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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 02/11/2010 RECEIVED ARTS& CULTURAL COMMISSION APR 21 2010 Regular Meeting, February 11, 2010,4:30 p.m. 6th Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, e6SECR ETARYS OFFICE MEMBERSP A MEMBERS P A STAFF 1. Honigbaum,Brian ❑ I _® 10. Bluntzer-Dura,Dianna ® ❑ Michele Thomas 12. Brown,Barry L ❑ I ® 11. LaBarrett,Joye , ® ❑ Tara Mireles 3. Vacant i ❑ ❑ i 12. Vacant j ❑ I ❑ 4. Paris,Karina ; ❑ I E 13. Vacant ❑ ❑ 5. Burch,Alene ® ' ❑ 14. Prewitt,Dr.Judith ® ❑ • 6. Garza,Amorette ❑ i ® i15.Schenk,Joe ® E] 11 7. Hilliard,Joe ❑ ® 16. Trimble,Frank ® ❑ S. Hovda,Heidi ® ` ❑ 17.Valadez,Corinne ® ❑ • 9. Kemm,Ericha ® j ❑ Total: 9 5 j CALL TO ORDER -The Regular Meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:36pm by Chair, Heidi Hovda. II. ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. PUBLIC COMMENT— None. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular Meeting, January 14, 2010 i. Member attendance table needs corrections. Commissioners requested more detailed minutes regarding the Memorandum of Understanding. They felt details of conversation were crucial. Commissioners were asked if they would prefer a transcript of the meeting. They would like the discussion held following the Q&A to be transcribed. Commission would like to see if Legal can provide transcription. Minutes will be tabled until issues are resolved.Joye LaBarrett made a motion to table the minutes. Dr. Judith Prewitt seconded. Motion passed. V. FINANCIAL REPORT There is no change in the financial report. The final agreements for the grants and public art awards (artwork at the police station)will be reflected in the budget report at the next meeting. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Performing Arts-Joye Labarrett i. Performing arts committee has met several times. ii. Joye provided an update of Festival of the Arts. Domingo Live will not be able to participate, but will have representative for Festival of the Arts at their studio to promote event on the Sunday prior. There will be one guest artist for the Italian street painting exhibit. The Budweiser stage is not available as it has already been reserved for another event. New Star energy will make a donation for food, and is pending a vote for approval at .their volunteer council meeting. DMD has agreed to donate$5400.00 in in-kind services and monetary donations. Omni will cover the guest artist room and board costs. Volunteers will be eligible for the"Give a day, Get a day" program. iii. Expressed concerns regarding meeting of Cultural Enrichment Committee. Heidi will contact Karina Paris. b. Visual Arts-Joe Pena i. Joe Pena is no longer with committee. Committee remains without a chair. A vote will be held on Monday during Visual Arts Sub-Committee meeting. c. Cultural Enrichment-Brian Honigbaum i. Committee has not yet met. Heidi will give Brian a timeline to setup a meeting, and encourage more participation with Festival of Arts. d. Youth Arts Committee- Ericha Kemm i. Have not had official meeting. Ericha has sent out communications to committee members. Committee is working on securing volunteers for the"Kid Zone." e. Grants-Joye LaBarrett i. Met previously. Committee looked over scoring factors that were in place in the year prior. Commission felt that artistic merit should have more value than marketing.Will go into more detail when it is an action item. VII. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Update on administrative support for the Festival of the Arts i. Heidi spoke with Ethan Thomas in charge of interns at TAMUCC. JoAnne Franke- Benavidez was previously tasked with this assignment, but did not contact Mr. Thomas. The commission needed to contact him in November or December. The earliest to acquire an intern will be Fall 2010. ii. Volunteer program will not be available for Festival of the Arts. Michele and Tara will be on site to assist with event needs. Heritage Park staff will also be present at the event. b. Update on the Arts and Cultural Alliance i. Next meeting March 3 at 11:30am. Location will be at Instituto de Cultura Hispanica at Heritage Park. ii. Insert is complete and will go to printer. Set to go out March 1st. Press Conference will be set up at Galvan House to kick off release of inserts. Two-part marketing approach: 1.) Selling the Arts, 2.) Selling the fund. Commissioners can review insert following adjournment. iii. Next meeting will focus on development of By-laws. Heidi urges ACC to attend. VIII. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION/ POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Art Maintenance Report i. Frank Trimble composed Public Art Maintenance Plan. City will hire a conservator to complete a condition report on public art pieces owned by the City listed on Permanent Art Collection List. Works needing repair will be repaired by conservator or another agent. Conservator/agent will be paid by City using ACC Maintenance Budget. ii. Visual Arts Committee will hire and oversee conservator and list of repairs will be submitted thereto. As per ordinance, Visual Arts Committee reports to Council each year recommending repairs needed to be made to artwork. iii. If art piece is located at a City Department, department will be responsible for maintenance and will not come out of ACC maintenance budget. iv. ACC to add more stipulations in contract. Commission would like to amend plan. Ericha Kemm made a motion to table the Public Art Maintenance Plan.Alene Burch Seconded. Motion passed. b. James Hetherington "The Flame"maintenance i. City met with Mr. Hetherington to soften edges of"The Flame"to prevent injuries at Fire Station. City will plant shrubs around artwork. Project will cost$2,000.00 to have artist move artwork to Houston to perform adjustments. City asking ACC if they would like to donate funds for completion of project. ACC is satisfied with artwork as is and at this time does not see the need to make any changes to it. If ACC does not contribute, City will look for other avenues to fund repairs. ACC has chosen to refrain from contributing. c. Review of attendance requirements i. Heidi encouraged commissioners to attend meetings in order that issues can be resolved. After the 4'h absence, commissioners will no longer serve on the commission. Barry Brown has resigned from the ACC. d. Value changes to the art grants rubric i. Values were changed to 40% Marketing, 35%Artistic Merit, 25% Capability. Changes were made based upon request by ACC to increase the value of Artistic Merit. ACC will adopt changes with provision that HOT fund monies will be received. Grant Committee will develop a plan in case HOT monies are not awarded. Commission discussed options to control "double-dipping."Joye made a motion to approve changes to art grants rubric. Dianna seconded. Commissioners felt there was insufficient information concerning 2010- 2011 HOT funding. The vote was called: 4 in favor, 4 opposed.Vote was left to Chair. Heidi opposed. ACC will look at later. e. Police Station Project -$25,000 i. $32,000 set aside for Police Station Art Project. Sculpture for exterior of building selected. Frank made a motion to approve artwork and send to City Council to appropriate funds of $25,000. Dr. Prewitt seconded. Dianna abstained. ii. $7,000.00 remaining for 2 interior projects. Committee decided to cancel one project and award$500 to each of the artists that submitted projects. f. Permanent Art Fund Appropriation for Sculpture i. As part of Festival of the Arts, two artists will be present: a sculptor and a painter. $7,569.00 needs to be appropriated for sculptor and $2,000 ($500 for demo; $1500 for acquisition)for painter. Ericha Kemm made a motion to request Council to appropriate $10,000.00 from the permanent art fund to be used for the Festival of the Arts. Joye LaBarrett seconded. The vote was called. Dr. Prewitt opposed. Motion passed. IX. STAFF REPORT: Michele gave ACC new cell phone number. X. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA a. Review of meetings discussion i. Art Grants Rubric ii. January 14, 2010 Minutes iii. Art Maintenance Plan iv. New Members XI. ADJOURN a. Joe Schenk made a motion to adjourn. Dr.Judith Prewitt seconded. Motion passed. Heidi Hovda, Chair, adjourned meeting at 5:58pm. Tara Mireles, Administrative Assistant Cultural Services, Parks& Recreation Department