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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 06/13/2002 • 3p,5678 -c ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION M Jul E ; REGULAR MEETING N Calf� 6`.r THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2002 —4:30P.M. N � f ,^ COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL (4`5 C. �' MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF Chuck Anastos Dennis Kemmerer Cynthia Alcorta Elizabeth Reese Diana Hankins Linda Avila Tracie Rodriguez Leticia Mondragon Anne Stewart Danny O'Dowdy George Balli Sheila Rogers Joe Ochoa K Chute Anna Flores Ricardo Sanchez Deborah Fullerton Colin Sykes Elia Gutierrez Frank Trimble, III CALL TO ORDER — The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:36 p.m. by Chair, Chuck Anastos. Moment of silence for Joe Rosenburg and Fernando Benavides, friends of the Arts who passed since our last meeting. II. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — May 9, 2002 Minutes will be reviewed at the next regular meeting. IV. HEARING FROM PUBLIC none V. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. RTA possible donation to the City The RTA will be renovating the 6 Points terminal. They have offered to donate to the City the Danny O'Dowdy Fountain with 50% of the moving and repair cost. Linda Avila made a motion to approve the RTA's proposal. George Balli seconded. Motion passed. B. Additional Funding for the Festival of the Arts Linda Avila presented the Projects Committee's proposal to request the City Council approve an additional Fifty-Thousand dollars from the Hotel Occupancy Tax to help fund the Festival of the Arts project. Elia Gutierrez made a motion to approve the Projects Committee' proposal. Colin Sykes seconded. Dennis Kemmerer abstained. Motion passed. (Sheila Rogers arrived 4:43 p.m.) (Dennis Kemmerer arrived 4:48 p.m.) C. Sub-granting Workshop Discussion After review of the requests from the organizations that missed the two original sub- granting workshops for the 2003 grants, the Projects Committee recommends one more workshop be held. Diana Hankins relayed our Legal Department's requirement that this additional workshop be handled exactly like the first two. Ricardo Sanchez made a motion to accept the Projects Committee's recommendation to provide a third workshop. Colin Sykes seconded. Motion passed. D. Convention Center/Arena Art Project Update Dennis Kemmerer said there was nothing new to report at this time. Chuck Anastos announced he received a letter regarding a proposed committee for site selection for the art to be placed at the arena/convention center. He will report to the Commission after their first meeting. SCANNED E. Lighting of Orion's Belt Chuck Anastos announced he has someone coming from San Antonio with a temporary lighting system so the Commission could see an example. F. Maintenance Plan for Art Collection Dennis Kemmerer said there was nothing new to report at this time. G. Peer Panel Recommendations Chuck Anastos requested each member contact and recommend 3 people to participate on the Peer Panel. These names and their information should be given to Diana Hankins by the end of next week. VI. COMMITTEE REPORT A. Projects Committee Linda Avila reported that there are seven newly formed subcommittees to help coordinate this event, including a Marketing Committee. Colin Sykes distributed an advertising flier and requested the Commission's help to duplicate and distribute. Linda also stated our calendar information was being included on the web-site. We will try this publication instead of making our own calendar at this time. B. Dennis Kemmerer referenced the previous information given on the RTA donation and said the relocation of that fountain was being considered for the Arts Center Court yard or a protected area at the Airport. Deborah Fullerton was asked to contact Andy Dufford who is working on the Seawall Project. He has been very busy with other contracts but has almost completed a web- site for us to view their plans. Deborah needs email addresses of those who need to be kept in touch on this project. VII. STAFF REPORT none VIII. CONCERNS George Balli noted that rust seems to be appearing on Orion's Belt. Chuck Anastos will contact Mr. Perless regarding an immediate maintenance plan. Ricardo Sanchez requests a presentation by TX DOT regarding the current highway project. Chuck Anastos has already written a letter explaining the Commission's position. Elia Gutierrez requested an update on the Fountain from Mexico project. Chuck Anastos has sent a letter to the Mayor with the Commission's site recommendations but has not yet received a reply. IX. ADJOURNMENT— Chair, Chuck Anastos adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Diana L. Hankins, Recreation Supervisor Multicultural Services Park & Recreation Department