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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 11/07/2016 - Special ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION
Special Called Meeting, November 7, 2016, 4:00 p.m.
Parks & Recreation Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Texas
1. Coles,SarahX 6. Petican,Laura X
2. Duke,Paul X 7. Sharon Sedwick X Tess Allan
3. Harrison, CathyX 8. Rios, Shelly X
4. Kisner,BradX 9. Rybak,Stephen X
5. Lamas,HildaX
Total: 7 2
I. CALL TO ORDER -The special called meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order
at 4:03 p.m. by Brad Kisner.
II. ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll and announced quorum.
Public Art Projects, Administration and Conservation
City Staff provided updates for the following items:
• Six & Seven Flowers —Tess and Laura met with Parks & Recreation staff Joshua Wentworth and
Laura Perez on site to discuss lighting the sculpture. The recommendation is to run electricity
from a nearby electrical box and install 6 to 8 cans in a circle around the base of the sculpture,
aiming the light at the tips of the petals, and install one flood light in the center or install flood
lights off the side of the American Bank Building to light the sculpture from the top down. Tess will
continue to work with Josh Wentworth to get a rough cost estimate.
• Collier Pool — Paul Duke is chairing the Art Selection Panel which has met. The RFQ has been
drafted and will be sent out to potential artists.
• West Guth Pool — Tess met with Engineering, Parks & Recreation and the Architectural Firm for
this project. They have not begun the construction on this project yet but like the idea of including
functional art in the sidewalk design between the Pool and a covered shelter area.
The Great Heron Dedication
The Great Heron dedication will be at 8:00 am on Saturday, November 19th in conjunction with the
Coastal Bend Children in Nature event. The Mayor, Stacie Talbert Anaya, the Artist and Brad will all give
short speeches and there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at the end. Tess will make arrangements for
the podium, chairs, sound system, scissors and ribbon. Paul and Sarah will hold the ends of the ribbon
for the ribbon cutting. After a brief discussion of the artist's travel arrangements Cathy moved that the
Arts & Cultural Commission pay up to $500 of DIXIE FRIEND GAY's art dedication travel costs from the
PALS Fund account. Sarah seconded. Motion unanimously passed. Immediately after the art
dedication the ACC will also host an activity booth at the CBCiN event at the Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve
Learning Center. Shelly and Tess will stay to man the booth, Tess will provide the Art Books and ISpy
game cards, CBCiN will provide the table and chairs and Sarah will provide the booth's activity.
Fire Station No. 18
Commissioners discussed a Percent for Art project for Fire Station No. 18. The construction of the New
Fire Station at Ayers and Saratoga is part of the Bond 2008 package and has a $22,500 budget for a new
piece of Public Art. Tess met with Engineering, the Architectural Firm and the Fire Department and
reported the possible locations for the art. After reviewing the various possibilities the Commissioners
agreed, by general consensus, to direct the Art Selection Panel to ask that artists include the actual
number 18 into their design proposals.
Arts Grant
Tess gave a brief report on the Arts Grant funding, applicants and scores. 18 art organizations applied, 3
did not meet the basic eligibility requirements and based on the current scores 2 organizations fell below
the minimum requirement to receive funding. The Commissioners discussion centered on what happens
to unused funds, re-opening the Arts Grant process, the application process, and the scores as
presented. Sarah moved to fully fund the 13 art organizations that met the grant application
requirements. Stephen seconded. Motion unanimously passed. Tess will notify applicants that did not
receive funding and alert the two organizations that passed the basic eligibility review but did not receive
the minimum scores required to the appeals process. Commissioners requested that all 2017 applicants
be given their scores so that they will know how to improve their applications for the 2018 grant process.
• Arts Grant
Sarah moved to adjourn. Stephen seconded. Motion passed. Brad Kisner adjourned the meeting at
5:14 p.m.
Tess Allan, Recording Secretary