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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 04/10/2003 123456789 O>
THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2003 —4:30 P.M. c.; EC % t
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Chuck Anastos Daiquiri Richard Cynthia Alcorta Tracie Rodriguez Ronnie Sepulveda
Linda Avila Ricardo Sanchez Anna Flores Norma Urban Danny O'Dowdy
Armando Camina Anne Stewart Elia Gutierrez K Chute
Deborah Fullerton Colin Sykes Dennis Kemmerer
Elizabeth Reese
CALL TO ORDER — The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to
order at 4:37 p.m. by Chair, Chuck Anastos.
II. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum.
Anne Stewart made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Ricardo Sanchez seconded.
Motion passed.
1. Jeremy Brown, a writer from the Corpus Christi Caller Times observed the meeting.
2. Joye La Barrett, President, Brad Condit, Vice-President and Cristina Munro, professional
artist attended to represent the Corpus Christi Ballet. Brad Condit explained their
extenuating circumstances and requested emergency funds from the commission.
(Linda Avila arrived at 4:40 p.m.)
A. CC Ballet request for emergency funds
A letter (see attached) from the CC Ballet was reviewed by the commission members.
Daiquiri Richard stated that their grant was denied because the Corpus Christi Ballet had
failed to meet the deadline for a completion report on their program year of 2002. She
stated that she does not want to reward them for this failure but does support all art
organizations and would agree to give them emergency funding. Ronnie Sepulveda stated
that he had made a recommendation to the organization to request emergency funds at a
few meetings with members of the ballet group. The requesting letter was finally received
the week prior to the ACC April meeting. After much discussion, Daiquiri Richard made a
motion to approve emergency funding for the Corpus Christi Ballet in the amount of eight
thousand and nine dollars ($8,009.00). Deborah Fullerton seconded. Anne Stewart
abstained. Armando Camina voted against. The motion passed. Mr. Sepulveda asked
that Ms. LaBarret contact him in the morning to start processing the check.
It was clarified that the Corpus Christi Ballet is not eligible for 2003-2004 sub-grant funding.
B. Seawall Art
Deborah Fullerton reported the Visual Arts Committee met and are submitting to the
commission a different rendering of relief work and hard surface treatments for the Seawall
Art project. Chuck Anastos stated that the concept must be presented to the City's
Engineering Department but the committee is not presenting the artist, just the concept.
After comments and considerations from the commission, Daiquiri Richard made a motion
to approve the concept and continue the process. Anne Stewart seconded. The motion
passed. Deborah Fullerton will complete the response letter to Acting City Manager,
George Noe recommending the new proposal for the Seawall Art project. In addition, a
meeting will be set with the City's Engineering Department.
(Elizabeth Reese left at 5:15 p.m.)
Deborah Fullerton stated at the Airport Art Committee's last meeting they selected sites
appropriate for their next major piece of art.
As members needed to leave and there would not be a quorum, Ricardo Sanchez made a
motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:40 p.m. Linda Avila seconded. The motion passed.
f Ronnie Sepulveda, Superintendant
Multicultural Services
Park & Recreation Department
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*Editor's note—Ord.No. 20781, § 1, adopted Sept. 19, 1989, amended Art. V in its entirety
to read as herein set out. Prior to inclusion of said ordinance,Art. V, §§ 2-311--2-322,2-351--2-357,
pertained to similar subject matter and derived from Ord. No. 17112, § 1(1)--(13), adopted July 7,
1982;Ord.No. 17234, § 1(A), (B), (D)4F),adopted Sept. 1, 1982;Ord.No. 17287, § 1,adopted Oct.
6, 1982; Ord.No. 17399, § 1, adopted Dec. 15, 1982; Ord. No. 17476, § 1, adopted Feb. 16, 1983;
Ord. No. 20637, § 2, adopted March 28, 1989 and Ord.No. 20651, § 1, adopted April 25, 1989.
Sec. 2-311. Standards.
The following rules of conduct apply to all council members, board members, and
Special privileges:
(1) You shall not use your office for private advancement or gain or to secure special
privileges or exemptions for yourself or others.
(2) You shall not grant any special consideration, treatment or advantage to any person
or group beyond that which is available to others generally.
(3) You shall not use city facilities, personnel, equipment or supplies for purposes
unrelated to the interests of the city, except to the extent such are lawfully available
to the public.
(4) Unless you are a council member,you shall not use the prestige of your position with
the city on behalf of any political party or cause.
(5) You shall not accept or solicit any money, property, service or other thing of value
by way of gift, favor, loan or otherwise that might reasonably tend to influence you
in the discharge of your official duties or which you know or should have known was
offered with the intent to influence or reward your official conduct.
(6) In the event you receive any gift or loan of property or services on behalf of the city,
you shall promptly deliver such gift or loan to the city manager for official
acceptance and inventory of the city.
Conflicts of interest:
(7) In the event you or one of your relatives have an interest or any substantial interest
in a contract or transaction involving the city which comes before you in the
performance of your official duties, you shall make a written disclosure of your
interest in the matter and abstain from any vote or decision and not participate in any
discussion on the matter.
(8) You shall not engage in any outside activities or employment which will conflict or
be incompatible with the full and proper discharge of your official duties, impair your
independent judgment in the performance of your duties,or reflect discredit upon the
(9) You shall not represent any other private person, or group or interest in any action
or proceeding against or adverse to the interest of the city or in any litigation in
which the city is a party.
(10) You shall not represent any other private person or group in any action or proceeding
in the municipal courts of the city which was instituted by city officers or employees
in the course of their official duties.
(11) You shall not receive any fee or compensation for your official services from any
source other than the city except as may be provided by law or authorized by the city
Actions adverse to the city:
(12) You shall not disclose information that could adversely affect the property or affairs
of the city.
(13) You shall not knowingly perform or refuse to perform any act in order to deliberately
thwart the execution of federal, state or local laws or regulations or the achievement
of any official city programs.
(14) You shall not engage in any felony crime, misdemeanor involving moral turpitude,
or other conduct that reflects discredit on the city.
,Provisions for council members:
(15) As a council member, you shall not have a substantial interest in any contract with
the city.
(16) In order to preserve and promote independent advice and decisions from city boards
and the integrity of the independent board process as a council member,you shall not
speak before any city board,commission or committee except on behalf of your own
financial interest; in which case,you shall publicly state the nature of your financial
interest and that you are appearing only in your private capacity.
(17) As a council member,you shall not give any orders to any employee except through
the city manager as provided by the city charter.
Provisions for board members:
(18) As a board member, you shall not have a substantial interest in any contract with the
city in which your board or commission, or the city department related thereto,has
(19) As a board member,you shall not represent or appear on behalf of the private interest
of others before your board, commission or committee,the city council,or any board
which has appellate jurisdiction over your board, commission or committee,
concerning a matter which is within the subject matter jurisdiction of your board.
(This rule does not prohibit you from appearing on behalf of your own financial
interest even though others may have the same or a similar interest.)
Provisions for employees:
(20) As an employee you shall not have an interest in any contract with the city.
(21) As an employee, you shall not, within twelve (12) months after leaving city