'm just pointing at Joe
43:28 Brian
I'm gonna try and make this simple and clear so I'm clear. Before all this who ha we got HOT fund money these
line people were always the ones who received it,theirs and then we did our grants.
43:41 Heidi
43:42 Brain
Okay Now the HOT money is gone; its not really worth arguing who or why or what cause the city council made
their decision and there's nothing we can do about it, like it or not.
43:49 Heidi
Well they haven't made their decision yet,but its pretty clear that
43:51 Brian
We're not getting it
43:52 Heidi
We're not getting it
43:52 Brian
43:54 Heidi
We're not getting any money
43:56 Brian
so now we have an opportunity to say,we're we're there this new organization, these nine people are gonna to get
their money,we also are gonna get what it looks like to be uh
44:05 Heidi
Ninety one five
44:06 Brian
Which then would allow us to do what we were doing before just with a little less money . If we don't agree to
this, these nine are still going to get it,were going to get nothing were done
44:15 Heidi
The eight are gonna get it
44:22 Brian
The eight,we get nothing and then these other organizations that some of feel are not necessarily getting treated
fairly, we'll still be able to dispense this ninety one to them, is that correct?
44:27 Heidi
44: 27 Michele
44:28 Heidi
They wont get it
44:28 Brian
No they wont get anything?
Unable to determine- several say no—unable to transcribe
44:31 Heidi
That ninety one will just poof go away and then the and what the arts and cultural alliance will now have to wait
will be less ninety one thousand
Unable to determine someone speaking— unable to transcribe
44:38 Brian
So it would behoove us to do this so we could support things
44:43 Heidi
44:44 Joe H
Where are we getting the figure ninety one?
44:45 Heidi
If you look across on this
44:51 Joe H
But now its not ninety one, now its however much this exercise brings in
Unable to determine someone else is speaking— unable to transcribe
44:54 Brian
in the MOU its ninety one
44:55 Heidi
In the MOU its ninety one
44:56 Joye
It seventy three on this
44:59 Heidi
Unable to determine— unable to transcribe
45:00 Joe H
Hold on a minute
45:01 Heidi
The MOU is ninety one, that that the number we pulled and I'm not gonna complain that the ACC got ninety one
instead of seventy,seventy three five,four,seventy thousand four hundred thirty three
45:16 Joye
The problem is that although the Commission receives seventy three thousand whatever to disperse, because the
ACC also receives general fund money,we took general fund money to supplement what we are actually awarding
45:30 Heidi
That's true but
45:31 Joye
in grants,cause we are actually giving ninety four thousand four hundred dollars away
45:37 Heidi
That's that's
45:38 Joye
Unable to determine — unable to transcribe
45:38 Heidi
I understand but, but the HOT, this new memorandum of understanding is not for the general fund, this
45:44 Joye
Oh, I understand that
45:45 Brian
Just so I understand
45:47 Heidi
So the general fund money at this phase,we still have to fight for out general fund money I few want it
45:54 Joye
Unable to determine— unable to transcribe
45:55 Brian
So just to clarify, if we all agree to this, we get this ninety one five,
46:00 Joe h
We thirty five point one percent of what
Unable to determine — unable to transcribe
46:01 Brian
I'm sorry we get thirty five percent of whatever is brought in, we then can do what with that money?
46:08 Joe H
Whatever we want
46:09 Brian
So we are still able to support the other organizations
46:11 Heidi
Technically,Way way way wait technically whatever we want,bu the Arts and Cultural Alliance wants, the whole
point that they wanted to enter into this agreement, is that,we do,we we disperse this as we always have with the
HOT fund money
46:24 Brian
46:25 Heidi
Which is the grants
46:26 Brian
46:27 Heidi
But technically, it is not stipulated in this MOU
46:30 Brian
46:31 Heidi
What the Arts and Cultural Commission should do with this money
46:34 Brian
So in a way we have more freedoms
46:35 Unable to determine
Okay Unable to determine— unable to transcribe
46:39 Joe H
Hold on I think I have a Unable to determine— unable to transcribe. The, the Alliance is nine people, nine
46:48 Heidi
Nine line items
46:49 Joe H
Right, I don't think the ACC representative of the Alliance is gonna tell the
46:55 Heidi
The other eight
46:57 Joe H
The symphony if,well, you can be part of this Alliance if play , I mean we aren't gonna tell them what to do with
the money I don't think they can tell us what to do with the money either. We're fighting for a percentage of
available funds because we are happen to be one of nine that receive money
47:14 Heidi
And and what I'm and what I'm telling you is that, that the memorandum of understanding does not stipulate what
the arts and cultural commission
47:20 Joe
47:21 Heidi
should do with that money
47:24 Brian
Which is good
47:24 Heidi
I, its good,what I, I can tell you is that the arts and cultural alliance hopes that what we will do with this money,
which is to distribute it to the other organizations that are not line items on the city's budget,just as we continue to
support them through our granting process.
47: 46 Joe H
But,but my analogy is still as it was still holds true. I hope that the uh,Asian Culture Museum brings in Geishas
that begin servicing the public, but that's not my place to tell
47:56 Heidi
I understand
47: 57 Joe H
them exactly what they
47:58 Heidi
I understand
47:59 Joe H
Unable to determine— unable to transcribe
48:00 Heidi
I understand
48:00 Joe H
By the way, I don't hope for that
Unable to determine— unable to transcribe
48:07 Joe S
Point of order, here we have
Unable to determine— unable to transcribe
48:08 Heidi
Okay alright, uh Joye had her hand up next
48:10 Joye
48:11 Heidi
Does that answer your question,are you satisfied with
48:13 Joe H
Yes I am satisfied
Unable to determine— unable to transcribe
48:20 Heidi
I just want to let ya'll know we have ten more minutes so let's keep the joking around to a minimum
48:23 Joye
The uh, the ACC is a city commission,and what this MOU is advocating is that the Commission will now also
become a member to a organization or a group called the Alliance.This Alliance is, not at this point a non profit. Is
the commission allowed to be a member of a city organized group
48:57 Heidi
The city didn't organize the group the city
48:59 Joye
No that isn't my question, is the commission, as a city commission,overlooked, over saw, by the city,able to be a
member of a outside private organization,this private group called the Alliance, because they are not a city, they
are not going to be a city uh committee. It has been answered that they are not going to be a city committee or
have that affiliation, their not going to be under an ordinance, so are we as a commission allowed to belong to this
private group called the Arts and Cultural Alliance?Because that's basically again what this MOU is asking of us,
to be a member of that. The other side of that,is that this group, the Alliance, does not have any guidelines or rules
really in place; if we are,as a commission can join this group or be a part of it,first we don't know what we are
getting into.To say that we would hope that the money,the percentage that they give the commission would be
used to disperse funds to other non profit organizations, is yet to be seen. We don't know what they, as the other
eight will tell us,as only one of nine, how we must spend that money. And I still believe that if they are receiving a
percentage on their own, and regardless if this was being done years in the past, that they also be able again, to ask
for money through from what the Commission is going to be allocated, that is a form of double dipping, because
they are already getting a percentage.
50:43 Joe H
Joye, Unable to determine— unable to transcribe, isn't allowed
Unable to determine— unable to transcribe
50:47 Joye
So is it,all of these things come into play
50:48 Heidi
How much time do we have, time out
50:50 Joye
because as a commission
50:51 Heidi
Okay, we we have
50:51 Joye
Unable to determine— unable to transcribe
50:53 Heidi
Joye, I think everybody understands your question,we only have five minutes so let's let them answer
50:58 Joye
And I think Lisa said she could stay
Unable to determine— unable to transcribe
51:03 Joe H
They been here for an hour, but they haven't been allowed to talk for an hour
51:05 Lisa
So,basically if council were to approve a representative from your group to be a member of this organization, I
believe that yes you could, you could participate.
51: 18 Joye
And should the commission then know what all the guidelines and all what's entailed before we even move
forward on this
51:23 Lisa
Well by, by the MOU is is not obligating anyone to, it could be that this Alliance never actually become a 501c3
51: 35 Joye
51:36 Lisa
So this MOU is to just establish an alternate funding mechanism and to plan how the funds should be distributed
among the groups,to hopefully supp, replace the current HOT funding. Um,so,eventually, I mean there will be
some opportunities to review what the bylaws are and and comment on those unable to transcribe
52:01 Joye
So the money is again, not, the word that was explained,should not be called as public money. So its private
money versus hot money,so why, again,is the city commission even be involved in any kind of privately raised
52:18 Lisa
This is done in other communities. It is not the first time it's being proposed,other city have started some
programs urn when there is no hot funding available,so in trying to continue the programs that your group has
unable to transcribe this is one possibility to see if there is any private funds that could be could be given to help,
its sort of like you make grant applications unable to transcribe private funds too unable to transcribe.
52:54 Margie Rose
And it also gives an opportunity to continue the programs unable to transcribe but basically if you decide to not
participate the ninety one five and the additional forty thousand
Well the forty thousand was general money
53:08 Margie
Right, but that is a question because after next Tuesday , you will be able to see the state of the financial condition
of the city and the general fund is a big part of that, that is in question too. But at this point, the ninety one five, if
you do decide not to participate that goes away
53:33 Brian
And then we have nothing
53:34 Joye
unable to transcribe
53:34 Heidi
53:34 Joye
unable to transcribe allocated to these other fourteen organizations,am I understanding correctly,although there
have been over, I looked at the last two years,fourteen art organizations besides the nine that are, the eight that are
represented as line items, that all of the fourteen will not be able to apply for lets say the grant money from the
funds received from the Arts
54:03 Heidi
Well no, this is, I think this is pretty specific. That other fourteen can not apply,according to this MOU for funds
that are raised through this utility bill because that is all,that this agreement is for
Not even
54:22 Heidi
the utility bill
54:22 Joye
through this grant, that the money, not even for the money that is going to be allocated to the commission.
54:29 unable to determine
54:30 Joye
So that other fourteen will not be able to apply?
54:32 Ericha
They can apply in a grant, for grants from the commission unable to transcribe
54:37 Joye
Will the other fourteen be able to because I thought you said that only those who had applied this past year could
receive money from the grant.
54:53 Heidi
54:53 Joye
So if we have a new nonprofit organization
54:54 Heidi
No, I don't remember saying that
55:00 Joye
that's my question, we have a non profit that had not applied this past year, lets say they applied two years ago
55:02 Joe H
or they never applied before
55:03 Joye
Or they never applied before, will they in fact be able to receive money through this Alliance money through the
55:10 Joe H
If that's what we deem to do with the
55:13 Heidi
Yeah, I mean if that,
unable to transcribe
Joe H
unable to transcribe
55:18 Brian
We,we decide. If we get the money,we decide, nothing changes
55:24 Joye
Says who
55;24 Brian
Says us
55:26 Joye
But this isn't our money
Thirty five percent is our money
This is no longer HOT money
I understand
55:34 Joye
It's private money , that's going to be received from the general public
55:37 Brian
55:37 Joye
So how is it going to be presented to the general public, cause its my understanding that this is already going to go
to the papers, that there's
55:47 Heidi
Its already hit the news too, yeah
55:50 Joye
But someone,somehow there have been nonprofits approached,even some of the eight to make comment
56:00 Joe H
I'm I lost and don't understand your concern
56;02 Heidi
Right and we're starting to run out of time and everyone is kinda like lined up to ask a question, so
55:05 Joye
Somewhere in going back, you said, you made a comment that only those that had applied in the pla,past year
56:15 Heidi
I did not, I don't think. I did not
56:18 Joe H
If you did,did you mean it if you said it
56;20 Heidi
No, if I said it I didn't mean it
56:22 Joye
unable to transcribe
56:22 Ericha
Other people should be allowed to talk that haven't had a chance to talk yet
56:26 Heidi
Yeah,Joye yeah
56:27 Ericha Kemm
There are other people on this commission that are allowed to ask questions and we're running out of time
56:33 Heidi
We're, we're
56:34 Ericha
I don't think its fair that
56:36 Heidi
We're, we're also over the time limit and I am going to extend it
56:37 Joye
Well I think
56:37 Heidi
Its five thirty
56:40 Joye
I disagree, I put together these questions and again I don't feel I'm getting the final answer, but go ahead
56: 47 Joe H
unable to transcribe
56: 48 Ericha
I'm just advocating for the others
Frank,Joe, Brian. Frank, Frank has a question,Joe and then Brian
56:59 Frank:
I pass
57:00 Joe Schenk:
I am still very uncomfortable that there are no answers to questions 19, 20,21,22. How is it that this determination
has been made that there is no HOT fund money when we don't have any speculative budget proposals for 10-11,
you all haven't cooked any numbers and looked at this tracking history?
57:22 Eddie Houlihan:
It's not like we want to put out
57:22 Joe Schenk:
Well I mean I feel like we are just flying blind and I just don't think that, you know I just don't feel real
comfortable because I mean I hear the CVB saying you know we're bringing in conventions and the hotel
occupancy is up and you see numbers moving up during from 08 to 09 and then there's some that drop back and
then there is some that go up into oh you know and then this last four month period one,one is up and some are
down so
57:54 Eddie Houlihan:
I, I guess because we we
57:55 Joe Schenk:
there is no money
57:57 Eddie Houlihan:
Let me say three things about that. Number one is we know the convention center arena continues to require some
large subsidies. Number two the visitors fund which is where the convention center and that the Heritage Park that
and those things sit,which is subs,which HOT funds transfers money over there is two and a half million dollars
negative in the hole,so at anytime the audi,our auditors could say and its been going on for about four years could
say guys you you've have had a plan every year but its really not working too good so that that's thats an issue.
The third issue is that the convention center has maintenance issues that we really don't have a funding support for
and should be funded really from the HOT so that's three things that we know that we have large filings in
58:43 Joe Schenk
But can I make a point on that maintenance issue?
58:45 Eddie Houlihan
58:47 Joe Schenk
You just said rainy day fund,ten percent is for capital,capital issues this sounds like a serious capital issue that that
money ought to be tapped into to fix those problems
58:57 Heidi Hovda
There's also a combination revolving involving, infrastructure throughout the entire city too
59:02 Joe Schenk
59:03 Heidi Hovda
and this
59:04 Joe Schenk
but I mean like where is the revenue going to be generated but if this is the revenue generator that's what you
ought to fix right?
59:09 Heidi Hovda
and and my this is my concern I understand what you're saying and I don't like to even say this out loud but
whenever you're, as we all know whenever your in a budgeting crisis you gotta look at what gives you the most
bang for your buck and so the city has to go,all right we can only use this HOT fund money for certain thing, we
would love to fund it for the Arts but we need to fund it for the convention center,we need to bring people into to
this thing
59:36 Joe Schenk
You've gotta have things for people to do, I hate to say it but
59:37 Heidi Hovda
Well that's very true, but but that's very true but
59:38 Joe
unable to transcribe
59:39 Heidi Hovda
Lets not fool ourselves, harbor playhouse
59:42 Joe Schenk
let me finish, let me finish, before you, let me finish in our conversation
I think the thing I been hoping that we would do is to look at these forecasts and look at these percentages and
everybody share in the pain. You know, that's the only thing I think is missing in this this whole equation, in this
whole pushing forward, is we zero out the arts and we focus a lot of attention on other things and why why cant
everybody share the pain. If we are looking at HOT funds being down eighteen percent,everybody takes an
eighteen percent hit, if its twenty two we all take twenty two. But why is it some numbers go up and keep going up
and some numbers are gonna end up being zero
1:00:30 Eddie Houlihan
well we cant obviously do that with the debt service
1:00:33 Joe Schenk
1:00:33 Eddie Houlihan
1:00:34 Joe Schenk
but we've got some that in here that
1:00:35 Eddie Houlihan
there there's some in there they could go back and renegotiate contract with CVB that's a little unable to
transcribe my pay grade but that's
1:00:43 Joe Schenk
What is special events that all of a sudden is two hundred thousand dollars
1:00:46 Eddie Houlihan
Special events,special events is the uh Arts and Science museum
1:00:50 Joe Schenk
But their a department,what the special events that come under them
1:00:52 Eddie Houlihan
well that was, that was put in there to balance the general fund one year,so yeah that could be taken out and we
could make additional deductions in the general fund; It could be.
1:01:05 Joe Schenk
that's where I think there just needs to continue to be some more dialogue, and some more what ifs, and you know
1:01:11 Heidi Hovda
Well, in talking with the city council,people that I have talked to,its pretty clear that, they,as much as they would
like to, they are unable to and the way its been explained to me and I think that this is a way to look at is that, yeah
when people come here they,we have to give them something to do but we are not bringing people, people from
Wyoming aren't coming to Corpus Christi to see a show at the Harbor Playhouse, as much as I would like to
believe they are they're not. So the city council and with the help of city staff have to look at what these expenses
are and what's bringing the most bang for the buck. Things like the convention,the convention and visitors bureau
and the convention center, as much as I don't like to say it, have a more direct impact on the economy and and
local tourism than the Arts organizations do,they have a more indirect economic impact
1:02:08 Joe Schenk
I beg to differ
1:02:09 Joye LaBarrett
Wasn't the city involved with the acceptance several years ago of the arts role and Richard Florida's
1:02: 10Joe Hillard
I think there's a have a hard asset that we have to take care of, the Arts
1:02:14 Joye
The Rise of the Creative Class
1:02:14 Heidi Hovda
But I, I, I, as far as economic development,when it comes to bringing people to come live into your city,
absolutely it's a very important role and I'm, I'm a huge advocate for that, but as far as bringing heads and beds, I,
whenever you are looking at an entire budget you can not say that the Corpus Christi Ballet ,well its not a line
item, so that's not a good one, the Corpus Christi Symphony, isn't necessarily bringing a ton of people into heads
and beds.
1:02:49 Joe Schenk
And I can tell ya that I am trying to get the Mountain Plains Museum Association to come here in 2012, they
would have a board meeting here in February, then the whole ten state region would come here in the fall of 2012.
If we are eliminating the Botanical Gardens,Art Museum. Asian Cultural Museum,just run the list, I know that
they were the organization was looking at going to Colorado Springs in 2011 and Colorado Springs turned down
arts funding and museum funding, they're not going there in 11, I mean so we're we're going to have some push
back on some of these things and that's what's worrying me.
1:03:29 Heidi Hovda
Its worrying me too, it's a hard reality,but the reality is its its been made pretty clear to us by the mayor and city
council no matter
1:03:35 Joe Schenk
But what are they looking at,what numbers are they looking at,that's what I don't understand
1:03:40 Heidi Hovda
they're looking at the
1:03:41 Eddie Houlihan
At the end of last year they had to dip into the general fund for four hundred thousand and things are not likely to
1:03:47 Joye LaBarrett
For the arts?
1:03:48 Heidi Hovda
For the Arts and they made it very clear they wouldn't be able to do this again this year
1:03:48 Eddie Houlihan
1:03:48 Joye LaBarrett
They took four hundred thousand out for the Arts in 2009?
1:03:48 Joe Schenk
They got it out of general funds, that's right.
1:03:54 Joe Hillard
Guys we're off topic, we're way off topic. Everyone is here, here on this side of the table and I am sure you guys
love the arts as well, because they are passionate about the arts. We would love to see the arts funded as much as
possible.Now we're dealing with reality. And Joe I share your concerns and I have had my head in the sand up
until this point. The problem isn't that HOT taxes have declined, the problem is that the city has mismanaged HOT
funds prior to today. The city has mismanaged HOT funds prior to today and now we get to bear the brunt of that.
And I will be saying that very loudly to the seven people that listen to my show.
1:04:39 Heidi Hovda
Brian's next
1:04:39 Joe Hillard
Here we are today, I have other questions that I would like to try and get us back on topic
1:04:40 Heidi Hovda
that's ok but Brian, Brian's next , and then you, ok? but
1:04:45 Joe Hillard
I think that Ericha might have some things
1:04:46 Brian Honigbaum
I, I just wanted to say that I agree with you one hundred fifty percent, the problem is the writing is already on the
wall. Joe's right, something happened and we are getting, you know for lack of better word, it's a lot of screwy but
we are not going to change anybody's mind. There not going to go back tomorrow and say, oh, let's give them
back the HOT money. So part of it is our responsibility,we should have known about it earlier and we should have
gone and marched and raised hell and yelled and said don't take our money away
1:05:10 Joe Hillard
Unable to determine creating a past
1:05:11 Brian Honigbaum
But if it didn't happen, we got to get over it at this meeting. This meeting is to discuss this MOU and whether it's
at least the better of two options and the way I see it is we have two options. We can not agree to the MOU which
means we wont get the ninety one which means all those non nine line items wont get anything from us or we can
agree use our power as the ACC to work through it get the ninety one and spread it out over the organizations that
would get zero. So you're either in the party or you're out of the party. It's not the best party to go to but otherwise
there is no reason for our existence.
1:05:50 Joye LaBarrett
Why wouldn't the ACC devise its own method of raising money.
1:05:51 Barry Brown
There is nothing that says we can't do that
1:05:52 Brian Honigbaum
I'm not saying we cant, but this is what is on the table now. I'd rather have ninety one and make sure the the ballet
gets two thousand bucks next year than nothing
1:06:59 Heidi Hovda
Joe then Dianna
1:05:10 Joe Hillard
Uh, if talking with the other people on the ACA if ACC doesn't sign on with this will the other eight organizations
proceed as planned?
1:06:08 Heidi Hovda
1:06:11 Joe Hillard
Uh, if when talking with the other people in the ACA, if ACC doesn't sign on to this will the other eight
organizations proceed with this plan
1:06:07 Heidi
1:06:08 Joe
unable to transcribe so its not hypothetical unable to transcribe that would be a reality?
1:06:16 Michele
1:06:17 Heidi Hovda
they would be highly disappointed, but yes
1:06:23 Joye LaBarrett
Well, in that case I still do not understand why all of the art organizations were not asked to come to the table
because once the decision was made that there were no HOT funding
1:06:33 Heidi Hovda
Joye Joye Joye, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to cut you off but Dianna was next
unable to transcribe
1:06:42 Dianna Bluntzer Dura
I think my biggest, I struggled a lot with deciding which way to go with this, and um I think my biggest concern is
procedural and legal, so I just want to run it past you as a general question,obviously you have given this thought
regarding this, you don't see any problems that we're mis-stepping or using privileges urn with having uh Heidi
being our chair as well as being the representative on the,this makes me have my first thought, I just want to make
unable to transcribe an obstacle unable to transcribe but now I am seeing this just as a grant or a non profit that is
allowing us to get some money. But at this point unable to unable to transcribe is this come back and bite us later
legally, procedurally or getting into miss-stepping; I'm very concerned that this is outside of our realm of
responsibility and what we've been assigned to do,and uh,
I just want to clear that up with you guys unable to transcribe
1:07:39 Atty. Lisa Aguilar
unable to transcribe
1:07:40 Dianna
Okay, you think we're okay unable to transcribe
1:07: 42 Atty. Lisa Aguilar
unable to transcribe
1:07:47 Dianna
that's my biggest concern
1:07: 51 Heidi
1:07: 53 Joe H
I want to discuss the double dipping part now
1:07: 57 Heidi
1:07:58 Joe H
unable to transcribe
Um,and I want to understand,help me to understand, cause I haven't, whoever wrote the MOU unable to
It doesn't matter to me what has ever happened before today. I believe that today, if this is voted on, we have got
the ability to create a whole new ACC and a whole new set of things,and that is exciting actually. Urn, prior to
today , the art, I'm going to use, let me not use the Art Museum, let me use the Jazz Festival. The Jazz Festival,
receives last year, ten thousand dollars in HOT fund money, and the applies in a grant to receive an additional,
1:08:32 Joye
Ten thousand
1:08:34 Joe H
Ten thousand dollars. Um, that's the precedent, can we change that from this point forward?
1:08:42 Heidi
Actually, I guess according to what the Arts and Cultural Alliance stated, the Jazz Festival applied for a grant and
did not receive funding, so
1:08:53 Joe H
A different example, whoever,whichever one it is
1:08:55 Heidi
Okay then, then say it with the Jazz, outside the Jazz Festival. Re-phrase the question.
1:09:00 Joye &Joe S
Harbor Playhouse
1:09:01 Heidi
Re-phrase your question using Harbor Playhouse because I don't understand your question.
1:09:04 Joe H
Uh, the Harbor Playhouse is a line item on the budget for HOT Fund,HOT fund, HOT fund money, they applied
for maybe two grants and received them. So they've got their forty five zero seven zero plus whatever it was
1:09:19 Joye
Ten thousand
1:09:20 Joe
Do we have to do it that way from now on?
1:09:23 Atty Aguilar
Do it what way
1:09:26 Joe H
Do we,do
1:09:27 Heidi
You're basically saying
1:09:28 Atty Aguilar
The guidelines, what,what were you using to make that kind of decision
1:09:31 Heidi
Because of the question of double dipping
1:09:35 Joe H
If you are already a line item, line item on the budget and now we're, they're not paying for themselves by joining
this Alliance. The fourteen groups,seventeen groups, fifty groups maybe that will apply for grants or any money
that we allow to grant in the future if we go along with this,will, I just heard something weird earlier and that is
that they want their total grant amount plus their line item to be
1:10:01 Heidi
An average of their total grant amount
1:10:05 Joe
Right, which reduces our percentage
1:10:05 Heidi
1:10:06 Joe H
And, I, that's ridiculous. I don't understand why
1:09:10 Lisa
I don't remember hearing that
01:10:11 Joe H
We would ever go that way.
01:10:11 Heidi
Unable to determine
01:10:14 Heidi
its, its, its nothing in, listen to me. It is not, I'm sorry to mean that so forceful. There's nothing in the MOU that
says it. There is nothing that binds us to it. I'm just giving, we, I'm just letting you know as the ACC chair,one
person that represents the ACC, this is what has been said.
01:10:32 Joe H
Uh hum
01:10:32 Heidi
There's no final agreement on this because ultimately they can not tell,this MOU does not allow for the Arts and
Cultural Alliance to tell us what we do with this utility bill money as the Arts and Cultural Commission.
Unable to determine
01:10:47 Joe H
So we can change that policy internally and
Unable to determine
01:10:48 Ericha
01:10:49 Heidi
01:10:49 Brian
We can do what we want with it
01:10:50 Ericha
01:10:50 Heidi
But we can,we can also, if, if we decide to allow these organizations to double dip as the coin, the term has been
coined,we can stren, we can,stren, uh shore up our granting procedures that say, if you apply, if, if, if you receive
this funding and apply for a grant, you get a points, you get the points deduction.
Unable to determine
01:11:13 Heidi
And there are tons of things that we can do
01:11:15 Brian
Its our choice
Unable to determine
01:11:18 Heidi
Its our choice and our granting procedures are up to us
Unable to determine
01:11:19 Dianna
I have a question
01:11:19 Heidi
01:11:19 Dianna
Will we,will we be brought in to the process going forward if this is approved and
01:11:25 Heidi
01:11: 26 Dianna
With this Alliance. Will we start getting copy because I think part of the urn problem, has been, I think that a little,
I think people have been offended um that they were not consulted or brought into the process of the Alliance
being formed
01:11: 41 Heidi
And I understand why y'all feel that way, this has moved so quickly and it moved pretty much over the the the
Christmas holidays. So
Unable to determine
01:11:49 Heidi
Unable to determine
01:11:53 Heidi
Yeah, the Arts and Cultural Commission as one of the nine,gets one vote. But any board representative and there
there are three or four people that come for the Asian Culture Museum , some some organizations bring more than
two people, but each organization only gets one vote.
01:12:09 Joe H
Will we get internally a Unable to determine and give a report
01:12:14 Brian
And it doesn't have to be you
01:12:15 Heidi
And it doesn't have to be me
01:12:19 Heidi
01:12:19 Michele
He passes
Unable to determine
01:12: 23 Joye
I think the concern is that the fourteen organizations in addition to the other eight sitting at the table, and each of
those eight get their own individual vote.
01:12:37 Heidi
Unable to determine
01:12:48 Heidi
And all, you have raised your hand several times, I am so sorry go ahead
01:12:54 Alene Burch
Can we make a stipulation that that thirty five percent of that that ACA money we're allocated uh cannot be dipped
into by the other members of the ACA
01:13:05 Brian
We can do whatever we want
Unable to determine
01:13:05 Heidi
Well, not as far as the MOU
Unable to determine
01:13:10 Alene
if we are one entity out of the ACA, like you know we're one vote out of
01:13;14 Brian
I'm confused about one vote out what for what
01:13:19 Alene
For their personal benefit vote,outvote us
01:13: 22 Brian
Unable to determine
01:13: 25 Alene
as to be able to apply to the ACC grant and continue to double dip
01:13:25 Heidi
Unable to determine
01:13: 25 Alene
and continue to double dip
Unable to determine
01:13:29 Michele
Forgive me that has nothing to do with this MOU. That is an ACC issue not the Alliance issue. That would be
something y'all would need to decide that we could put on next month's agenda
01:13:38 Brian
We get thirty five percent, it's ours to do what we want, period. End of discussion. They cant tell us what to do
with the thirty five percent, they cant change the thirty five percent,that's
01:13:45 Joye
Well,they haven't set any guidelines
Unable to determine
01:13:49 Brian
but that's our decision
01:13:51 Heidi
But it's our decision and because its not spelled out its kinda at the Alliance's detriment they haven't said this is
what we want up to this point so they cant go and change it at the end.
Unable to determine
01:14:16 Lisa Aguilar
With the agreement Unable to determine
Unable to determine
01:14:08 Brian
Oh I agree
01:14:10 Lisa Aguilar
Section 15 says Each party to this MOU shall utilize the funding provided under this MOU as follows: in
accordance with each respective organization's approved budget for operational and program expenses that benefit
local community and enhance quality of life. So that's all that it says
01:14:31 Joe h
If someone makes a call to vote, what are we voting on, to approve this
01:14:35 Heidi
01:14:35 Brian
To recommend
01:14:49 Heidi
basically to recommend that the city sign the MOU
01:14:42 Joe
01:14:42 Heidi
Alright is there any more discussion because I'm about ready to close it
01:14:49 Constance
I just wanted to add I would like to disagree and to go on the record that the city hasn't mismanaged the HOT fund
money, Unable to determine and I just wanted to say that.
01:14:56 Heidi
Thank you Connie, ahem Constance I'm sorry
01:14:59 Constance
That's okay, it doesn't matter.
01:15:03 Heidi
Alright I'm gonna call for a vote
01:15:04 Ericha
I would like to make a motion we have closed ballot, for this vote, that we do it written on ballot.
01:15:13 Dianna
I second
01:15:13 Joe S
With our name?
01:15:14 Ericha & Heidi
01:15:15 Ericha
Just yay or nay
01:15:18 Joe S
I need to go on record for my vote
01:15:20 Ericha
Oh, I see
01:15:22 Joe H
Say it again
01:15:22 Joe S
I think we have to go on record for a vote, I don't think we'd have secret ballots
Unable to determine
01:15:29 Ericha
01:15:32 Joe H
I'm not sure if we are required
01:15:32 Brian
I'm checking, I'm checking, Joe
Unable to determine
01:15:34 Ericha
For chair. Oh, okay , I'm, I'm
01:15:36 Brian
Yeah, no you cant, that's correct
01:15:37 Joe H
Urn, remember Unable to determine
01:15:42 Brian
We need to fix that
01:15:43 Heidi
No, We need to stop and go on . If you want to have that discussion can you have that outside of our meeting.
Thank you very much. Alright, I am calling for a vote, do I have a motion regarding this MOU?
01:15:56 Dianna
I move that we recommend to sign the MOU
01:16:00 Heidi
Do I have a second
01:16:01 Joye
That the city sign
01:16:02 Dianna
That the city sign the MOU
01:16:03 Heidi
Do I have a second
01:16:04 Brian
I'll second it
01:16:07 Heidi
All those in favor say aye
01:16:09 Michele
Raise you hand
01:16:10 Brian
Raise your hand
01:16:10 Heidi
Oh, Raise your hand
01:16:25 Heidi
Are you good?All those opposed. (none opposed)
01:16:28 Heidi
All those abstained. (Joe S and Joye abstained)
Alright, motion carries
01:16:33 Joe S
I think I need to make a point of order. I think I need to abstain since I am a HOT fund recipient and a grant
recipient in signing on these contracts with the city I don't think ethically I should vote.
01:16:44 Heidi
I'm very glad that you took that stance. I was concerned about that.
01:16:48 Joye
And I am abstaining because I feel that we need to get more information as far as guidelines.
01:16:53 Heidi
I think that that's a very fair statement Joye.
Alright, thank you City staff.
01:16: 58 Eddie
Anytime you've got a question,just give me a call
01:17:06 Heidi
You' re gonna just walk away just fine
01:17:07 Eddie
I am always available
01:17:16 Michele
Constance, thank you
01:17:18 Barry
We appreciate that
Unable to determine- city staff is leaving
01:17:20 Brian
Barry, you got a second
Unable to determine- city staff is leaving
01:17:24 Heidi
Okay, real quick could I just get everyone's attention?Real quick because this meeting has taken already enough
time, I put the motion to the table uh I would like to move to item
01:17:40 Michele
Old business
01:17:40 Heidi
Old business the item regarding the expenditures under five hundred dollars there's this little item, this paper that
Frank put it out and work up Frank worked really hard on this
01:17:49 Joe H
01:17:50 Heidi
Uh,Just a bit of history,oh and Joe Hilliard, sorry,did you help?Did you help I don't remember that.
01:17:53 Joe H
We helped each other Unable to determine
Unable to determine
Could we review that
1:18:01 Heidi
Okay just for a little bit of history, uh we were operating without a budget, there were a ton of questions about
expenditures and what could be spent on and we cant because we have to know for October's meeting so this is the
resolution of that and the change to our bylaws shall, its uh, its uh to review the bylaws regarding the expenditure
of five hundred dollars and the pro and the post changes commissioners arts and cultural commission,city staff
liaison may make expenditures for up to five hundred dollars for budgeted ACC expenses without prior approval
from the ACC. Budgeted and unbudgeted expenditures over five hundred dollars must be approved by the ACC
prior to purchase,with Receipts for all expenditures shall be submitted to the city arts and cultural commission
city staff liaison.
01:18:54 Brian
I move to uh accept the proposed change to the bylaws
01:18:56 Joe H
I second that
01:18:57 Heidi
Uh, any discussion?
01:18:57 Joye
I think its too high, five hundred dollars, but that's just my opinion. I don't see the reason for anyone to as an
individual commissioner need to go out and spend five hundred dollars.
01:19:12 Joe H
Unable to determine
01:19:13 Heidi
If we, if we have, if we have
01:19:13 Joye
Especially if we have budgeted it all
01:19:15 Heidi
If it's a budgeted item for five hundred dollars Go ahead
01:19:20 Frank
There are occasions when city staff needs to Unable to determine
01:19:23 Joye
Five hundred dollars?
01:19:28 Joe h
It has to be a budgeted item Unable to determine then it's a moot point
01:19:29 Joye
Right As long as it has been budgeted
01:19:32 Joe H
01;19:32 Brian
01:19:34 Heidi
Okay so any more discussion
01:19:34 Joe S
Call for the question
01:19:36 Heidi
I'm calling for the question, I'm calling for the vote
01:19:39 Joye
Call for the question
01:19:40 Brian
Call for the question
01:19:40 Heidi
Ah, Okay,uh all those in favor say aye
01:19:46 Heidi
All those opposed? Great. Tara did you get the first and second on those?
01:19:51 Tara
Um hm
01:19:51 Heidi
Good. Urn,since this meeting has taken a long time I would really like to just table all the other items unless
there's, unless there's a burning desire for anybody to talk. Yes
01:20:03 Brian
I just want to let everyone know that as chair of the subcommittee that Heidi had been working with the city
secretary's office on the uh the subcommittee meetings and um you are now allowed to have them at your home.
You still have to post seventy two hours but you can now have them at your home. Right?
01:20:21 Michele
01:20:21 Heidi
Michele did that
Unable to determine
01:20:22 Brian
Thank you Michele
Unable to determine
01:20:28 Heidi
Okay wait the only other thing real quick I just want you guys uh its eight d, I want you to review, regrew, review
your attendance requirements. I think a lot of discussion requirements that we've had regarding this MOU we
could have gained a lot of ground if we had met quorum and I could have addressed a lot of these concerns to the
arts and cultural alliance and it would not have been so so attendance
01:20:54 Ericha
Here here
01:20:55 Heidi
is important
01:20:56 Ericha
Here here. I drug my sick self up here and didn't make quorum
01:21;00 Heidi
Alright Joe
01:21:00 Joe S
Is there anything on this James Hetherington maintenance that we really need to deal with? What's that agenda
item about? Has something come up?
01:21:10 Michele
No, we're basically were going to request we were going to see if the ACC would be interested in helping us assist
with the new maintenance we have to do. As you know,the fire department uh
01:21:19 Joe S
Put up a silly fence
Put up a silly fence and so we met with Hetherington,we met with the fire department and we come up with a
really great solution, however he needs to take the sculpture back to San Antonio and mend it if you will where its
not as um sharp as not sharp,sharp edges and then bring it back but unfortunately that will cost two thousand
dollars. Urn, so the city is going basically to the fire department and our cultural services and now the ACC to see
if they might be interested in giving any money to contribute to this cost.
01:21:53 Joe S
They couldn't come to an agreement on planting that kept people away from the sculpture
01:21:58 Michele
It actually that was part of it also
01:21:59 Joe H
Didn't it have to be higher
It has to, it has, the sculpture has to be a bit higher, the the edges are too sharp and unfortunately he can not do that
here, he has to take it back to his shop in San Antonio and we are going to be planting some, some type of, I want
to say rosemary but that might not
01:22:17 Heidi
Is this something that we want to vote on today or let marinate for a month?
01:22:21 Brian
We're better sticking our money away and let it marinate
01:22:22 Heidi
Alright uh,
01:22:23 Joe S
Cant we just wait until the budget gets
Unable to determine
01:22:30 Joe H
Unable to determine we made a very big decision today,
01:22:33 Heidi
01:22:26 Joe H
I know we're all ready to go, but we made a very big decision today
01:22:34 Heidi
01:22:34 Joe H
Unable to determine I think we could talk about it for a couple of minutes before we adjourn
01:22:39 Joye
But can I make sure something gets put on the agenda, can we do that
01:22:42 Heidi
Yes, M'am
01:22:42 Joye
Uh, that the Commission will vote on the recommendation coming from the Grant Committee for revising the uh
scoring factors. Which is something that the commission
01:22:55 Heidi
Uh yeah, good
01:22:56 Joye
Ask us to do and we have the recommendation and we want to make sure it gets on the agenda.
01:23:01 Heidi
it gets on the agenda. Yes
01:23:01 Frank
Another thing that needs to be on the agenda is uh,the approval of the uh selection panels uh decision for the uh
police station artwork
01:23:13 Heidi
01:23:14 Brian
Joye would the discussion and vote that we had today now that we have more freedom since its not HOT money
does that completely change your whole grant proposing to start all over again
01:23:23 Joye
Well that was one of the reasons why that I was pressing for what were the guidelines that we as the ACC will be
under coming from this Alliance as to how we are to spend this money, and as long as we are free to do what we
want with it, this would become an Alliance you know grant and should we ever get HOT money again, whatever
we had in effect in the past would kick in instead. So
01:23:53 Brian
So in a way
01:23:54 Joye
So it could be concurrent
01:23:54 Brian
01:23:57 Joye
There's no way to tell, but we, until we know what the guidelines are going to be and everything is on paper, um
we'll just have to wait to see what is going to happen there but our recommendation will be based on
01:24:10 Brian
HOT money
01:24:11 Joye
HOT money
01:24:11 Brian
Okay okay
01:24:12 Heidi
Urn,just the next meeting is Monday at five thirty city hall we usually meet in the fifth floor of the assistant the
city manager's meeting
01:24:19 Michele
Fifth floor legal conference room
01:24:21 Heidi
Okay we're doing legal the fifth floor conference room
01:24:30 Unable to determine
Can you email us that
1:24:32 Heidi
Yes yes
1:24:33 Heidi
Five thirty
01:24:34 Heidi
Alright, they usually last until about eight o'clock, so welcome, welcome aboard.
Unable to determine
01:24:50 Joe H
Unable to determine Joye, the only recommendation is whether we're under the illusion of getting some HOT
money and if we aren't getting any HOT money, I say we dissolve any work toward caring about what we have for
HOT money. Unable to determine
There is no reason to work toward something
Unable to determine
01:25:01 Joye
We've already have the recommendation put together which was what the commission asked us to do. whether
there is HOT money this year or next year and it could be that HOT money would come to us, we're talking for
2011. I think then to have the commission go ahead and vote on these new factors. Unable to determine
01:25:27 Joe
When is the next retreat
01:25:27 Michele
April, the next retreat is April
01:25:34 Joe H
Unable to determine
01:25:40 Brian
I think, there is there is one exciting aspect of it is that we are not tied down with the rules that we have been so we
can make more changes, Right Joe is that what
01:25:44 Joe H
Unable to determine
are groups starting out with no funds Unable to determine and the ACC for a long time has been doing things like
its always done and I think some of the best things we can do for the arts organizations in the city require very little
money at all. And we haven't been doing any at all because we've been concentrating on two big money items and
that's grants and festival of the arts.
01:26:05 Heidi
And that is for April's meeting, uh besides from that, April's retreat meeting, aside from that, I want to encourage
all of you to listen to city council's meeting on Tuesday, its available during live after on what channel
01:26:19 Michele
Its on the, I think is usually on channel 20
01:26:22 Heidi
01:26:22 Michele
The cctv
01:26:22 Heidi
You will be able to hear city staff was not as dire with y'all as we have been and I've heard some pretty bleak,
bleak information from city council personally when I have talked to them one on one. So I encourage you guys to
to listen to, I mean Joe's point is very well taken why is it always the arts to get chopped off at the knees, I didn't
but whenever you hear that
01:26:52 Joe S
I wish it were only the knees
01:26:52 Heidi
Yeah yeah
01:26:56 Joe H
They have a lot of financial responsibility when they're getting into loans and debts and all that where the money
must go to and as much as we don't like to
01:27:01 Joe S
There are a lot of smoke and mirrors out there that you just, that you all saw
01:27:04 Joe H
You're probably right
01:27:05 Brian
Well I think that maybe that's one of our, our purposes is not to let that happen again.
01:27:09 Heidi
01:27:12 Joye
Michele, the insurance for the permanent art out there,
01:27:15 Michele
Um hm
01:27:15 Joye
Does that not cover any damages for, that would include maintenance costs because we, we have been
01:27:24 Michele
Right, risk management is actually looking into that
01:27:25 Joye
01:27:28 Michele
We just sent them the latest numbers because they, I believe the ones they have from 2001 and they said they were
missing a lot of pieces of art.
01:27:35 Joye
01:27:35 Michele
So they're actually looking into that right now for us.
01:27:37 Joye
Right because the general fund money we received is typically what we used to make repairs and so my question
was does that insurance cover.
01:27:50 Heidi
Well, yeah, and this is another thing and this is something that I have been working on separately when I talked to
the city council regarding our general fund money. What I basically said to them is you know, the arts and cultural
commission needs that general fund money and just because we are getting our HOT fund money covered does
not mean we didn't have a need for that . This kinda gains us working this way, gains us some political capital that
we otherwise would not have. The city came to us for help we as the arts and cultural commission made the right
recommendation that kinda take a little bit of heat off of them when it comes to budget time and budget decisions.
So it gives us just a little bit of wiggle room and a little bit more punch when it says,when we say to them by the
way we just saved you two hundred seventy five thousand dollars can you give us our general fund money
01:28:32 Joe H
Well you keep quoting numbers,but I mean, I can appreciate a unable to determine plan that we can execute but
at the same time I'm not
01:28:41 Heidi
Oh no no no, I'm not saying from the utility, what we saved them is for the two hundred seventy five thousand that
they, that they should have, that they should have been spending and that all these art organizations would have
fought for otherwise.
01:28:54 Joe H
I just think that
01:29:55 Heidi
We removed the two hundred and seventy five thousand headache.
01:28:57 Brian
But Joe you're right, it could be zero
01:28:59 Heidi
But it could be zero, but I don't think its going to be zero.Just to give you a little bit of information and Michele
you know more about this. Arlington does this and they theirs is a little bit different in that there are seven diferen,
seven different funds that people can sign up for. One of those funds in what October,
01:29;18 Michele
The care and share program
01:29:18 Heidi
The care and share program for one month received a check for seven thousand dollars. Arlington is about the
same size as our city, they have a different median income, it's a little higher, I recognize that, this thing has been
going on since 1994 so its had time to grow, but there is potential there. And I do believe there is potential there
01:29:37 Joe H
Oh I'm not, I'm not downplaying the work that you guys have done
01:29:41 Heidi
Oh its not about the work, I just do think there is a potential to raise funding this way. And the arts and cultural
alliance want to look at the alternative funding sources outside of this, but this is the phase one, quick,fastest best
way that can get some money by May 2010 so we can make a determination for fiscal year 2010 2011 how much
money are all of these line items groups going to have.And its just a vague inkling, but it's an inkling link that we
can conservatively base on the checks we received in May,June and July.
01:30:17 Joe H
Making like this a three month program unable to determine
01:30:18 Heidi
May,June and July would be the months, the months that cover the city's fiscal year.
01:30:23 Joe H
01:30:24 Brian
01:30:27 Joye
Whose the chair of visual arts?
01:30:31 Frank
There isn't one
01:30:32 Heidi
There isn't one right now
01:30:32 Joye
I have some information for you guys
Unable to determine
01:30:44 Heidi
Alright, we still haven't adjourned this meeting. do I have a motion to adjourn the meeting
01:30:48 Frank
So moved
01:30:51 Heidi
Do I have a second
Unable to determine
01:30:53 Heidi
All those in favor
01:30:54 Heidi
All those opposed
01:30:54 Heidi
Thank you very much everyone, it was a pleasure to work with all of you (Meeting adjourned at 6:16pm)
January 14, 2010
Arts &Cultural Commission
Joye LaBarrett
PO Box 60110
Corpus Christi,TX 78466
June 9,2010
a. r