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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 11/13/2003 ARMANDO CHAPA 1234569, CITY SECRETARY �o�'� O�,N City Hall NOV 2003 w ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION co RECEIVED Regular Meeting ‘s-, CITY SECRETARY'S Zn CE Thursday, November 13, 2003- 4:30 p.m. `3145 Council Chambers - City Hall �z z �,� 1201 Leopard St. — Corpus Christi —Texas �`'' Members of the audience will be provided an opportunity to speak at the close of the meeting. It is requested that presentations be limited to 5 minutes. It is helpful, when addressing the Committee, if you identify yourself, give your address and state your point as briefly as possible. Any person who plans to attend this meeting and may need accommodation is requested to contact the Multicultural Center Office at 883-0639 at least 48 hours in advance so that appropriate arrangements can be made. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — Oct. 9, 2003. IV. HEARING FROM PUBLIC V. DISCUSSION ITEMS and POSSIBLE ACTION 1. Discussion and recommendation to Mayor of potential A.C.C. members 2. Approval of Subgrant Awards and recommendation to City Council. 3. Approval of funds up to $5000 to bring artists for interviews for Airport Art Project. VI. COMMITTEE REPORT VII. STAFF REPORT VIII. CURRENT CONCERNS IX. ADJOURNMENT POSTING STATEMENT: 0" This agenda was posted on the 's offi i I bulletin board in the Leopard Street entry foyer, 1201 Leopard Street at 3: LIS a. ./p.m on NO\(EMBER b , 2003 ,0 ' Dian. ee Hankins, Program Supervisor MULTICULTURAL SERVICES DIVISION SCANNEDPARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED WORKSHOP MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2003—3:30 P.M. GALVAN HOUSE, HERITAGE PARK MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF Chuck Anastos Jim Jones Daiquiri Richard Diana Hankins Linda Avila Lynda Jones Danny O'Dowdy Armando Camina Don Luna K Chute Deborah Fullerton Anne Stewart Elia Gutierrez Colin Sykes I. CALL TO ORDER—The special called workshop meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 3:45 p.m. by Chair, Deborah Fullerton. II. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—September 11, 2003 Don Luna made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Chuck Anastos seconded. Motion passed. (Colin Sykes arrived at 3:50 p.m.) IV. HEARING FROM PUBLIC — none For organizational ease and time considerations the commission agreed to hear the agenda in the following order. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION - C. Art Advocates Deborah Fullerton encouraged commission members to attend and invite art advocates to attend the upcoming meeting of the City Council to show support for the Arena Art Project. Ms. Fullerton will make badges to be worn that say, 'Public Art Matters'. D. Marketing John Buck One of the six Arena Art sculptures is currently on display at the Art Museum. The City has agreed to house the piece at the museum until it is permanently sited. The commission asked staff to develop a press release for the community. A. Sub-Committee Assignments Diana Hankins led the Commission in discussion about sub-committee assignments. (Anne Stewart arrived at 4:07 p.m.) Deborah Fullerton clarified areas of responsibility for each sub-committee as follows. Performing Arts addresses issues of fine arts including the Festival of the Arts and programming issues. Sub-Grants receives applications, evaluates them, and makes funding recommendations to the commission. Visual Arts focuses on the % for Art Ordinance and new construction in the City. The Arts & Cultural Commission advises the City Council. ��123456'89! VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS - " 19, , SUB-GRANTING/CULTURAL ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE O7 !` ,< N Armando Camina reported that the grading of the applications was complete. As soon as the scoring is finished the committee will bring a report to the commission. Funds are to be distributed in January 2004. PROGRAMS/PERFORMING ARTS COMMITTEE ,c?v\` Colin Sykes reported the Festival of the Arts now has 35 events. He expects 40 by start of the festival. Mr. Sykes also encourages the promotion of on-line ticket sales for this and other City sponsored events. The commission agreed to look into the possibility. VISUAL ART COMMITTEE Lynda Jones stated they are currently meeting to help place the Arena Art pieces. A PowerPoint presentation is scheduled to be presented to City Council on Tuesday, October 10. Additionally, Danny O'Dowdy is to develop an RFP for newspaper distribution. AIRPORT ART COMMITTEE Lynda Jones stated they have selected 3 finalists. The process is almost complete. STAFF REPORT Diana Hankins presented a letter from the Philippine Society for the Performing Arts. The letter notified the commission that the Ballet manila will not be able to leave the Philippines to perform in America in October 2003. The commission requested staff compose a response to notify the society that their funding cannot be held over but that they may reapply. Chair, Deborah Fullerton recessed the meeting at 4:50 pm for the meal break. (Chuck Anastos left at 5:15 p.m.) After dinner the commission reconvened. Deborah Fullerton stated each sub-committee group needed to report their scheduled monthly meeting time and place, along with their goals for this year. Then sub-committee groups were convened. The sub-group reports are as follows. VISUAL ARTS • Lynda Jones said they would continue last year's goals to develop a maintenance program for the public art collection. They suggest funding for an expert to do the work and nearby businesses to partner in routine monitoring of the art. • They will design a notebook denoting the work of the Visual Arts Committee • They will produce a map/brochure of the Public Art Collection • They will create a Treasure Map of the Public Art Collection for distribution to local hotel/motels and possibly through the public schools. • They will display the Public Art Collection on a website and possibly link to the City's website. • They will compose a % for Art Peer Panel • They will design an RFP for projects under two thousand dollars to be distributed to local artists. • They will help to market the Buck sculpture after the City Council approves the Arena/Convention Center Art project. Suggestions included an informational brochure and community ceremony. • They will review the bronze plaque identification project for the Public Art Collection. SUB-GRANTS • They will continue to perfect the funding process. • They will create a Contingency Funding Application. • They will evaluate the scoring process and continue to receive input from the commission. • They will modify the application to include marketing information. • They will continue to develop the social gatherings to inform the community of all art events. • They will evaluate the Hotel/Motel Tax funding program and develop a survey to document attendee's information. lopo PERFORMING ARTS • They will review and update the list of City sponsored art performance events. • They will expand the scope of the 2004 Festival of the Arts event. • They will develop a procedural manual for the operation of the Festival of the Arts event. • They will develop a cooperative relationship with the Nature Tourism Alliance Steering Committee. • They will work toward promoting on-line ticket sales for local art events. The commission held discussion regarding collaborative efforts including the development of a calendar that lists all known events. Don Luna volunteered to lead the calendar project. VII. CURRENT CONCERNS -none Deborah Fullerton lead discussion to clarify that sub-committee items would only appear on the agenda if action by the commission was required. Otherwise, information would be provided during committee reports. Elia Gutierrez suggested that each sub-committee make an informational notebook describing their efforts to assure continuity of work. (Linda Avila and Anne Stewart left at 6:40 p.m.) VIII. ADJOURNMENT- As there was no further business, Colin Sykes made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Lynda Jones seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Diana Lee Hankins, Program Supervisor Multicultural Services Park& Recreation Department