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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 06/12/2012ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Regularly Scheduled Meeting, June 12, 2012, 4:00 p.m. Basement Training Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Texas MEMBERS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... P A MEMBERS P A STAFF ............................... 1. Paris, Karina ® ❑ 6. Schenk, Joe .......................................................................................... ............................... _ ........................................................................................................................................... ® ❑ Reba George ............................... 2. Hilliard, Joe ® ❑ 7. Brad Kisner ❑ ® Tara Gals an 3. Hoy da, Heidi ® ❑ 8. Patricia Reinhardt- ® El Mondragon 4. Bluntzer, Dianna ® E] 9. Paul Duke ® El 5. LaBarrett, Jove ® El El El Total: 5 3 CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:04 pm by Chair, Heidi Hovda. ROLL CALL - The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Special called meeting May 7, 2012 Minutes approved as written. Joe H. made a motion to approve the minutes. Dianna seconded. Newest member Paul Duke works for Turner Ramirez Architect. ACC members introduced themselves and welcomed Mr. Duke to the committee. III. PUBLIC COMMENT — None. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION / POSSIBLE ACTION) — None. III. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION / POSSIBLE ACTION) i. Art by the Hour: Memo of Understanding -draft (Heidi) 1. Heidi explained the background of the memorandum of understanding. The purpose of the MOU is to establish the City of Corpus Christi Art by the Hour project and identify responsibilities and roles between the City and the groups specified. 2. Art by the hour originated with Mark Denson with the City's Parking Division seeing another city that decorated old meters and the money deposited benefited an organization. Since the arts lost their funding, the idea came up that old parking meters could be placed on non -city property to collect donations for the Arts. The money collected from the meters will initially be equally distributed among the ACA entities. 3. The thought was to use the money collected aside from HOT funds to provide grants to organizations that are struggling throughout the city. The meters will not be considered part of the permanent art collection. The meters run around $50 per meter. They will not be placed where parking meters are required; they will be placed at the local organizations place of business to collect donations. The project is an additional way to fund the Arts. ACC would like to the project to be exclusive to Arts by the Hour. The ACC requested someone from Bond Council or Legal at the next meeting to address money for maintenance of public art. 4. Few changes made to the MOU. Heidi will take MOU to Alliance and once approved will come back to the ACC for a vote. ii. Financial Items: (Reba) 1. Account / fund balances for PALS Fund, Permanent Art Trust, General Fund 1) Reba distributed summary of balances. In community enrichment fund, the Permanent art trust fund is there and currently has $160,601.33 including interest. In General Fund there is a balance of 5,379.78. The money is from the Utility Bill. Web hosting /domain registration for ACC website 1) A portion of General Fund money is going to the printing for the utility bill insert (302.58) and Webhosting for 2 years (220.00 per year). Joe motion to pay webhosting bill. Dianna seconded 2) Reba will submit an invoice to the city for 5,379.78 and the city will provide a check to be deposited into the P.A.L.S. account. The current P.A.L.S. balance is 802.10. FY13 Art Grants Proposed Budget 1) $146,065 will be awarded to the ACC for Art Grant Funding. Reba created a mailing list of previous grant recipients. If ACC members would like to add an organization, they will need to let Reba know. Funding year for Art groups begins November 1, 2012. 2) Reba arranged for a Special Called Meeting regarding the Jack Gron MOU on June 20 at the Hesters in the Art Museum at noon. IV. Identify Items to be placed on the next agenda • Stolen Sculpture from Art Center Park • Rep from legal and finance at next meeting for Permanent Art Fund • Commissioners expiring- ideas for recruiting V. ADJOURN a. Joye made a motion to adjourn. Karina seconded. Motion passed. Heidi Hovda, Chair, adjourned meeting at 5:02 pm. Tara Galvan, Administrative Assistant Parks & Recreation Department