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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 05/12/2015 ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting, May 12, 2015, 4:00 p.m. Parks & Recreation Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Texas MEMBERS P A MEMBERS P A STAFF 1. Duke,Paul X 6. Reinhardt-Mondragon, X Reba George Patricia ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2. Gardiner, CarlaX 7. Rybak,Stephen X Tess Allan ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3. Harrison, CathyX 8. Schenk,Joe X 4. Kisner,BradX 9. Sherman,Dianna X 5. Mintz,Sean X ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Total: 8 1 I. CALL TO ORDER-The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Brad Kisner. II. ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting, April 14, 2015 — Cathy Harrison moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Carla Gardiner seconded. Minutes were unanimously approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT— Mr. Neal Van Zante made public comment. V. OLD BUSINESS Public Art Projects, Administration and Conservation Reba gave a brief update on the conservation of the Surls piece Six or Seven Flowers. Patricia reported on her meeting with Paul Duke regarding the possibility of relocating the Six or Seven Flowers sculpture. 2015 Arts Forum Tess reported that the Mayor will be present at the Arts Forum at 6:00 to help hand out awards but may have to leave before 7:00. The save the date cards have been mailed and formal invitations will be sent early June with a Star Volunteer deadline of mid to late June so that a count can be given to Sheila Gritte to begin making the Star Volunteer awards. Collier Pool Tess reported that the Arts Panel is being formed. Art Publication Tess reported that Brad Snyder has put together a work detail and they will be meeting soon to go over that as well as creating a timeline for the project. Stephen suggested including a list of other art opportunities in the booklet. Patricia suggested creating a booklet that is adjustable to add or remove pages from. Geocaching Patricia Reinhardt-Mondragon reported on the meeting with Heidi Hovda from the CVB to determine their interest in partnering on a Geo-Tour. Heidi suggested the CVB may be interested; she will research Geocaching and will contact Tess in early June to follow up. Patricia suggested working with the Art Department at TAMUCC to have students help maintain the caches as a part of their course work. Reba suggested working with local businesses that are located near the caches. Public Art Tour Brad suggested contacting the local Segway company to partner on a public art Segway tour. Tess Allan reported on the three CCRTA projects. They have been given the information to print a list of the public art (with location indicators) that can be seen along route 76 on their route map. They have been given the Longitude and Latitude locations for each of the pieces of art on route 76 and have entered them into their system for a pre-recorded announcement alerting bus riders of upcoming art along the route. And their graphic designer has been helping to finalize the ISpy game for kids in hopes that it can be ready to launch by this summer. 1 VI. NEW BUSINESS Arts Grant The Commissioners reviewed the 2015 Arts Grant scoring and scale. It was announced that beginning with the 2016 Arts Grants when a score of a 3 or less is given in any category a comment will be written as well so that applicants will have a better understanding of how to improve their future applications. The Commissioners discussed possibilities for revising the scale or minimum score requirement then discussed the merit of incorporating an appeals process. By general consensus the commissioners agreed to have an extended June meeting to review the Arts Grant process. Brad requested Reba to review the documents supplied during public comment and to bring any necessary information to the next meeting for discussion. VII. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THE NEXT AGENDA Arts Forum Collier Pool Art Publication Geocaching Public Art Tour Arts Grant 2015 Staff Report on Public Comment Arts Grant 2016 VIII. ADJOURN Joe Schenck moved to adjourn. Stephen Rybak seconded. Motion passed. Brad Kisner adjourned meeting at 5:05 p.m. Tess Allan, Recording Secretary 2