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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 12/12/2002 ►.� -" ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2002 —4:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT ::: : . STAFF ��iYti�N�. IWW�WiVWWWV Chuck Anastos Daiquiri Richard Cynthia Alcorta Anna Flores Ronnie Sepulveda Linda Avila Tracie Rodriguez George Balli Deborah Fullerton Diana Hankins Elia Gutierrez Ricardo Sanchez Armando Camina Sheila Rogers K Chute Dennis Kemmerer Anne Stewart Elizabeth Reese Colin Sykes Norma Urban I. CALL TO ORDER — The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:40 p.m. by Chair, Chuck Anastos. II. ROLL CALL —The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES— November 14, 2002 Elizabeth Reese made a motion that the minutes be accepted as submitted. Anne Stewart seconded. Motion passed. IV. HEARING FROM PUBLIC — none V. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION - A. Seawall Streetscape Project Chuck Anastos gave a Power Point presentation and additional illustrations on the shade structure proposed for the Seawall project. (Elia Gutierrez arrived at 4:50 p.m.) Elizabeth Reese made a motion to approve the design concept of the Sea Wall project. Daiquiri Richard seconded. Motion passed. B. Approval of revised by-laws The Committee discussed recent changes and previous considerations. Additional changes were made. Ronnie Sepulveda noted the need for a Sub-granting Committee to work on the project year round. Daquiri Richard, Tracie Rodriguez, and Elia Gutierrez volunteered to work on that committee. The committee will be solidified and presented at the January meeting. Anne Stewart made a motion to accept the revised By-Laws as discussed. There was no second. The Committee asked Ronnie Sepulveda to re-submit the revised By-Laws at the January meeting. Anne Stewart rescinded her motion. VI. COMMITTEE REPORT W Public Arts Committee Deborah Fullerton was absent. Ronnie Sepulveda gave her report as follows. Chuck Anastos will continue working on the Seawall project. Norma Urban and Elizabeth Reese will work on the digital documentation of the Permanent Art Collection which will lead to a brochure. Dennis Kemmerer will work on assessing the condition of the Public Art Works and rn compose training for the Park workers who will be cleaning the collection. L) Daiquiri Richard and Tracie Rodriguez will work on the sub-granting project. (Colin Sykes arrived at 5:10 p.m.) Deborah Fullerton will continue to work with the Airport Art project. (Dennis Kemmerer left at 5:13 p.m.) Deborah Fullerton's report also stated that all communications with Michael Manjarris regarding the artist contracts will go through Ronnie Sepulveda. The committee reviewed the site outside the Science Museum and made recommendations for the placement of the Chin piece. Design options were also considered. The Oilfield Worker's hat and the Mexican Revolutionary's chest designs were recommended. Projects Committee Linda Avila showed the rack cards advertising the Festival of the Arts project and told where they have already been distributed. Each committee member is asked to help distribute these cards to their contacts throughout the community/area. Anne Stewart showed the CC Ballet's program with the Festival of the Arts advertisement in it. Linda Avila said a presentation of the Festival would be given to the City Council in January. VII. CURRENT CONCERNS: There was discussion on the Sub-granting process, how it has evolved and some areas to review for possible revision. Diana Hankins will provide copies of previous applicable documents used in the process. Colin Sykes said the Repercussion Theatre group had sent him a letter noting their interest to return to Corpus Christi next year for Shakespeare in the Park. Colin Sykes requested the committee consider the project and discuss this interest at a future meeting. VIII. ADJOURNMENT— As there was no further business, chair, Chuck Anastos adjourned the meeting at 5:40 p.m. ,�r{cam onnie Sepulveda, up�ntendent Multicultural Services Park & Recreation Department