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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 04/24/2012 - SpecialARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION
Special Called Meeting, April 24, 2012, 4:00 p.m.
6th Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Texas
1. Paris, Karina
6. Schenk, Joe
7. Brad Kisner
Reba George
Tara Galy an
3. Hovda, Heidi ® f 8. Patricia Reinhardt-
4. Bluntzer, Dianna 9.
I. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at
4:05 pm by Chair, Heidi Hovda.
II. ROLL CALL - The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum.
a. Special called meeting March 20, 2012
i. Correction to be made: Brad Kisner filling Higher Education position not Architect position.
Joe S. made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Joye seconded. Minutes were
i. Recruitment of members
1. There is a vacancy on the commission. ACC is looking for someone to fill Architect
position. Received two bios: Edgar E. Farrera and Paul Duke. Commission
discussed the applicants and their qualifications. Joe S. made a motion to
recommend Mr. Farrera. Joye seconded. Vote was called. Motion passed.
2. Joye and Joe H. terms are ending in September. Commission members raised
concerns regarding term length. Reba will ask the City Secretary's office to confirm
the term dates.
ii. HOT Funds for arts
1. Presentation on May 8th by Margie Rose. Councilman Loeb asked Ms. Rose for a
process to reinstate HOT funding to the ACC. As soon as it is posted on the
website, which should be the Thursday prior to the Council meeting, Reba will
send out to commission. Heidi explained the proposed process to new commission
members Brad Kisner and Dr. Patricia Reinhardt-Mondragon. ACC members will
familiarize themselves with the process and Texas for the Arts laws prior to the
presentation. A special called meeting will be called for Monday May 7th at 4:00
pm in the Parks and Recreation Conference Room.
iii. Police Sculpture Update
1. Jack Gron has been working with a structural engineer to get the specs on the
requirements to get the statue installed at City Hall. There is money remaining in
the bond fund to cover the project, depending on the cost.
i. Texans for the Arts Workshop, June 5 (Joe Schenk)
1. Texans for the Arts are holding a Workshop at the Art Museum. There is a fee to
attend. Members of the ACC will receive an invitation. It will include board
members from Texans for the Arts, state legislators, the Mayor, etc. Topics that will
be discussed will include state laws on HOT funding. Joe asked if anyone on the
commission would like to serve on the Host Committee. Joye and Dianna
volunteered. Joe will send new commission members more information on the
workshop. Reba and Heidi also volunteered for the Host Committee.
ii. Part-time Public Art Coordinator
1. The City will hire a new public art coordinator to assist the ACC with administrative
duties and projects. Will consist of a 19 hour workweek.
iii. Regular Meeting day / time for ACC
1. ACC discussed days and times for definitive meeting time. Commission agreed to
hold the meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4:00 pm. Dianna made
motion to approve the meeting time. Joye seconded. Motion passed.
Identify Items to be placed on the next agenda
■ Financial Profile
■ Central Calendar
■ HOT Fund Update
■ Creative Workshop
a. Joe S. made a motion to adjourn. Dianna seconded. Motion passed. Heidi Hovda, Chair,
adjourned meeting at 5:13 pm.
Tara Galvan, Administrative Assistant
Parks & Recreation Department