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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 03/11/2004 ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION
THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 2004—4:30 P.M.
Chuck Anastos DeAnn Gould-Landcaster Don Luna Diana Hankins
Linda Avila Gustavo Valadez Ortiz Rose Zuniga Danny O'Dowdy
Armando Camina Daiquiri Richard K Chute
Deborah Fullerton Marilyn Spencer
Elia Gutierrez Anne Stewart
Jim Jones Colin Sykes
Lynda Jones
I. CALL TO ORDER—The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at
4:33 p.m. by Chair, Deborah Fullerton.
II. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES— February 12, 2004
Gustavo Valadez Ortiz made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Marilyn Spencer seconded.
Motion passed.
1. Michael Manjarris, Sculpture Garden Project
Discussion was held regarding the presentation given by Michael Manjarris during the regular February
meeting. Questions were asked by the commission and answered by Michael Manjarris yielding the
following additional information. Major pieces for the Sculpture Garden would each be on loan for 5
years. Maintenance for the loaned pieces would be the responsibility of the artist. Liability, insurance
and other topics have already been discussed with the appropriate City officials by Mr. Manjarris.
Chuck Anastos made a motion for the Arts & Cultural Commission to approve Michael Manjarris' effort
and support the Sculpture Garden concept to be located in the Convention Center/Water Garden area,
understanding that as pieces of art are proposed for long term gifts, possible purchases, donations, or
long term loans that the City through the Arts &Cultural Commission have the requirement,
responsibility and the opportunity to discuss and vote to approve or disapprove of each piece. Daiquiri
Richard seconded. Motion passed.
2. Danny O'Dowdy, Seawall Sidewalk Project
Since his presentation last month Danny O'Dowdy showed his proposed project to the City Manager,
George K. Noe. Mr. Noe approved the concept but expressed concern with the cost. Danny O'Dowdy
modified his proposal to comply with the project's surface budget funds that will be paid through the
City's Engineering Department.
1. Shan Shan Sheng, Airport Art Piece
Deborah Fullerton showed pictures of Shan Shan Sheng's proposed art piece for the Corpus Christi
Airport. Computerized pictures showed the Airport's escalator passage and an overlaid picture of the
artists' proposed sculpture of approximately 45 elements suspended from the ceiling. This image gave
the commission a much better understanding of the proposed project. Ms. Sheng is pTanning to-install
the sculpture in September or October, 2004.
2. New Committee Members
Discussion was held regarding the need for additional commission members. Members were advised to
contact the Mayor's office to express their desire to have a full committee. Additionally, members were
encouraged to have qualified citizens complete their applications with the City Secretary's Office. Diana
Hankins will email a list of available positions to the members.
3. Visual Art Committee
Lynda Jones asked if each member would review 2 pieces of the Permanent Art Collection on a routine
basis for maintenance inspection. Appropriate instruction and training will be provided. The
commission supported the project, so Ms. Jones will bring a list to the next meeting so members can
choose pieces near their work or home.
The Visual Art Committee has been inquiring about the process for receiving the Percent for Art monies.
It is their goal to hold the funds in the Permanent Art Trust Fund for easier access during these projects.
Lynda Jones requested the commission's support to attend a future meeting regarding this endeavor.
Regarding the Baseball Stadium art project, the Peer Panel will be formed soon so they can concur with
the architect as early as possible.
4. Sub-granting/Cultural Enrichment Committee
Mando Camina reported the review and revision of all aspects of the sub-granting process has been
completed. 2005 funding applications will be available April 1 through 30`h. There will be a non-
mandatory workshop at noon at the Galvan House on Tuesday, April 20.2004 for all applicants.
Discussion was held regarding the change in rules to allow groups to apply for funding the following
year after a disqualification of funding for the current year. Under the current rules and regulations an
organization that did not submit their completion report before the deadline is disqualified from receiving
funds for that year's project. Those particular organizations are now eligible to apply for funding for the
next year. Therefore, both the CC Ballet and the Institute for the Arts is eligible for 2005 funding.
5. Programs/Performing Arts Committee
Colin Sykes reported the Festival of the Arts began with the Mayor's proclamation and celebration on
February 24`h. The events are currently going well. Media coverage and advertising have been good.
DeAnn Gould-Lancaster is working on the grant application for next year. Additional brochures were
provided for distribution. Gustavo Valadez Ortiz led the members in expressions of appreciation to
Colin Sykes and his committee for their work on this festival.
Danny O'Dowdy reported that the Bromeliad has been moved from his studio to the airport today.
Assembly and completion of the base would continue. Mr. O'Dowdy invited the members to view the
sculpture when next they go to the airport.
K Chute read a message from Linda Hodge announcing Gustavo Valadez Ortiz will begin March 15,
2004 as the Multicultural Superintendent. The members wished him well.
Linda Avila noted another source for grant funding, Heartland Arts Fund,
As there was no further business, Marilyn Spencer made a motion to adjourn the meeting. DeAnn
Gould-Lancaster seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 5:38 p.m.
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Diana Lee Hank ni s, `ro.'am ' upervisor
Multicultural Services Division, Park and Recreation Department