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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 12/09/2004 Monique Lerma-5-04dec9.doc Page 1
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2004—4:30 P.M. N ip` /`
Anastos, Chuck X Lancaster, DeAnn Gould- X Sally Gavlik. Xd>
Avila, Linda X Luhan,Chad X Gustavo V eQrliT ,X'
Camina,Armando X Luna, Don X Diana Hankins X
Fullerton, Deborah X Prewitt,Judith X Danny O'Dowdy A
Garza, Daniel x Richard, Daiquiri X
Grove, Ed X Spencer, Marilyn X
Guttierez, Elia X Stewart,Anne X
Jones, Lynda X
7 1 Total: 14 1
CALL TO ORDER—The meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:35
p.m. by Chair, Chuck Anastos.
I. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum.
II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—November 11, 2004 & November 16th, 2004.
Motion was made by Deborah Fullerton, 2nd by Lynda Jones, to approve minutes as written
and corrected.
HEARING FROM PUBLIC—Carl Suding representing Art Work by Kent Ullberg.
1. Discussion of Ullberq sculpture in Seagull Park, Padre Island-Carl Suding is requesting
$5000 to assist in the placement of the sculpture being donated by Mr. Ullberg. Kent Ullberg
is donating the sculpture with a retail value of$27,000 and he is letting us have it for$7500,
trying to recoup some of his foundry costs. We would like to see the A.C.C., which is going to
own the sculpture, provide some contribution. The current sculpture will be 5' at the base
and 4' tall. Plans are to install within 30 days.
Sally Gavlik stated that the Sculpture was accepted by A.C.C. and PRAC in Oct, City Council
in November. She stated that the biggest problem is that when the Agenda item was written
was that it was said that there were no City dollars to be put toward this project because no
one had said anything about coming back and asking for money. There's no problem if Arts
and Cultural Commission wants to do so, but it must go back to City Council. Mark Scott has
indicated he will support this.
L. Avila asked where would the A.C.C. dollars come from? It was suggested they would come
from the Permanent Art Trust Fund. D. Richard said that other alternatives could be the
"Mini' Grant" but that it was only 500, and the regular Subgrant request, but it occurs too late
for this project. C. Anastos stated the Trust fund is to be used for"monumental"works of art
(national or international art works). L. Avila brought up the fact that several years ago the
A.C.C. was going to use some monies to build a base for a project for the Westside Business,
but not from the PATF. She indicated that the PATF monies were to be spent on pieces of
the"Commission's choice", rather than on pieces given to the A.C.C.
C. Anastos recommended tabling the issue to look for other funding sources and determine if
the project would qualify for funding from the PATF.
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Carl Suding said they can probably raise the necessary funds through private donations but
he was hoping that the A.C.C. would take some type of ownership of the piece.
S. Gavlik can take an agenda item back to Corpus Christi for funding approval in the event the
A.C.C. decides to use funds for the project.
A motion to table the issue was made by Lynda Jones, 2nd by Judith Prewitt. Motion passed.
D. Richard abstained from voting due to her involvement with the project.
2. Subqrant Scores the 2005 Subgrant scores were presented; a motion to accept was made by
Judith Prewitt, 2nded by L. Avila; motion passed. There were suggestions that perhaps in the
future new organizations could compete against one another and recurring organizations
could compete against each other.
PERFORMING ARTS—DeAnn Gould-Lancaster reported the Festival of the Arts is moving
along timely. Monica McLeod was chosen to do the graphic arts for the Festival. Chuck
Anastos there's a potential for a reception, a Gala, for the artists installed for the Arena
Project. Because of the delays in installation we may not have them all installed so we are
considering the possibility of moving the Gala to be part of the Festival of the Arts Kickoff
VISUAL ARTS—Lynda Jones discussed the damaged mural at arena and finding a new
location for placement. Will be asking for repair funds. "Dr. Gustavo Valadez reported that the
acoustical tile on the walls in some of the convention center rooms where the mural will hang
will be removed in the future, with no date set for that removal at this time."
Jimenez plans to have Arena Art ready as required.
Chuck is negotiating with Mel Chin and it looks hopeful; maybe using entire block across from
The Irish House. There will be an Airport reception Friday, the 10`h, 2 p.m. Artist Sheng
Shan Shan will be in attendance.
Ann Stewart arrived 5:15 p.m.
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT—Mando Camina said the committee is tightening up the
and structure of the Subgrant application.
VIII. CURRENT CONCERNS— Michael Manjarris gave a timeline for the Arena Art installation.
He will work with Luis Jimenez to finish out his project. A bid for$19,500 was accepted for the
James Surls base and the same person handled the James Buck and Charmaine Locke
Mr. Manjarris wanted to clarify some points, some comments made by the Chairman during
the last meeting. He said he gave out handouts, and that this is not an indictment to Mr. Chin
in that on 12/16/2003 he was informed that the siting of Mr. Chin's work had changed. Mr.
Chin's work is a conceptual piece. The sculpture is the siting. He knows the City and the A.C.
Commission are working on this. He was really really pleased that Mel came to the table to
work with him, as he had pulled some personal strings to get Mel to work with him. The whole
emphasis of Mel's work is concepts. This piece was to be a treasure hunt, spread out through
the parking lot so people could discover this. To change that,without Mr. Chin's knowledge or
permission, in a row pretty much says that the City of Corpus Christi is buying a new sculpture
by the City of Corpus Christi, it's not Mel Chin's concept.
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Mr. Manjarris said that In addition to that, after the meeting the chairman wrote and had said
that he (Mr. Manjarris) had not properly done his job, and on page 3 it says unfortunately Mr.
Chin was not properly advised by Mr. Manjarris replacement requirements. That was dated
November 16, 2004. He said that on 12/16/03, he contacted L Hodge and M Chin. He does
not have a contract with Mr. Chin and can only inform him, advise him but until the information
comes from someone who has a contract with him (Mr. Chin) he, Mr. Chin does not have any
official word. So to clarify that, page 4, section 21 of Mr. Manjarris' contract says he has a
lack of contractual authority. He cannot tell Mr. Chin what to do, He cannot do anything
outside his friendship, he can't represent the City. He was told by the chairman that he was.
He just wanted to clarify that point.
Mrs. Hodge, to the best of my knowledge, the lead person in staff did not contact Mr. Chin.
Mr. Manjarris has an email from 2 months ago contacting Ms. Hodge again trying to get this
straight. This is an issue, was an issue 12 months ago. Look on page 2, D Fullerton was
Chair at the time discussing this issue dated 1/9/04, bottom highlighted part says I think this
issue will eventually come to the table. So 12 months, 9 months, 6 months ago it
was an issue. In defense of Mr. Chin, he's done his job. He wasn't told anything was
changed by the person he was told to contact and that was his go to person and he knows
there were difficulties in staff with the death of Dan Whitworth, because I talked to Dan, three,
four times a day. After that things got a little out of whack so he didn't know(tape stopped at
this point)
Mr. Anastos stated that he was aware the City had contracted with each individual artist-for
everyone's benefit. He asked Mr. Manjarris if his contract doesn't make him responsible for
the installation of all of the individual artist's work and he (Manjarris) answered "yes."
Mr. Anastos asked Mr. Manjarris if,when he initially presented to the ACC Visual Arts
Committee, he stated he would be the curator of the installation. Mr. Manjarris stated he did
remember saying that and he is the curator for the project.
Mr. Manjarris invited everyone to his studio to view his art work before it is installed.
L Avilla talked about the Management Assistant Program (training folks) the Volunteer Center
has eliminated has been taken over by United Way. They need surveys and folks to volunteer
to take surveys over the phone.
Marilyn Spencer turned in her resignation due to her upcoming employment schedule not
enabling her to attend meetings. It was suggested she resign so that she could be considered
to sit on the Commission again with no absences appearing on her record.
As there was no further business, Marilyn Spencer made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
The motion was 2nd by Judith Prewitt. The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
Diana Lee Hankins
Diana Lee Hankins, Program Supervisor
Multicultural Services Division
Park and Recreation Department
Copy sent to City Secretary 2/8/05