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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 06/09/2015 - Special ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Special Called Meeting, June 09, 2015, 4:00 p.m. First United Methodist Church, Room 111, 900 S. Shoreline; Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 MEMBERS P A MEMBERS P A STAFF 1. Duke,Paul X 6. Reinhardt-Mondragon, X Reba George Patricia ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2. Gardiner, CarlaX 7. Rybak,Stephen X Tess Allan ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3. Harrison, CathyX 8. Schenk,Joe X 4. Kisner,BradX 9. Sherman,Dianna X 5. Mintz,Sean X ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Total: 6 3 I. CALL TO ORDER-The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Brad Kisner. II. ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting, May 12, 2015 — Joe moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Patricia seconded. Minutes were unanimously approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT— None V. OLD BUSINESS Public Art Projects, Administration and Conservation Reba reported that an agreement is in process with Tai Pomara and announced that there is interest in placing a Texas Historical Marker at the Selena Memorial. 2015 Arts Forum Tess distributed a copy of the invitation letter for ACC Review. The Commissioners discussed the merit of having the Cultural District program at a separate venue as the interested parties in Cultural Districting and the Arts Forum may be two separate groups. Staff will look into hosting a Cultural District meeting at the Museum of Science and History before the Arts Forum, and will put together an invitation list for the ACC to review and revise. Collier Pool No update Art Publication Tess reported on meeting with Brad Snyder to create a publication timeline. The first draft is tentatively set to be ready mid-July for the ACC to have a `first look' review of the design. Geocaching Patricia reported that she met with TAMUCC Art Chair, Rich Gere, to propose that art students help maintain the caches as a part of their course work. Prof. Gere agreed to vet the idea with the professors in his department but noted the summer break. Public Art Tour An art fitness trail was suggested, Brad volunteered to follow up on the suggestion with Wade from Platypus Fitness. 4:32 Patricia stepped out of the meeting VI. NEW BUSINESS Arts Grant 2015 Staff Report on Public Comment Reba addressed Neal Van Zante's questions and comments from the May ACC meeting noting that some of the items would be discussed during the Arts Grant 2016 discussion to follow. 1 • Regarding the scoring scale and the minimum score requirement it was noted that the scale had been discussed at the May ACC meeting and continued discussion would take place under the Arts Grant 2016 discussion to follow. The minimum score requirement of 50 was set three years ago - an organization would need to achieve a score of at least 70% out of a possible 100% in order to be considered for funding. Due to the number of grant application questions 70% equals a minimum score of 49 which was rounded to 50. A score of 50 places an organization's proposed project in the high end of the `good' rating on the scoring scale. • In response to the allegation that score sheets had been altered, a copy of each Commissioner's original score sheet was distributed to them for their review. Each Commissioner present verified that their score sheet was the original submitted and no changes had been made. 4:41 Patricia returned to the meeting, reviewed her score sheet and verified it was the original submitted and no changes had been made. Reba addressed the questions and comments from the third document Mr. Van Zante submitted at the May ACC meeting. • It was clarified that all grant funded organizations are non-profit organizations and that the grant guidelines require that a proposed grant budget's revenue and expenses match so Commissioners can verify that an organization anticipates bringing in enough revenue to cover the cost of their proposed event. However, once an event is completed and an actual budget is submitted it is acceptable to have revenue in access of the project's expenses. • In response to the statement that the arts organization Alcorta's Folkorico Diamante, Inc. did `not submit all of the application forms and support documents by the deadline' it was verified that the required documents had been submitted by the deadline date. `Support document 6 and 7' are the front page of the most recent year's tax document, which was verified by City Staff and Legal, and the financial statements, which were provided. More discussion of this particular requirement will be continued under the Arts Grant 2016 discussion to follow. Arts Grant 2016 The 2015 Arts Grant Guidelines & blank score sheets, a proposed 2016 timeline, and appeals process examples were distributed. Some revisions to the 2016 Arts Grant Timeline were suggested. City Staff will work with the suggested changes and bring a modified timeline to the next meeting. The Commissioners then reviewed the 2015 Guidelines and suggested the following changes: • Under`Objectives' —change#2 to read Support and promote arts and cultural activities... • Under `Terms of Grant Support' — change the Completion Report deadline to 45 days after the final event to allow more time for bank and credit card financial statements to be ready. • Under `What Will be Funded' — add .....and other direct costs with proper documentation specific to the project.... • Under `Eligibility Criteria' - remove item 6. Financial Reports or Statements in formal accounting terms is not what the Commission is looking for and requesting those documents may be confusing for someone with an accounting background, and even if submitted City Staff and the Commissioners have no way of verifying that the information submitted is true or accurate. • Joe asked if `In-Kind' revenue and expenses could be removed since those items are a wash. City Staff will review. • Under `Eligibility Review Team' — it was noted that the Greater Corpus Christi Hospitality Association review was helpful and insightful this year but that the GCCHA is not able to review the `Basic Eligibility Requirements' listed on pg 3. Reba provided history of how the GCCHA became part of the review team and suggested that they remain part of the process. City Staff will review. 5:20 Brad Kisner suggested a dinner break. Patricia asked to speak before the dinner break and announced that she is resigning from the ACC and requested that it go on record that she believes the Commission needs to select a minority to be her replacement. Patricia then exited the meeting. Stephen asked if the Commission had any role in selecting the members of the ACC — it was confirmed that the Commissioners do not recommend, select, or appoint the members of the ACC. Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council. Brad noted that the Commissioners are able to contact anyone eligible to serve and request them to apply but Commissioners do not have a say in who is selected for the committee. 2 5:30 Commissioners took a break to eat. 5:50 Commissioners reconvened. Arts Grant 2016 Continued • Under `Evaluation Criteria' — Commissioners reviewed the 2015 questions, evaluation and scoring scale. Stephen asked that the score sheet be made available to applicants to help them understand what the review panel is looking for. Several changes were made to the application questions and the evaluation criteria including the following: o Combine the 2nd and 4th question so that it now reads, `Describe the unique characteristics and artistic vision of the proposed project.' And change the Evaluation to, `Evaluate project's originality and creativity.' o Remove the 5th question about sustainability as it is confusing for both the applicant and the reviewer. o Combine the 6th and the 8th question so that it now reads, `Explain how the project will appeal to an audience and what is the expected attendance.' The Evaluation will read, `Evaluate applicant's research & analysis of potential audience and the project's potential draw and expected attendance'. o Change the 9th question to read, `How does the marketing strategy target overnight visitors?' o Remove the 11th question regarding a financial statement o Separate the 12th question into two questions that will read, `What is the budget for the project and how was it developed?' The evaluation will read, `Evaluate whether budget is reasonable and complete.' The second question will read, `Indicate budget funds allocated for marketing.' The evaluation will read, `Evaluate whether marketing budget is reasonable and complete.' o Remove the 14th question regarding accessibility requirements. • The 2016 application will consist of 10 questions worth 10 points each. The minimum score will remain 70% of 100% so an applicant must receive a minimum score of 70 to be considered eligible for Arts Grant funding. • The Scoring Scale will now be: Poor = 2; Below Average = 4; Average = 6; Very Good = 8; and Excellent= 10. • The Commissioners will include a comment for any question that receives a score of 6 or below so that the applicant will know how they can improve their application in the future. • The Commissioners requested a Grant Summary Report for past grant recipients. To include Completion Report submission, Logo and Hot fund verbiage on marketing materials and audience attendance numbers and collection methods. Brad requested Commissioners to visit current grant performances and report their observations as well. • Under `Required Grant Documents/Support Documents' — Remove #7 regarding Financial Statements. • Under`Deadline and Delivery Instructions— Bold the font for the entire section. • Under`Agreement Requirements' —change the Completion Report deadline to 45 days. The Commissioners decided not to hold a July meeting. The next ACC meeting will be Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 4:00 in the Parks and Recreation Conference Room. VII. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THE NEXT AGENDA Arts Forum Collier Pool Art Publication Geocaching Public Art Tour Arts Grant 2016 VIII. ADJOURN Joe Schenck moved to adjourn. Paul Duke seconded. Motion passed. Brad Kisner adjourned meeting at 6:50 p.m. Tess Allan, Recording Secretary 3