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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 07/12/2011ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting, July 12, 2011, 4:00 p.m. Basement Training Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Texas _ MEMBERS P A MEMBERS - P A _- - - -- STAFF _ ...._.. -_-.. ----- - -. - -. 1 .^ Paris -- ..._........... _... ®._ ...❑ . 6. Schenk, Joe -- - - - - - _� ❑ �.- _ ,Reba George 2. Hilliard Joe 7. Trimble Frank Tara Mireles 3. Hovda, Heidi E] 8. Vala&2 Corinne 4. Bluntzer -Duna Dianna ...... ............ 9. uintanilla Kell - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- _ _ _i 5. LaBarrett Jo _......_. -- _ _� _.�� _... .... ®. -. - . .....- .-- . -...- --- ...- _------- .-- - - - -.- - -� - -' ❑ _ NOV _.- — .._...... _ _ _ _ _ µ........ _ -. .... .................. __ ...•..__..._.•._ - - -- - - -- -- Total:.. -- 6 - - -` 3 2011 J CITY SECRETARY'S OF FICE CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:08 pm by Chair, Heidi Hovda. II. ROLE- CALL - The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. Ill. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular Meeting June 7, 2011 i. Joe Schenk made a motion to approve the minutes. Joye seconded. Minutes were approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT — None V. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION / POSSIBLE ACTION) New business items A and B were moved up on the agenda. a. Donation of Art - 'Wind Dancer' sculpture (presentation by James Gourley) i. James Gourley represented Dusty Durrill and presented the 'Wind Dancer' sculpture designed by Buddy Tatum. They would like to place the piece in the Cole Park area. They have completed geotechnical surveys of the property. There will be up- lighting for the piece. He noted the soil conditions are stable enough to support the piece, which will go down 7 feet with the sculpture being 18 ft tall. It will be low maintenance with low voltage lighting. The patina that will be put on the piece will keep the piece low maintenance. Commission expressed concerns regarding cost of maintenance. They also suggested approaching PRAC. Joye made a motion to accept the art piece with the stipulation that the lighting will be white. Joe H. added that Council be made aware of the continued maintenance. Joye accepted the amendment. Dianna seconded. Motion passed. b. Donation of Art— Downtown Mural (K Space) i. Sharon Sedwick with K Space presented an art mural that they would like to create on the balustrade near Starr Street for their Dia de los Muertos event. K Space artists will paint and maintain the piece. Joe Hilliard made a motion to paint areas of the balustrade as illustrated with an amended photo through a memorandum of understanding that K Space create and maintain the art for a designated amount of time with return to original condition. Joe S. seconded. Motion passed. VI. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION / POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Completion Reports for 2009 Art Subgrants i. Only located awards but have not located folders. Will give another month to locate files. If files cannot be located, the Commission will need to develop a plan of action. b. Arts & Cultural Alliance i. ACA has meeting tomorrow and will be working on La Palmera marketing plan. c. Dot Turner/Joan Allen 1981 mural in Whataburger storage i. Reba will approach the Mayor with details of the piece. Will update the ACC on his decision. d. Art Maintenance Items i. Electrical work done on lights at'Wind in the Sails'. Photo cells were replaced. ii. It was asked of Council if ACC could use HOT money on art maintenance, but it was determined that HOT funds could not be used for that. Heidi will email Council members requesting $30,000 be put aside each fiscal year to maintain their investment in public art. e. Public Art Projects Update i. Jack Gron piece for the Police Department is nearing completion. Last Friday, Joye, Joe. S., Reba, Dianna, and Debra met to see the artwork. They should have an art dedication upon it's completion by September. f. Cultural District Planning i. Commission will not add new business for the next agenda to allow time to discuss Cultural District Planning. VII. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION / POSSIBLE ACTION) a. Succession planning for ACC membership i. Frank's term will be ending and ACC will need to find someone to fill architect spot. Suggestion was made for John Dykema to fill the position. Commissioners will contact Mr. Dykema to see if he's interested in serving on the ACC, or if his wife would be interested. Corinne and Kelly have multiple absences. Tara will email Heidi the updated absence record to see if they are still on the commission and/or eligible for re- appointment. VIII. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA a. Review of meetings discussion i. Cultural District Designation ii. Completion Reports for 2009 Subgrants iii. Arts and Cultural Alliance iv. Vote on New Commissioners v. Budget Update IX. ADJOURN a. Joe H. made a motion to adjourn. Karina seconded. Motion passed. Heidi Hovda, Chair, adjourned meeting at 5:02 pm. Tara Raith, Administrative Assistant Parks & Recreation Department