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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 05/03/2011 RECEII/ED ARTS&CULTURAL COMMISSION JUL 1 2 2011 Regular Meeting, May 03,2011,4:00 p.m. 6`h Floor Conference Room, City Hail, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi,Tex s CIIYSECRMY'S OFFICE MEMBERS _ .-.. P- A— ---. M-EMBERS P A STAFF 1. Paris,Karina6.Schen Joe 12eba George ..........❑............._.---.-.....,�_ -_.....-. __.--.....-._.. ._ ® -o-- 2. Hilliard,Joe 7. Trimble,Frank Tara Mireles 3. Hovda,Heidi ® E] 8.Valadez,Corinne - Co_.- .... . --_.--.-_.- ❑ 4. Bluntzer Dura,Dianna ® [ 9.Quintanilla,Kelly ® __ _.................. _..._..-..-.-...-.. 5. 1 aBarrett,Joye ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Total: ,E 7 2 i —---_ I. CALL TO ORDER-The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:09 pm by Chair, Heidi Hovda. II. ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. Ili. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular Meeting April 5,2011 i. Karina Paris made a motion to approve the minutes. Joye seconded. Minutes were approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT—None V. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION 1 POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Completion Reports for 2009 Art Subgrants i. City Staff located a box. Joye and Heidi will look through to determine if it contains the right reports. b. Arts & Cultural Alliance i. ACA is in the process of gathering data for the presentation to City Council. They received contract for $2500 in free advertising at La Palmera Mall. Will set-up a booth in October at the mall with all the groups participating. Another insert will be released in October. They are also working on non-profit status. ii. ACC has not done anything with the money received from the ACA. They discussed holding on to the money as they make plans for the Cultural District. The money is held in a City bank account, not the general fund. Joe Schenk moved the AGC set aside money generated from the ACA for progress towards the Cultural District Designation, should matching funds be received; that's where the ACC would like to guide the money at the present time. Dianna Bluntzer seconded. Motion passed. The money can be used toward something else at a later date should the ACC decide to do so. c. Cultural District Designation i. Reba sent out information regarding other cities' Cultural Districts and cultural planning. TCA is still waiting for word on whether they will be funded or not. ACC discussed the June deadline for submitting the Cultural District Designation application. They agreed they will not have ample time, but would like to continue pursuing a designation or new goal in some_way using city, county, or whatever other resources available. ---- ..._........ .................--- - — ii. Heidi would like the commission to get through the completion-reports-to-clear-the-Ogen a-----for future planning. There will be a Special Called Meeting in 2 weeks on May 18" at 11:30am at the Art Museum. Kelly and Reba will work on an agenda for the meeting. d. RFP for Bond 2008 Percent for Art Projects i. No report. Reba is still working on timeline. Because there is no longer a visual arts committee, someone will have to help in the peer panel selection. Reba will keep the committee updated on the status of the RFP. e. Dot Turner/Joan Allen 1961 mural in Whataburger storage i. At the last meeting the ACC asked who owns the mural. Reba emailed a representative from Whataburger after he had not responded. They will be sending a letter to the City G soon. Reba will let the commission know once the letter is received. Joe S. and Reba have volunteered to meet with SMG. f. Art Maintenance Items i. ACC had asked Reba to look for funding to repair the fountain artwork at the park adjacent to the Art Center. The estimated cost is$1200.00. Reba stated they could cover the expense. ii. Reba is still looking into the costs for the Orion's Belt maintenance. The statue is beginning to rust.She is also looking into who placed the lights near the artwork, which were funded by donations. Commissioners would like to replace the colored lights with white ones, g. Bronze plaques for permanent art collection i. Commissioners will need to mark areas where plaques are to be installed. CC Stampworks is storing the plaques, and they will be responsible for basic installation. Some pieces may require concrete stands and/or advanced installation. VI. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION) i. ACC Presentation to Council 1. Report will cover: a. Arts sub-granting program suspended b. ACC membership changes approved c. ACC by-laws revised d. Cultural District Designation sought e. Public Art Program i. Downtown Police Station Artwork ii. Turner/Allen mural relocation iii. Bond 2008 '%for Art' projects iv. Proposed revisions to Public Art Ordinance v. Maintenance of public art 2. Commissioners would like to add that bronze plaques be required during installation of artwork and the Art Book to the report. VII. Announcements/Events i. Public Reception for New City Manager, Ron Olson 1. There will be a reception held at the Art Center of Corpus Christi on May 4'h from 5.30 to 7:30pm. The commissioners are invited to attend. VIII. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA a. Review of meetings discussion i. Cultural District Designation ii. Completion Reports for 2009 Subgrants iii. Arts and Cultural Alliance iv. RFP for Bond 2008 Percent for Art Projects IX. ADJOURN a. Joe H. made a motion to adjourn. Dianna seconded. Motion passed. Heidi Hovda, Chair, adjourned meeting at 5:01 pm. Tara Mireles,Administrative Assistant Cultural Services, Parks & Recreation Department