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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 03/01/2011ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting, March 1, 2011, 4:00 p.m. 6' Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus MEMBERS i P I A 1. Paris, Karina Z. Hilliard, Joe 3. Hovda, Heidi 4. Bluntzer -Durn, Dianna S. LaBarrett, Joye 6. Schenk, Joe 7. Trimble, Frank S. Valadez, Corinne 9. Ouintanilla, Kelh MAY 10 2011 Texas Reba Tara Mireles I. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:08 pm by Chair, Heidi Hovda. II. ROLL CALL - The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular Meeting February 1, 2011 i. Frank Trimble made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Joe Schenk seconded. Minutes were approved as amended. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT - None V. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION /POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Completion Reports for 2009 Art Subgrants i. Heidi and Dianna could not meet. They are working to reschedule. Some reports are missing, but City Staff is working on relocating. b. Arts & Cultural Alliance i. By -laws were approved at the last meeting. The ACA is working on a marketing plan. The next mail insert in the Utility Bill will be in October. They are working on getting a booth at the Festival of the Arts, but may not be allowed to participate this year. c. Cultural District Designation i. The TCA confirmed that they received the application. They will have a letter out by the end of the month. Until the ACC receives word, they will research items individually. It is still not for sure whether the TCA will be funded this next fiscal year. If the TCA is not funded and cannot provide the designation, Heidi suggested the ACC pursuing it anyway, following the template, and coming up with it on their own. ACC will have a round table discussion on planning forward at the next meeting. d. Turner /Allen mural in storage i. ACC needs to setup a time to go look at the mural in storage. The facility is located at Ayers and Pearse. They cannot have quorum. Joe S, Frank, and Dianna will attend. Joe H. is also interested in attending. They will aim for a time before Spring Break. e. Durrill Foundation proposed donation i. Reba followed up and the Durrill Foundation decided they will not be coming back to the ACC at this time. The Assistant City Manager contacted Reba regarding. another art that has not been commissioned yet. The Durrill Foundation may come back to present the new piece at a later date. ii. Heidi asked if ACC can receive art without putting it into the public art collection. Reba will look into it. P } A VI. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION 1 POSSIBLE ACTION) a. NEA grant opportunity — request for grant match i. . Mayor Adame presented the opportunity to Reba. Reba requested a grant match of $25,000. If approved, she will approach the ACC in April to request funds from the utility bill. i. ` Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Master Plan -2011 Lloyd Lentz, Halff and Associates i. Mr. Lentz presented a summary of the Corpus Christi Parks and Recreation Master Plan to the ACC. Halff and Associates worked on the 2002 Master Plan. They are working on other coastal communities, as well. They've created a master plan committee to help bring info from residents back to them. From there they can understand what the key issues are. The committee is diverse and has members from the community and the City. The main reason for creating a Master Plan is to better understand what the community wants and needs. Great cities have great parks and parks departments. The goal is to create a business plan to create predictability. ii. Halff and Associates will be looking at every park and give it a role in the City. They will look at locations, conditions, and use and determine where to go from there. They want to know what the priorities are for Parks and Recreation for the next 8 years. iii. Phase t of the Master Plan Process includes taking inventory, community meetings, telephone and web surveys, needs assessment, and priority ranking. iv. Phase 2 includes the preliminary Master Plan, public involvement, final Master Plan, adoption and TPWD Approval. v. The ACC discussed the plan with Mr. Lentz. It was asked why the ACC has not been involved in the Master Plan Committee. Mr. Lentz stated they can approach the director of Parks and Recreation to request to be added. They discussed how art can be involved in different parks and projects. Heidi would like to see art incorporated into the design of the parks. Concerns were expressed about the current parks and how they can possibly be improved. VII. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA a. Review of meetings discussion i. Cultural District Designation li. Ordinance change for Percent for Art VIII. ADJOURN a. Frank made a motion to adjourn. Kelly seconded. Motion passed. Heidi Hovda, Chair, adjourned meeting at 5:34 pm. Tara Mireles, Administrative Assistant Cultural Services, Parks & Recreation Department