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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 04/09/2013 ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting,April 9, 2013, 4:00 p.m. 3rd Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Texas MEMBERS P A MEMBERS P A STAFF 1. Carlisle,Karina X 6. Schenk,Joe X Reba George 2. Harrison,Cathy X 7. Kisner,Brad X Tess Allan 3. Hovda,Heidi X 8. Reinhardt-Mondragon, X Patricia ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4. Bluntzer,Dianna X 9. Duke,Paul X ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. Rybak,Stephen X Total: 8 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Heidi Hovda. II. ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Regular Meeting March 12, 2013 Karina Carlisle made a motion to approve the minutes. Cathy Harrison seconded. Minutes were approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT— None V. OLD BUSINESS (DISCUSSION/ POSSIBLE ACTION) Jack Gron Reception Reba George gave an update on the Gron sculpture installation at the Police Department and stated that as of April 1St, per the Agreement with Jack Gron, the City is now in possession of the art which is in storage until it can be installed. Joe Schenk and Heidi Hovda announced that they met with the police chief regarding the Jack Gron installation and that their meeting went very well. Art Maintenance; Public Art for Inventory The Commissioners submitted their Condition Reports and each gave a brief overview of the art they inventoried. Tess Allan gave an update on the plaques being installed by stampworks. Tess Allan reported that Mel Chin has agreed to work on the missing foot from the City's vandalized Untitled History sculpture. Mel has proposed the following timeline and fee schedule: May—travel to site and remove the other foot from sculpture, June/July — carve the feet, August/September return to site and install the feet. He expects the fee to be $8,000 for the sculpting work and an additional 10% for travel and lodging fees. Joe Schenk made a motion to allocate $8,800 from the Permanent Art Fund to pay for the repair of the Untitled History Sculpture. Patricia Mondragon seconded. Motion Passed. ACC Presentation to City Council in May Copies of the last PowerPoint presentation made to City Council were distributed and Reba George showed the Commissioners a slightly updated version of the PowerPoint from City Staff. The presentation to City Council will be on May 14th and Heidi Hovda and Patricia Mondragon agreed to review the PowerPoint slides and give the presentation. VI. NEW BUSINESS (DISCUSSION /POSSIBLE ACTION) Attendance Policy Copies of the Bylaws of the Arts and Cultural Commission were distributed. Heidi Hovda gave a brief history and led discussion of the current Attendance policy. Joe Scheck made a motion that the bylaws be amended under Section D, Item 1 to read: Regular Meetings —Absences from more than twenty-five (25) percent of regularly scheduled meetings during a term year beginning in September, on the part of any commission member, may result in termination of commission member by vote of the commissioners. The absence rule applies only for regularly scheduled meetings. Brad Kisner seconded. Motion Passed. 1 VII. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THE NEXT AGENDA Use of Utility Bill Art Funds, adjusting the % of funds the ACC receives from the Utility Bill funds Meeting attendance/Regular meetings in April, June and October VIII. ADJOURN Stephen Rybak made a Motion to adjourn. Karina Carlisle Seconded. Motion passed. Heidi Hovda adjourned meeting at 5:16 p.m. Tess Allan, Recording Secretary 2