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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 05/18/2006 - Special ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING
TH U RSDAY, May 18, 2006-4:30 P.M,
6 1h Floor Meeting Room -CITY HALL
............ ............... ............ I . ................................................
IL 11........... STAFF
I T' A
Gavlik,, Sally
9. LaBarrett, Joye
1, Carnina, Armando,
VIE], ......
2. Bi,laye-Benibo, Gloria 10. Lancaster, DeAnn Gd- 1:1 Z I El
................ ..................
3. Burnett,Jessica Davi�la El Z 11. Luna, Don Z F] Valadez O, Guistav
12. Merkle, Molly
4. Garcia, Alberto Z Ell E] E] Hti_ ankins, Diana
5. Godwin, Lisa 13. Prewitt, JudithPena, Joe, Dr. Z E
14. Rennier, James
6. Grove, Ed Ej I,"--
7. Gutierrez, Elia 15. Stewart, Anne
Z El Ej , 1 11-11,1'',
8.Jones, Lynda
16.Trimble, Frank
Total: 12 4
CALL TO ORDER-The meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:40
p.m. by Chair, Armando Camiina.
1, ROLL CALL-The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum.
11. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - 'May 16 andl April 13, 2006
Change March 16 minutes to reflect Judith Prewitt was in attendance. Change April 13 1h minutes
to reflect Cultural Enrichment Committee report.
Motion by Judith Pre,witt , 2nd by Elia Guttierez approve minutes as changed. Minutes as
changed were approved.
Welcomed new members
#1-Ma k i rig the A.C.C. more recognizable in the community. suggestions were made to plant
seeds for article about A.C.C. Showcase A.C.C. to the Community. Maybe create a phrase to
use so thile comimunity begins, to recognize the A.C.C. Monographs were ordered and sent to Our
Council members.
#2-Increaseinig involvement: Create an Ad Hoc ComrnMee to visit council::.
43-SubgraN rec#ents h,'we to use' CC)u'[)LJScl,ii,isstd`ail y,cori'i, 'phis is a step low ards cre,"-Anq a
calendar for art venues, A.C,C, rneefing nJates and Peer Panel tion, can also be �,.')Dsled here,
#4-Arts Incubation: Books are available through Mando& Dr, Valadez, Use this venue to teach
artists how to condluict business, Also provide space for offices, secretaries, etc, and provide
coaching from outside professionals. San Jose has provided background re: incubations and Dr.
Valadez has requested space.
#5-Ritz Theater-- Joye LaBarret is a Board member,
#6-Beveral Morgan at the Rockport Art,Center is hosting art residencies.
Air America with Heidi on 1150 a,.mradio publicizes the arts,
5:12 p.m. Ed Grove left
5:15 p.m. Gloria enibo- ilaye left.
• L i'4f ,h `.�sr�;.r „�I f�a r,e�.w �T,'o�`"� on tJrt',an Pai'lw - Tabled to next
Dusctuµ ;. U'i, and at-, ion �,,)n deter i imng late arOva, s tc, Con'ln'i� ss ion, uria~, lehn s
:ilwse ce Some bylaws indicate that if you mi '/ of the items on the agenda, then you are
considered late. The discussion will resume at the next meeting.
G6ti�,�;r ��i iion Yoiullll 1" Century,
PERFORMING FORMI ARTS -- LOM's are being updated and will be sent out soon, with a return
deadline of July 14, No meeting in June., next meeting will be in Jule.
VISUAL ANTS - Mill trying to move the Jlimenez piece. $19,000 left from Whataburger. NW
Library Peer(Panel meets at Heritage Park on July 7, at 3:15 p.m. to review remaining artists,.
CULTURAL ENRICHMENT— Dates for grants were changed to be consistent from year to year,.
A request has been made to get an opinion from legal regarding allowing the Cathedral Concert
Series (Diocese) to request grant monies.
June gth there will be a reception at the Art Center,
CURRENNT CONCERNS, - It was suggested that networking get-togethers be planned.
Organizations could be invited) to present a program to the Commissioners.
Chairman ,eine reiterated the importance of attending your sub-committees..
ADJOURNMENT ENT _ As there was no further business, Lynda; Jones made a mouton
to adjourn the meeting, Frank Trimble 2nd the motion. The meeting was adjouirned at
6:10 p.m..
Diana Leeaankins