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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 08/14/2012ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting, August 14, 2012, 4:00 p.m. Basement Training Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Texas MEMBERS 1P JA I MEMBERS I P JA I STAFF 1. Paris, Karina ® ❑ 6. Schenk, Joe ® ❑ Reba George 2. Hilliard, Joe ® ❑ 7. Kisner, Brad Z El 3. Hovda, Heidi ® ❑ 8. Reinhardt- Mondragon, Patricia 4. Bluntzer, Dianna ® ❑ 9. Duke, Paul Z El 5. LaBarrett, Jove Total: 9 0 CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 5:06 p.m. by Chair, Heidi Hovda. II. ROLL CALL - The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Regular Meeting June 12, 2012 i. Brad made a motion to approve the minutes. Patricia seconded. Minutes were approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT - None V. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION / POSSIBLE ACTION) a) Public Art Projects update — Gron sculpture; Tatum bronze Reba updated ACC on two projects. Police Building on John Sartain again being considered and reviewed for installation due to excessive cost of building a free - standing wall to be installed at City Hall property, near the corner of Lipan and Staples. Wind Dancer sculpture by Buddy Tatum could be completed by October. Base and lighting design being finalized and coordinated with development services. b) Art by the Hour — Memo of Understanding — Draft #2 Draft copies were distributed for review. Heidi noted changes that had been made, and requested in Section 5.10 to add the Arts & Cultural Alliance along with the City. Heidi also noted that the Arts and Cultural Alliance was having a retreat the next day and would also be reviewing. c) FY13 Arts Grant Program Draft of the Guidelines for the Arts Grant Program for 2013 was distributed for review. Reba went through the Guidelines and answered questions. Reba requested the ACC decide the maximum amount of the grant request. Diana made the motion to set the maximum amount at $24,000. Discussion followed. Brad moved to amend the motion to set the maximum to $15,000. Karina seconded the amended motion. Motion passed. Joe H made a motion that an organization only be able to submit one application. Patricia seconded. Motion passed. Guidelines will be amended to reflect all motions passed. Request made by Heidi to remove the term `adversarial' relationship from the Conflict of Interest section in the Guidelines. Format discussed. VI. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION / POSSIBLE ACTION) a) Art Center Fountain — missing statue Dianna reported that one of the `children' of the fountain in the park next to the Art Center was stolen. A police report was made and the original delivery receipt was located indicating the value of the statue at the time. Reba reported that there has been no evidence that the fountain was ever formally given to the City, therefore not part of the Public Art Inventory. b) ACC Recruitment — Marketing, Economic Development positions; reappointment Reba reported that there will be two vacant positions beginning in September, as the terms of Joe Hilliard (Economic Development) and Joye LaBarrett (Marketing) expired and they could not be reappointed due to term limits. She also said that the September 25, 2012 City Council meeting would be their last opportunity to appoint new members until after the General Election in November 2012, or after any City Council runoff elections. Joe Schenk will seek reappointment - Joe H motion to appoint Joe Schenk. Joye L seconded. c) Public Art Ordinance — Maintenance; Bond 2008 project status The FY2013 budget did not include designated funds for art maintenance. Other discussion concerning the Public Art Ordinance and disregard for enforcement. Discussion as to how the ACC might bring this to the attention of the City Council. VII. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THE NEXT AGENDA a) Review ACC applications for vacancies and make recommendations to Council for 9/25 meeting. b) Elect Chairperson and Vice - Chairperson for the 2012 -2013 program year. c) Arts Grants Review process d) Public Art Ordinance VIII. ADJOURN a) Joye L. made a motion to adjourn. Joe H. seconded. Motion passed. Heidi Hovda, Chair, adjourned meeting at 5:20 p.m. Reba N. George, Superintendent Parks & Recreation Department