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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 04/11/2017 ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION
Regular Meeting,April 11, 2017, 4:00 p.m.
Parks & Recreation Conference Room, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, Texas
1. Coles,Sarah X 6. Petican,Laura X Tess Allan
2. Duke,PaulX 7. Rios, Shelly X
3. Harrison, CathyX 8. Rybak,Stephen X
4. Kisner,Brad X 9. Sharon Sedwick X
5. Lamas,HildaX
Total: 5 4
I. CALL TO ORDER-The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:06
p.m. by Brad Kisner.
II. ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll and announced quorum.
• Regular Meeting, February 14, 2017
• Special Called Meeting, March 7, 2017
• Special Called Meeting, March 21, 2017
Cathy moved to approve all three sets of minutes as written, Sarah seconded. Minutes were
unanimously approved.
Public Art Projects, Administration and Conservation
City Staff provided updates for the following items:
• Collier Pool — City Council approved the Commission's recommendation to enter into an
agreement to commission Monument Fine Art & Sculpture Restoration for the fabrication and
installation of a new piece of Public Art at their March 28th meeting. The Agreement has been
signed and Monument will begin working to have their plans certified.
• Urban Visions Public Art Donation for La Retama Park — City Council approved the donation at
their March 28th meeting. The Donation Agreement has been signed, Jack Gron has begun
fabricating the sculpture and Chip Urban/Urban Visions will be hiring a construction company to
install the artwork once it's done.
• The Arts Grant subcommittee will meet next week to review the 2018 guidelines.
• Untitled History Relocation and The Flame —Agreements for both projects have been signed; we
are waiting for both projects to be approved by risk, legal & budget.
• ISpy Public Art Tour-A homeschool group of approximately 15 took the tour and came in for their
prize they reported that they really enjoyed the tour. A Flour Bluff Music class of 25 took the tour
for their field trip & collected prizes directly from the RTA. The teacher called and said they loved
the tour and she plans to schedule the same field trip for her students next year.
• Selena Memorial — A citizen called to report some maintenance needed on the bronze flower.
Tess took photos and contacted the artist.
• Ullberg Park Lighting —A citizen emailed that the lights for the sculpture are not working.
Item tabled
Arts Forum
• Location — Tess contacted Joe Schenk at the Art Museum requesting the use of the Singer
Gallery to host the Forum.
• Star Volunteer Award Artist - Laura presented art samples from 4 TAMUCC art students. After
reviewing the artist's work the Commissioners requested that Laura invite two students: Emily
Howard and Lars Roeder, to create proposals specifically for the Arts Forum Event.
• Forum Presentation - Sarah suggested creating a three member panel representing local
foundations to participate in a question and answer session on best practices to request funding.
By general consensus the Commissioners approved the idea and requested Sarah to contact
the Coastal Bend Community Foundation, the Moore Foundation and the Kennedy Foundation to
see if they will participate. Brad agreed to monitor the session during the Forum.
• Invitation — Brad suggested inviting the entire City Council to attend the Arts Forum.
Fire Station No. 18 Art Selection Panel Recommendation
The Public Art Selection Panel for Fire Station No. 18 unanimously recommends the Arts and Cultural
Commission approve artist, Jeremiah Heye, and his proposed artwork for the Fire Station No. 18 Public
Art Project. After the Commission reviewed Mr. Heye's art proposal Brad called for a vote, the
Commissioners unanimously approved, and recommend that the City enter into an agreement to
commission artist, Jeremiah Heye, to fabricate and install the proposed tile Mural on the exterior of the
new Fire Station No. 18.
Art for Bayshore Park
Commissioners discussed using funds in the Permanent Art Trust Fund to Commission a new Public Art
piece for Bayshore Park which is now called The Water's Edge. Discussion centered on creating a
monumental piece that will serve as a tourist attraction.
June 13th Extended Meeting
Cathy announced that the meeting can be held at Harrison's landing.
Arts Grant
Item tabled
• Return
• Selena Restoration
• Lighting at Ullberg Park
• Arts Forum
Sarah moved to adjourn. Cathy seconded. Motion passed. Brad Kisner adjourned the meeting at 5:10
Tess Allan, Recording Secretary