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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 04/14/2015 ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting,April 14, 2015, 4:00 p.m. Parks & Recreation Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Texas MEMBERS P A MEMBERS P A STAFF 1. Duke,Paul X 6. Reinhardt-Mondragon, X Reba George Patricia 2. Gardiner, CarlaX 7. Rybak,Stephen X Tess Allan 3. Harrison, Cathy X 8. Schenk,Joe X ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4. Kisner,BradX 9. Sherman,Dianna X ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. Mintz,Sean X Total: 7 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I. CALL TO ORDER-The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Brad Kisner. II. ROLL CALL -The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. Paul Duke asked that his past two absences be excused. Patricia moved to excuse Paul's absences. Cathy Harrison seconded. Paul Duke's January and March absences were excused. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting, March 10, 2015— Cathy Harrison moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Carla Gardiner seconded. Minutes were unanimously approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT— Mr. Neal Van Zante attended the meeting but made no public comment. V. OLD BUSINESS Public Art Projects, Administration and Conservation Reba George gave a brief update on the conservation of the Surls piece Six or Seven Flowers. Mr. Surls' assistant Tai Pomara has submitted a bid of $29,000 to come to Corpus Christi, remove the artwork and transport it back to Mr. Surls' studio in Colorado, restore it there, then transport it back to Corpus Christi and reinstall it. The timeline is to begin in September and estimated to take approximately 4 weeks to complete. Tai's bid is much lower than the Zahner bid, which was to do the work locally, and Reba has checked with a Texas Public Art Administrators group who confirmed that the bid is reasonable. The Commissioners discussed the possibly of moving the artwork to a more prominent location near the South Texas Art Museum upon its return. There is currently $17,000 left in the current year's maintenance budget and the additional funds would need to come from the Permanent Art Trust Fund. Cathy Harrison moved to recommend that City Council approve the use of funds from the Permanent Art Trust Fund to pay the remaining balance of the conservation and relocation of the Six or Seven Flowers sculpture. Patricia Reinhardt-Mondragon seconded. The recommendation passed with 6 for and one abstention from Joe Schenk. Reba will contact Tai to determine if his bid included the necessary insurance required and to check if Mr. Surls is willing to allow the City of Corpus Christi to move the artwork to another location. A sub-committee including Patricia Reinhardt-Mondragon, Carla Gardiner and Paul Duke was formed to investigate the possibility of relocating the Six or Seven Flowers sculpture. Collier Pool City Staff distributed the architectural renderings of the pool submitted by Turner, Ramirez &Associates, Inc. which indicated possible locations for public artwork. After some discussion of the art possibilities suggested it was determined by general consensus that the Art Selection Panel would not include a mural or sculpture in the Request for Proposals from artists but would request proposals for functional art in a shade structure or fence. 2015 Arts Forum Reba stated that Jim Bob McMillan has agreed to come and make a presentation at the 2015 Arts Forum. It was suggested that we request that he bring a slideshow with information on Cultural Districts and handouts for Texas Commission on the Arts grant information. The times for the Forum were 1 changed to 5:00 to 7:OOpm and will be indicated on the Save the Date Card selected to go out in May. City Staff will request the Mayor's presence from 6:00 to 7:00 to help hand out awards and take photos with the Star Volunteers. City Staff will also send the Arts Organizations address list to the Commissioners for their review and additions. Art Publication Brad Snyder submitted a bid of $6,725 for the graphic design and layout of a 24 page color catalogue, providing all Photoshop needs, knock-outs and proofs for approval. The design bid falls within the budget allocated for the project and is anticipated to be completed by September 2015. Additional funds for printing the catalogue will be requested in the 2016 budget year. Commissioners requested that an electronic copy of the catalogue be placed on the City's website as well as the CVB's website and that the information be formatted so that it can be viewed on a mobile device. Geocaching Patricia Reinhardt-Mondragon and City Staff updated the Commission on their Public Art Geo-tour research. The turn-key domestic package offered through will cost $5,000 in the first year. The cost does not include the geo-coins or cache containers. A Public Art Geo-tour would be the first of its kind and would help to get `heads in beds' and educate the community about our Public Art Collection. City Staff will meet with the CVB to determine their interest in partnering on a Geo-Tour and the Commissioners will visit the website for their own research. VI. NEW BUSINESS Public Art Tour Tess Allan reported on a potential partnership with the RTA to promote the City's Public Art along its bus routes. Three promotion possibilities were presented: 1) to simply print a list of the public art (with location indicators) that can be seen along each route on the RTA's route maps. 2) to use a pre- recorded announcement system to alert bus riders of upcoming art along the route they are taking. 3)to use an ISpy game for kids to `search and find' public art along the route for a prize. VII. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THE NEXT AGENDA Arts Forum Collier Pool Arts Grant Art Publication Geocaching Public Art Tour VIII. ADJOURN Carla Gardiner moved to adjourn. Joe Schenk seconded. Motion passed. Brad Kisner adjourned meeting at 5:04 p.m. Tess Allan, Recording Secretary 2