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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 03/12/2019 ARTS&CULTURAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting,March 12,2019,4:00 p.m. V Floor Parks&Recreation Conference Rm,City Hall,1201 Leopard St. Corpus Christi,Texas 78401 Member Staff Coles, Sarah -Youth Education * P Shelly Rios P Gi nac, Nick-Architect P v- Economic Dev/Tourism v Mauck, Carolyn - Higher Education P v- Performing Arts v Petican, Laura -Visual Arts P Ma ra Zamora- Public Art _A_` Borys, John- Marketing A Sedwick, Sharon - Business Dev/Corporate P TOTAL 5 CALL TO ORDER-The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:03 p.m. by Sarah Coles ROLL CALL-The recording secretary called roll and announced quorum. PUBLIC COMMENT—None COMMISSIONER REPORTS- Sarah announced that we will discuss Commissioner Reports in more detail at our next meeting. OLD BUSINESS Public Art Database Presentation Dr. David Squires from TAMUCC presented his proposal for an Augmented Reality database for our public art collection.The commissioners discussed the use of data collection tools and creation of a pilot program from the Selena Memorial. A vote passed that the we initiate the pilot program. Laura Petican noted that copy for any public program be professionally written. This project is ongoing. NEW BUSINESS Senior Mural Program A request to fund a senior mural program was discussed. The Commission felt that the project scope does not fall under what the Arts Commission funds, and that it rather should be paid for with grant and/or PALS funds. Sculpture Garden Proposal No formal proposal was submitted. The members agreed it was a non-issue until one was turned in. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THE NEXT AGENDA • Ring of Time update • Return • Database • Arts Forum ADJOURN • Sharon moved to adjourn. Carolyn seconded. Motion passed. Sarah Coles adjourned the meeting at 5:06 p.m. Shelly Rios, Recording Secretary 1