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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 04/27/2004 - Workshop ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION
THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 2004 —4:30 P.M.
Linda Avila DeAnn Gould-Landcaster Chuck Anastos Linda Hodge
Armando Camina Don Luna Marilyn Spencer Gustavo Valadez Ortiz
Deborah Fullerton Daiquiri Richard Anne Stewart Diana Hankins
Elia Gutierrez Colin Sykes Rose Zuniga Danny O'Dowdy
Lynda Jones K Chute
CALL TO ORDER—The workshop meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at
5:00 p.m. by Chair, Deborah Fullerton.
II. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum.
A. Presentation on Ethics for Commissioners by Lisa Aguilar, Assistant City Attorney
Lisa Aguilar gave a handout and presentation on Board Member's Ethics. Information was provided
from the City's Code of Ethics, Chapter 2, Article V. Ms. Aguilar then led discussion and answered
questions from the commissioners.
Deborah Fullerton reminded the members about the Mayor's Appreciation Dinner on Wednesday, May
19`h. Invitations have been sent and all were encourage to attend.
B. Review 2003-2004 Sub-Committee Goals
Sub-granting/Cultural Enrichment Committee
Mando Camina reported their number one goal, to review and revise all aspects of the sub-granting
process for clarity and conciseness, has been completed. Discussion about the Hotel/Motel Tax
including informational survey methods and tabulation ensued.
It was suggested that additional discussion be held at the August meeting regarding setting aside funds
from the sub-grant money for use with a Clearing House.
(Elia Gutierrez left at 5:30 pm.)
Programs/Performing Arts Committee
Colin Sykes reviewed the Festival of the Arts goals from last year. All goals have been worked and
completed at some level. The list of city sponsored art performance events has been reviewed and
updated. The scope of the 2004 festival was expanded from the scope of the 2003 festival. The
planned procedure manual was discussed and it was suggested that all pertinent time lines be included.
Meetings are being attended and planned to help develop a relationship with other organizations of
tourism. Mr. Sykes also reported their work toward on-line ticket sales and the advantage of statewide
advertisements for events. Mr. Sykes suggested planning eighteen months before the event and
considering shortening the length of the festival to 16 days, two weeks and three weekends. Statistics
from this year's festival were given as follows. Financial contributions totaled $23,796. Festival events
were held from March 5`h through April 4'h. There were fifty-three events. Twenty four had free
admission. Approximately 25,000 attended with about 6,500 from out of the city and about 3,650 from
out of state.
Members were then treated to a sandwich dinner.
Visual Art Committee
Lynda Jones and Danny O'Dowdy reported on the project to review the condition of the permanent art
collection. Discussion was held regarding the need for an outside professional to help develop the
guidelines and start this project. Pictures of the Permanent Art Collection have been taken and work is
ongoing for them to appear on the Website. Concern was expressed regarding Percent for Art and the
committee's desire to receive total project funds early. Linda Hodge and Deborah Fullerton will speak
with City Manager, Skip Noe.
The Arts & Cultural Commission recommends, without opposition, to take the RFP for the Baseball
Stadium project to council. This RFP represents their work on an RFP Template for future projects.
Volunteers for the Baseball Stadium Peer Panel are Veronica Dittman, Joel Mumpord, Mark Anderson
and James Moltz with Lynda Jones as Chair. This peer panel will meet with the project architect as
early as possible to begin planning.
C. Sub-Committee Assignments/Changes
This item was tabled. Deborah Fullerton led discussion about the need for active members and how it's
good for an organization to change leadership occasionally. Mentoring for future leaders and procedure
manuals can make transition much easier and more successful for the organization. Gustavo Valadez
is reviewing applications and resumes from the City Secretary's Office and will be presenting eligible
candidates at the May meeting. Deborah Fullerton encouraged members to contact those who have not
been active.
(Daiquiri Richard left at 6:30 p.m.)
Deborah Fullerton said it sounded like goals are being met and ideas for success in all areas are being
exchanged. She suggested all members review community calendars and bring back additional
suggestions. -e–also reiterated the need to continue training non-profit organizations in public
relations and marketing techniques.
Diana Hankins announced an upcoming workshop/class for all non-profit organizations. The Volunteer
Leadership Seminar will be on Monday, May 3, 2004 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm at the Galvan House.
Presenter is Dr. Jim Jones, retired Del Mar College Professor of Business Administration.
(Don Luna left at 6:45 pm. Lost quorum.)
As there was no longer a quorum, Chair, Deborah Fullerton dismissed the meeting at 6:50 p.m.
Diana Lee Hankins, -rogram Supervisor
Multicultural Services Division
Park and Recreation Department