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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 08/13/2013 ARTS& CULTURAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting,August 13,2013,4:00 p.m. Basement Train n Room Cl Hail 1201 Leopard Sty Corpus Christi Texas MEMBERS P �,mmmmmr, A MEMBERS P A STAFF 6. Reinhardt-Mondragon, 1. Bluntzer,Dianna X Patricia X Reba George 2. Carl,slet Karina w X 7. Rybak,Stephen X. Tess Allan- .A Dukes 8. Schenk~Joe X 4. Harrison Cathy X 9 Vacant X .. 5. Kisner, Brad X Total 8 1 I. CALL TO ORDER - The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:05 p.m, by Karina Carlisle. II. ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Regular Meeting July 9,2013 Cathy Harrison made a motion to approve the minutes Joe Schenk seconded. Minutes were approved. 1V. PUBLIC COMMENT—None V. OLD BUSINESS(DISCUSSION 1 POSSIBLE ACTION) Arts Grants Program—Scoring Tool&RFP Commissioners reviewed and discussed the final changes to the Scoring Tool and briefly reviewed the RFP which will be updated by City Staff to reflect the Scoring Tool changes and current dates, Membership Vacancies The City Council will be appointing two Commissioners to the ACC on September 10th. After brief discussion and review of the current applicants Dianna Bluntzer made a motion to move the next ACC meeting to Tuesday, September 17th so that the two newly appointed Commissioners will be able to attend. Brad Kisner Seconded. Motion passed. Mel Chin Sculpture Repair Reba George announced that the repair to the vandalized 'Untitled History' sculpture is currently scheduled to take place in September. Mel Chin will be sending someone from his studio to install the new feet, City Staff will be on site to take photographs and he has agreed to let us keep the remaining foot. Art Maintenance FY13 Reba George announced that the ACC officially has a total of$30,000 to spend on art maintenance for the FY13, $20,000 from the General Fund and $10.,000 from Parks and Recreation. The Commissioners expressed their sincere appreciation to Michael Morris, Parks and Recreation Director. VI. NEW BUSINESS(DISCUSSION 1 POSSIBLE ACTION) Sandy Stein Sculpture—Proposal for relocation Dianna Bluntzer informed the ACC of a proposal from Dusty Durrell to move the Sandy Stein Sculpture, 'Sunrise Over Corpus Christi Bay', from the front porch of the Art Center to the park adjacent to the Art Center at no cost to the City. It was determined that City Staff will look into some of the questions raised and bring the findings to the next ACC meeting„ Mel Chin Plaques Currently there is only one plaque to mark Mel Chin's 'Untitled History' art that consists of 5 separate sculptures at various places around the American Bank Center. Reba George submitted the bid from Stamp Works to fabricate and install 4 more identical plaques on the rest of the sculptures. Joe Schenk made a Motion to approve a $1,120 expenditure from the Permanent Art Trust Fund for expenses related to the fabrication and installation of 4 plaques to identify the Mel Chin 'Untitled History' Sculptures. Patricia Reinhardt Mondragon Seconded. Motion passed. 1 Vil. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THE NEXT AGENDA Sandy Stein Sculpture-- Proposal for relocation Proposal for the ACC to have some input in the environment immediately surrounding public art Elect Chair and Vice Chair Dedication for Wind Dancer Review of the Current Art Ordinance VHI. ADJOURN Patricia Rein hardt-Mondragon made a Motion to adjourn. Dianna Bluntzer Seconded, Motion passed,. Karina Carlisle adjourned meeting at 4:47 p.m. - ..................................................................................... Tess Allan„ Recording Secretary