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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 07/12/2016 ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting, July 12, 2016, 4:00 p.m. Parks & Recreation Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Texas MEMBERS P A MEMBERS P A STAFF 1. Coles,SarahX 6. Mintz,Sean X 2. Duke,Paul X 7. Petican,Laura X Tess Allan 3. Gardiner, CarlaX 8. Rybak,Stephen X ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4. Harrison, CathyX 9. Sherman,Dianna X ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. Kisner,BradX Total: 7 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I. CALL TO ORDER-The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Brad Kisner. II. ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll and announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — Regular Meeting, May 10, 2016 and Special Called Meeting June 14, 2016—Sarah Coles moved to approve the May 10, 2016 and June 14, 2016 minutes as submitted. Sean Mintz seconded. Both minutes were unanimously approved. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT— None V. NEW BUSINESS Urban Vision Art Donation Mary Anne Sinclair from Urban Visions led discussion of their proposal to donate a piece of art to the Public Art Collection in memory of Norma Urban. Sculptor Jack Gron and several others from Urban Vision were in attendance and participated in the discussion which centered on the proposed location at the corner of Mesquite & Peoples, the sculpture design, maintenance and funding. Sean Mintz moved to recommend that City Council accept the Public Art Donation from Urban Visions. Paul Duke seconded. Stephen Rybak asked about Parks & Recreation and Downtown Management support for the project. Dianna Sherman suggested using the Arts Alive event over Labor Day to promote interest in the project. Brad Kisner called for a vote and the motion was unanimously approved. VI. OLD BUSINESS Public Art Projects, Administration and Conservation City Staff provided updates for the following Public Art projects: • The Great Heron — Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve staff agreed to tending the plants at the base of the sculpture for the Public Art Dedication on November 19th as a onetime event. They will not have staff hours to regularly maintain the sculpture's plant growth & suggested installing something to prohibit growth if the Commission is concerned with plants growing in that space. • When the Sun Meets the Sea — Artist, Shan Shan Sheng suggested cleaning the art with compressed air and if physical contact is required the piece is durable and securely installed and will withstand being cleaned. • The Flame — the Fire Chief for station #17 asked for a proposal for plants to be installed around the sculpture so that the fencing could be removed. Paul Duke suggested Yaupon Holly. • Bronze cleaning — contractor, Andrew Malczewski, has been selected to clean, wax & polish 4 bronze sculptures: Open Book, West Fork, El Circo del Mar & the Friendship Monument. He is expected to have the work completed by the end of August. • Percent for Art — The Bay Shore park was originally a street project so no Percent for Art funds were allocated. By general consensus it was determined not to pursue Percent for Art funding at this time. Arts Forum Brad Kisner led a brief discussion of the Arts Forum details. Carla will be leading the presentation, Sean will order food, Brad will check with Joe Schenk about the Museum facilities, Tess will send invitations. 1 Arts Grant Commissioners discussed the Arts Grant application requirements and by general consensus agreed to the City's Legal Department suggestion for requiring a sworn statement from the Board of Director's recording secretary listing the past year's meeting dates and a list of the current Board of Directors. VII. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED Selection Panel Recognition Commissioners considered a suggestion by a former Arts Selection Panel member that plaques be added to all Public Art pieces identifying the Arts Selection Panel participants for that particular piece. By general consensus it was determined not to pursue Art Selection Panel plaques. VIII. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THE NEXT AGENDA • Arts Grant • Arts Forum • Subcommittee report for the "Untitled History" relocation • Urban Vision Donation IX. ADJOURN Sarah moved to adjourn. Stephen seconded. Motion passed. Brad Kisner adjourned the meeting at 4:46 p.m. Tess Allan, Recording Secretary 2