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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 11/11/2004 glow ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION 1� REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2004—4:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS— CITY HALL g CO HEe MEMBERS P A MEMBERS P A CITY STAFF Anastos, Chuck X Lancaster, DeAnn Gould- X 4 4ti'. Avila, Linda X Luhan, Chad X tavo ValadwO z 4'e Evo- Camina, Armando X Luna, Don X Diana Fullerton, Deborah X Prewitt, Judith X Danny O'Dowdy Garza, Daniel A Richard, Daiquiri X Grove, Ed X Spencer, Marilyn X Gutierrez, Elia X Stewart, Anne X Jones, Lynda A Total: 13 2 CALL TO ORDER—The meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:35 p.m. by Chair, Chuck Anastos. I. ROLL CALL —The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — October 14, 2004 Motion by Marilyn Spencer, 2nd by Deborah Fullerton, to approve minutes as written. III. HEARING FROM PUBLIC — Shawn Meredith, Richardson Auditorium Interim Manager from Del Mar College. (Elia Guttierez and Ann Stewart arrived at 4:37 p.m.) V. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION: 1. Vote to move the A.C.C. monthly meeting to the Galvan House in Heritage Park, starting with a potluck Christmas party on Thursday, December 9. Discussion by committee, favoring City Council Chambers Committee room to continue A.C.C. meetings. Motion made by Dacquiri Richard, seconded by Deborah Fullerton, Motion passed. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS - PERFORMING ARTS — DeAnn Gould-Lancaster told A.C.C. that plans for the 2005 FOA are moving along. VISUAL ARTS - Deborah Fullerton told group about damage ( an "L" shaped rip) to the Rush Cole mural at the Convention center, and that a conservator has been contacted for repairs. The Committee is going to review the funding of the Bond issues looking for Art monies, and will let A.C.C. know their findings. It is hoped by knowing the dollar amounts ahead of time, they can be obtained to use for art projects. Presentation by Organ Donor's group; want to do memorial with purchased bricks. Perhaps Whitworth Park could be the location used. There are issues regarding the placement of the Mel Chin art works. A meeting has been set for Friday, November 12 for further discussion. There is a reception planned by Amy Gazin for Friday, December 10 at the Airport. STAFF REPORT— Dr. Valadez Ortiz informed group that Letters of Final Acceptance have been sent to Shan Shan Sheng and Charmaine Locke. VIII. CURRENT CONCERNS — Comment on the airport art is that it is "Gorgeous". Marilyn Spencer informed A.C.C. that she has a schedule change that will not enable her to continue with our regularly scheduled monthly A.C.C. meetings. It was suggested that she resign and then reapply when her scheduled changed to allow her to attend. Chair Chuck Anastos invited and encouraged everyone to attend the Memorial for Whitworth Park on Saturday, and thanked everyone for their attendance at the meeting. IX. ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business, Dacquiri Richard made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was 2' by Judith Prewitt. The meeting was adjourned at 5:18 p.m. Diana Lee Hankins Diana Lee Hankins, Program Supervisor Multicultural Services Division Park and Recreation Department Copy sent to City Secretary 12/16/04