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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 08/14/2003 ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 2003—4:30 P.M. BASEMENT TRAINING ROOM, CITY HALL MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF Chuck Anastos Elia Gutierrez Elizabeth Reese I Ronnie Sepulveda Linda Avila Dennis Kemmerer Norma Urban Linda Hodge Armando Camina Daiquiri Richard Diana Hankins Deborah Fullerton Anne Stewart Danny O'Dowdy Colin Sykes K Chute I. CALL TO ORDER — The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:35 p.m. by Chair, Chuck Anastos. II. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—July 10, 2003 Deborah Fullerton made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Anne Stewart seconded. Motion passed. Colin Sykes abstained due to absence. (Elia Gutierrez arrived at 4:38 p.m.) IV. HEARING FROM PUBLIC — none V. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION - 2. Partial Recommendation for Emergency Funding Armando Camina presented the subcommittee's draft policy recommendation for the Emergency Funding issue. It will now be called 'Supplemental Funding'. Discussion was held and suggestions were given. As there was no motion to approve, Chair, Chuck Anastos tabled the item until the regular September meeting when discussion and recommendation will be completed. (Linda Avila arrived at 4:45 p.m.) 3. Fire Station Panel Approval Danny O'Dowdy and Deborah Fullerton presented the panel who will be working on the Fire Station Cr) Art project. They are Nora Verdin, Guy Morrow, Lynda Jones, John Wright, Shanna Leahey and the project architect from Bennett, Martin & Solka. The architect representative will advise but will not be a voting member. Daiquiri Richard made a motion to approve the panel as presented. Elia Gutierrez seconded. Motion passed. 4. Discussion, Gallaudet Exhibit r-n Anne Stewart spoke of the Gallaudet Photograph Exhibit that could be brought to Corpus Christi in the fall of 2004 for a cost of $12,500. The Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is trying to CD sponsor the event. It was the decision of the Commission that this request must go through the sub-granting process. 1. Appropriation of Budgeted Funds (Linda Avila arrived at 5:05 p.m.) Through discussion, the Commission agreed on the following distribution of budgeted funds. Westside Business District allocation of $1,500, Maintenance Endowment allocation of $8,500, Education Materials allocation of $2,500, Contingency Fund allocation of $5,000, Sugbranting allocation of$92,500, and Festival of the Arts allocation of$6,500. Total fund is $116,500. A motion was made by Linda Avila to approve this years budget appropriations based on last years allocations as presented. Anne Stewart seconded. Motion passed. Ronnie Sepulveda noted a new challenge on the Bromeliad project for the Commission to consider. Funding for the move from the studio to the airport, and expenses for the pond and sump pump were not included in the original appropriation. The Commission asked Ronnie Sepulveda to request the required monies come from Airport funds. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS - VISUAL ART COMMITTEE Deborah Fullerton stated the Airport Art Panel will continue the new art piece selection process at their September meeting. Chuck Anastos offered his assistance and equipment to catalogue the public art. Chuck Anastos reported on his meeting with the City Manager, Skip Noe. Mr. Noe assured Mr. Anastos of appropriate funding and placement for these art pieces. Also, Mr. Anastos noted that all artist contracts had been sent. Artist, Suns has already signed and returned his contract. CULTURAL ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE Armando Camina reiterated that they will continue to meet to complete the review of the subgrant applications. A report and recommendation will be given to the Commission at the September meeting. PERFORMING ARTS COMMITTEE Linda Avila reported an additional five events are planned for the 2004 Festival of the March 5`h through April 4th. The website renewal is in process at `'. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Chuck Anastos noted the Commission's year was over. Members discussed their desire to be reappointed and exchanged information about members leaving. Formal responses are to be sent to Ronnie Sepulveda who will report to the City Secretary's office. Ronnie Sepulveda additionally noted that new officers needed to be chosen during the September meeting. The nominating committee volunteers are, Daiquiri Richard, Linda Avila and Colin Sykes. They will present a slate of officers at the September meeting. Nominations from the floor will also be received. Chuck Anastos informed the Commission that he will be meeting with the family of Dan Whitworth tomorrow. They will discuss the memorial. The Commission expressed appreciation for Mr. Anastos efforts on their behalf. VII. CURRENT CONCERNS - Elia Gutierrez said she has made a contact regarding the Mexican Fountain. They are requesting a letter of acceptance and confirmation from the Commission. Chuck Anastos will compose the letter on behalf of the Commission. Deborah Fullerton posed the question. Should the Commission consider a youth member? Discussion was held. Ronnie Sepulveda will check on the idea with the City Secretary's office and report to the Commission next month. VIII. ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business, Colin Sykes made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Elia Gutierrez seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. 1 'onnie SelLveda, Superintendant Multicultural Services Park & Recreation Department