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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 01/08/2019 ARTS&CULTURAL COMMISSION
Regular Meeting,January 8,2019,4:00 p.m.
Galvan House—Heritage Park, 1581 N. Chaparral St.,Corpus Christi,Texas
Member Staff
Coles, Sarah -Youth Education * P Shelly Rios P
Gignac, Nick-Architect P
v- Economic Dev/Tourism A/E_;
Mauck, Carolyn - Higher Education P
v- Performing Arts v
Petican, Laura -Visual Arts P
Mayra Zamora- Public Art P
Borys,John- Marketing A
Sedwick, Sharon - Business Dev/Corporate A
CALL TO ORDER -The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:05
p.m. by Sarah Coles
ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll and announced quorum.
Ring of Time deaccession-
• Leticia Bajuyo, TAMU-CC sculpture professor was at the meeting to talk about accepting the
sculpture as a donation. She plans to take it down and reuse the metal and write the entire
process into a lesson plan for her sculpture students. The committee agreed to officially vote on
the donation after we let the public know and have the opportunity to be involved in the removal
process. Shelly will work with Risk Management on creating a timeline for the public
announcement and art removal.
ACC Logo-
• Shelly asked members to send her logo no more than three ideas
Arts and Culture office move
• Shelly discussed the Arts and Culture office move to the Annex on MLK. The Commission will
continue to meet at the Galvan House.
Culture Fest Application
• Shelly told the group the application was not completed so staff to not accept it.
ACC Annual Report
• Commissioners read over the 2018 ACC Annual report. The group discussed projects that had
been tabled or forgotten, what they had accomplished, and the patterns of work flow through
out the year.
• The Marina art was discussed as a near future project after West Guth and possibly a public art
project on the Island.
• Shelly will call Joe Shenk about storage and Ulberg pieces.
• Sarah explained how a database can be set up for the public art piece by Jillian Becquet. Shelly
will meet with Sarah and Jillian about it and return to the group with a report.
Arts Forum
• This will be put on a near future agenda to start planning
Return floor mural
• The project is waiting for work from Faculties. Sarah asked if the ACC can get on Councils agenda
to have budget end approved.
Stickers and ACC Merch
• Mayra will get prices for ACC merchandise giveaways such as stickers and postcards.
ACC Binder
• Shelly passed out binders with ACC info for all members
• West Guth
• Return
• Ring of time
• Arts Forum
• Water's Edge
• Pop Walk app
• Logo
• Event Calendar
• Bylaws committee
• Nick Gignac moved to adjourn. Carolyn seconded. Motion passed. Sarah Coles adjourned the
meeting at 5:02 p.m.
Shelly Rios, Recording Secretary