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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 02/01/2011MAR 0 7 2011 SECRETARY'S QFF10EI CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:06 pm by Chair, Heidi Hovda. II. ROLL CALL - The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular Meeting January 4, 2011 and Special Called Meeting January 13, 2011 i. Joe S. made corrections to the description of the area as described at the Special Called Meeting. The corrections will be made. Joe S. made a motion to approve minutes as amended. Dianna seconded. Minutes approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT — None V. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Completion Reports for 2009 Art Subgrants i. Joye was not present. Have not yet met regarding subgrants. Heidi would like to have a completion report meeting with those on the committee on February 16. Target date for completing review of the reports is the end of March. b. Arts & Cultural Alliance i. Did not make quorum for the last meeting. ACA is still trying to get by -laws approved. Next meeting is on Wednesday. Heidi asked Reba how much was distributed to ACC. Councilman John Marez donated salary to ACA. Through August 2010, ACC has received $398.00. From August to November, ACC has received $2,215.00. Reba stated the money should be sitting in the City's Community Enrichment Fund. The money is not appropriated, so in order for the ACC to access funds, the money will need to be appropriated by Council. The ACC will discuss what to do with the funds at a later date. c. Cultural District Designation i. Heidi presented the official map for the designated area. The letter of intent has been completed and submitted to the TCA. The item will be a recurring item on future ACC agendas. Heidi would like to start assigning tasks. Corinne will work with Heidi on.Strategic Plan. ACC will look at Cultural District Designation Application to see what's involved. The application will consist of maps, narratives, organizational structure, inventory of cultural assets, future plans and incentives, letters of support, and photos and marketing. Santos in the City's Parks and Recreation Dept. will handle -the maps portion of the application. The_ map will be updated with points of interest and segmented into businesses, types of art, etc. Cultural assessment will provide a background on the support of local businesses and organizations, not limited to arts and cultural organizations. Joe S. and Joe H. will work on the inventory of cultural assets portion. Kelly, Corinne, Heidi, and Dianna will work on getting letters of support from employers and other organizations. Kelly will work on marketing aspect. Dianna will work on photographs. The commission will wait on organizational structure and narrative sections once they hear from the TCA. ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting, February 1, 2011, 4:00 p.m. 6'" Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Texas C' MEMBERS P A MEMBERS P A STAFF i )Paris, Karina E 6. S_ then Joe Reba George 2 Hilliard, Joe ® _ F Frank _ ❑ ( Mireles 3 Hovda, Heidi 8. Valadez, Corinne f , ® _ ❑ 4 Bluntzer Aura, Dianna ^� ® ❑ 9. Quintanilla, Kelly F ® i ❑ 5. LaBarrett, Joye El ® . ... ... ... ._.._......_ ............... .......__.............._....... _...__.... - ___.... .- _- .-- . -_ -. -- ❑ ❑ Total: 7 2 MAR 0 7 2011 SECRETARY'S QFF10EI CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:06 pm by Chair, Heidi Hovda. II. ROLL CALL - The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular Meeting January 4, 2011 and Special Called Meeting January 13, 2011 i. Joe S. made corrections to the description of the area as described at the Special Called Meeting. The corrections will be made. Joe S. made a motion to approve minutes as amended. Dianna seconded. Minutes approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT — None V. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Completion Reports for 2009 Art Subgrants i. Joye was not present. Have not yet met regarding subgrants. Heidi would like to have a completion report meeting with those on the committee on February 16. Target date for completing review of the reports is the end of March. b. Arts & Cultural Alliance i. Did not make quorum for the last meeting. ACA is still trying to get by -laws approved. Next meeting is on Wednesday. Heidi asked Reba how much was distributed to ACC. Councilman John Marez donated salary to ACA. Through August 2010, ACC has received $398.00. From August to November, ACC has received $2,215.00. Reba stated the money should be sitting in the City's Community Enrichment Fund. The money is not appropriated, so in order for the ACC to access funds, the money will need to be appropriated by Council. The ACC will discuss what to do with the funds at a later date. c. Cultural District Designation i. Heidi presented the official map for the designated area. The letter of intent has been completed and submitted to the TCA. The item will be a recurring item on future ACC agendas. Heidi would like to start assigning tasks. Corinne will work with Heidi on.Strategic Plan. ACC will look at Cultural District Designation Application to see what's involved. The application will consist of maps, narratives, organizational structure, inventory of cultural assets, future plans and incentives, letters of support, and photos and marketing. Santos in the City's Parks and Recreation Dept. will handle -the maps portion of the application. The_ map will be updated with points of interest and segmented into businesses, types of art, etc. Cultural assessment will provide a background on the support of local businesses and organizations, not limited to arts and cultural organizations. Joe S. and Joe H. will work on the inventory of cultural assets portion. Kelly, Corinne, Heidi, and Dianna will work on getting letters of support from employers and other organizations. Kelly will work on marketing aspect. Dianna will work on photographs. The commission will wait on organizational structure and narrative sections once they hear from the TCA. VI. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION / POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Donation of art from Dusty Durrill for placement on seawall across from Art Center of Corpus Christi i. Daiquiri Richard of Beautify Corpus Christi presented a statue created in honor of Mr. Dusty Durrill. A statue of his daughter Devery is located at the Art Center now. Mr. Durrill would like the bronze statue of he and his wife, Sam Durrill placed along the Shoreline Seawall across from the Art Center. He would like the ACC's permission to place the statue on a bench on the Seawall. Ms. Richard passed around a picture of the final piece. Mr. Durrill would pay for the installation of the piece, created by Buddy Tatum. ii. Commissioners expressed concerns about the support of the statue and suggested building a bench to support the piece. if the ACC receives the piece, they will then be responsible for maintaining. Commissioners are worried the statue may sustain damage from being in such a high traffic area. iii. Heidi asked if there were other locations that they may be interested in placing the statue. Ms. Richard stated the piece could be placed at the Art Center. Mr. Durrill has another piece he would like placed in the City that will presented at another date. The ACC will table until some of the questions can be answered. The issue was raised of whether other prominent citizens will want art pieces placed in honor of themselves and/or loved ones. Ms. Richard asked if the commission would be more comfortable if the piece was placed in the park he funded. The commission agreed that although he's done a lot for the community and is a large supporter of the arts, it may be the more appropriate location for the work. Ms. Richard stated he also may be interested in placing in the courtyard at the Art Center. If the statue is desired to be placed there, the Art Center would need to be involved in that decision. The commission feels that if the Durrill piece is placed on public property, then it's possible that other citizens may come forward wanting art pieces placed in similar areas. Ms. Richard stated perhaps they will consider making minor changes to the piece to make it more appropriate, such as placing Sam Durrill with the Devery Durrill statue at the Art Center. iv. The commission stated that without funding it is more difficult to maintain art pieces, whether they are purchased or donated. Ms. Richard thanked the commission for their time and will present the information to Mr. Durrill and explore other opportunities as they are presented. b. Dot Turner/ Joan Allen 1961 mural in storage i. The commission discussed the former airport mural that was placed in storage. Recently, the Caller Times ran an article regarding the piece. Whataburger moved and stored the piece, but it remains a part of the City's Permanent Art Collection. The piece is 9 feet tall and 32 feet long. ii. The commission discussed a location to move the artwork. They considered American Bank Center. Since the piece was rather expensive to move from the airport into storage, the ACC will need to look into the cost of removing it from storage and placing it in a new location. The ACC cannot fund the move unless a sponsor can be found to cover the relocation costs. iii. Mayor Adame is looking for someone to take over the art piece, but has not approached the ACC about it. Heidi asked that someone contact Whataburger and the American Bank Center regarding the relocation of the piece. Reba will find out its current location and arrange for a time for a few commissioners to inspect the artwork. Commissioners also discussed other pieces that are in storage needing repair. The item was tabled to gather additional information on the piece. c. Proposed RFP Process for Bond 2008 Public Art Projects i. Reba included a list of the 2008 Bond Projects. The list shows how much percent for art is allotted for each project. The Ad -hoc committee suggested money from the Tennis Center project and Maintenance Building at West Guth Park be distributed to other projects. The -- projects will require the commission to put out an RFP. The new RFP is similar to the one used in Aurora, Colorado. At the last meeting, the ACC discussed changing the percent for art in the ordinance. The change will need to go to Council for approval. The item will be put on the next agenda. VII. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA a. Review of meetings discussion i. Cultural District Designation ii. Ordinance change for Percent for Art iii. Master Plan Presentation VIII. ADJOURN a. Frank made a motion to adjourn. Joe S. seconded. Motion passed. Heidi Hovda, Chair, adjourned meeting at 5:26 pm. Tara Mireles, Administrative Assistant Cultural Services, Parks & Recreation Department