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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 07/11/2002 ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2002 —4:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL PS:;.:ing,, MEMBERS PRESENT ';:< «><:> €<'€ < ' <' MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF ....... Cynthia Alcorta Leticia Mondragon Anna Flores Sheila Rogers Ronnie Sepulveda Chuck Anastos Elizabeth Reese Deborah Fullerton Colin Sykes Diana Hankins Linda Avila Tracie Rodriguez Joe Ochoa Danny O'Dowdy George Balli Ricardo Sanchez K Chute Dennis Kemmerer Anne Stewart Elia Gutierrez Frank Trimble, Ill I. CALL TO ORDER — The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Chair, Chuck Anastos. II. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—June 13, 2002 Linda Avila made a motion that the minutes be accepted as submitted. Elia Gutierrez seconded. Motion passed. Elizabeth Reese and George Balli abstained. IV. HEARING FROM PUBLIC none (Anne Stewart arrive at 4:33 p.m.) V. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. Convention Center/Arena Art Project Dennis Kemmerer stated the Development Committee will draft the Michael Manjarris contract for the Commission's review before the August meeting. This is scheduled to go before the City Council on August 20, 2002. Chuck Anastos met with the art placement group. He volunteered to gather information about each proposed piece and distribute packets before the next meeting. B. Lighting of Orion's Belt Project is status quo. C. Lighting of Orion's Belt Dennis Kemmerer said there was no news to report at this time. D. Maintenance Plan for Art Collection Dennis Kemmerer is scheduling a Development Committee meeting to draft a plan. E. Peer Panel Recommendations Diana Hankins requests about 10 more panelists before the end of July. VI. COMMITTEE REPORT A. Projects Committee • Linda Avila reported that the Budget Director approved an additional $15,000 from the Hotel/Motel Tax be awarded to the Arts and Cultural Commission to support the Festival of the Arts Event. This recommendation will be presented to the City Council next Tuesday. Commission members were encouraged to attend. • Linda also reported that Colin Sykes is on vacation but continues to enlist community organizations for the Festival of the Arts Event. SCANNED • Several expressions of appreciation were given for Colin's efforts toward the successful Shakespeare in Heritage Park event. • The Projects Committee will meet next Thursday, July 18th. B. Development Committee • Dennis Kemmerer referenced the previous information given in the Discussion section. Dennis also stated that a meeting with the City Engineer, the Engineering Firm of Shiner Mosley and Art-Scapes will be held to finalize the Seawall Project's art design. • Regarding the airport art project, Chuck Anastos suggested the Commission allocate approximately $12,000 from the Per Cent for Art monies to relocate and repair the O'Dowdy fountain. The RTA is ready to fund half of this project. This proposal needs to be presented to the Airport representatives as soon as possible. VII. STAFF REPORT • Ronnie Sepulveda reminded the Commission to report all media contacts to him, per our new policy. • There will be a ten thousand-dollar budget reduction from the General Fund of the Arts & Cultural Commission for the upcoming year. • An island's citizens group will maintain the Ullberg Fish Sculpture. It was suggested the organization submit a proposal and periodic reports to the Commission. • The Commission was asked to visually support the Sesquicentennial events. VIII. CONCERNS • Chuck Anastos requested an update on the Fountain from Mexico project. Ronnie Sepulveda will respond. • Ronnie Sepulveda has contacted Robert Perless regarding the care and maintenance for Orion's Belt. • Chuck Anastos announced Dan Whitworth is the new Director of Park and Recreation. • Linda Avila requested clarification on the roll of the Arts & Cultural Commission in City Sponsored events and projects. Additional discussion will be held. IX. ADJOURNMENT— George Balli made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:25 p.m. Dennis Kemmerer seconded. Motion passed. .15 : % ' w onald Sepulveda,/wager Multicultural Services Park & Recreation Department