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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 02/19/2000 - Special ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION SPECIALLY CALLED MEETING/GOAL SETTING WORKSHOP SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2000, 9:00 A.M. MULTICULTURAL CENTER- 1581 N. CHAPARRAL ST., CORPUS CHRISTI, TX MEMBERS PRESENT ABSENT STAFF Chuck Anastos Victor Martinez George Dunson Ronnie Sepulveda George Balli Joan Moss Elizabeth Reese Chris Barnes Deborah Fullerton Sheila Rogers Diana Hankins Dennis Kemmerer Ricardo Sanchez Celina Ybarbo Brad Kisner Van Villa Anne Seddelmeyer CALL TO ORDER—The specially scheduled Goal Setting Workshop of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order by Chair Anastos at 9:00 a.m. ROLL CALL: The recording secretary called roll and announced a quorum was present. III. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC: No public comment. IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. RICARDO VILLA, BALLET NATIONAL PRESENTATION ON SUBGRANTING PROCEDURES: Richard Villa spoke for 15 minutes on the subject of the Ballet Nacional's reduced funding, peer review and sub-granting process. Chair Anastos responded to Mr. Villa that he (Mr. Villa) needed to look within his organization and its proposal, reevaluate their submission and investigate how they conduct business. He added that the comments made by the peer panelist were not the deciding factor in reducing funding. He also stated that race as an issue for funding was infuriating. He added that Mr. Villa took certain comments out of context. Mr. Martinez stated that he couldn't explain comments made by a peer panelist, and that he took "strong offense" to comments by Mr. Villa about his (Mr. Martinez) not supporting his race. Mr. Balli and Mr. Sanchez discussed the concept of"full compliance." Chair Anastos stated that each peer review panel is different and in the future the panels will stress diversity and inclusion, cultural art interest, gender and race. He added that the subcommittee under the subgrant committee was not established specifically because the Corpus Christi Ballet did not state in its advertising that the City was a sponsor. The subcommittee should have already been in place. Mr. Villa stated that all should follow the assessment sheet guidelines and not inclusion and diversity. Mr. Balli responded to that by saying that Mr. Villa implied racial motivation. Mr. Villa responded that his group is baffled as to another explanation. Mr. Martinez added that peer panelists make their own modifications. They are not done by the committee. SCANNED h:\pr-d ir\anne\acc\minutes102 1900 page I 110 *10 Chair Anastos stopped the discussion at 9:55 a.m. B. COMMITTEE GOALS FOR 2000: Chair Anastos turned the floor over to Mr. Sepulveda who discussed the goal setting/review process. He stated that the goals were last set in 1998. The Commission divided into committees Attached are copies of goals set by the committees. Chair Anastos announced that effective February 22"d he would not longer be a member of the committee. He stated that he has already served the six year maximum. Mr. Martinez announced that he was resigning from the Commission effective February 29t. Mr. Kisner arrived 11:58 a.m. Mr. Martinez left 12:05 p.m. V. ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to discuss, Chair Anastos adjourned the Specially Called Meeting/Goal Setting Workshop of the Arts and Cultural Commission at 12:37 P.m- (4j9 Ronnie Sepu e da, AIC Superintendent— Cultural Services Park and Recreation Department h:\pr-dir\anne\acc\minutes\021900 page 2