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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 12/11/2003 23x+,68'9O ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION :1:24 REGULAR MEETING if? JANTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2003—4:30 P.M. � ���'COUNCL CHAMBERS—CITY HALL Cf�v SECRF,r`.", S sus OFFfC AcN} "V MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF Chuck Anastos Lynda Jones David Barganski Linda Hodge Linda Avila Don Luna Lauren Ann Pitt Diana Hankins Armando Camina Daiquiri Richard Gustavo Valadez-Ortiz Danny O'Dowdy Deborah Fullerton Marilyn Spencer Rose Zuniga Deann Gould-Lancaster Anne Stewart Elia Gutierrez Colin Sykes Jim Jones I. CALL TO ORDER—The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:40.m. by Chair, Deborah Fullerton. II. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES— November 13, 2003 Chuck Anastos made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Linda Jones seconded. Motion passed. (Linda Avila arrived at 4:42 p.m.) (Elia Guttierez arrived at 4:43p.m.) IV. HEARING FROM PUBLIC — Cynthia Bunton, Marsha Hardeman & Cynthia Stoney with the C.C. Community Coalition spoke about needing monetary assistance ($5,000)for the Focus on Black History project scheduled for February 25, 2004. They presented a short musical demonstration. Mr. Camino explained the Contingency Fund Application process and Diana Hankins will email those forms to them and the Cultural Enrichment Committee will review the application. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION - 1. Discussion of modifications of the Arena Project contract. Linda Hodge explained the City would not make changes or allowances at this time. It was suggested that Michael Manjarrus be invited to visit with the Visual Arts Committee. 2. Discussion of procedures to allocate new appointees to the Arts and Cultural Commission to balance the three committees. It was explained that the Tuesday prior to this meeting the Mayor appointed two more members, which brings the A.C.C. membership to the required 17. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS - SUB-GRANTING/CULTURAL ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE The A.C.C. was notified that Mr. Brad Condit, President of the C.C. Ballet Board, is planning to approach City Council about not being eligible for the Subgrant Process for Subgrant Year 2004. It was thought he was acting on his own and not under the direction of the C.C. Ballet Board. VISUAL ART COMMITTEE Shang Shan Shan visited last week and Debra Merski is arriving Thursday. There will be no voting until after the New Year. Ms. Shang's work incorporates organic shapes and qualities of nature and will be placed near the elevator and will be visible from the ticket area. RFP'S need to be readied by the Selection Panel and sent out for the stadium art. The Public Art Collection slides have been organized for viewing. Contact Danny O'Dowdy at 883-0639 to see the collection. The website will be ready by January 1, 2004. The V.A. Committee voted to change their meeting time to the 2nd Thursday each month from 3:30 -4:30 at City Hall. 8 People are to be on the Selection Panel for the Stadium Art Project: Anderson, Mark Dittman, Veronica. Heslep, Ronnie Motes, Mr. Mumford, Mr. Mr. Nicholson, Troy Richard, Dacquiri PROGRAMS/PERFORMING ARTS COMMITTEE www.CCfestivalarts.orq is the new website for the Corpus Christi Festival of the Arts. (5:17p.m. Linda Avila left) VII. CURRENT CONCERNS - Deborah Fullerton would like members to arrive more timely so the meeting can begin at 4:30 p.m. as scheduled. Chuck Anastos said he was contacted by the Caller-Times and talked with them regarding the discoloration on the Perless piece and explained that the piece does not rust, but it discolors. He explained the cleaning process for the Perless Piece, using a marine polymer. He recommends that the Commission move forward with maintenance on Art pieces. There should be a cleaning schedule somewhere in Park Maintenance. Mr. Anastos also talked about the renaming of Meadowbrook Park for Dan Whitworth and plans for improving the park. Group indicated they wanted to hear from Danny O'Dowdy re: seawall art. Danny gave a comprehensive description of what can be done and presented some visuals. It was discussed that this is not an art project. Therefore, there is no art money supporting this project. (5:47 Jim Jones left) VIII. ADJOURNMENT- As there was no further business, Lynda Jones made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Elia Guttierez seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 5:57 p.m. Diana Lee Hankins, Program Supervisor Multicultural Services Park & Recreation Department IMP IP 11110 Lynda Jones stated that Dennis Kemmerer agreed to complete the photographing of the Public Art Collection by the beginning of 2004. Their committee will meet before the December meeting. PROGRAMS/PERFORMING ARTS COMMITTEE Colin Sykes reported the Festival of the Arts now has 45 events. Discussion was held regarding Mr. Sykes request to spend $1,600 without coming back to the committee for approval. Daiquiri Richard made a motion to approve for Colin (Sykes) to spend the money since he's got a deadline from whichever funds he feels appropriate that his committee agrees. Chuck Anastos seconded. After much discussion Ms. Richard clarified her motion is for the $1,600 to be released because his committee can vote on the other $700 at their discretion next time they meet. Additional discussion ensued before the vote was called. The motion passed. Continued discussion was held regarding Mr. Sykes request to spend an additional $700 before the December commission meeting. It was the consensus of the commission that if the sub- committee agrees with the spending recommended by Mr. Sykes and votes to support his decision that the monies could be spent before the December meeting of the Arts & Cultural Commission. Chuck Anastos made a motion to allow the spending of up to an additional $700 by the Festival of the Arts Committee at their discretion before the regular December meeting of the Arts&Cultural Commission. Lynda Jones seconded. The motion passed. VII. CURRENT CONCERNS -none Deborah Fullerton requested the Arts & Cultural Commission's mixers not conflict with other community events. Diana Hankins lead discussion regarding the calendaring of these events. The next mixer is scheduled for Thursday, February 12, 2004. Daiquiri Richard requested clarification regarding membership on more than one City committee at a time and committee position availabilities. The City Secretary's Office will be consulted. Response will be given at the December meeting. VIII. ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business, Anne Stewart made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Lynda Jones seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 5:27 p.m. I , 4- .4611�' Diana Lee Ha . ns, "rogram Supervisor Multicultural Services Park& Recreation Department CHAPA CITY SE O TARY ^�� g3031—7 ,1 City Hal! �`� ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION ci'?FC�G',. co Regular Meeting ct-NN s �,� F� I Thursday,Counecember 11,cil I Chambers OC t Hallp.m.03- 4:30 �� �F��Fj,�n���-�" 1201 Leopard St. — Corpus Christi —Texas oZS 5 �wCI at Lt � Members of the audience will be provided an opportunity to speak at the close of the meeting. It is requested that presentations be limited to 5 minutes. It is helpful, when addressing the Committee, if you identify yourself, give your address and state your point as briefly as possible. Any person who plans to attend this meeting and may need accommodation is requested to contact the Multicultural Center Office at 883-0639 at least 48 hours in advance so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 7 AGENDA tzvr5 A 4,� I. CALL TO ORDER s • o S M d.: CA II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — Nov. 13, 2003. C4 ,N„/ IV. HEARING FROM PUBLIC V. DISCUSSION ITEMS and POSSIBLE ACTION 1. Discussion of modifications of the Arena Project contract. 2. Discussion of procedures to allocate new appointees to the Arts and Cultural Commission to balance the three committees. VI. COMMITTEE REPORT VII. STAFF REPORT VIII. CURRENT CONCERNS IX. ADJOURNMENT POSTING STATEMENT: This agenda was posted on the CA's official bulletin board in the Leopard Street entry foyer, 1201 Leopard Street at`t'25 a.m./ on 3 , 2003 Ue- 0 *4 • Diana Le- Hankins, Program Supervisor MULTICULTURAL SERVICES DIVISION SCANNED PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT N23456�8 • n�� 90 w ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2003 —4:30 P.M. COUNCL CHAMBERS—CITY HALL MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF Chuck Anastos Lynda Jones Linda Avila Diana Hankins Armando Camina Daiquiri Richard Jim Jones Danny O'Dowdy Deborah Fullerton Anne Stewart Don Luna K Chute Elia Gutierrez Colin Sykes I. CALL TO ORDER—The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:37 p.m. by Chair, Deborah Fullerton. II. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —October 7, 2003 Chuck Anastos made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Anne Stewart seconded. Motion passed. (Elia Gutierrez arrived at 4:42 p.m.) IV. HEARING FROM PUBLIC — Veronica Dittman and Tracey King observed the meeting. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION - 1. Discussion and recommendation to Mayor of potential A.C.C. members Deborah Fullerton announced the names of the new members recently appointed by the Mayor; Gustavo Valedez-Ortiz, Marilyn Spencer, Rose Zuniga, Diane Gould-Lancaster, and Karen Middleton. (Colin Sykes arrived at 4:48 p.m.) 2. Approval of Subgrant Awards and recommendation to City Council A handout was provided and discussion was held regarding the 2004 Subgrant Awards. Daiquiri Richard made a motion to accept the 2004 Subgrant Awards as recommended. Chuck Anastos seconded. The motion passed. 3. Approval of funds up to $5,000 to bring artists for interviews for Airport Art Project Deborah Fullerton announced there are 2 finalists for the Airport Art Project. Debra Mersky from Seattle, Washington and Shan Shan Sheng from San Francisco, California. Chuck Anastos made a motion to approve the use of funds up to $5,000 to bring Debra Mersky and Shan Shan Sheng to Corpus Christi for interview for the Airport Art Project. Daiquiri Richard seconded. The motion passed. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS - SUB-GRANTING/CULTURAL ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE Armando Camina reported that the committee is completing the Contingency/Emergency Fund Application. It will be presented at the December meeting. VISUAL ART COMMITTEE ,.Y; W.. ' •