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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 09/12/2002 ARTS '.AD CULTURAL COMMISSyJN • ')?� REGULAR MEETING �15;. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2002—4:30 P.M. a� . • ''. . 1 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL • ,�Y'S zaj MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSR ABSENT y r' , # Ronnie '•'��!' ^�n^^' Ronnie Se ulveda Cynthia Alcorta Dennis Kemmerer George Balli P Chuck Anastos Tracie Rodriguez Colin Sykes Diana Hankins Linda Avila Ricardo Sanchez Danny O'Dowdy Anna Flores Frank Trimble, III K Chute Elia Gutierrez CALL TO ORDER — The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:32 p.m. by Chair, Chuck Anastos. II. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —August 8, 2002 Cynthia Alcorta made a motion that the minutes be accepted as submitted. Elia Gutierrez seconded. Motion passed. IV. HEARING FROM PUBLIC Presentation by Nelda Martinez, Airport Art Task Force. The presentation was how art would be incorporated into the new Airport Terminal and their current and near future plans for art displays at the remodeled airport. A consensus of the commission was made to accept the proposal of 6 banners depicting area/regional motifs with a welcome greeting on the back. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION (Tracie Rodriguez arrived at 4:37 p.m.) (Dennis Kemmerer left at 5:00 p.m.) A. Election of Officers Discussion was held regarding the election of new officers. It was agreed that Ricardo Sanchez, Tracie Rodriguez and Anna Flores would submit a slate of officers at the October meeting. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted at that time. There was additional discussion about new committee members. Current members were encouraged to solicit eligible candidates and instruct them to contact the City Secretary's office for further information. The committees recommended that Marci Sanchez, Norma Urban and Lynda Jones be recommended to the Mayor for appointment to the committee. B. Bromeliad Fountain There was discussion about the need to move the fountain from the bus terminal within the next two weeks and funding solutions. Linda Avila made a motion to recommend the placement of the Bromeliad Fountain at the airport and ask the Airport Board to pay the eleven thousand dollars to place it there. If that's not possible, the alternative would be for the Arts & Cultural Commission to loan the Airport Board the eleven thousand dollars. Tracey Rodriguez seconded. Additional discussion led Linda Avila to amend her motion to recommend placing the Bromeliad Fountain at the airport. Tracey Rodriguez seconded the amended motion. Motion passed. Linda Avila then made a motion to approach the Airport Board to finance about fifty- five hundred dollars to move the Bromeliad Fountain for restoration and if they are not able then the Arts & Cultural Commission could go back to their July plan of borrowing necessary monies from the Permanent Art Trust Fund and paying the Trust Fund back when the Airport monies become available. Anna Flores seconded. Motion passed. SCANNED C. ACC Retreat The commission decided to have their workshop on Monday, October 14, 2002 from 4:00 —8:00 p.m. at the Art Museum. D. Allocation of Funding Subgranting monies was reduced by ten thousand dollars. Through discussion the commission agreed on the following distribution of funds. Westside allocation of $1,500 for Moroles Art Piece, Maintenance Endowment allocation of $8,500, Education materials allocation of $2,500, Contingency Fund allocation of $5,000, Subgranting allocation of $92,500, and Festival of the Arts allocation of $6,500. All equals $116,500. Linda Avila made a motion to approve the funding allocations as proposed. Cynthia Alcorta seconded. Motion passed. E. Committee Membership &Attendance Chuck Anastos related good attendance to most commission meetings. However, sub- committee attendance has not been appropriate. Members need to share the workload. F. Review of ACC By-Laws Ronnie Sepulveda is to email the By-Laws to all members before the October workshops Members are to consider participating on project committees instead of sub-committees. VI. STAFF REPORT Ronnie Sepulveda reported that the legal department is working on the Michael Manjarris contract for the 6 Arena Art Pieces. VII. COMMITTEE REPORT A. Projects Committee 1. Festival of the Arts Linda Avila showed the logo designed and donated by Brad Snyder. The draft venue list was passed for review. The Marketing Committee will combine meetings with the Projects Committee. 2. Subgranting Program Linda Avila stated the Peer Panel will pick up their packets at the meeting on the 14th, review them and return to complete their selections. B. Development Committee— Dennis Kemmerer was absent from this portion of the meeting. 1. Contention Center/Arena Art Project Chuck Anastos reviewed the handout noting the approximate positions of the art. 2. Seawall Project Chuck Anastos stated the City needs to report the actual amount of monies allowed for this project to enable Artscapes to proceed. It was asked that the City engineer be contacted for an update. VIII. CONCERNS Frank Trimble will leave the commission to serve on the Leadership of Corpus Christi Council for one year. He plans to reapply to the commission thereafter. IX. ADJOURNMENT— Elia Gutierrez made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 p.m. Tracie Rodriguez seconded. Motion passed. Diana Hankins Multicultural Services Park & Recreation Department