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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 02/15/2001 vow vo•
Thursday,February 15,2001 —4:30 p.m.
Galvan House/Multicultural Center in Heritage Park
1581 N.Chaparral St.—Corpus Christi—Texas
Linda Avila Ricardo Sanchez Ted Daniel Ronnie Sepulveda
Elia Gutierrez George Balli Van phan Villa Daniel Whitworth.
Shelia Rogers Deborah Fullerton Leticia Mondragon Diana Hankins
Colin Sykes Elizabeth Reese Joan Moss Danny O'Dowdy
Dennis Kemmerer George Dunson
Tom Schmid Chuck Anastos
Taylor Mauck
I. CALL TO ORDER—Chair Linda Avila called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
II. ROLL CALL—The recording secretary,Rosie Alaniz,called the roll,quorum was present.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—Tom Schmid moved to approve the minutes,Deborah Fullerton seconded.
Motion passed.
IV. HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC—No members from the public were present.
V. > STAFF REPORT-Danny O'Dowdy reported that a conservator had come to make an evaluation on
the Copini Sculpture. He will be sending us a restoration proposal. We have until November to complete
work in accordance with our SOS Grant. Ronnie Sepulveda stated that the Bilingual Theater and the
1-larbor Playhouse requested changes in their line-up for the year 2001. The change request will be on the
March 8.2001 agenda.
A. > Presentation on Central Kitchen percent-for-art — Mr. Dan Whitworth gave report on the
Central Kitchen project. The Kitchen will not have public access. Chuck Anastos made
recommendation not to include percent for art in this project budget,but to contact the Architect and
ask them to include some artistic design within the project. Dennis Kemmerer seconded. George
Dunson opposed;motion carried.
B. Discussion on percent-for-art procedures—Mr.Whitworth gave report that there is a little more time
to acquire an artist for the seawall than what originally thought. The commission tabled item until
future information is available.
C. Discussion on Timeline for Subgranting — Suggestions were made to timeline. Item tabled until
corrections are made.
VIL CURRENT CONCERNS-No current concerns.
VIII. COMMITTEE REPORTS—Ms.Deborah Fullerton passed application for Garden Senior Center artwork
and informed commission deadline is March 30. Ricardo Sanchez recommended putting a deadline of
Friday of next week for suggestions.
IX. ADJOURNMENT—Ricardo Sanchez moved to adjourn, George Dunson seconded. Motion passed and
meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
Diana Lee Hankins
SCANNED ni Lee Hankins
Multicultural Services Division
Park&Recreation Department