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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 05/11/2000 �1�1 1110 `4110 9 1 $ co ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION to URI 2000 REGULAR MEETING N RECEIVED THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2000, 4:30 P.M. .- CITY SECRETARY'S COMMITTEE ROOM - CITY HALL - 1201 LEOPARD S' ET OFFICE Off, 41' MEMBERS PRESENT ABSENT STAFF �ezzzgrO Linda Avila Bobby Galvan Linda Avila Brad Kisner Ronnie Sepulveda George Balli Elia Gutierrez Ram Chavez Sheila Rogers Anne Seddelmeyer Ted Daniel Taylor Mauck Dennis Kemmerer Ricardo Sanchez Diana Hankins George Dunson Joan Moss Celina Ybarbo Deborah Fullerton Elizabeth Reese Danny O'Dowdy Van Phan Villa CALL TO ORDER— The regular May meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order by Chair Villa at 4:37 p.m. II. ROLL CALL: The recording secretary called roll and announced a quorum was present. III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR THE APRIL 13, 2000, REGULAR MEETING: Mr. Daniel stated that Ms. Reese's original wording for her motion recommending cap and floor for subgrant applications was omitted, and only her revised version was included in the minutes. Ms. Reese had originally stated that subgrant applications had a $15,000 cap set by the Commission and a minimum funding level of$500, the amount present as recommended to Commission. _ Mr. Balli moved that the minutes of the April 13, 2000 Regular Meeting be approved as amended. Ms. Gutierrez seconded. The motion carried. IV. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC: Sra. Maria Eugenia Lopez de Rou, The Mexican Consul, addressed the Committee about the Amigos of Mexico, of whom she is Honorary Chair. She stated that their objective was to promote and enhance the relationship between Mexico and the United States through knowledge of history and arts of the two countries. Mr. Balli stated that the Committee would lend its assistance, however possible, to assist the fledgling organization. V. ACTION ON ABSENCES: Chair Villa asked for a motion to excuse Deborah Fullerton, Leticia Mondragon and herself from the April 13th Regular Meeting. Mr. Balli so moved. Mr. Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion carried. Action on the absences of Ram Chavez, Brad Kisner and Sheila Rogers was withheld until the members could be contacted about their absences. VI. STAFF REPORT: Orion's Belt—Mr. Sepulveda reported that the contract with Mr. Perless had been signed, and would appear on the May 30th City Council Agenda. Fire Station #7—Mr. Sepulveda reported that the art would be unveiled May 17t. Fire Station #7 is located near the intersection of S. Staples and Weber/Doddridge. H:\.pr-diranne\word\acc\minues\051100 SCANNED page I of-1 40 Public Art Project—Mr. O'Dowdy reported on the project at the Janet F. Harte Public Library in Flour Bluff He added that the City will take ownership of the Library on July 19th. VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS: C. Discussion of Peer Panel—Elizabeth Reese Mr. Sepulveda stated that the June Regular Meeting would be devoted to oral subgrant presentations. It will be held June 8`h from 11:00 a.m. —5:00 p.m. Ms. Reese moved to accept the attached listing of Peer Panelists and to present them to the present them to the City Council for their approval. Mr. Daniel seconded the motion. The motion carried. Elizabeth Reese left 5:17p.m. Leticia Mondragon left 5:17 p.m. A. Discussion on Allocation of Committee Funds Mr. Sepulveda stated that the $4,124 set aside for committee work must be spent by July 30°i, or it would revert back to the City's General Fund. Mr. Balli moved to distribute the $4,124 equitably among the committees, with the committees seeking Commission approval before use. The Commission discussed the pros and cons of this motion. Mr. Balli withdrew his original motion. He then moved to distribute the $4,124 equitably among the committees, and that other committees be allowed to allocate their portion to other committees, to perpetuate the committee goals and mission statements. Ms. Moss seconded the motion. The vote was 8 in favor, 1 opposed (Mr. Daniel). The motion carried. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS Cultural & Arts Development: Ms. Gutierrez asked if this committee had met. Mr. Sepulveda said that the committee had no chair since Mr. Sanchez resigned as committee chair in April. Mr. Sepulveda added that Ms. Barnes will "pull together the committee." Diversity & Inclusion: Mr. Balli stated that the committee will review the By-Laws as they relate to the attendance policy. George Dunson left at 5:40 p.m. Chair Villa asked if the Commission still had a quorum. The recording secretary said that there was no longer a quorum. Ii:\pr-di r\anne\word\ace\minutes\04I 300 Page 2 of 4 imov *SO Public Arts/Public Space: Ms. Fullerton stated that the Bait Stand construction was nearly complete. Diversity & Inclusion: Mr. Balli stated that there were no new issues. IX. CURRENT CONCERNS: None. X. ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business to discuss, and there was no quorum present, Chair Villa adjourned the May regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission at 5:45 p.m. ' Ronald Sepulved , IC Superintendent—Cultural Services Park and Recreation Department H:\pr-dir\anne\word\acc\minutes\041300 Page 3 of4 • TENTATIVE PEER PANELISTS 2001 GRANT YEAR 1. Willie Rivera 814-9900 Resume 2. Kimberly Lemley 882-1281 Resume 3. Anne Stewart 698-1336 Resume 4. Jennifer Jones Resume 5. Lori Bryant 888-8691 Resume 6. Andrea Garcia 854-7969 (C.C. Concert Ballet) Resume 7. E'Lane Murray 991-5294 Resume 8. J. Don Luna Resume? 9. Nancy Kaffie Resume 10. Jimmy Pena _ Resume 11. Marilyn Smith Resume 12. Cruz Colomo 13. Michelle Smythe 14. Barry Brown 15. Linda Moya 16. Masa Eunihasa 17. Yvonne Rodriguez 18. Esmerelda Gutierrez H:\pr-dir\anne\word\acc\minutes\041300 Page 4 of 4