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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 01/13/2005 MoniquMLerma-6-05jan13_doc Page 1 fir row Acyg788 �1:5 A ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEB 2005 THURSDAY,JANUARY 13, 2005—4:30 P.M. o RECE VED COUNCIL CHAMBERS—CITY HALL N CITY eFCI;ETAIFY'S MEMBERS P A MEMBERS P A S FF 4 Anastos,Chuck X Jones, Lynda X Gavlik, Sally 9&� -- �O Avila,Linda X Lancaster, DeAnn Gould- X Hodge, Linda f'4Cc O Benibo, Belaye Gloria X Luhan,Chad A Valadez Ortiz, Gustavo X Camina,Armando X Luna, Don X Hankins, Diana X Fullerton,Deborah X Prewitt,Judith X O'Dowdy, Danny X Garza, Daniel X Rennier,James X Grove,Ed X Richard, Daiquiri X Gutierrez,Elia X Stewart,Anne X Total: 15 1 CALL TO ORDER—The meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:35 p.m. by Chair, Chuck Anastos. I. ROLL CALL—The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—December 9, 2004 Motion by Linda Avila, , 2nd by Anne Stewart, to approve minutes as written. HEARING FROM PUBLIC— none 4:42 p.m. Elia Guttierez arrived V. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION: 1. Introduction of New Members—moved to later on the agenda 2. The tabled issue regarding request for money for the Kent Ulberq Sculpture— Mr. Suding, representing the project placing the sculpture on Padre Island, distributed a packet of information regarding the siting of the sculpture and the artist, Kent Ulberg. Mr. Suding requested $2500 from A.C.C., as the Fundraising Committee for the Sculpture has raised $2500 of the $5000 previously requested. Mr. Suding indicated the Arts and Cultural Commission will be invited to meet the artist. It was decided that the A.C.C. would provide the$2500 requested. Lynda Jones made a motion to find the$2500 for the sculpture. Judy Prewitt seconded the motion. Vote called, one member voted against the motion, Dacquiri Richard abstained, everyone else voted in favor of the motion. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS - Discussion of the Gala that was intended to become part of the Festival of the Arts, where it would be held and what would be included as part of the Gala. PERFORMING ARTS— DeAnne Gould-Lancaster talked about the Kickoff Event that will be held on Thursday, March 3, at Heritage Park. Deborah Fullerton mentioned she had a special movie scheduled for that same evening, but decided to change it to another date and it will become part of the Festival of the Arts. Linda Hodge asked that everyone be aware of the need to address accessibility issues for people with disabilities when setting up events. VISUAL ARTS— Lynda Jones said maintenance of art works was discussed. There is graffiti at HEB pool; the sculpture at the library is still wrapped up. The tile has been located to replace the missing pieces, lights need to be repaired and there was discussion on changing the hard cape to ground cover to discourage skate boarders. Aztec Wheel is cortene steel Monique. Lerma-6-05jan13.doc _ Page 2J ler vow And is supposed to rust; but the base is going to be cleaned up. The limestone piece at Oveal Williams Center has had pieces picked out of it, so the committee will take a closer look to see What needs to be done? The Suds requires no maintenance ever. The Dot Turner piece from the airport may be available for reacquisition. Someone is working on the Public Art for the City Website. It appears there is a resolution to the Mel Chin work. Mr. Chin has accepted the requirement to place his art on the arena site or the adjacent sites that were given to him. It may be necessary in the future to come back and ask for some monies for the installation. CULTURAL ENRICHMENT— Mando Camino—the C.E. C. is still working on the current application that will be used in April for subgrant year 2006. Introduction of New Members—Jim Rennier of TAMU, Chair of the Music Department. Gloria Belaye-Benibo, Head Counselor at West Oso High School. STAFF REPORT—There is a handout for Americans for the Arts national meeting. As it is being held in Austin this year, it's a good opportunity for any one to attend. There is a one- day Legislative update in Irvine, Texas on January 28, and will deal with the Hotel-Motel tax. HOT tax monies are rapidly becoming an issue for arts organizations in that more and more of those monies are being taken away from arts organizations. The organization, "Texans for the Arts"are fighting for those monies. It is important that art groups work together with the legislature in order to receive the funding that is necessary to continue to present the types of programs that we now do. Every year the legislature changes the wording of the funding so that more and more arts organizations are excluded from receiving funding for arts programs. CURRENT CONCERNS— L. Avila feels that the A.C.C. has opened itself for a dangerous precedence in offering funding for the Island sculpture. In the past to avoid groups coming in to request funding when they had a need, a Contingency Fund process was developed. It certainly is probable that in the next few months more groups will now request funding since this motion passed. IX. ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business, Anne Stewart made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jim Rennier 2"d the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m. Diana Lee Hankins Diana Lee Hankins, Program Supervisor Multicultural Services Division Park and Recreation Department Copy sent to City Secretary 2/9/05