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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 09/11/2012ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION
Regular Meeting, September 11, 2012, 4:00 p.m.
Basement Training Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Texas
1. Paris, Karina X 6. Schenk, Joe X Reba George
2. VACANT 7. Kisner, Brad X
3. Hovda, Heidi X 8. Reinhardt - Mondragon, X
4. Bluntzer, Dianna X 9. Duke, Paul X
Total: 5 2
CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 5:06
p.m. by Chair, Heidi Hovda.
II. ROLL CALL - The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum.
a) Regular Meeting September 11, 2012
Brad Kisner made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Schenk seconded. Motion passed.
a) Review ACC applications for vacancies (Marketing & Economic Development)
ACC discussed applications on file for vacancies. Joe nominated Stephen Rybak for the Marketing
seat. Karina seconded. Motion passed. Patricia Rein hardt-Mondragon pointed out that there are no
minority members, including the applications being discussed to send to the City Council — and asked
if that would be an issue. Karina nominated Sean Mintz for the Economic Development seat. Brad
seconded. Motion passed. The two nominees will be forwarded to the City Secretary's office so that
the City Council will consider at their September 25, 2012.
b) Elect Chairperson and Vice - Chairperson for the 2012 -2013 year
Unanimous vote for Heidi as Chairperson and Karina as Vice - Chairperson
c) Arts Grants Review process
Reba reported that the Arts Grants Program workshops were held on August 21 and 23. Comments
were made that this year's process will be very different and less complicated than in the past. Grant
packets will be put together to distribute to the Commissioners at the October 9, 2012 ACC meeting.
Commissioners will return by November 6, 2012 so the scores can be compiled and a summary
presented at the November 13, 2012 meeting.
Joe brought up that the Art Museum was told they could not apply for Arts Grants funding, however it
did not state in the Guidelines that if an organization already receives HOT Fund money, they are
ineligible to apply. This has never been a restriction before. Why had the rules changed? Patricia
stated you can't change the rules mid - stream. Heidi asked what can be done about that. Reba
explained that the decision was made at the ACM (Assistant City Manager) level, and that the ACC
can express their opinion on that, but it will not change anything. Joe pointed out that there was
nothing in the guidelines to limit other HOT Funded organizations from receiving Arts Grants. Reba
clarified that it was just the Art Museum who could not apply. Joe said he understood the Botanical
Gardens couldn't apply either. Heidi stated if it is not in here (the guidelines), then they (Art Museum)
can't be eliminated. Karina added there is another level of review so if Legal or whoever removes
them from being considered, that is not our burden to bear — we just have to justify the decisions that
we make as a commission. Karina suggested they apply too and if it (the Art Museum's application)
gets filtered down to the ACC that they will be judged accordingly like everybody else, if it doesn't get
down to us, it is not our issue to determine. Reba said the City Legal, budget, ACM office would have
input into the internal review of the applications. Joe commented if he had known it was in the criteria
he would not have had staff prepare a grant. Heidi asked if the Harbor Playhouse could apply for this
funding since they were receiving other HOT Funds. Reba stated it was her understanding that the
ACM office did not want the Art Museum to receive Arts Grants fund because of the large amount the
Art Museum was already receiving from the HOT Fund.
d) Public Art Ordinance
Reba stated that the Engineering Department would be reconciling the projects and remaining
balances in the 2008 bond funds to see what remaining funds could be used for art. The new Director
of Engineering wants to make sure the Public Art Ordinance is being followed and how that will be
done going forward. The interdepartmental process will be reviewed and revised so that it is clear
how the ordinance will be implemented. Heidi asked if the percent for art money that was `owed to'
the Bond 2008 would be available. Reba stated that we should no more after the reconciliation is
complete. Joe said the ACC should go on the record that the expectation is that the money will be
there (for public art program). Reba said the hope was that by the time the Bond 2012 projects come
about (if voters approve) that art will be discussed at the beginning of the process with the architect
and initial planning. Heidi mentioned that there may be instances where the minimum amount for art
might need to be used elsewhere or put into the Permanent Art Fund instead of not set aside for art
at all.
a) Grant applications reviewed and awards proposed
b) Public Art Ordinance
Karina made a motion to adjourn. Joe seconded. Motion passed. Heidi Hovda, Chair, adjourned
meeting at 5:12 p.m.
Reba N. George, Superintendent
Parks & Recreation Department