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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 09/21/2000 . .. ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION Corrected Minutes REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 21,2000,4:30 P.M. HUMAN RESOURCES CONFERENCE ROOM—SECOND FLOOD—CITY HALL 1201 LEOPARD STREET—CORPUS CHRISTI,TX MEMBERS PRESENT ABSENT STAFF Linda Avila George Balli Bobby Galvan Danny O'Dowdy Ted Daniel Deborah Fullerton Shelia Rogers Ronnie Sepulveda Elia Gutierrez Dennis Kemmerer Ricardo Sanchez Diana Hankins Leticia Mondragon Taylor Mauck Joan Moss Van Phan Villa Elizabeth Reese I. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Villa called the September 21, 2000 regular Meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission to order at 4:48p.m. II. ROLL CALL: The recording secretary called roll and announced a quorum was present. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Linda Avila moved to approve the minutes from the August 10, 2000 meeting. Dennis Kemmerer seconded. The motion carried. IV. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC: There were no members from the public present. V. ACTION ON ABSENCES: A discussion was had regarding amending the absence policy as reflected in the Bylaws. A consensus vote was taken and was passed unanimously to table the discussion and to include the absence issue in the meeting to discuss changes and/or amendments to the Bylaws. VI. STAFF REPORT: VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS: After a discussion by the members present, Mr. Kemmerer motioned to table A. Elizabeth Reese seconded and the motion unanimously passed. B. It was decided to hold a special meeting solely devoted to changes and/or amendments to the Bylaws where time could be given to fully consider changes that need to be made. In the October meeting SCANNED 41W *le election of a chairman, vice-chairman, subgranting chairman and a Diversity and Inclusion Committee will be presented and voted on. C. George Balli motioned, Elizabeth Reese seconded that the appropriation of Arts Projects money should be as follows: $7,500 for Copini Restoration project (SOS Matching Grant), $114,000 Subgranting, and $5,000 un- appropriated. Motion passed D. A motion brought by Deborah Fullerton and seconded by Elizabeth Reese tabled discussion on the Subgranting Policy. The motion passed. VIII. CURRENT CONCERNS: A discussion was had regarding downsizing from 15 members to 11 members. This way it would not be such a problem to have a quorum present at any given time. A motion was made to change the number of members but a formal vote could not take place until the Bylaws are amended. A consensus vote was taken and the majority voted for the change. A discussion was had about being totally involved with the Commission and insisting that we be in on any architectural and/or aesthetic discussions concerning new buildings and/or remodeling of existing structures from the very beginning. It is ACC's job to be involved and to see that ACC's visions for the community is considered. Ronnie Sepulveda pointed out that it is the ACC's responsibility to make sure the City and Council understands ACC's position and ACC's desire to be involved. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Dennis Kemmerer reported that we are moving forward on the Garden Center. They are looking for a sculpture or for something to hang on the wall. The Peerless Project is moving forward. They are now doing soil testing. X. AJOURNMENT: Chairman Villa adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. RC- Ronnie � Ronnie Sepulveda Multicultural Services Division