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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 03/14/2002 l� 73NT317 APR 2002 ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION " t S�E11/ , ' REGULAR MEETING ;,,.r.�,;-r� :Yc r, Thursday, March 14, 2002 —4:30 P.M. Council Chambers, City Hall S ' 1201 Leopard St. - Corpus Christi, Texas MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT • TAF Cynthia Alcorta Joe Ochoa Ronnie Sepulveda Chuck Anastos Elizabeth Reese Diana Hankins Linda Avila Tracie Rodriguez Danny O'Dowdy George Balli Sheila Rogers K Chute Deborah Fullerton Ricardo Sanchez Elia Gutierrez Anne Stewart Dennis Kemmerer Colin Sykes Leticia Mondragon Frank Trimble, III I. CALL TO ORDER — The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:35 p.m. by Chair, Chuck Anastos. H. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. Introduction and welcome of new commission member, Anne Stewart. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — Elia Gutierrez made a motion to accept the minutes of February 14, 2002 as written. Linda Avila seconded the motion. The motion carried. George Balli, Elizabeth Reese, Sheila Rogers and Anne Stewart abstained. IV. HEARING FROM THE PUBLIC — none (Cynthia Alcorta arrived at 4:37 p.m.) V. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION - A. Airport Art Project Dave Hamrick, the Airport Director gave a presentation of the Airport project and requested the commission's help to procure art to complement the new facility design. The Development Committee will work with the Airport Board to accomplish this goal. (Deborah Fullerton arrived at 4:39 p.m.) (Sheila Rogers arrived at 4:40 p.m.) (Ricardo Sanchez left at 4:40 p.m.) (Joe Ochoa and Colin Sykes arrived at 4:43 p.m.) (Ricardo Sanchez returned at 4:50 p.m.) (Anne Stewart left at 5:07 p.m.) B. Convention Center/Arena Art Project Dennis Kemmerer showed the maquette of James Surls Six of Seven Flowers. Linda Avila made a motion to approve the Development Committee's recommendation of Michael Manjaris's proposal that includes the following artists; James Surls, Mel Chin, Charmaine Locke, Luis Jimenez, Michael Manjaris, and James Buck. George Balli seconded. The motion passed. (Ricardo Sanchez left at 5:37 p.m.) C. Workshop Date The Commission decided to meet on Tuesday, April 23rd at 4:00 p.m. to review their previous goals and set new ones. The place will be announced. SCANNED (Deborah Fullerton, Dennis Kemmerer and Frank Trimble left at 5:45 p.m.) D. Fountain Gift from Mexico The Mayor would like three site recommendations from the Commission. Elia Gutierrez suggested the Antonio C. Garcia Center area. The Development Committee will meet and bring recommendations to our April meeting. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS — A. Projects Committee • Linda Avila stated the 2003 Festival of the Arts will be scheduled for March 22nd through April 6thColin Sykes presented the draft letter of intent for this project. Elizabeth Reese made a motion to accept the Project Committee's recommendation of March 22 through April 61h for the 2003 Festival of the Arts. Elia Gutierrez seconded. The motion passed. • Linda Avila requested citizen volunteers to help with the tasks associated with the 2003 Festival of the Arts project. Commission members were asked for prospective names. • The Production Company for Shakespeare in the Park is having financial problems. Colin Sykes continues to seek funding for this project. • The sub-granting process review is almost complete. • Linda Avila will send a letter requesting event dates to local and surrounding area Art organizations. Elia Gutierrez volunteered to compile the information for the Art Calendar. B. Development Committee Dennis Kemmerer gave information during the earlier part of the meeting. There was no additional report. (Linda Avila and Joe Ochoa left at 6:04 p.m.) VII. ADJOURNMENT - There was no longer a quorum of the Arts & Cultural Commission. Therefore, Chair, Chuck Anastos adjourned the meeting at 6:05 p.m. Ronald Sepulveda, Manager Multicultural Services Park & Recreation Department -7Ra • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 28,2002 Contact: Tony Cisneros, Park and Recreation Department Director, 880-3464 Mary Frances Teniente, Design Engineer, 880-3807 CITY PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT SCHEDULES PUBLIC MEETING FOR INPUT ON CITYWIDE PARK ISSUES The City of Corpus Christi Park and Recreation Department advises residents that it will be hosting a public meeting to discuss and gain input on the current state of the City's parks, and to begin planning for the future. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Tuesday,April 9, 2002 in the City Council Chambers at Corpus Christi City Hall, 1201 Leopard Street. The Park and Recreation Department is in the process of preparing a citywide Parks Master Plan, which will identify the most needed park improvements during the next five to 10 years. The master plan will also recommend strategies for funding the improvements,and will greatly enhance the City's opportunities to qualify for state and federal grants. The meeting will be held to seek input from residents about the parks in the community. According to Park and Recreation Director Tony Cisneros,those attending the session will be asked two questions:What do citizens like about the parks system,and what would they like to see improved? "The meeting will provide an opportunity for the citizens of Corpus Christi to tell us in person what they like about the parks system in the City,and what they would like to see improved or added,"Cisneros said. "We want the Parks Master Plan to address the recreation needs of both today and the future,and this is an opportunity for residents to add their voices to the record," Cisneros added. Consultants who will be working on the Master Plan will be at the meeting to help give an overview of the process. They and City Staff members will also be available to answer citizens' questions, listen to concerns and comments,and to discuss ideas. For additional information about the meeting,please contact the Park and Recreation Department at 880-3461. ### r N7'3 4 5 6 76,9 O 1 ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION yo APR 2002 03 RECEIVED .4 Special Called Meeting `r• CITY SECRETARY'S 07 Tuesday, April 23, 2002- 4:00 p.m. OFFICE63 Multicultural Center/Galvan House I0:504,4 1581 N. Chaparral — Corpus Christi —Texas nzz � Members of the audience will be provided an opportunity to speak at the close of the meeting. It is requested that presentations be limited to 5 minutes. It is helpful, when addressing the Committee, if you identify yourself, give your address and state your point as briefly as possible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact the Park and Recreation Office (880-3461) 48 hours in advance so that appropriate arrangements can be made. AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. DISCUSSION ITEMS and POSSIBLE ACTION a. Subcommittee Assignments for Commission Members b. Goal Setting - workshop IV. ADJOURNMENT POSTING STATEMENT: This agenda was posted on tie City's officialb Iletin board in the Leopard Street entry foyer, 1201 Leopard Street at 10•.So p.m. on —> i , 2002. /677/408) // Ronnie Sepulve:a, Multicultural Services Manager MULTICULTURAL SERVICES DIVISION PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT