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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 02/08/2007 22232425 43?ARTS AND CULTURAL COMMISSION t.. '� N THURSDAY, February 8, 2007—4:30 P.M. , i ~ o Sixth Floor- CITY HALL '10, E°y'S .._.._MEMBERS 1._ P J- A L —._.....__..........MEMBERS... P _ A ' L....__j �...STAFF ._..-. .........� 1 Bilaye Benibo, Gloria I ® ❑ ❑ 10. Merkle, Molly ® ❑ ❑ Gavlik, Sally ❑ 2. Garcia,Alberto 11. Prewitt,Judith, Dr. Chris Semtner CI 3. Godwin, Lisa IZIO 12. Rennier, James I Z I Valadez 0, Gustavo 111 4. Gron, Jack I ® I 1=1 : ❑ 13. Stewart, Anne I ® ❑ I ® Hankins, Diana 5. Grove, Ed ® ❑ I. ❑ 14 Trimble, Frank ❑ ® ❑ Pena, Joe1 ❑ 6. Gutierrez, Elia I ®......` ❑ IL ! 15. ❑ o I..-..❑ 7. Jones, Lynda Z 1 1=I 16. CI CI 8. LaBarrett, Joye ® ❑ ❑ -17. ❑ ❑._...__..._._❑ 9. Lancaster, DeAnn Gd- Z Total: 13 1 CALL TO ORDER — The meeting of the Arts and Cultural Commission was called to order at 4:37 p.m. by Chair, DeAnn Gould-Lancaster. I. ROLL CALL — The Recording Secretary called roll, announced quorum. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — Jan. 11, 2006 Motion by Lynda Jones , 2nd by Elia Guttierez approve minutes. Minutes were approved as changed. HEARING FROM PUBLIC — None III. DISCUSSION ITEMS AND POSSIBLE ACTION: • Discussion and/or action on Art Panel selection for Southside Library o Lucy McCracken, community member, Nola Guajardo, artist, Cynthia Holmes, artist and Sean Bevy-Grosbeck, community member. Motion made by Jim Rennier to accept this Art Panel; 2nd by Joye LaBarrett. Vote called; motion passed. • Discussion and/or action on NEA-Grant Opportunities — tabled to next meeting. Chair will email the web link to Commissioners. • Discussion and/or action on Arts Incubator Business Plan — Commission decided to hold the project until there is a Professional Business plan. More specifics are needed throughout the current business plan: possible locations are needed; figures for equipment needs, etc. A copy of the Arlington Arts Incubator information was passed around. Joye LaBarrett asked for clarification of one of the two ACC incubator project documents that had been emailed to the commissioners for public distribution, as it was almost verbatim to the published Arlington Project documents. Ed said Dr. Valadez rewrote his original plan. Emphasis was one copy came from Arlington and should not be presented as authored by the ACC. It needs to be reworded or credit given. Don Byus, TAMU, may have information regarding an arts incubator. Caution use of Arts related businesses. Tabled until more information become available. IV. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1-PERFORMING ARTS — First Grant workshop was held on January 24 and was a big success. Second workshop scheduled for February 20th. On April 24th Jim Mahoney will present the Fund Raising Workshop. It will be held at City Hall in the 6th Floor meeting room. It was suggested that the Youth Arts Committee could take on Kidz Zone and the Visual Arts could assist with an invitational for the year 2008 festival. There will be a reception for the Guest Artists at the Galvan House on Friday, March 30th from 6 p.m. — 8 p.m., open to the public. There will be a cash bar, live entertainment and the Comadres and Amigos exhibit will be on display. 2-VISUAL ARTS — Parkdale library may have monies for renovations. Committee is working on a Peer Panel for the Southside Fire Station; they need names of persons who might be interested in serving. RFP's will be written after their first meeting. Plans are continuing on building a plinth for the Jimenez sculpture. Mel Chin has been contacted about the final piece not yet installed. Art opportunities — art will be moved to the airport. Art-In-Focus art exhibits at City Hall will feature Phyllis Findley as the first artist to be exhibited there. Windows from the Lichtenstein building available to exhibit artworks. 3-CULTURAL ENRICHMENT — no report; not meeting yet. 4-YOUTH ARTS DEVELOPMENT- nor report; not meeting yet. Ad Hoc Committees: 1-Ad Hoc Arts Incubator 2-Ad Hoc Subgranting Will meet at Hester's restaurant to work on 2008 Subgrant paperwork 5:29 p.m. Elia Gutierrez left. STAFF REPORT- None CURRENT CONCERNS — ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business, made a motion Lynda Jones to adjourn the meeting, Lisa Godwin 2nd the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 5:33 p.m. Diana Lee Hankins Staff Notes: Meeting lasted minutes. Copy sent to City Secretary: / /07.