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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 08/12/2004 A k 1111111PARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION 1 56-8 99 Yp REGULAR MEETING /- tt �l2 THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 2004—4:30 P.M. ���' ':' ?u' COUNCL CHAMBERS —CITY HALL 1 CEP ,' FA MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT lit STAFF "`i` cow Chuck Anastos Marilyn Spencer DeAnn Gould-Landcaster Sally GavliktiOA, Linda Avila Anne Stewart Don Luna Gustavo VaIaZ1 )_ Armando Camina Colin Sykes Daiquiri Richard Diana Hankins Deborah Fullerton K Chute Elia Gutierrez Lynda Jones I. CALL TO ORDER—The regular meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:37 p.m. by Chair, Deborah Fullerton. II. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—July 8, 2004 Discussion was held regarding V.1, nominating committee members. Question was raised if Chuck Anastos was named. The recording secretary assured the members of the minutes accuracy. Chuck Anastos made a motion to accept the minutes with tape verification. Lynda Jones seconded. Motion passed. Chuck Anastos announced to the commission that he would decline serving on the nominating committee. Colin Sykes announced his resignation from the commission and expressed concern regarding the handling of the Festival of the Arts event. Eliz Gutierrez requested the September agenda include an item to address the non-profit organization and SMG situation. IV. HEARING FROM PUBLIC— none V. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION - 1. Samimah Hodge Request Samimah Hodge is the presenter of the Brazilian Dance Company performance September 21st at the Selena Auditorium. Ms. Hodge requests our associated organization list for her invitation mailing. The commission volunteered their address information but suggested Ms. Hodge request additional address information from the City Secretary's office. 2. Fire Station Art Piece Discussion was held regarding the Dinah Bowman piece, Throat of the Dragon being removed from it's framing at Fire Station #7. Concern was expressed regarding its current storage beside yard mowers and extra fire hoses. Chuck Anastos made a motion to allocate up to four hundred dollars, $400.00 to move the piece to a safe, temporary storage place. Colin Sykes seconded. Motion passed. Chuck Anastos will research possible methods of transportation and if necessary, make Ci)) insurance preparations and take responsibility for the piece during transport. �J♦ Sally Gavlik, Director of Park& Recreation, will check with the City's legal department regarding any ramifications when removing a piece of art that was placed under the Percent for Art program and if a replacement piece is required. Z 3. Library Public Art Piece rn Discussion was held regarding the O'Dowdy sculpture, Sunseeker, located at the Central Library. The piece was vandalized recently and needs repair. A conservator will evaluate the damage and CD make repair recommendations. Gustavo Valadez Ortiz will ask other cities how they protect and repair their public art work. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS - PERFORMING ARTS Colin Sykes reported work on the Festival Manual continues. Deborah Fullerton asked Mr. Sykes for a replacement recommendation for the Festival of the Arts Committee. He recommended DeAnna Gould- Landcaster. VISUAL ARTS Lynda Jones reported photos and evaluations on the Public Art Maintenance project are being completed. Four permanent art pieces have been cleaned. Other pieces are being evaluated for project priority. The following pieces have reported damage and their repair is being considered; Roosevelt piece has mower damage. Staff is addressing a guard item. Portal Del Mar located at the Airport Flour Bluff piece has some tile missing. A recessed edging is being considered. Ms. Jones reported on the status of the Sculpture Garden pieces under contract by Michael Manjarris. All artists are completing their work. Mel Chin has requested a one month extension. The Manjarris piece is to be complete by the end of August. The final date for installation has not been set. Five finalists for the Baseball Stadium Art project have been selected. Each finalist was awarded $1,500 for their proposal. Deborah Fullerton and Gustavo Valadez Ortiz introduced the new Park & Recreation Director, Sally Gavlik. She was welcomed by all. CULTURAL ARTS Mando Camina stated they are starting to score the 2005 Subgrant applications. The Commission will score a portion of the applications at the regular September or October meeting. VII. STAFF REPORT - Gustavo Valadez Ortiz announced a T.C.A. STAR Award won by the Arts & Cultural Commission for their work on the Festival of the Arts event. The Council presentation of this award is scheduled for Tuesday, August 24". A reminder will be sent by staff. VIII. CURRENT CONCERNS— Chuck Anastos suggested Deborah Fullerton begin the September meeting. After elections, the new chair could complete the meeting. Ms. Fullerton agreed. Lynda Jones suggested a short meeting of the nominating committee immediately following the commission adjournment. Elia Gutierrez raised the non-profit organizations and SMG item for consideration. The Whitworth Memorial will be dedicated on Saturday, November 13`h. Additional information and invitations will be forthcoming. It was announced that a referendum on the Coliseum was in public conversation to let the tax payers decide on the fate of the building. November 511h has the first event scheduled for the new American Bank Center. IX. ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business, Elia Gutierrez made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Lynda Jones seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Diana Ler Hankins Diana Lee Hankins, Program Supervisor Multicultural Services Division Park and Recreation Department